tapefs: handle more cpio formats (thanks qrstuv)

This commit is contained in:
cinap_lenrek 2017-03-17 00:45:48 +01:00
parent 3d052eb2ea
commit 1132d1b9df
2 changed files with 200 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -61,10 +61,7 @@ the VAX (512 byte block size, the default), and also pre-FFS Berkeley VAX system
.I Cpiofs
.B cpio
tape images (constructed with
.BI cpio 's
.B c
tape images.
.I Tarfs

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@ -1,100 +1,229 @@
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <auth.h>
#include <fcall.h>
#include <bio.h>
#include "tapefs.h"
* File system for cpio tapes (read-only)
#define TBLOCK 512
#define NBLOCK 40 /* maximum blocksize */
#define DBLOCK 20 /* default blocksize */
#define TNAMSIZ 100
union hblock {
char dummy[TBLOCK];
char tbuf[Maxbuf];
struct header {
char magic[6];
char dev[6];
char ino[6];
char mode[6];
char uid[6];
char gid[6];
char nlink[6];
char rdev[6];
char mtime[11];
char namesize[6];
char size[11];
} dbuf;
struct hname {
struct header x;
char name[1];
} nbuf;
} dblock;
int tapefile;
vlong getoct(char*, int);
typedef void HdrReader(Fileinf *);
Biobuf *tape;
static void
addrfatal(char *fmt, va_list arg)
char buf[1024];
vseprint(buf, buf+sizeof(buf), fmt, arg);
fprint(2, "%s: %#llx: %s\n", argv0, Bseek(tape, 0, 1), buf);
static int
int c;
if((c = Bgetc(tape)) == Beof)
sysfatal("unexpected eof");
if(c < 0)
sysfatal("read error: %r");
return c;
static ushort
ushort x;
return x = egetc(), x |= egetc()<<8;
static ulong
ulong x;
return x = egetc()<<16, x |= egetc()<<24, x |= egetc(), x |= egetc()<<8;
/* sysvr3 and sysvr4 skip records with names longer than 256. pwb 1.0,
32V, sysiii, sysvr1, and sysvr2 overrun their 256 byte buffer */
static void
rdpwb(Fileinf *f, ushort (*rd16)(void), ulong (*rd32)(void))
int namesz, n;
static char buf[256];
rd16(); /* dev */
rd16(); /* ino */
f->mode = rd16();
f->uid = rd16();
f->gid = rd16();
rd16(); /* nlink */
rd16(); /* rdev */
f->mdate = rd32();
namesz = rd16();
f->size = rd32();
/* namesz include the trailing nul */
if(namesz == 0)
sysfatal("name too small");
if(namesz > sizeof(buf))
sysfatal("name too big");
if((n = Bread(tape, buf, namesz)) < 0)
sysfatal("read error: %r");
if(n < namesz)
sysfatal("unexpected eof");
if(buf[n-1] != '\0')
sysfatal("no nul after file name");
if((n = strlen(buf)) != namesz-1)
sysfatal("mismatched name length: saw %d; expected %d", n, namesz-1);
f->name = buf;
/* skip padding */
if(Bseek(tape, 0, 1) & 1)
static void
rdpwb11(Fileinf *f)
rdpwb(f, rd16le, rd3211);
static vlong
rdasc(int n)
vlong x;
int y;
for(x = 0; n > 0; n--) {
if((y = egetc() - '0') & ~7)
sysfatal("not octal");
x = x<<3 | y;
return x;
/* sysvr3 and sysvr4 skip records with names longer than 256. sysiii,
sysvr1, and sysvr2 overrun their 256 byte buffer */
static void
rdsysiii(Fileinf *f)
int namesz, n;
static char buf[256];
rdasc(6); /* dev */
rdasc(6); /* ino */
f->mode = rdasc(6);
f->uid = rdasc(6);
f->gid = rdasc(6);
rdasc(6); /* nlink */
rdasc(6); /* rdev */
f->mdate = rdasc(11);
namesz = rdasc(6);
f->size = rdasc(11);
/* namesz includes the trailing nul */
