# _________ __ __________ __ __ __ _________ # \______ \ | _____ ___ __ __________\______ \_____ ________/ |_|__| ____ | | ____ ______ \______ \ # | ___/ | \__ \< | |/ __ \_ __ \ ___/\__ \\_ __ \ __\ |/ ___\| | _/ __ \ / ___/ / / # | | | |__/ __ \\___ \ ___/| | \/ | / __ \| | \/| | | \ \___| |_\ ___/ \___ \ / / # |____| |____(____ / ____|\___ >__| |____| (____ /__| |__| |__|\___ >____/\___ >____ > /____/ # \/\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ # Check for new versions of the plugin # Default: true check-updates: false # If metrics should be sent to bStats # I would appreciate it if you left this enabled, it helps me get statistics on how the plugin is used # Default: true send-metrics: false # The locale to use in the /locale folder # Default: en_US locale: en_US # If you're using other plugins to execute commands you may wish to turn off messages # Default: true message-enabled: true # Whether or not to use the message-prefix field when displaying messages # Default: true use-message-prefix: true # If the command /pp gui is enabled # Disable this if you have your own custom GUI through another plugin # Default: true gui-enabled: true # If the GUI should require the permission playerparticles.gui to open # Default: false gui-require-permission: false # If the GUI should require the player to have permission for at least # one effect and one style to be able to open the GUI # Default: true gui-require-effects-and-styles: true # If true, only the preset groups will be available in the GUI # Permissions to open the GUI will change to only open if the user has any preset groups available # Default: false gui-presets-only: false # If true, the GUI will close after selecting a group (either saved or preset) # Default: true gui-close-after-group-selected: true # If clicking a GUI button should make a noise # Default: true gui-button-sound: true # If true, styles will not display while the player is moving # They will instead have the effect displayed at their feet # Note: Not all styles abide by this rule, but most will # Default: false toggle-on-move: false # The time (in ticks) a player has to be standing still before they are considered to be stopped # This setting has no effect if toggle-on-move is set to false # The value must be a positive whole number # Default: 9 toggle-on-move-delay: 9 # If true, particles will be completely disabled while the player is in combat # Note: You can change what styles follow this setting in their individual setting files # Default: false toggle-on-combat: false # The time (in seconds) a player has to not be damaged/attacked to be considered out of combat # This setting has no effect if toggle-on-combat is set to false # The value must be a positive whole number # Default: 15 toggle-on-combat-delay: 15 # A list of worlds that the plugin is disabled in disabled-worlds: - disabled_world_name # The maximum number of particles a player can apply at once # The GUI will only display up to 21, don't set this any higher than that # Default: 3 max-particles: 3 # The maximum number of groups a player can have saved # The GUI will only display up to 21, don't set this any higher than that # Default: 10 max-groups: 10 # Max fixed effects per player # Default: 5 max-fixed-effects: 5 # Max fixed effect creation distance # Determines how far away a player may create a fixed effect from themselves # This measurement is in blocks # Set to 0 for infinite distance # Default: 32 max-fixed-effect-creation-distance: 32 # How many ticks to wait before spawning more particles # Increasing this value may cause less lag (if there was any), but will decrease prettiness # Only use whole numbers greater than or equal to 1 # Going over 3 will likely look terrible # Default: 1 ticks-per-particle: 1 # From how many blocks away should a player be able to see the particles from another player? # Default: 48 particle-render-range-player: 48 # From how many blocks away should a player be able to see the particles from a fixed effect? # Default: 192 particle-render-range-fixed-effect: 192 # How many out of 360 hue ticks to move per game tick # Higher values make the rainbow cycle faster # Note: Must be a positive whole number # Default: 2 rainbow-cycle-speed: 2 # How large should dust particles appear? # Note: Can include decimals # Only works in 1.13+ # Default: 1.0 dust-size: 1.0 # Settings for if you want to use MySQL for data management mysql-settings: # Enable MySQL # If false, SQLite will be used instead # Default: false enabled: false # MySQL Database Hostname # Default: hostname: '' # MySQL Database Port # Default: 3306 port: 3306 # MySQL Database Name # Default: database-name: '' # MySQL Database User Name # Default: user-name: '' # MySQL Database User Password # Default: user-password: '' # The prefix of the tables in the database # Do not change this after tables have already been created or you will have data loss # Default: playerparticles_ table-prefix: playerparticles_ # If the database connection should use SSL # You should enable this if your database supports SSL # Default: false use-ssl: false # The size of the connection pool to the database # Not recommended to go below 2 or above 5 # Default: 5 connection-pool-size: 5 # This configuration option allows you to change the GUI # icons to whatever block/item you want. If you want to change an effect # or style icon, use their respective config files. # Notes: If any of the block/item names are invalid the icon in the GUI # will be the barrier icon to show that it failed to load. # You MUST use the Spigot-given name for it to work. You can see # all the Spigot-given names at the link below: # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html # If multiple icons are listed, they are used for older MC versions gui-icon: misc: particles: - BLAZE_POWDER groups: - CHEST preset_groups: - ENDER_CHEST back: - ARROW next_page: - PAPER previous_page: - PAPER create: - WRITABLE_BOOK - BOOK_AND_QUILL edit_effect: - FIREWORK_ROCKET - FIREWORK edit_style: - NETHER_STAR edit_data: - BOOK reset: - BARRIER # That's everything! You reached the end of the configuration. # Enjoy the plugin!