#!/bin/zsh # start the keyboard combination daemon sxhkd -c ~/.config/berry/sxhkdrc & # Set decoration geometry berryc border_width 5 berryc inner_border_width 4 berryc title_height 20 berryc top_gap 20 # Set decoration colors berryc focus_color 292D3E berryc unfocus_color 292D3E berryc inner_focus_color 56aa79 berryc inner_unfocus_color 565679 berryc text_focus_color ffffff berryc text_unfocus_color eeeeee # Other options berryc smart_place "true" berryc draw_text "true" berryc edge_lock "true" berryc set_font "Dina-9" # set the screen resolution if you are in a vm xrandr --listmonitors | grep -q 'Virtual-1 1024/271x768/203+0+0' && xrandr --output Virtual-1 --mode 1360x768 # set the wallpaper feh --randomize --bg-fill ~/Pictures/wall # start the bar batterysec(){ zsh -c ' GRML_BATTERY_LEVEL="" local batteries bat capacity batteries=`echo /sys/class/power_supply/BAT*` if (( $#batteries > 0 )) ; then for bat in $batteries ; do if [[ -e $bat/capacity ]]; then capacity=$(< $bat/capacity) else typeset -F energy_full=$(< $bat/energy_full) typeset -F energy_now=$(< $bat/energy_now) typeset -i capacity=$(( 100 * $energy_now / $energy_full)) fi case $(< $bat/status) in Charging) GRML_BATTERY_LEVEL+="^" ;; Discharging) if (( capacity < 20 )) ; then GRML_BATTERY_LEVEL+="%{B#AA7766} v" else GRML_BATTERY_LEVEL+="v" fi ;; *) # Full, Unknown GRML_BATTERY_LEVEL+="=" ;; esac GRML_BATTERY_LEVEL+="${capacity}%%" done fi echo "$GRML_BATTERY_LEVEL %{B#292D3E}" ' 2>/dev/null } if which lemonbar then pkill -x lemonbar || true while sleep 1 do echo ' %{c}'`date -R`' %{r}'`batterysec`' '`uptime | cut -d' ' -f12 | cut -b-4`' ' done | lemonbar -g x20 -B '#292D3E' -F '#CCCCCC' -f 'Fira Code:size=9:antialias=true' & fi