if(namesz == 0)
sysfatal("name too small");
if(namesz > sizeof (buf))
sysfatal("name too big");
if((n = Bread(tape, buf, namesz)) < 0)
sysfatal("read error: %r");
if(n < namesz)
sysfatal("unexpected eof");
if(buf[n-1] != '\0')
sysfatal("no nul after file name");
if((n = strlen(buf)) != namesz-1)
sysfatal("mismatched name length: saw %d; expected %d", n, namesz-1);
f->name = buf;
static HdrReader *
uchar buf[6];
buf[0] = egetc();
buf[1] = egetc();
if(buf[0] == 0xc7 && buf[1] == 0x71)
return rdpwb11;
buf[2] = egetc();
buf[3] = egetc();
buf[4] = egetc();
buf[5] = egetc();
if(memcmp(buf, "070707", 6) == 0)
return rdsysiii;
sysfatal("Out of phase--get MERT help");
return nil;
populate(char *name)
vlong offset;
long isabs, magic, namesize, mode;
HdrReader *rdhdr, *prevhdr;
Fileinf f;
tapefile = open(name, OREAD);
if (tapefile<0)
error("Can't open argument file");
/* the tape buffer may not be the ideal size for scanning the
record headers */
if((tape = Bopen(name, OREAD)) == nil)
sysfatal("Can't open argument file");
extern void (*_sysfatal)(char *, va_list);
_sysfatal = addrfatal;
prevhdr = nil;
replete = 1;
for (offset = 0;;) {
seek(tapefile, offset, 0);
if (read(tapefile, (char *)&dblock.dbuf, TBLOCK)<TBLOCK)
for(;;) {
/* sysiii and sysv implementations don't allow
multiple header types within a single tape, so we
won't either */
rdhdr = rdmagic();
if(prevhdr != nil && rdhdr != prevhdr)
sysfatal("mixed headers");
while(f.name[0] == '/')
if(f.name[0] == '\0')
sysfatal("nameless record");
if(strcmp(f.name, "TRAILER!!!") == 0)
magic = getoct(dblock.dbuf.magic, sizeof(dblock.dbuf.magic));
if (magic != 070707){
print("%lo\n", magic);
error("out of phase--get help");
if (dblock.nbuf.name[0]=='\0' || strcmp(dblock.nbuf.name, "TRAILER!!!")==0)
mode = getoct(dblock.dbuf.mode, sizeof(dblock.dbuf.mode));
f.mode = mode&0777;
switch(mode & 0170000) {
switch(f.mode & 0170000) {
case 0040000:
f.mode |= DMDIR;
f.mode = DMDIR | f.mode&0777;
case 0100000:
case 0100000: /* normal file */
case 0120000: /* symlink */
f.mode &= 0777;
default: /* sockets, pipes, devices */
f.mode = 0;
f.uid = getoct(dblock.dbuf.uid, sizeof(dblock.dbuf.uid));
f.gid = getoct(dblock.dbuf.gid, sizeof(dblock.dbuf.gid));
f.size = getoct(dblock.dbuf.size, sizeof(dblock.dbuf.size));
f.mdate = getoct(dblock.dbuf.mtime, sizeof(dblock.dbuf.mtime));
namesize = getoct(dblock.dbuf.namesize, sizeof(dblock.dbuf.namesize));
f.addr = offset+sizeof(struct header)+namesize;
isabs = dblock.nbuf.name[0]=='/';
f.name = &dblock.nbuf.name[isabs];
f.addr = Bseek(tape, 0, 1);
poppath(f, 1);
offset += sizeof(struct header)+namesize+f.size;
getoct(char *p, int l)
vlong r;
Bseek(tape, f.size, 1);
for (r=0; l>0; p++, l--){
r <<= 3;
r += *p-'0';
/* skip padding */
if(rdhdr == rdpwb11 && (Bseek(tape, 0, 1) & 1))
return r;
@ -112,10 +241,10 @@ docreate(Ram *r)
char *
doread(Ram *r, vlong off, long cnt)
seek(tapefile, r->addr+off, 0);
Bseek(tape, r->addr+off, 0);
if (cnt>sizeof(dblock.tbuf))
error("read too big");
read(tapefile, dblock.tbuf, cnt);
sysfatal("read too big");
Bread(tape, dblock.tbuf, cnt);
return dblock.tbuf;