diff --git a/lib/rob b/lib/rob index 53be54c7c..85963f98e 100644 --- a/lib/rob +++ b/lib/rob @@ -240,3 +240,8 @@ It's not how many features that matter, it's how the features interact. Just write the code. Looks like a bug. And now we have diverged so far from the original question that we can safely ignore it. +I oversold due to fading memory. But I stand by the fundamental point. +Although there may be specific examples where generated output is uninteresting, deciding whether to read code based entirely on whether a computer or a human wrote it doesn't seem a good general principle to me. +Short answer: No. +None of that is excusable, only true. +File an issue? diff --git a/lib/rsc b/lib/rsc index b8b643f21..66876a4ca 100644 --- a/lib/rsc +++ b/lib/rsc @@ -135,3 +135,7 @@ Thanks for letting us know. It happened. i do not want to support a linux/amd64p32 port right now. No. I've answered this before. +If this isn't solved soon I think we should turn off commit access for everyone. +Very small changes can still contain very large bugs. +I don't intend to try to fix rc. +That's fine. diff --git a/lib/theo b/lib/theo index de668b353..a90d08500 100644 --- a/lib/theo +++ b/lib/theo @@ -381,3 +381,10 @@ Was that neccessary? Handholding can go only so far. Please, not again. It is in the FAQ. +Someone is totally full of shit. +You are quite a character. +I suspect money which goes into your bank account comes from an entity not quite on the same side as us. +You have an agenda. +So easy to be critical. +Great conversation... +Who do you work for? Governments? diff --git a/lib/troll b/lib/troll index f91f4fb18..936cd44bd 100644 --- a/lib/troll +++ b/lib/troll @@ -176,3 +176,9 @@ I noticed some odd problem with Fossil on plan9port Just heard about Plan 9, and was wondering if anyone would care to take a stab at explaining the differences between it, Linux, and the versions of BSD. I'm trying to port some unix programs to plan9 I'm trying to port gtk to Plan 9. +If upstream rejects a kernel module pull request solely based on the fact that it is written in Go; despite the module being well written and reasonably efficient, then I say their prejudice is in hostile conflict with the pace of innovation. +[dev][sbase] Proposal of suckless compression +[9fans] is plan9.bell-labs.com down +I like Acme a lot, but without vi keybindings, I cannot edit text. +Subject: Pingdom Alert: incident #11 is open for Sources (plan9.bell-labs.com) +My two favorite languages before Go came along were Objective-C and Python. diff --git a/sys/games/lib/fortunes b/sys/games/lib/fortunes index 8fbf2e659..ae791443f 100644 --- a/sys/games/lib/fortunes +++ b/sys/games/lib/fortunes @@ -5070,3 +5070,13 @@ It is hard to believe that the summer code is so amazing. -- Yan I really wish acme were just fixed. -- Blake McBride openssl started off as a project to learn C $75K Prosthetic Arm Is Bricked When Paired iPod Is Stolen +Feminism means gender should not be a source of persecution or a restriction of your choices. +10:48 < timthelion> (Note that 4 == 3 here) +Subject: [Pcc] naive question : obj-c support in 'pcc'? +If sponsoring a group of 3 university students to do a year-long project around Plan 9 sounds cool, read on! +It's like Metcalfe's law: the value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of users. The same is true of languages -- you get all these people using a language and all of a sudden you've got Eclipse, you've got FindBugs, you've got Guice. -- Joshua Bloch +New issue 186: 9term: no ptys in NetBSD6.4.4 + 14  2346 10/01 12:42 deraadt@cvs.openbsd.org Re: pf on rpi +Now, finally, I have an audience to ask a question that has been bothering me for YEARS. +I'm not good with programming tools. I wish I were. -- Joshua Bloch +I am not the one to fix any of this, I cannot tell you how one could do it. -- Lennart Poettering