/* * This is a URL parser, written to parse "Common Internet Scheme" URL * syntax as described in RFC1738 and updated by RFC2396. Only absolute URLs * are supported, using "server-based" naming authorities in the schemes. * Support for literal IPv6 addresses is included, per RFC2732. * * Current "known" schemes: http, ftp, file. * * We can do all the parsing operations without Runes since URLs are * defined to be composed of US-ASCII printable characters. * See RFC1738, RFC2396. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include <9p.h> #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" int urldebug; /* If set, relative paths with leading ".." segments will have them trimmed */ #define RemoveExtraRelDotDots 0 #define ExpandCurrentDocUrls 1 static char* schemestrtab[] = { nil, "http", "https", "ftp", "file", }; static int ischeme(char *s) { int i; for(i=0; i * $9 = fragment "Related" */ /* * RFC2396, Sec 3.1, contains: * * Scheme names consist of a sequence of characters beginning with a * lower case letter and followed by any combination of lower case * letters, digits, plus ("+"), period ("."), or hyphen ("-"). For * resiliency, programs interpreting URI should treat upper case letters * as equivalent to lower case in scheme names (e.g., allow "HTTP" as * well as "http"). */ /* * For server-based naming authorities (RFC2396 Sec 3.2.2): * server = [ [ userinfo "@" ] hostport ] * userinfo = *( unreserved | escaped | * ";" | ":" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," ) * hostport = host [ ":" port ] * host = hostname | IPv4address * hostname = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ] * domainlabel = alphanum | alphanum *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum * toplabel = alpha | alpha *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum * IPv4address = 1*digit "." 1*digit "." 1*digit "." 1*digit * port = *digit * * The host is a domain name of a network host, or its IPv4 address as a * set of four decimal digit groups separated by ".". Literal IPv6 * addresses are not supported. * * Note that literal IPv6 address support is outlined in RFC2732: * host = hostname | IPv4address | IPv6reference * ipv6reference = "[" IPv6address "]" (RFC2373) * * Since hostnames and numbers will have to be resolved by the OS anyway, * we don't have to parse them too pedantically (counting '.'s, checking * for well-formed literal IP addresses, etc.). * * In FTP/file paths, we reject most ";param"s and querys. In HTTP paths, * we just pass them through. * * Instead of letting a "path" be 0-or-more characters as RFC2396 suggests, * we'll say it's 1-or-more characters, 0-or-1 times. This way, an absent * path yields a nil substring match, instead of an empty one. * * We're more restrictive than RFC2396 indicates with "userinfo" strings, * insisting they have the form "[user[:password]]". This may need to * change at some point, however. */ /* RE character-class components -- these go in brackets */ #define PUNCT "\\-_.!~*'()" #define ALNUM "a-zA-Z0-9" #define HEX "0-9a-fA-F" #define UNRES ALNUM PUNCT /* RE components; _N => has N parenthesized subexpressions when expanded */ #define USERINFO_2 "([" UNRES ";:&=+$,]|(%[" HEX "][" HEX "]))" typedef struct Retab Retab; struct Retab { char *str; Reprog *prog; int size; int ind[5]; }; enum { REsplit = 0, REscheme, REauthority, REhost, REuserinfo, REftppath, MaxResub= 20, }; Retab retab[] = /* view in constant width Font */ { [REsplit] "^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]+)?