remove old /sys/src/games/nes/joynes in favor of joy(1).
joy(1) has more buttons for the other emulators; there is
no longer a significance in the order of the keys.
document nusb/joy, add information in each emulator manpage.
exportfs -d logs 9p traffic to /tmp/exportdb.
-f allows writing to a different file.
exportfs silently continues if it doesn't have
permissions to create or write to /tmp/exportdb.
These are poor behaviors.
A better default is to write to stderr, since it
is 9P debug info that is better immediately printed,
and not user info that is better handled by syslog().
As a result, -f is obsolete and thus removed.
Redirect responsibility is now on rc.
As a side effect, rc will fail if it doesn't
have permissions to write.
exportfs(4) is updated to reflect all changes
and with a better Synopsis.
oexportfs is changed to match exportfs.
oexportfs(4) is updated to reflect all changes.
The Synopsis is not changed due to the number of flags.
Removed -f from iostats.
iostats(4) is updated to reflect all changes.
exportfs -d logs 9p traffic to /tmp/exportdb.
-f allows writing to a different file.
exportfs silently continues if it doesn't have
permissions to create or write to /tmp/exportdb.
These are poor behaviors.
A better default is to write to stderr, since it
is 9P debug info that is better immediately printed,
and not user info that is better handled by syslog().
As a result, -f is obsolete and thus removed.
Redirect responsibility is now on rc.
As a side effect, rc will fail if it doesn't
have permissions to write.
exportfs(4) is updated to reflect all changes
and with a better Synopsis.
Update tinc(8) man page to:
1. state the implementation aligns with 1.0.36 of;
2. use same hostname as mentioned in usage line.
Fix typos in tinc.c.
We used to use performance cycle counter for cycles(),
but it is kind of useless in userspace as each core
has its own counter and hence not comparable between
cores. Also, the cycle counter stops counting when
the cores are idle.
Most callers expect cycles() to return a high resolution
timestamp instead, so do the best we can do here
and enable the userspace generic timer virtual counter.
sbrk(0) returns the current end address of the BSS segment,
not the base. This might have been confused with the behaviour
of segbrk(), which when given a zero address returns the base.
We need a way to parse a rsa certificate request and return the public
key and subject names. The new function X509reqtoRSApub() works the
same way as X509toRSApub() but on a certificate request.
We also need to support certificates that are valid for multiple domain
names (as tlshand does not support certificate selection). For this
reason, a comma separated list is returned as the certificate subject,
making it symmetric to X509rsareq() handling.
A little helper is provided with this change (auth/x5092pub) that takes
a certificate (or a certificate request when -r flag is provided) and
outputs the RSA public key in plan 9 format appended with the subject
There are a number of alphabets in common use for base32
and base64 encoding, such as url-safe encodings.
This adds support for passing a function to encode into
arbitary alphabets.
Authsrv(6) used to be called auth(6) before
the fourth edition and was preprocessed by
eqn(6) before the third edition. The mkfile
was never updated to reflect the changes.
All other files are accounted for:
% cd /sys/man
% for(i in TS EQ PS G1) echo $i `{grep -l '^\.'$i ?/[0-9a-z]*}
TS 1/tbl
EQ 1/eqn 3/usb
PS 1/pic
G1 1/grap
Since we now store /dist/plan9front in git, the
initial assumption that the owner of the repo
is the person touching it is not always true.
This change gives us a better heuristic for the
file permissions we should have in the files we
copy around, basing it off of the permissions of
the .git directory.