#!/usr/bin/env python3 import asyncio, os, importlib, inspect from irctokens import build, Line from ircrobots import Bot as BaseBot from ircrobots import Server as BaseServer from ircrobots import ConnectionParams, SASLUserPass, SASLSCRAM from auth import username, password, channel import shared def is_admin(func): async def decorator(self,channel,nick,msg): if nick.lower() in self.users and self.users[nick.lower()].account in self.admins: await func(self,channel,nick,msg) else: await message(self,'core',channel,'you do not have permission to do that') return decorator #def is_chanop(func): def command(commandname): def decorator(func): shared.commands[commandname] = func return func return decorator def listener(listenername): def decorator(func): shared.listeners.append((listenername, func)) return func return decorator def rawm(rname): def decorator(func): shared.rawm[rname] = func return func return decorator async def message(self,channel,msg): modname = os.path.splittext(os.path.basename(inspect.stack()[1].filename))[0] await self.send(build("PRIVMSG",[channel,f'[\x036{modname}\x0f] {msg}'])) class Server(BaseServer): async def line_read(self, line: Line): if 'on_'+line.command.lower() in dir(self): asyncio.create_task(self.__getattribute__('on_'+line.command.lower())(line)) for listener in shared.listeners: if listener[0] == line.command: asyncio.create_task(listener[1](self,line)) def line_preread(self, line: Line): print(f"{self.name} < {line.format()}") def line_presend(self, line: Line): print(f"{self.name} > {line.format()}") async def on_001(self, line): asyncio.create_task(self.load_modules()) async def load_modules(self): for i in [s for s in os.listdir('modules') if '.py' in s and '.swp' not in s]: i = i[:-3] m = importlib.import_module('modules.' + i) asyncio.create_task(m.init(self)) shared.modules[i] = m # depricated, to support old modules async def message(self,channel,msg): await self.send(build("PRIVMSG",[channel,msg])) async def on_privmsg(self, line): if line.tags and "batch" in line.tags and line.tags["batch"] == '1': return channel = line.params[0] nick = line.source.split('!')[0] msg = line.params[1] if nick == self.nickname: return if channel == self.nickname: channel = nick await self.handle_rawm(channel,nick,msg) await self.handle_command(channel,nick,msg) async def handle_rawm(self,channel,nick,msg): for i in shared.rawm: await shared.rawm[i](self,channel,nick,msg) async def handle_command(self,channel,nick,msg): if msg[:len(shared.prefix)] == shared.prefix: msg = msg[len(shared.prefix):] cmd = msg.split(' ')[0] msg = msg[len(cmd)+1:] if len(cmd) < 1: return if cmd in shared.commands: await shared.commands[cmd](self,channel,nick,msg) return results = [i for i in shared.commands if i.startswith(cmd)] if len(results) == 1: await shared.commands[results[0]](self,channel,nick,msg) class Bot(BaseBot): def create_server(self, name: str): return Server(self, name) async def main(): bot = Bot() sasl_params = SASLUserPass(username, password) params = ConnectionParams( "min", host = "irc.libera.chat", port = 6697, tls = True, sasl = sasl_params, autojoin = channel) await bot.add_server("libera", params) params = ConnectionParams( "min", host = "manonet.lumey.dev", port = 6697, tls = True, autojoin = ['#manonet']) await bot.add_server("manonet", params) await bot.run() if __name__ == "__main__": asyncio.run(main())