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387 lines
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"""Implementation of the DOM Level 3 'LS-Load' feature."""
import copy
import xml.dom
from xml.dom.NodeFilter import NodeFilter
__all__ = ["DOMBuilder", "DOMEntityResolver", "DOMInputSource"]
class Options:
"""Features object that has variables set for each DOMBuilder feature.
The DOMBuilder class uses an instance of this class to pass settings to
the ExpatBuilder class.
# Note that the DOMBuilder class in LoadSave constrains which of these
# values can be set using the DOM Level 3 LoadSave feature.
namespaces = 1
namespace_declarations = True
validation = False
external_parameter_entities = True
external_general_entities = True
external_dtd_subset = True
validate_if_schema = False
validate = False
datatype_normalization = False
create_entity_ref_nodes = True
entities = True
whitespace_in_element_content = True
cdata_sections = True
comments = True
charset_overrides_xml_encoding = True
infoset = False
supported_mediatypes_only = False
errorHandler = None
filter = None
class DOMBuilder:
entityResolver = None
errorHandler = None
filter = None
def __init__(self):
self._options = Options()
def _get_entityResolver(self):
return self.entityResolver
def _set_entityResolver(self, entityResolver):
self.entityResolver = entityResolver
def _get_errorHandler(self):
return self.errorHandler
def _set_errorHandler(self, errorHandler):
self.errorHandler = errorHandler
def _get_filter(self):
return self.filter
def _set_filter(self, filter):
self.filter = filter
def setFeature(self, name, state):
if self.supportsFeature(name):
state = state and 1 or 0
settings = self._settings[(_name_xform(name), state)]
except KeyError:
raise xml.dom.NotSupportedErr(
"unsupported feature: %r" % (name,))
for name, value in settings:
setattr(self._options, name, value)
raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr("unknown feature: " + repr(name))
def supportsFeature(self, name):
return hasattr(self._options, _name_xform(name))
def canSetFeature(self, name, state):
key = (_name_xform(name), state and 1 or 0)
return self._settings.has_key(key)
# This dictionary maps from (feature,value) to a list of
# (option,value) pairs that should be set on the Options object.
# If a (feature,value) setting is not in this dictionary, it is
# not supported by the DOMBuilder.
_settings = {
("namespace_declarations", 0): [
("namespace_declarations", 0)],
("namespace_declarations", 1): [
("namespace_declarations", 1)],
("validation", 0): [
("validation", 0)],
("external_general_entities", 0): [
("external_general_entities", 0)],
("external_general_entities", 1): [
("external_general_entities", 1)],
("external_parameter_entities", 0): [
("external_parameter_entities", 0)],
("external_parameter_entities", 1): [
("external_parameter_entities", 1)],
("validate_if_schema", 0): [
("validate_if_schema", 0)],
("create_entity_ref_nodes", 0): [
("create_entity_ref_nodes", 0)],
("create_entity_ref_nodes", 1): [
("create_entity_ref_nodes", 1)],
("entities", 0): [
("create_entity_ref_nodes", 0),
("entities", 0)],
("entities", 1): [
("entities", 1)],
("whitespace_in_element_content", 0): [
("whitespace_in_element_content", 0)],
("whitespace_in_element_content", 1): [
("whitespace_in_element_content", 1)],
("cdata_sections", 0): [
("cdata_sections", 0)],
("cdata_sections", 1): [
("cdata_sections", 1)],
("comments", 0): [
("comments", 0)],
("comments", 1): [
("comments", 1)],
("charset_overrides_xml_encoding", 0): [
("charset_overrides_xml_encoding", 0)],
("charset_overrides_xml_encoding", 1): [
("charset_overrides_xml_encoding", 1)],
("infoset", 0): [],
("infoset", 1): [
("namespace_declarations", 0),
("validate_if_schema", 0),
("create_entity_ref_nodes", 0),
("entities", 0),
("cdata_sections", 0),
("datatype_normalization", 1),
("whitespace_in_element_content", 1),
("comments", 1),
("charset_overrides_xml_encoding", 1)],
("supported_mediatypes_only", 0): [
("supported_mediatypes_only", 0)],
("namespaces", 0): [
("namespaces", 0)],
("namespaces", 1): [
("namespaces", 1)],
def getFeature(self, name):
xname = _name_xform(name)
return getattr(self._options, xname)
except AttributeError:
if name == "infoset":
options = self._options
return (options.datatype_normalization
and options.whitespace_in_element_content
and options.comments
and options.charset_overrides_xml_encoding
and not (options.namespace_declarations
or options.validate_if_schema
or options.create_entity_ref_nodes
or options.entities
or options.cdata_sections))
raise xml.dom.NotFoundErr("feature %s not known" % repr(name))
def parseURI(self, uri):
if self.entityResolver:
input = self.entityResolver.resolveEntity(None, uri)
input = DOMEntityResolver().resolveEntity(None, uri)
return self.parse(input)
def parse(self, input):
options = copy.copy(self._options)
options.filter = self.filter
options.errorHandler = self.errorHandler
fp = input.byteStream
if fp is None and options.systemId:
import urllib2
fp = urllib2.urlopen(input.systemId)
return self._parse_bytestream(fp, options)
def parseWithContext(self, input, cnode, action):
if action not in self._legal_actions:
raise ValueError("not a legal action")
raise NotImplementedError("Haven't written this yet...")