(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$", nil, 0, /* |-scheme-| |-auth.-| |path--| |query| |--|frag */ { 2, 4, 5, 7, 9}, [REscheme] "^[a-z][a-z0-9+-.]*$", nil, 0, { 0, }, [REauthority] "^(((" USERINFO_2 "*)@)?(((\\[[^\\]@]+\\])|([^:\\[@]+))(:([0-9]*))?)?)?$", nil, 0, /* |----user info-----| |--------host----------------| |-port-| */ { 3, 7, 11, }, [REhost] "^(([a-zA-Z0-9\\-.]+)|(\\[([a-fA-F0-9.:]+)\\]))$", nil, 0, /* |--regular host--| |-IPv6 literal-| */ { 2, 4, }, [REuserinfo] "^(([^:]*)(:([^:]*))?)$", nil, 0, /* |user-| |pass-| */ { 2, 4, }, [REftppath] "^(.+)(;[tT][yY][pP][eE]=([aAiIdD]))?$", nil, 0, /*|--|-path |ftptype-| */ { 1, 3, }, }; static int countleftparen(char *s) { int n; n = 0; for(; *s; s++) if(*s == '(') n++; return n; } void initurl(void) { int i, j; for(i=0; i= retab[i].size) sysfatal("bad index in regexp table: retab[%d].ind[%d] = %d >= %d", i, j, retab[i].ind[j], retab[i].size); if(MaxResub < retab[i].size) sysfatal("MaxResub too small: %d < %d", MaxResub, retab[i].size); } } typedef struct SplitUrl SplitUrl; struct SplitUrl { struct { char *s; char *e; } url, scheme, authority, path, query, fragment; }; /* * Implements the algorithm in RFC2396 sec 5.2 step 6. * Returns number of chars written, excluding NUL terminator. * dest is known to be >= strlen(base)+rel_len. */ static void merge_relative_path(char *base, char *rel_st, int rel_len, char *dest) { char *s, *p, *e, *pdest; pdest = dest; /* 6a: start with base, discard last segment */ if(base && base[0]){ /* Empty paths don't match in our scheme; 'base' should be nil */ assert(base[0] == '/'); e = strrchr(base, '/'); e++; memmove(pdest, base, e-base); pdest += e-base; }else{ /* Artistic license on my part */ *pdest++ = '/'; } /* 6b: append relative component */ if(rel_st){ memmove(pdest, rel_st, rel_len); pdest += rel_len; } /* 6c: remove any occurrences of "./" as a complete segment */ s = dest; *pdest = '\0'; while(e = strstr(s, "./")){ if((e == dest) || (*(e-1) == '/')){ memmove(e, e+2, pdest+1-(e+2)); /* +1 for NUL */ pdest -= 2; }else s = e+1; } /* 6d: remove a trailing "." as a complete segment */ if(pdest>dest && *(pdest-1)=='.' && (pdest==dest+1 || *(pdest-2)=='/')) *--pdest = '\0'; /* 6e: remove occurences of "seg/../", where seg != "..", left->right */ s = dest+1; while(e = strstr(s, "/../")){ p = e - 1; while(p >= dest && *p != '/') p--; if(memcmp(p, "/../", 4) != 0){ memmove(p+1, e+4, pdest+1-(e+4)); pdest -= (e+4) - (p+1); }else s = e+1; } /* 6f: remove a trailing "seg/..", where seg isn't ".." */ if(pdest-3 > dest && memcmp(pdest-3, "/..", 3)==0){ p = pdest-3 - 1; while(p >= dest && *p != '/') p--; if(memcmp(p, "/../", 4) != 0){ pdest = p+1; *pdest = '\0'; } } /* 6g: leading ".." segments are errors -- we'll just blat them out. */ if(RemoveExtraRelDotDots){ p = dest; if (p[0] == '/') p++; s = p; while(s[0]=='.' && s[1]=='.' && (s[2]==0 || s[2]=='/')) s += 3; if(s > p){ memmove(p, s, pdest+1-s); pdest -= s-p; } } USED(pdest); if(urldebug) fprint(2, "merge_relative_path: '%s' + '%.