Add alpine-make-vm-image script

This commit is contained in:
Jakub Jirutka 2017-08-29 20:03:59 +02:00
parent 3f4031272f
commit 91ed2961c6

alpine-make-vm-image Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
# vim: set ts=4:
# Usage: alpine-make-vm-image [options] [--] <image> [<script> [<script-opts...>]]
# This script creates a bootable Alpine Linux disk image for virtual machines.
# Note that it does not create any partitions (it's really not needed),
# filesystem is created directly on the image.
# Arguments:
# <image> Path of disk image to use or create if not exists.
# <script> Path of script to execute after installing base system in
# the mounted image and before umounting it.
# <script-opts> Arguments to pass to the script.
# Options and Environment Variables:
# -f --image-format IMAGE_FORMAT Format of the disk image (see qemu-img --help).
# -s --image-size IMAGE_SIZE Size of the disk image to create in bytes or with suffix
# (e.g. 1G, 1024M). Default is 2G.
# -i --initfs-features INITFS_FEATURES List of additional mkinitfs features (basically modules)
# to be included in initramfs (see mkinitfs -L). "base" and
# $ROOTFS is always included, don't specify them here.
# Default is "scsi virtio".
# -k --kernel-flavor KERNEL_FLAVOR The kernel flavour to install; vanilla, hardened,
# or virthardened. Default is virthardened.
# --keys-dir KEYS_DIR Path of directory with Alpine keys to copy into the image.
# Default is /etc/apk/keys.
# -C --no-cleanup (CLEANUP) Don't umount and disconnect image when done.
# -p --packages PACKAGES Additional packages to install into the image.
# -r --repositories-file REPOS_FILE Path of repositories file to copy into the image.
# Default is /etc/apk/repositories.
# --rootfs ROOTFS Filesystem to create on the image. Default is ext4.
# -c --script-chroot (SCRIPT_CHROOT) Bind <script>'s directory at /mnt inside image and chroot
# into the image before executing <script>.
# -h --help Show this help message and exit.
# -v --version Print version and exit.
# Each option can be also provided by environment variable. If both option and
# variable is specified and the option accepts only one argument, then the
# option takes precedence.
set -eu
readonly APK='apk --no-progress'
readonly PROGNAME='alpine-make-vm-image'
readonly VERSION='0.0.0'
readonly VIRTUAL_PKG=".make-$PROGNAME"
die() {
printf '\033[1;31mERROR:\033[0m %s\n' "$@" >&2 # bold red
exit 1
einfo() {
printf '\n\033[1;36m> %s\033[0m\n' "$@" >&2 # bold cyan
# Prints help and exists with the specified status.
help() {
sed -En '/^#---help---/,/^#---help---/p' "$0" | sed -E 's/^# ?//; 1d;$d;'
exit ${1:-0}
cleanup() {
set +u
trap '' EXIT HUP INT TERM # unset trap to avoid loop
cd /
if [ -n "$mount_dir" ]; then
umount_recursively "$mount_dir" \
|| die "Failed to unmount $mount_dir; unmount it and disconnect $nbd_dev manually"
rm -Rf "$mount_dir" || :
qemu-nbd --disconnect "$nbd_dev" \
|| die "Failed to disconnect $nbd_dev; disconnect it manually"
# Attaches the specified image as a NBD block device and prints its path.
attach_image() {
local image="$1"
local format="${2:-}"
local nbd_dev
modprobe nbd max_part=0 || true
nbd_dev=$(get_available_nbd) \
|| die "No available nbd device found!"
