REHASH [option] When no [option] is given, ircd will re-read the ircd.conf file. [option] can be one of the following: BANS - Re-reads kline/dline/resv/xline database DNS - Re-read the /etc/resolv.conf file HELP - Re-reads help files MOTD - Re-reads MOTD file NICKDELAY - Clears delayed nicks OMOTD - Re-reads Oper MOTD file REJECTCACHE - Clears the reject cache SSLD - Restarts the ssld processes TDLINES - Clears temporary D Lines THROTTLES - Clears throttled IP addresses TKLINES - Clears temporary K Lines TRESVS - Clears temporary nick and channel resvs TXLINES - Clears temporary X Lines - Requires Oper Priv: oper:rehash REHASH [option] irc.server Rehashes [option], or the config file if none given, on irc.server if irc.server accepts remote rehashes. - Requires Oper Privs: oper:rehash, oper:remoteban