/* * Helpops system. * -- kaniini */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "modules.h" #include "client.h" #include "hook.h" #include "ircd.h" #include "send.h" #include "s_conf.h" #include "s_user.h" #include "s_newconf.h" #include "numeric.h" static const char helpops_desc[] = "The helpops system as used by freenode"; static rb_dlink_list helper_list = { NULL, NULL, 0 }; static void h_hdl_stats_request(void *hdata); static void h_hdl_new_remote_user(void *client_p); static void h_hdl_client_exit(void *hdata); static void h_hdl_umode_changed(void *hdata); static void h_hdl_whois(void *hdata); static void recurse_client_exit(struct Client *client_p); static void helper_add(struct Client *client_p); static void helper_delete(struct Client *client_p); static void mo_dehelper(struct MsgBuf *, struct Client *, struct Client *, int, const char **); static void me_dehelper(struct MsgBuf *, struct Client *, struct Client *, int, const char **); static void do_dehelper(struct Client *source_p, struct Client *target_p); mapi_hfn_list_av1 helpops_hfnlist[] = { { "doing_stats", h_hdl_stats_request }, { "new_remote_user", h_hdl_new_remote_user }, { "client_exit", h_hdl_client_exit }, { "umode_changed", h_hdl_umode_changed }, { "doing_whois", h_hdl_whois }, { "doing_whois_global", h_hdl_whois }, { NULL, NULL } }; #define UMODECHAR_HELPOPS 'h' struct Message dehelper_msgtab = { "DEHELPER", 0, 0, 0, 0, {mg_unreg, mg_not_oper, mg_not_oper, mg_ignore, {me_dehelper, 2}, {mo_dehelper, 2}} }; mapi_clist_av1 helpops_clist[] = { &dehelper_msgtab, NULL }; static void mo_dehelper(struct MsgBuf *msgbuf_p, struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, const char **parv) { struct Client *target_p; if (!HasPrivilege(source_p, "oper:dehelper")) { sendto_one(source_p, form_str(ERR_NOPRIVS), me.name, source_p->name, "dehelper"); return; } if(!(target_p = find_named_person(parv[1]))) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, form_str(ERR_NOSUCHNICK), parv[1]); return; } if(MyClient(target_p)) do_dehelper(source_p, target_p); else sendto_one(target_p, ":%s ENCAP %s DEHELPER %s", use_id(source_p), target_p->servptr->name, use_id(target_p)); } static void me_dehelper(struct MsgBuf *msgbuf_p, struct Client *client_p, struct Client *source_p, int parc, const char **parv) { struct Client *target_p = find_person(parv[1]); if(!target_p) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, form_str(ERR_NOSUCHNICK), parv[1]); return; } if(!MyClient(target_p)) return; do_dehelper(source_p, target_p); } static void do_dehelper(struct Client *source_p, struct Client *target_p) { const char *fakeparv[4]; static const char minus_helpops[3] = {'-', UMODECHAR_HELPOPS, '\0'}; if(!(target_p->umodes & user_modes[UMODECHAR_HELPOPS])) return; sendto_realops_snomask(SNO_GENERAL, L_NETWIDE, "%s is using DEHELPER on %s", source_p->name, target_p->name); sendto_one_notice(target_p, ":*** %s is using DEHELPER on you", source_p->name); fakeparv[0] = fakeparv[1] = target_p->name; fakeparv[2] = minus_helpops; fakeparv[3] = NULL; user_mode(target_p, target_p, 3, fakeparv); } static int _modinit(void) { rb_dlink_node *ptr; user_modes[UMODECHAR_HELPOPS] = find_umode_slot(); construct_umodebuf(); RB_DLINK_FOREACH (ptr, global_client_list.head) { struct Client *client_p = ptr->data; if (IsPerson(client_p) && (client_p->umodes & user_modes[UMODECHAR_HELPOPS])) helper_add(client_p); } return 0; } static void _moddeinit(void) { rb_dlink_node *n, *tn; user_modes[UMODECHAR_HELPOPS] = 0; construct_umodebuf(); RB_DLINK_FOREACH_SAFE(n, tn, helper_list.head) rb_dlinkDestroy(n, &helper_list); } static void h_hdl_stats_request(void *data) { hook_data_int *hdata = data; struct Client *target_p; rb_dlink_node *helper_ptr; unsigned int count = 0; if (hdata->arg2 != 'p') return; RB_DLINK_FOREACH (helper_ptr, helper_list.head) { target_p = helper_ptr->data; if(target_p->user->away) continue; count++; sendto_one_numeric(hdata->client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "p :%s (%s@%s)", target_p->name, target_p->username, target_p->host); } sendto_one_numeric(hdata->client, RPL_STATSDEBUG, "p :%u staff members", count); hdata->result = 1; } static void helper_add(struct Client *client_p) { if (rb_dlinkFind(client_p, &helper_list) != NULL) return; rb_dlinkAddAlloc(client_p, &helper_list); } static void helper_delete(struct Client *client_p) { rb_dlinkFindDestroy(client_p, &helper_list); } static void h_hdl_new_remote_user(void *data) { struct Client *client_p = data; if (client_p->umodes & user_modes[UMODECHAR_HELPOPS]) helper_add(client_p); } static void recurse_client_exit(struct Client *client_p) { if (IsPerson(client_p)) { if (client_p->umodes & user_modes[UMODECHAR_HELPOPS]) helper_delete(client_p); } else if (IsServer(client_p)) { rb_dlink_node *nptr; RB_DLINK_FOREACH(nptr, client_p->serv->users.head) recurse_client_exit(nptr->data); RB_DLINK_FOREACH(nptr, client_p->serv->servers.head) recurse_client_exit(nptr->data); } } static void h_hdl_client_exit(void *data) { hook_data_client_exit *hdata = data; recurse_client_exit(hdata->target); } static void h_hdl_umode_changed(void *data) { hook_data_umode_changed *hdata = data; struct Client *source_p = hdata->client; /* didn't change +h umode, we don't need to do anything */ bool changed = (hdata->oldumodes ^ source_p->umodes) & user_modes[UMODECHAR_HELPOPS]; if (source_p->umodes & user_modes[UMODECHAR_HELPOPS]) { if (MyClient(source_p) && !HasPrivilege(source_p, "usermode:helpops")) { source_p->umodes &= ~user_modes[UMODECHAR_HELPOPS]; sendto_one(source_p, form_str(ERR_NOPRIVS), me.name, source_p->name, "usermode:helpops"); /* they didn't ask for +h so we must be removing it */ if (!changed) helper_delete(source_p); return; } if (changed) helper_add(source_p); } else if (changed) { helper_delete(source_p); } } static void h_hdl_whois(void *data) { hook_data_client *hdata = data; struct Client *source_p = hdata->client; struct Client *target_p = hdata->target; if ((target_p->umodes & user_modes[UMODECHAR_HELPOPS]) && EmptyString(target_p->user->away)) { sendto_one_numeric(source_p, RPL_WHOISHELPOP, form_str(RPL_WHOISHELPOP), target_p->name); } } DECLARE_MODULE_AV2(helpops, _modinit, _moddeinit, helpops_clist, NULL, helpops_hfnlist, NULL, NULL, helpops_desc);