def _parse_bytestream(self, stream, options):
import xml.dom.expatbuilder
builder = xml.dom.expatbuilder.makeBuilder(options)
return builder.parseFile(stream)
def _name_xform(name):
return name.lower().replace('-', '_')
class DOMEntityResolver(object):
__slots__ = '_opener',
def resolveEntity(self, publicId, systemId):
assert systemId is not None
source = DOMInputSource()
source.publicId = publicId
source.systemId = systemId
source.byteStream = self._get_opener().open(systemId)
# determine the encoding if the transport provided it
source.encoding = self._guess_media_encoding(source)
# determine the base URI is we can
import posixpath, urlparse
parts = urlparse.urlparse(systemId)
scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = parts
# XXX should we check the scheme here as well?
if path and not path.endswith("/"):
path = posixpath.dirname(path) + "/"
parts = scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment
source.baseURI = urlparse.urlunparse(parts)
return source
def _get_opener(self):
return self._opener
except AttributeError:
self._opener = self._create_opener()
return self._opener
def _create_opener(self):
import urllib2
return urllib2.build_opener()
def _guess_media_encoding(self, source):
info = source.byteStream.info()
if info.has_key("Content-Type"):
for param in info.getplist():
if param.startswith("charset="):
return param.split("=", 1)[1].lower()
class DOMInputSource(object):
__slots__ = ('byteStream', 'characterStream', 'stringData',
'encoding', 'publicId', 'systemId', 'baseURI')
def __init__(self):
self.byteStream = None
self.characterStream = None
self.stringData = None
self.encoding = None
self.publicId = None
self.systemId = None
self.baseURI = None
def _get_byteStream(self):
return self.byteStream
def _set_byteStream(self, byteStream):
self.byteStream = byteStream
def _get_characterStream(self):
return self.characterStream
def _set_characterStream(self, characterStream):
self.characterStream = characterStream
def _get_stringData(self):
return self.stringData
def _set_stringData(self, data):
self.stringData = data
def _get_encoding(self):
return self.encoding
def _set_encoding(self, encoding):
self.encoding = encoding
def _get_publicId(self):
return self.publicId
def _set_publicId(self, publicId):
self.publicId = publicId
def _get_systemId(self):
return self.systemId
def _set_systemId(self, systemId):
self.systemId = systemId
def _get_baseURI(self):
return self.baseURI
def _set_baseURI(self, uri):
self.baseURI = uri
class DOMBuilderFilter:
"""Element filter which can be used to tailor construction of
a DOM instance.
# There's really no need for this class; concrete implementations
# should just implement the endElement() and startElement()
# methods as appropriate. Using this makes it easy to only
# implement one of them.
whatToShow = NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL
def _get_whatToShow(self):
return self.whatToShow
def acceptNode(self, element):
return self.FILTER_ACCEPT
def startContainer(self, element):
return self.FILTER_ACCEPT
del NodeFilter
class DocumentLS:
"""Mixin to create documents that conform to the load/save spec."""
async = False
def _get_async(self):
return False
def _set_async(self, async):
if async:
raise xml.dom.NotSupportedErr(
"asynchronous document loading is not supported")
def abort(self):
# What does it mean to "clear" a document? Does the
# documentElement disappear?
raise NotImplementedError(
"haven't figured out what this means yet")
def load(self, uri):
raise NotImplementedError("haven't written this yet")
def loadXML(self, source):
raise NotImplementedError("haven't written this yet")
def saveXML(self, snode):
if snode is None:
snode = self
elif snode.ownerDocument is not self:
raise xml.dom.WrongDocumentErr()
return snode.toxml()
class DOMImplementationLS:
def createDOMBuilder(self, mode, schemaType):
if schemaType is not None:
raise xml.dom.NotSupportedErr(
"schemaType not yet supported")
if mode == self.MODE_SYNCHRONOUS:
return DOMBuilder()
if mode == self.MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS:
raise xml.dom.NotSupportedErr(
"asynchronous builders are not supported")
raise ValueError("unknown value for mode")
def createDOMWriter(self):
raise NotImplementedError(
"the writer interface hasn't been written yet!")
def createDOMInputSource(self):
return DOMInputSource()