349 lines
8.5 KiB
349 lines
8.5 KiB
# The master for this file is /n/fs/lib/ndb/common
# real dns root server ips
dom=L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET ip= # nov 2007
dom=a.gtld-servers.net ip=
dom=b.gtld-servers.net ip=
dom=c.gtld-servers.net ip=
dom=d.gtld-servers.net ip=
dom=e.gtld-servers.net ip=
dom=f.gtld-servers.net ip=
dom=g.gtld-servers.net ip=
dom=h.gtld-servers.net ip=
dom=i.gtld-servers.net ip=
dom=j.gtld-servers.net ip=
dom=k.gtld-servers.net ip=
dom=l.gtld-servers.net ip=
dom=m.gtld-servers.net ip=
# spam defense. unfortunately, arin doesn't give negative
# rcodes for these non-routable addresses. we'll do it for them.
dom=10.in-addr.arpa soa= # rfc1918 zones
dom=16.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=17.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=18.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=19.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=20.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=21.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=22.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=23.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=24.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=25.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=26.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=27.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=28.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=29.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=30.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=31.172.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=168.192.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=0.in-addr.arpa soa= # rfc3330 zones
dom=127.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=254.169.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom=2.0.192.in-addr.arpa soa=
dom= soa=
dom=d.f.ip6.arpa soa= # rfc4193 recommendation
dom= soa= # rfc4291 zones
dom= soa=
dom=8.e.f.ip6.arpa soa=
dom=9.e.f.ip6.arpa soa=
dom=a.e.f.ip6.arpa soa=
dom=b.e.f.ip6.arpa soa=
refresh=3600 ttl=3600
# ip protocol numbers
protocol=reserved ipv4proto=0
protocol=icmp ipv4proto=1
protocol=igmp ipv4proto=2
protocol=ggp ipv4proto=3
protocol=ip ipv4proto=4
protocol=st ipv4proto=5
protocol=tcp ipv4proto=6
protocol=ucl ipv4proto=7
protocol=egp ipv4proto=8
protocol=igp ipv4proto=9
protocol=bbn-rcc-mon ipv4proto=10
protocol=nvp-ii ipv4proto=11
protocol=pup ipv4proto=12
protocol=argus ipv4proto=13
protocol=emcon ipv4proto=14
protocol=xnet ipv4proto=15
protocol=chaos ipv4proto=16
protocol=udp ipv4proto=17
protocol=mux ipv4proto=18
protocol=dcn-meas ipv4proto=19
protocol=hmp ipv4proto=20
protocol=prm ipv4proto=21
protocol=xns-idp ipv4proto=22
protocol=trunk-1 ipv4proto=23
protocol=trunk-2 ipv4proto=24
protocol=leaf-1 ipv4proto=25
protocol=leaf-2 ipv4proto=26
protocol=rdp ipv4proto=27
protocol=irtp ipv4proto=28
protocol=iso-tp4 ipv4proto=29
protocol=netblt ipv4proto=30
protocol=mfe-nsp ipv4proto=31
protocol=merit-inp ipv4proto=32
protocol=sep ipv4proto=33
protocol=3pc ipv4proto=34
protocol=idpr ipv4proto=35
protocol=xtp ipv4proto=36
protocol=ddp ipv4proto=37
protocol=idpr-cmtp ipv4proto=38
protocol=tp++ ipv4proto=39
protocol=il ipv4proto=40
protocol=sip ipv4proto=41
protocol=sdrp ipv4proto=42
protocol=sip-sr ipv4proto=43
protocol=sip-frag ipv4proto=44
protocol=idrp ipv4proto=45
protocol=rsvp ipv4proto=46
protocol=gre ipv4proto=47
protocol=mhrp ipv4proto=48
protocol=bna ipv4proto=49
protocol=sipp-esp ipv4proto=50
protocol=sipp-ah ipv4proto=51
protocol=i-nlsp ipv4proto=52
protocol=swipe ipv4proto=53
protocol=nhrp ipv4proto=54
protocol=any ipv4proto=61
protocol=cftp ipv4proto=62
protocol=any ipv4proto=63
protocol=sat-expak ipv4proto=64
protocol=kryptolan ipv4proto=65
protocol=rvd ipv4proto=66
protocol=ippc ipv4proto=67
protocol=any ipv4proto=68
protocol=sat-mon ipv4proto=69
protocol=visa ipv4proto=70
protocol=ipcv ipv4proto=71
protocol=cpnx ipv4proto=72
protocol=cphb ipv4proto=73
protocol=wsn ipv4proto=74
protocol=pvp ipv4proto=75
protocol=br-sat-mon ipv4proto=76
