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# Assumptions:
# 1) $fileserver and /env/sysname will be correctly set
# 2) the standalone kernel will eventually be booted with
# bootargs=local -B 4096
# 'From scratch' procedure:
# 1) bring system up as a terminal:
# boot /386/9pcdisk
# root is from 'il'
# login as 'bootes'
# 2) don't forget to
# echo 'dma on'>/dev/sdC0/ctl
# 3) initialise the disc from scratch and make a 9fat boot partition:
# mk partinit
# remember to have up to date local copies of plan9.ini and plan9.nvr
# and remember the kernel names will be truncated on the FAT parititon.
# 4) ream the kfs partition
# mk ream
# 5) initialise the fs partition for the system
# mk $sysname
disk/mbr -m /386/mbr /dev/sdC0/data
disk/fdisk -baw /dev/sdC0/data
disk/prep -banw /dev/sdC0/plan9
disk/format -b /386/pbslba -d -r 2 /dev/sdC0/9fat\
disk/kfs -rb16384 -B 4096 -f /dev/sdC0/fs
9fs kfs
9fs $fileserver
disk/kfscmd allow
disk/kfscmd 'create /adm sys sys 775 d'
disk/kfscmd 'create /adm/users adm adm 664'
cp -x /n/$fileserver/adm/users /n/kfs/adm/users
disk/kfscmd user
disk/mkfs -u /adm/users -s /n/$fileserver ./authproto
mk fsinit
disk/kfscmd allow
cp -x /n/$fileserver/adm/keys /n/kfs/adm/keys
cp -x /n/$fileserver/adm/keys.who /n/kfs/adm/keys.who
cp -x /n/$fileserver/adm/netkeys /n/kfs/adm/netkeys
cp -x /n/$fileserver/adm/netkeys.who /n/kfs/adm/netkeys.who
cp -x /n/$fileserver/adm/warn.keys /n/kfs/adm/warn.keys
cp -x /n/$fileserver/adm/warn.netkeys /n/kfs/adm/warn.netkeys
cp $sysname/auth /n/kfs/lib/ndb/auth
cp $sysname/consoledb /n/kfs/lib/ndb/consoledb
cp $sysname/httppasswords /n/kfs/sys/lib/httppasswords
cp $sysname/lib.ndb.mkfile /n/kfs/lib/ndb/mkfile
cp $sysname/namespace.$sysname /n/kfs/lib/namespace.$sysname
cp $sysname/cpurc /n/kfs/rc/bin/cpurc
cp $sysname/sys.log.mkfile /n/kfs/sys/log/mkfile
cd /n/kfs/lib/ndb; mk
bind -c /n/kfs/sys/log /sys/log
mk -f /sys/log/mkfile
unmount /sys/log
cd /n/kfs/sys/src/9; mk clean
cd /n/kfs/sys/src/fs; mk clean
disk/kfscmd disallow
disk/kfscmd sync
9fs $fileserver
cp /adm/keys /n/$fileserver/$savedir/keys
cp /adm/keys.who /n/$fileserver/$savedir/keys.who
cp /adm/netkeys /n/$fileserver/$savedir/netkeys
cp /adm/netkeys.who /n/$fileserver/$savedir/netkeys.who
cp /adm/warn.keys /n/$fileserver/$savedir/warn.keys
cp /adm/warn.netkeys /n/$fileserver/$savedir/warn.netkeys
cp /lib/ndb/auth /n/$fileserver/$savedir/auth
cp /lib/ndb/consoledb /n/$fileserver/$savedir/consoledb
cp /sys/lib/httppasswords /n/$fileserver/$savedir/httppasswords
cp /lib/ndb/mkfile /n/$fileserver/$savedir/lib.ndb.mkfile
cp /lib/namespace.$sysname /n/$fileserver/$savedir/namespace.$sysname
cp /rc/bin/cpurc /n/$fileserver/$savedir/cpurc
cp /sys/log/mkfile /n/$fileserver/$savedir/sys.log.mkfile