qemu-nbd --connect="$nbd_dev" ${format:+--format=$format} "$image" \
&& echo "$nbd_dev"
# Prints UUID of filesystem on the specified block device.
blk_uuid() {
local dev="$1"
blkid "$dev" | sed -En 's/.*UUID="([^"]+)".*/\1/p'
# Prints path of available nbdX device, or returns 1 if not any.
get_available_nbd() {
local dev; for dev in /dev/nbd*; do
if [ "$(blockdev --getsize64 "$dev")" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$dev"; return
return 1
# Installs tools in the host system needed for creating the specified filesystem.
install_fs_tools() {
local fs="$1" # filesystem name
# We need load btrfs module early to avoid the error message:
# 'failed to open /dev/btrfs-control'
if ! grep -q -w "$fs" /proc/filesystems; then
modprobe $fs
local pkg
case "$fs" in
ext4) pkg='e2fsprogs';;
btrfs) pkg='btrfs-progs';;
xfs) pkg='xfsprogs';;
*) die "Unsupported filesystem: $fs";;
$APK add -t $VIRTUAL_PKG $pkg
# Prepares chroot at the specified path.
prepare_chroot() {
local dest="$1"
mkdir -p "$dest"/proc "$dest"/dev "$dest"/sys
mount -t proc none "$dest"/proc
mount --bind /dev "$dest"/dev
mount --bind /sys "$dest"/sys
install -D -m 644 /etc/resolv.conf "$dest"/etc/resolv.conf
# Adds specified services to the runlevel. Current working directory must be
# root of the image.
rc_add() {
local runlevel="$1"; shift # runlevel name
local services="$@" # names of services
local svc; for svc in $services; do
mkdir -p etc/runlevels/$runlevel
ln -s /etc/init.d/$svc etc/runlevels/$runlevel/$svc
echo " * service $svc added to runlevel $runlevel"
# Installs and configures extlinux.
setup_extlinux() {
local mnt="$1" # path of directory where is root device currently mounted
local root_dev="$2" # root device
local modules="${3:-}" # modules which should be loaded before pivot_root
local default_kernel="${4:-"vanilla"}" # name of default kernel to boot
local kernel_opts="${5:-}" # default kernel options
sed -Ei -e "s|^[# ]*(root)=.*|\1=$root_dev|" \
-e "s|^[# ]*(default_kernel_opts)=.*|\1=\"$kernel_opts\"|" \
-e "s|^[# ]*(modules)=.*|\1=\"$modules\"|" \
-e "s|^[# ]*(default)=.*|\1=$default_kernel|" \
extlinux --install "$mnt"/boot
chroot "$mnt" update-extlinux --warn-only 2>&1 \
| grep -Fv 'extlinux: cannot open device /dev' >&2
# Configures mkinitfs.
setup_mkinitfs() {
local mnt="$1" # path of directory where is root device currently mounted
local features="$2" # list of mkinitfs features
features=$(printf '%s\n' $features | sort | uniq | xargs)