protocol=sun-nd ipv4proto=77
protocol=wb-mon ipv4proto=78
protocol=wb-expak ipv4proto=79
protocol=iso-ip ipv4proto=80
protocol=vmtp ipv4proto=81
protocol=secure-vmtp ipv4proto=82
protocol=vines ipv4proto=83
protocol=ttp ipv4proto=84
protocol=nsfnet-igp ipv4proto=85
protocol=dgp ipv4proto=86
protocol=tcf ipv4proto=87
protocol=igrp ipv4proto=88
protocol=ospfigp ipv4proto=89 protocol=ospf
protocol=sprite-rpc ipv4proto=90
protocol=larp ipv4proto=91
protocol=mtp ipv4proto=92
protocol=ax.25 ipv4proto=93
protocol=ipip ipv4proto=94
protocol=micp ipv4proto=95
protocol=scc-sp ipv4proto=96
protocol=etherip ipv4proto=97
protocol=encap ipv4proto=98
protocol=any ipv4proto=99
protocol=gmtp ipv4proto=100
protocol=rudp ipv4proto=254 # unofficial
# services
tcp=cs port=1
tcp=echo port=7
tcp=discard port=9
tcp=systat port=11
tcp=daytime port=13
tcp=netstat port=15
tcp=chargen port=19
tcp=ftp-data port=20
tcp=ftp port=21
tcp=ssh port=22
tcp=telnet port=23
tcp=smtp port=25
tcp=time port=37
tcp=whois port=43
tcp=dns port=53
tcp=domain port=53
tcp=uucp port=64
tcp=gopher port=70
tcp=rje port=77
tcp=finger port=79
tcp=http port=80
tcp=link port=87
tcp=supdup port=95
tcp=hostnames port=101
tcp=iso-tsap port=102
tcp=x400 port=103
tcp=x400-snd port=104
tcp=csnet-ns port=105
tcp=pop-2 port=109
tcp=pop3 port=110
tcp=portmap port=111
tcp=uucp-path port=117
tcp=nntp port=119
tcp=netbios port=139
tcp=imap4 port=143
tcp=imap port=143
tcp=NeWS port=144
tcp=print-srv port=170
tcp=z39.50 port=210
tcp=ldap port=389
tcp=fsb port=400
tcp=sysmon port=401
tcp=proxy port=402
tcp=proxyd port=404
tcp=https port=443
tcp=cifs port=445
tcp=ssmtp port=465
tcp=rexec port=512 restricted=
tcp=login port=513 restricted=
tcp=shell port=514 restricted=
tcp=printer port=515
tcp=ncp port=524
tcp=courier port=530
tcp=cscan port=531
tcp=uucp port=540
tcp=snntp port=563
tcp=9fs port=564
tcp=whoami port=565
tcp=guard port=566
tcp=ticket port=567
tcp=ldaps port=636
tcp=fmclient port=729
tcp=ftps-data port=989
tcp=ftps port=990
tcp=imaps port=993
tcp=pop3s port=995
tcp=ingreslock port=1524
tcp=pptp port=1723
tcp=nfs port=2049
tcp=webster port=2627
tcp=weather port=3000
tcp=mysql port=3306
tcp=sip port=5060
tcp=sips port=5061
tcp=ttcp port=5117
tcp=secstore port=5356
tcp=vnc-http port=5800
tcp=vnc port=5900
tcp=Xdisplay port=6000
tcp=styx port=6666
tcp=mpeg port=6667
tcp=rstyx port=6668
tcp=infdb port=6669
tcp=infsigner port=6671
tcp=infcsigner port=6672
tcp=inflogin port=6673
tcp=bandt port=7330
tcp=face port=32000
tcp=dhashgate port=11978
tcp=exportfs port=17007
tcp=rexexec port=17009
tcp=ncpu port=17010
tcp=cpu port=17013
tcp=glenglenda1 port=17020
tcp=glenglenda2 port=17021
tcp=glenglenda3 port=17022
tcp=glenglenda4 port=17023
tcp=glenglenda5 port=17024
tcp=glenglenda6 port=17025
tcp=glenglenda7 port=17026
tcp=glenglenda8 port=17027
tcp=glenglenda9 port=17028
tcp=glenglenda10 port=17029
tcp=nupasimap port=17030
tcp=nupasimaps port=17031
tcp=flyboy port=17032
tcp=venti port=17034
tcp=wiki port=17035
tcp=vica port=17036
tcp=aan port=17037
# testing
tcp=9fsa port=18008
udp=echo port=7
udp=tacacs port=49
udp=tftp port=69
udp=bootpc port=68
udp=bootp port=67
udp=domain port=53
udp=dns port=53
udp=portmap port=111
udp=ntp port=123
udp=netbios-ns port=137
udp=snmp port=161
udp=ha port=434 # mobile ip home agent
udp=ikev2 port=500
udp=syslog port=514
udp=rip port=520
udp=dhcp6c port=546
udp=dhcp6s port=547
udp=nfs port=2049
udp=bfs port=2201
udp=virgil port=2202
udp=sip port=5060
udp=bandt2 port=7331 # viaducts
udp=oradius port=1812
udp=radius port=1812
udp=dhash port=11977
udp=ulctl port=12666
udp=uldata port=12667
udp=dldata port=12668
gre=ppp port=34827
# authdom declarations need to be visible on the inside network,
# even for outside machines. putting them here ensures
# their visibility everywhere.
# for geoff
auth=www.9netics.com authdom=9netics.com
auth=newcpu.9netics.net authdom=9netics.net
auth=mordor.tip9ug.jp authdom=tip9ug.jp
# for geoff's ipv6 testing
# for jmk
auth=tor.texas.9grid.us authdom=9grid.us
auth=9grid.net authdom=9grid.net
# for sape
auth= authdom=cs.utwente.nl