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synced 2025-02-11 11:40:45 +00:00
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<p id="icon"></p>
<p id="logo">Flame.ga</p>
<h1>All-OP Server in Minecraft</h1>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/flameserver" id="facebook"></a>
<a href="#about" id="circle"><span></span></a>
<a href="https://twitter.com/flameserver" id="twitter"></a>
<a href="#about" id="aboutbutton"></a><a href="#news" id="newsbutton"></a><a href="#" id="forumbutton"></a>
<div id="about">
<div id="about-body">
<h2>About Flame.ga</h2>
<h2 id="about-title">About</h2>
<p>Flame.ga provides you a unique and interesting experience in Minecraft. This server allows you to do whatever you want; griefing, acting like a staff member, building - you name it. A large set of operator (OP) commands is granted for you to use whenever you like, as well as a few server plugins, such as WorldEdit. With no rules, this is the perfect place to do what you may not be allowed to do elsewhere.</p>
<p>Flame.ga uses an auto restart function, which assures the server will always stay up for you to play on. To give you a fresh and lag-free experience, the world will also reset automatically every Sunday. If you need to reach us, please send an e-mail to <a href="mailto:hello@flame.ga">hello@flame.ga</a>!</p>
<span id="ip">IP</span><input onClick="this.select();" value="flame.ga"><br/>
<div id="news">
<div id="news-body">
<h2 id="news-title">News</h2>
<ul id="news-list">
<li>A "News" section has been added to our website. We've also created a small forum for questions and issues.<br/>
<span class="date">June 18, 2015</span></li>
<li>The server should once again run 24/7, after having to solve a few problems. Apologies for the recent downtime.<br/>
<span class="date">June 15, 2015</span></li>
<li>We've migrated to a new hosting provider with better server specifications. ;)<br/>
<span class="date">May 28, 2015</span></li>
<li>There have been a few issues with our email address recently, which resulted in emails not getting sent to us. We have now fixed it.<br/>
<span class="date">May 2, 2015</span></li>
<li>Recently, DisguiseCraft stopped working due to a new issue in the server software. We will push a fix for this tomorrow. Another little detail; you will also be able to spawn and disguise as a Giant.<br/>
<span class="date">April 25, 2015</span></li>
<li>A few new commands have been added to the server.<br/>
<span class="date">April 12, 2015</span></li>
<li>The server is finally online again. Please connect with the new IP flame.ga if you want to play on the server.<br/>
<span class="date">April 12, 2015</span></li>
<li>Our website has now been updated. Check it out: <a href="https://flame.ga/">https://flame.ga/</a> ;)<br/>
<span class="date">February 16, 2015</span></li>
<li>The server was created. Thanks to both myokan and Kit_Kat_Matt for being very supportive and helpful during the early days.<br/>
<span class="date">June 2, 2014</span></li>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/flameserver" id="facebook"></a><a href="https://twitter.com/flameserver" id="twitter"></a>
Reference in a new issue