fortunes: go away.

This commit is contained in:
stanley lieber 2015-07-22 21:35:50 -04:00
parent ab4b7c2573
commit 5635ac3f68
4 changed files with 22 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -305,3 +305,7 @@ Turning off comments.
This is unfortunate.
NaN is unfortunate.
No we can't.
go away
You misinterpreted my suggestion.
Not a great situation, I admit.
I do not understand your criticism.

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@ -187,3 +187,5 @@ This scenario is definitely confusing.
It's 2015. Why do terminal programs interpret 1970s escape codes instead of html? You'd think by now 'echo <b>bold</b>' would work.
What happened to
I think I'm missing something.
The outline below is my attempt at a skeleton for a streamlined version of the proposal proposal.
I'm not trying to write the last word.

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@ -208,7 +208,9 @@ Subject: [golang-dev] godoc down
sorry for lurking…but what do you mean search 9fans/internet/source? Where do I find that?
Subject: Re: [9fans] fossil+venti performance question
This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.
Subject: [9fans] make passive aggressive gcc
Subject: [go-nuts] A Code of Conduct for the Go community
[9fans] make passive aggressive gcc
[go-nuts] A Code of Conduct for the Go community
i don't like your font rendering.
Subject: unusable acme
[9fans] Gawk in 9front-ports
[9fans] plan9 web site "Object not found"

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@ -5150,3 +5150,15 @@ I never was a supporter of the Unix design philosophy. -- Dr Richard stallman
To ensure continued delivery of these emails, please add us to your "safe list" or address book in your email program.
The “better at scale” argument doesnt really apply to what I do for a living, which is building webapps with Django.
(#cat-v) khm → occasionally someone on hacker news will link to an article so they can all misunderstand it together
Your current website reads more like an encyclopedia rather than a marketing platform.
Ask Slashdot: Is C++ the Right Tool For This Project?
it's a ncurses interface to youtube
XKEYSCORE is a piece of Linux software that is typically deployed on Red Hat servers.
As soon as I get a job I'll be either asking for my check in BTC or just convert it as it flows in.
Microsoft Now OpenBSD Foundation Gold Contributor
A good example is something like Firefox, which fills up available RAM with page caches. Often, swapping these pages back in from disk can be slower than re-fetching from the Internet.
Let them eat vinyl. -- Kurt Cobain
9vx panic: cannot connect to X display: Success
Translate message into English.
Of course, Harvey is the result of some of the best programmers in History. As Eric Clapton did with blues, we are trying to do with plan9/unix code. Another step beyond. -- Álvaro Jurado