*s' -> '%s'\n", base, rel_len, rel_st, dest); } /* * See RFC2396 sec 5.2 for info on resolving relative URIs to absolute form. * * If successful, this just ends up freeing and replacing "u->url". */ static int resolve_relative(SplitUrl *su, Url *base, Url *u) { char *url, *path; char *purl, *ppath; int currentdoc, ulen, plen; if(base == nil){ werrstr("relative URI given without base"); return -1; } if(base->scheme == nil){ werrstr("relative URI given with no scheme"); return -1; } if(base->ischeme == USunknown){ werrstr("relative URI given with unknown scheme"); return -1; } if(base->ischeme == UScurrent){ werrstr("relative URI given with incomplete base"); return -1; } assert(su->scheme.s == nil); /* Sec 5.2 step 2 */ currentdoc = 0; if(su->path.s==nil && su->scheme.s==nil && su->authority.s==nil && su->query.s==nil){ /* Reference is to current document */ if(urldebug) fprint(2, "url %s is relative to current document\n", u->url); u->ischeme = UScurrent; if(!ExpandCurrentDocUrls) return 0; currentdoc = 1; } /* Over-estimate the maximum lengths, for allocation purposes */ /* (constants are for separators) */ plen = 1; if(base->path) plen += strlen(base->path); if(su->path.s) plen += 1 + (su->path.e - su->path.s); ulen = 0; ulen += strlen(base->scheme) + 1; if(su->authority.s) ulen += 2 + (su->authority.e - su->authority.s); else ulen += 2 + ((base->authority) ? strlen(base->authority) : 0); ulen += plen; if(su->query.s) ulen += 1 + (su->query.e - su->query.s); else if(currentdoc && base->query) ulen += 1 + strlen(base->query); if(su->fragment.s) ulen += 1 + (su->fragment.e - su->fragment.s); else if(currentdoc && base->fragment) ulen += 1 + strlen(base->fragment); url = emalloc(ulen+1); path = emalloc(plen+1); url[0] = '\0'; purl = url; path[0] = '\0'; ppath = path; if(su->authority.s || (su->path.s && (su->path.s[0] == '/'))){ /* Is a "network-path" or "absolute-path"; don't merge with base path */ /* Sec 5.2 steps 4,5 */ if(su->path.s){ memmove(ppath, su->path.s, su->path.e - su->path.s); ppath += su->path.e - su->path.s; *ppath = '\0'; } }else if(currentdoc){ /* Is a current-doc reference; just copy the path from the base URL */ if(base->path){ strcpy(ppath, base->path); ppath += strlen(ppath); } USED(ppath); }else{ /* Is a relative-path reference; we have to merge it */ /* Sec 5.2 step 6 */ merge_relative_path(base->path, su->path.s, su->path.e - su->path.s, ppath); } /* Build new URL from pieces, inheriting from base where needed */ strcpy(purl, base->scheme); purl += strlen(purl); *purl++ = ':'; if(su->authority.s){ strcpy(purl, "//"); purl += strlen(purl); memmove(purl, su->authority.s, su->authority.e - su->authority.s); purl += su->authority.e - su->authority.s; }else if(base->authority){ strcpy(purl, "//"); purl += strlen(purl); strcpy(purl, base->authority); purl += strlen(purl); } assert((path[0] == '\0') || (path[0] == '/')); strcpy(purl, path); purl += strlen(purl); /* * The query and fragment are not inherited from the base, * except in case of "current document" URLs, which inherit any query * and may inherit the fragment. */ if(su->query.s){ *purl++ = '?'; memmove(purl, su->query.s, su->query.e - su->query.s); purl += su->query.e - su->query.s; }else if(currentdoc && base->query){ *purl++ = '?'; strcpy(purl, base->query); purl += strlen(purl); } if(su->fragment.s){ *purl++ = '#'; memmove(purl, su->query.s, su->query.e - su->query.s); purl += su->fragment.e - su->fragment.s; }else if(currentdoc && base->fragment){ *purl++ = '#'; strcpy(purl, base->fragment); purl += strlen(purl); } USED(purl); if(urldebug) fprint(2, "resolve_relative: '%s' + '%s' -> '%s'\n", base->url, u->url, url); free(u->url); u->url = url; free(path); return 0; } int regx(Reprog *prog, char *s, Resub *m, int nm) { int i; if(s == nil) s = m[0].sp; /* why is this necessary? */ i = regexec(prog, s, m, nm); /* if(i >= 0) for(j=0; jprog, url, m, t->size)){ werrstr("malformed URI: %q", url); return -1; } su->url.s = m[0].sp; su->url.e = m[0].ep; su->scheme.s = m[t->ind[0]].sp; su->scheme.e = m[t->ind[0]].ep; su->authority.s = m[t->ind[1]].sp; su->authority.e = m[t->ind[1]].ep; su->path.s = m[t->ind[2]].sp; su->path.e = m[t->ind[2]].ep; su->query.s = m[t->ind[3]].sp; su->query.e = m[t->ind[3]].ep; su->fragment.s = m[t->ind[4]].sp; su->fragment.e = m[t->ind[4]].ep; if(urldebug) fprint(2, "split url %s into %.*q %.*q %.*q %.*q %.*q %.*q\n", url, su->url.s ? utfnlen(su->url.s, su->url.e-su->url.s) : 10, su->url.s ? su->url.s : "", su->scheme.s ? utfnlen(su->scheme.s, su->scheme.e-su->scheme.s) : 10, su->scheme.s ? su->scheme.s : "", su->authority.s ? utfnlen(su->authority.s, su->authority.e-su->authority.s) : 10, su->authority.s ? su->authority.s : "", su->path.s ? utfnlen(su->path.s, su->path.e-su->path.s) : 10, su->path.s ? su->path.s : "", su->query.s ? utfnlen(su->query.s, su->query.e-su->query.s) : 10, su->query.s ? su->query.s : "", su->fragment.s ? utfnlen(su->fragment.s, su->fragment.e-su->fragment.s) : 10, su->fragment.s ? su->fragment.s : ""); return 0; } static int parse_scheme(SplitUrl *su, Url *u) { if(su->scheme.s == nil){ werrstr("missing scheme"); return -1; } u->scheme = estredup(su->scheme.s, su->scheme.e); strlower(u->scheme); if(!ismatch(REscheme, u->scheme, "scheme")) return -1; u->ischeme = ischeme(u->scheme); if(urldebug) fprint(2, "parse_scheme %s => %d\n", u->scheme, u->ischeme); return 0; } static int parse_unknown_part(SplitUrl *su, Url *u) { char *s, *e; assert(u->ischeme == USunknown); assert(su->scheme.e[0] == ':'); s = su->scheme.e+1; if(su->fragment.s){ e = su->fragment.s-1; assert(*e == '#'); }else e = s+strlen(s); u->schemedata = estredup(s, e); return 0; } static int parse_userinfo(char *s, char *e, Url *u) { Resub m[MaxResub]; Retab *t; m[0].sp = s; m[0].ep = e; t = &retab[REuserinfo]; if(!regx(t->prog, nil, m, t->size)){ werrstr("malformed userinfo: %.*q", utfnlen(s, e-s), s); return -1; } if(m[t->ind[0]].sp) u->user = estredup(m[t->ind[0]].sp, m[t->ind[0]].ep); if(m[t->ind[1]].sp) u->user = estredup(m[t->ind[1]].sp, m[t->ind[1]].ep); return 0; } static int parse_host(char *s, char *e, Url *u) { Resub m[MaxResub]; Retab *t; m[0].sp = s; m[0].ep = e; t = &retab[REhost]; if(!regx(t->prog, nil, m, t->size)){ werrstr("malformed host: %.*q", utfnlen(s, e-s), s); return -1; } assert(m[t->ind[0]].sp || m[t->ind[1]].sp); if(m[t->ind[0]].sp) /* regular */ u->host = estredup(m[t->ind[0]].sp, m[t->ind[0]].ep); else u->host = estredup(m[t->ind[1]].sp, m[t->ind[1]].ep); return 0; } static int parse_authority(SplitUrl *su, Url *u) { Resub m[MaxResub]; Retab *t; char *host; char *userinfo; if(su->authority.s == nil) return 0; u->authority = estredup(su->authority.s, su->authority.e); m[0].sp = m[0].ep = nil; t = &retab[REauthority]; if(!regx(t->prog, u->authority, m, t->size)){ werrstr("malformed authority: %q", u->authority); return -1; } if(m[t->ind[0]].sp) if(parse_userinfo(m[t->ind[0]].sp, m[t->ind[0]].ep, u) < 0) return -1; if(m[t->ind[1]].sp) if(parse_host(m[t->ind[1]].sp, m[t->ind[1]].ep, u) < 0) return -1; if(m[t->ind[2]].sp) u->port = estredup(m[t->ind[2]].sp, m[t->ind[2]].ep); if(urldebug > 0){ userinfo = estredup(m[t->ind[0]].sp, m[t->ind[0]].ep); host = estredup(m[t->ind[1]].sp, m[t->ind[1]].ep); fprint(2, "port: %q, authority %q\n", u->port, u->authority); fprint(2, "host %q, userinfo %q\n", host, userinfo); free(host); free(userinfo); } return 0; } static int parse_abspath(SplitUrl *su, Url *u) { char *s; if(su->path.s == nil) return 0; s = estredup(su->path.s, su->path.e); u->path = unescapeurl(s, "/"); free(s); return 0; } static int parse_query(SplitUrl *su, Url *u) { char *s; if(su->query.s == nil) return 0; s = estredup(su->query.s, su->query.e); u->query = unescapeurl(s, "&="); free(s); return 0; } static int parse_fragment(SplitUrl *su, Url *u) { char *s; if(su->fragment.s == nil) return 0; s = estredup(su->fragment.s, su->fragment.e); u->fragment = unescapeurl(s, ""); free(s); return 0; } static int postparse_http(Url *u) { char *p, *q; u->open = httpopen; u->read = httpread; u->close = httpclose; if(u->authority==nil){ werrstr("missing authority (hostname, port, etc.)"); return -1; } if(u->host == nil){ werrstr("missing host specification"); return -1; } if(u->path == nil){ u->http.page_spec = estrdup("/"); return 0; } p = escapeurl(u->path, " \"<>#%\\"); if(u->query){ q = escapeurl(u->query, " \"<>#%\\"); u->http.page_spec = emalloc(strlen(p)+1+strlen(q)+1); strcpy(u->http.page_spec, p); strcat(u->http.page_spec, "?"); strcat(u->http.page_spec, q); free(q); free(p); }else u->http.page_spec = p; return 0; } static int postparse_ftp(Url *u) { Resub m[MaxResub]; Retab *t; if(u->authority==nil){ werrstr("missing authority (hostname, port, etc.)"); return -1; } if(u->query){ werrstr("unexpected \"?query\" in ftp path"); return -1; } if(u->host == nil){ werrstr("missing host specification"); return -1; } if(u->path == nil){ u->ftp.path_spec = estrdup("/"); return 0; } m[0].sp = m[0].ep = nil; t = &retab[REftppath]; if(!regx(t->prog, u->path, m, t->size)){ werrstr("malformed ftp path: %q", u->path); return -1; } if(m[t->ind[0]].sp){ u->ftp.path_spec = estredup(m[t->ind[0]].sp, m[t->ind[0]].ep); if(strchr(u->ftp.path_spec, ';')){ werrstr("unexpected \";param\" in ftp path"); return -1; } }else u->ftp.path_spec = estrdup("/"); if(m[t->ind[1]].sp){ u->ftp.type = estredup(m[t->ind[1]].sp, m[t->ind[1]].ep); strlower(u->ftp.type); } return 0; } static int postparse_file(Url *u) { if(u->user || u->passwd){ werrstr("user information not valid with file scheme"); return -1; } if(u->query){ werrstr("unexpected \"?query\" in file path"); return -1; } if(u->port){ werrstr("port not valid with file scheme"); return -1; } if(u->path == nil){ werrstr("missing path in file scheme"); return -1; } if(strchr(u->path, ';')){ werrstr("unexpected \";param\" in file path"); return -1; } /* "localhost" is equivalent to no host spec, we'll chose the latter */ if(u->host && cistrcmp(u->host, "localhost") == 0){ free(u->host); u->host = nil; } return 0; } static int (*postparse[])(Url*) = { nil, postparse_http, postparse_http, postparse_ftp, postparse_file, }; Url* parseurl(char *url, Url *base) { Url *u; SplitUrl