#!/bin/rc # desc: create a boot floppy or configure hard disk to boot plan 9 # prereq: systype copydist fats=() for(i in /dev/sd*/9fat){ if(test -f $i) fats=($fats $i) } switch($1) { case checkdone checkready if(~ $#fats 0 || ~ $#9fat 1 && ~ `{fstype $9fat} dos && ~ $didbootsetup 1) bootsetup=done if not bootsetup=ready export bootsetup case go echo echo 'Setup Plan 9 FAT boot partition (9fat)' echo if(~ $#fats 1) default=(-d $fats) if not default=() prompt $default 'Plan 9 FAT partition' $fats 9fat=$rd export 9fat if(! test -f /tmp/plan9.ini) { if(~ $syst cpu) bootfile=9pccpuf if not bootfile=9pcf { echo 'bootfile='^$bootfile echo 'bootargs=local!'^$fs if(~ $#nvram 1) echo 'nvram='^$nvram echo 'mouseport='^$mouseport echo 'monitor='^$monitor echo 'vgasize='^$vgasize if(test -f '#ec/*nomp') echo '*nomp=1' } >/tmp/plan9.ini } need9fatformat=no if(! ~ `{fstype $9fat} dos) need9fatformat=yes if(! test -f /srv/dos) dossrv if(! mount -c /srv/dos /n/9fat $9fat >[2]/dev/null) need9fatformat=yes if not if(! test -f /n/9fat/plan9.ini) need9fatformat=yes if(~ $need9fatformat yes){ log Initializing Plan 9 FAT partition. disk/format -r 2 -d -b /386/pbs $9fat mount -c /srv/dos /n/9fat $9fat } logprog rm -f /n/9fat/^(9bootfat plan9.ini 9pcf 9pccpuf) logprog cp /n/newfs/386/9bootfat /n/9fat/9bootfat # make file continous on disk logprog chmod +al /n/9fat/9bootfat logprog cp /tmp/plan9.ini /n/9fat/plan9.ini logprog cp /n/newfs/386/9pcf /n/9fat/9pcf logprog cp /n/newfs/386/9pccpuf /n/9fat/9pccpuf echo echo 'There are myriad ways to boot a Plan 9 system.' echo 'You can use any of the following.' echo echo ' plan9 - make the plan 9 disk partition the default for booting' echo ' winnt - add a plan 9 option to windows nt/2000/xp boot manager' echo echo 'If you are upgrading an extant third edition installation and booting' echo 'from something other than a floppy, you needn''t run anything here.' echo 'Just type ctl-d.' oldbootsetup=$didbootsetup didbootsetup=1 export didbootsetup prompt 'Enable boot method' plan9 winnt if(! boot$rd){ didbootsetup=$oldbootsetup export didbootsetup } }