2020-04-24 12:13:46 -04:00

103 lines
3.4 KiB

import importlib, time
async def commit(self, chan, source, msg):
await self.quit('{} told me to commit {}'.format(source,msg))
async def quit(self, chan, source, msg):
await self.quit('{} told me to {}'.format(source,msg))
async def reloadmods(self, chan, source, msg):
await self.message(chan, 'reloading modules...')
self.cmd = {}
self.raw = {}
self.help = {}
for i in self.modules:
await self.modules[i].init(self)
await self.message(chan, 'done! did something break? if so you might need to restart')
async def part(self, chan, source, msg):
await self.message(chan, 'bye {}'.format(msg))
await self.part(msg)
async def join(self, chan, source, msg):
await self.message(chan, 'joined {}'.format(msg))
await self.join(msg)
async def joins(self, chan, source, msg):
for i in self.joins:
await self.join(i)
async def aexec(self, code):
# Make an async function with the code and `exec` it
f'async def __ex(self): ' +
''.join(f'\n {l}' for l in code.split('\n'))
# Get `__ex` from local variables, call it and return the result
return await locals()['__ex'](self)
async def ev(self, chan, source, msg):
msg = msg.split(' ')
await aexec(self, ' '.join(msg))
await self.message(chan, 'ok')
async def send(self, c, n, m):
msg = m.split(' ')
await self.message(msg.pop(0), ' '.join(msg))
await self.message(c, 'ok')
async def shut(self, c, n, m):
self.qtime[c] = time.time()+(60*10)
await self.message(c, 'Ok, il be back')
commands = {
'quit': quit,
'reload': reloadmods,
'commit': commit,
'part': part,
'join': join,
'eval': ev,
'send': send,
'joins': joins,
'shut': shut
async def adminHandle(self, chan, source, msg):
if await self.is_admin(source):
msg = msg.split(' ')
if len(msg) < 1 or not msg[0] in commands:
await self.message(chan, 'you press the wrong button on the oven and it burns you')
print('[ADMIN MODULE] {} told me to {}!!!'.format(source,msg[0]))
await commands[msg.pop(0)](self, chan, source, ' '.join(msg))
await self.message(chan, 'you try to open it, but the oven is locked')
async def init(self):
self.cmd['admin'] = adminHandle
self.joins = ["#chaos", "#lickthecheese", "#windowsloser", "#cminecraft", "#team", "#meta", "#rscmakerspace", "#archlinux", "#tildetel", "#one", "#starlanes", "#ipd", "#pinebox"]
self.help['admin'] = ['admin - various bot owner commands (more for subcommands)', 'sub-commands of admin, for more info do help admin <command>: quit reload commit part join joins eval send']
self.help['admin quit'] = ['admin quit <message> - make the bot disconnect','no']
self.help['admin reload'] = ['admin reload - reload the modules and configs', 'nothing to see here']
self.help['admin commit'] = ['admin commit <action> - oh no (more)', 'suggested with <3 by khux']
self.help['admin part'] = ['admin part <channel> - leave a channel', ':o']
self.help['admin join'] = ['admin join <channel> - make the bot join a channel','...']
self.help['admin joins'] = ['admin joins - join more channels', 'dont reconnect to a bunch of chans when the bots crashing etc']
self.help['admin eval'] = ['admin eval <command> - absolute power corrupts absolutely', 'lmao']
self.help['admin send'] = ['admin send <channel> <message> - send a message', 'lmao']