su; if(urldebug) fprint(2, "parseurl %s with base %s\n", url, base ? base->url : ""); u = emalloc(sizeof(Url)); u->url = estrdup(url); if(spliturl(u->url, &su) < 0){ Fail: freeurl(u); return nil; } /* RFC2396 sec 3.1 says relative URIs are distinguished by absent scheme */ if(su.scheme.s==nil){ if(urldebug) fprint(2, "parseurl has nil scheme\n"); if(resolve_relative(&su, base, u) < 0 || spliturl(u->url, &su) < 0) goto Fail; if(u->ischeme == UScurrent){ /* 'u.url' refers to current document; set fragment and return */ if(parse_fragment(&su, u) < 0) goto Fail; goto Done; } } if(parse_scheme(&su, u) < 0 || parse_fragment(&su, u) < 0) goto Fail; if(u->ischeme == USunknown){ if(parse_unknown_part(&su, u) < 0) goto Fail; goto Done; } if(parse_query(&su, u) < 0 || parse_authority(&su, u) < 0 || parse_abspath(&su, u) < 0) goto Fail; if(u->ischeme < nelem(postparse) && postparse[u->ischeme]) if((*postparse[u->ischeme])(u) < 0) goto Fail; Done: setmalloctag(u, getcallerpc(&url)); rewriteurl(u); return u; } void freeurl(Url *u) { if(u == nil) return; free(u->url); free(u->scheme); free(u->schemedata); free(u->authority); free(u->user); free(u->passwd); free(u->host); free(u->port); free(u->path); free(u->query); free(u->fragment); switch(u->ischeme){ case UShttp: free(u->http.page_spec); break; case USftp: free(u->ftp.path_spec); free(u->ftp.type); break; } free(u); } void rewriteurl(Url *u) { char *s; if(u->schemedata) s = estrmanydup(u->scheme, ":", u->schemedata, nil); else s = estrmanydup(u->scheme, "://", u->user ? u->user : "", u->passwd ? ":" : "", u->passwd ? u->passwd : "", u->user ? "@" : "", u->host ? u->host : "", u->port ? ":" : "", u->port ? u->port : "", u->path, u->query ? "?" : "", u->query ? u->query : "", u->fragment ? "#" : "", u->fragment ? u->fragment : "", nil); free(u->url); u->url = s; } int seturlquery(Url *u, char *query) { if(query == nil){ free(u->query); u->query = nil; return 0; } free(u->query); u->query = unescapeurl(query, "&="); return 0; } static void dupp(char **p) { if(*p) *p = estrdup(*p); } Url* copyurl(Url *u) { Url *v; v = emalloc(sizeof(Url)); *v = *u; dupp(&v->url); dupp(&v->scheme); dupp(&v->schemedata); dupp(&v->authority); dupp(&v->user); dupp(&v->passwd); dupp(&v->host); dupp(&v->port); dupp(&v->path); dupp(&v->query); dupp(&v->fragment); switch(v->ischeme){ case UShttp: dupp(&v->http.page_spec); break; case USftp: dupp(&v->ftp.path_spec); dupp(&v->ftp.type); break; } return v; } static int dhex(char c) { if('0' <= c && c <= '9') return c-'0'; if('a' <= c && c <= 'f') return c-'a'+10; if('A' <= c && c <= 'F') return c-'A'+10; return 0; } char* escapeurl(char *s, char *special) { int n; char *t, *u; static char *hex = "0123456789abcdef"; n = 0; for(t=s; *t; t++) if(*t <= 0x1F || *t >= 0x7F || strchr(special, *t)) n++; u = emalloc(strlen(s)+2*n+1); t = u; for(; *s; s++){ if(s[0] == '%' && isxdigit(s[1]) && isxdigit(s[2])) *u++ = *s; else if(*s <= 0x1F || *s >= 0x7F || strchr(special, *s)){ *u++ = '%'; *u++ = hex[(*s>>4)&0xF]; *u++ = hex[*s&0xF]; }else *u++ = *s; } *u = '\0'; return t; } char* unescapeurl(char *s, char *special) { char *r, *w, x; s = estrdup(s); for(r=w=s; x = *r; r++){ if(x=='%' && isxdigit(r[1]) && isxdigit(r[2])){ x = (dhex(r[1])<<4)|dhex(r[2]); if(x == 0 || (x > 0x1F && x < 0x7F && strchr(special, x))) x = *r; else r += 2; } *w++ = x; } *w = '\0'; return s; }