# bnuuy little deployable firefoxes uwu at `568MB` its pretty big. most of that is firefox though. you can omit some of the codecs and fonts to save like 50MB, but then most webpages will be half-broken this is essentially [bunny](https://github.com/SimplyLinn/bunny), [alpine-vnc](https://github.com/danielguerra/alpine-vnc), and [spice-chrome](https://github.com/ikreymer/spice-chrome) shoved together into one alpine docker container ## build the image clone the repo and go in it, then you can ``` docker build -t xfnw/bnuuy . ``` ## running it this is just an example, you probably want different flags for your usecase ``` docker run -p 5900:5900 -p 5959:5959 -it xfnw/bnuuy ```