graph lol

This commit is contained in:
lickthecheese 2020-05-21 11:39:08 -04:00
parent 82f37cbf1f
commit 4e00711338
2 changed files with 14 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -143,7 +143,12 @@ leetpic() { curl -F"file=@$1" ; }
ltcpic() { curl -F"file=@$1" ; }
ltcpst() { curl -F"text=<-" ; }
ep() { curl -F"text=<-" ; }
plot() { cat /dev/stdin > /tmp/plotuwu; gnuplot -p -e 'set object rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 behind fillcolor rgb "black" fillstyle solid noborder; set border lw 3 lc rgb "white"; set xtics textcolor rgb "white"; set xlabel "X" textcolor rgb "white"; set ylabel "Y" textcolor rgb "white"; set key textcolor rgb "white"; plot for [col=1:'$1'] "/tmp/plotuwu" using 0:col title "" with '$2' lw 2 pt 7' ; }
plot() { cat /dev/stdin > /tmp/plotuwu; gnuplot -p -e 'set object rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 behind fillcolor rgb "black" fillstyle solid noborder; set border lw 3 lc rgb "white"; set xtics textcolor rgb "white"; set xlabel "X" textcolor rgb "white"; set ylabel "Y" textcolor rgb "white"; set key textcolor rgb "white"; plot for [col=1:'$1'] "/tmp/plotuwu" using 0:col title "'$3'" with '$2' lw 2 pt 7' ; }
smoothplot() { cat /dev/stdin > /tmp/plotuwu; gnuplot -p -e 'set object rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 behind fillcolor rgb "black" fillstyle solid noborder; set border lw 3 lc rgb "white"; set xtics textcolor rgb "white"; set xlabel "X" textcolor rgb "white"; set ylabel "Y" textcolor rgb "white"; set key textcolor rgb "white"; plot for [col=1:'$1'] "/tmp/plotuwu" using 0:col smooth bezier title "'$3'" with '$2' lw 2 pt 7' ; }
export PS1='$(tput setaf 34)[ $(tput bold; tput setaf 28)ltc$(tput setaf 40)@$(tput setaf 28)arch$(tput sgr0; tput setaf 34) ] $(tput setaf 46)[ $(tput bold; tput setaf 40)\w$(tput sgr0; tput setaf 46) ]$(DIRY="\w"; printf "%$(($COLUMNS - 9 - 3 - 5 - ${#DIRY} - 12))s")$(tput bold; tput setaf 34)[ \t ]\n$ $(tput sgr0)'

bin/stalk Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
awk '$3~"^[+%@&~]?'$1'$"{print $2}' ~/.weechat/logs/* |
awk -F ":" '{print $1}' |
cat - ~/Documents/nums |
sort | uniq -c | sort -k2 |
awk '{print $1-1}'