sed -Ei "s|^[# ]*(features)=.*|\1=\"$features\"|" \
# Unmounts all filesystem under the specified directory tree.
umount_recursively() {
local mount_point="$1"
test -n "$mount_point" || return 1
cat /proc/mounts \
| cut -d ' ' -f 2 \
| grep "^$mount_point" \
| sort -r \
| xargs umount -rn
#============================= M a i n ==============================#
opts=$(getopt -n $PROGNAME -o cCf:hi:k:p:r:s:v \
-l image-format:,image-size:,initfs-features:,kernel-flavor:,keys-dir:,no-cleanup,packages:,repositories-file:,rootfs:,script-chroot,help,version \
-- "$@") || help 1 >&2
eval set -- "$opts"
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
-f | --image-format) IMAGE_FORMAT="$2";;
-s | --image-size) IMAGE_SIZE="$2";;
-i | --initfs-features) INITFS_FEATURES="${INITFS_FEATURES:-} $2";;
-k | --kernel-flavor) KERNEL_FLAVOR="$2";;
--keys-dir) KEYS_DIR="$(realpath "$2")";;
-C | --no-cleanup) CLEANUP='no'; n=1;;
-p | --packages) PACKAGES="${PACKAGES:-} $2";;
-r | --repositories-file) REPOS_FILE="$(realpath "$2")";;
--rootfs) ROOTFS="$2";;
-c | --script-chroot) SCRIPT_CHROOT='yes'; n=1;;
-h | --help) help 0;;
-V | --version) echo "$PROGNAME $VERSION"; exit 0;;
--) shift; break;;
shift $n
: ${CLEANUP:="yes"}
: ${IMAGE_SIZE:="2G"}
: ${INITFS_FEATURES:="scsi virtio"}
: ${KERNEL_FLAVOR:="virthardened"}
: ${KEYS_DIR:="/etc/apk/keys"}
: ${REPOS_FILE:="/etc/apk/repositories"}
: ${ROOTFS:="ext4"}
: ${SCRIPT_CHROOT:="no"}
[ $# -ne 0 ] || help 1 >&2
IMAGE_FILE="$1"; shift
[ $# -eq 0 ] || { SCRIPT=$(realpath "$1"); shift; }
[ "$CLEANUP" = no ] || trap cleanup EXIT HUP INT TERM
einfo 'Installing needed packages on host system'
$APK add -t $VIRTUAL_PKG qemu qemu-img syslinux
install_fs_tools "$ROOTFS"
if [ ! -f "$IMAGE_FILE" ]; then
einfo "Creating $IMAGE_FORMAT image of size $IMAGE_SIZE"
einfo "Attaching image $IMAGE_FILE as a NBD device"
nbd_dev=$(attach_image "$IMAGE_FILE" "$IMAGE_FORMAT")
einfo "Formatting image to $ROOTFS"
# syslinux 6.0.3 cannot boot from ext4 w/ 64bit feature enabled
[ "$ROOTFS" = ext4 ] && mkfs_args='-O ^64bit' || mkfs_args=''
mkfs.$ROOTFS -L root $mkfs_args "$nbd_dev"
root_uuid=$(blk_uuid "$nbd_dev")
mount_dir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/$PROGNAME.XXXXXX)
einfo "Mounting image at $mount_dir"
mount "$nbd_dev" "$mount_dir"
einfo 'Installing base system'
cd "$mount_dir"
mkdir -p etc/apk/keys
install -m 644 "$REPOS_FILE" etc/apk/repositories
cp "$KEYS_DIR"/* etc/apk/keys/
$APK add --root . --update-cache --initdb alpine-base
prepare_chroot .
einfo "Installing and configuring mkinitfs"
$APK add --root . mkinitfs
setup_mkinitfs . "base $ROOTFS $INITFS_FEATURES"
einfo "Installing kernel linux-$KERNEL_FLAVOR"
$APK add --root . linux-$KERNEL_FLAVOR
einfo 'Setting up extlinux bootloader'
$APK add --root . --no-scripts syslinux
setup_extlinux . "UUID=$root_uuid" $ROOTFS ${KERNEL_FLAVOR#virt}
cat > etc/fstab <<-EOF
# <fs> <mountpoint> <type> <opts> <dump/pass>
UUID=$root_uuid / $ROOTFS noatime 0 1
einfo 'Enabling base system services'
rc_add sysinit devfs dmesg mdev hwdrivers
rc_add boot modules hwclock swap hostname sysctl bootmisc syslog
rc_add shutdown killprocs savecache mount-ro
if [ -n "$PACKAGES" ]; then
einfo 'Installing additional packages'
$APK add --root . $PACKAGES
if [ -n "$SCRIPT" ]; then
if [ "$SCRIPT_CHROOT" = 'no' ]; then
einfo "Executing script: $script_name $@"
"$SCRIPT" "$@" || die 'Script failed'
einfo "Executing script in chroot: $script_name $@"
mount --bind "${SCRIPT%/*}" mnt/
chroot . sh -c "cd /mnt && ./$script_name \"\$@\"" -- "$@" \
|| die 'Script failed'
einfo 'Completed'
cd - >/dev/null
ls -lh "$IMAGE_FILE"