From f2a9244e2d5cf7011c07e5a3ea34c1fa032cae5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: stanley lieber Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2011 01:49:22 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] fortunes: lessons learned from the joint strike fighter program --- sys/games/lib/fortunes | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/sys/games/lib/fortunes b/sys/games/lib/fortunes index e941880c5..7bc11e447 100644 --- a/sys/games/lib/fortunes +++ b/sys/games/lib/fortunes @@ -4479,3 +4479,11 @@ Go conceived while waiting for 45 min gcc compilation 22 commits, that's not bad for a girl -- ment People who think that userspace filesystems are realistic for anything but toys are just misguided. -- Linus Torvalds google+ just suggested lennart poettering as a friend. +Q: The configure script is stuck in an infinite loop. A: It's not. The Courier mail server is made up of over thirty modular pieces, and each one has its own configure script. All configure scripts are recursively executed. configure scripts are generated off a template, and share a lot of common code, so when configure runs, it seems like the same script is being executed over and over again. +General Norton Schwartz has said that the software is the biggest factor that might delay the USAF's initial operational capability which is now scheduled for April, 2016. -- John Reed writing for, Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010 5:34 pm +But in 2011 it was revealed that only 50% of the eight million lines of code had actually been written and that it would take another six years and 110 additional software engineers in order to complete the software for this new schedule. +Unlike previous aircraft, such as the F-22, all software for the F-35 is written in C++ for faster code development. -- Eric Branyan, vice president and deputy program manager for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program at Lockheed Martin + java applications give me lots of time to catch up on my reading. +Ruby. Take nicely formatted Python and vomit all over it with random characters. -- The Angry Developer What was that website that attacked gentoo? It was named after a compiler flag. -- some /g/tard + c++ programmers wouldn't know an integer if it was wedged inside them