# __________ __ __________ __ __ __ ________ # \______ \ | _____ ___ __ __________\______ \_____ ________/ |_|__| ____ | | ____ ______ ___ __/ _____/ # | ___/ | \__ \< | |/ __ \_ __ \ ___/\__ \\_ __ \ __\ |/ ___\| | _/ __ \ / ___/ \ \/ / __ \ # | | | |__/ __ \\___ \ ___/| | \/ | / __ \| | \/| | | \ \___| |_\ ___/ \___ \ \ /\ |__\ \ # |____| |____(____ / ____|\___ >__| |____| (____ /__| |__| |__|\___ >____/\___ >____ > \_/ \_____ / # \/\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ # ==================================================== # # PlayerParticles Config # # Welcome to the beginning # # ==================================================== # # This value is the version of the plugin that last modified the config file # Changing this value manually will likely result in data loss and errors! # Do not change this manually unless specifically told to by the plugin author version: 6.3 # Check for new versions of the plugin # Default: true check-updates: false # If metrics should be sent to bStats # I would appreciate it if you left this enabled, it helps me get statistics on who uses this plugin # Default: true send-metrics: false # The .lang file to use in the ./lang/ folder # Default: 'en_US.lang' lang-file: 'en_US.lang' # If you're using other plugins to execute commands you may wish to turn off messages # Default: true messages-enabled: true # Whether or not to use the message-prefix field when displaying messages # Default: true use-message-prefix: true # The prefix to use for all PlayerParticles messages # This is useless if use-message-prefix is set to false # Default: '&7[&3PlayerParticles&7]' message-prefix: '&7[&3PlayerParticles&7]' # If the command /pp gui is enabled # Disable this if you have your own custom GUI through another plugin # Default: true gui-enabled: true # If clicking a GUI button should make a noise # Default: true gui-button-sound: true # If true, styles will not display while the player is moving # They will instead have the effect displayed at their feet # Note: Not all styles abide by this rule, but most will # Default: false toggle-on-move: false # The time (in ticks) a player has to be standing still before they are considered to be stopped # This setting has no effect if toggle-on-move is set to false # The value must be a positive whole number # Default: 9 toggle-on-move-delay: 9 # The worlds which this plugin is disabled in # Remove the [] before you enter world names # Default: [] disabled-worlds: [] # - your_world_name_here # - add_more_under_these # The maximum number of particles a player can apply at once # The GUI will only display up to 21, don't set this any higher than that # Default: 3 max-particles: 3 # The maximum number of groups a player can have saved # The GUI will only display up to 21, don't set this any higher than that # Default: 10 max-groups: 10 # Max fixed effects per player # Default: 5 max-fixed-effects: 5 # Max fixed effect creation distance # Determines how far away a player may create a fixed effect from themselves # This measurement is in blocks # Set to 0 for infinite distance # Default: 32 max-fixed-effect-creation-distance: 32 # How many ticks to wait before spawning more particles # Increasing this value may cause less lag (if there was any), but will decrease prettiness # Only use whole numbers greater than or equal to 1 # Going over 3 will likely look terrible # Default: 1 ticks-per-particle: 1 # From how many blocks away should a player be able to see the particles from another player? # Default: 48 particle-render-range-player: 48 # From how many blocks away should a player be able to see the particles from a fixed effect? # Default: 192 particle-render-range-fixed-effect: 192 # How many out of 360 hue ticks to move per game tick # Higher values make the rainbow cycle faster # Note: Must be positive whole numbers # Default: 2 rainbow-cycle-speed: 2 # ================================================================ # # DATABASE CONFIGURATION # # Information: # # * This is meant for people who have multiple servers connected # # together through BungeeCord. Unless you have multiple servers, # # it is recommended to keep the database storage disabled for # # the best performance! # # ================================================================ # # Enable Database # Default: false database-enable: false # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The following are only required if database-enable is set to 'true' # # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Database Hostname # Default: '' database-hostname: '' # Database Port # Default: 3306 database-port: 3306 # Database Name # Default: '' database-name: '' # Database User Name # Default: '' database-user-name: '' # Database User Password # Default: '' database-user-password: '' # =================================================================== # # GUI ICON SETTINGS # # This configuration option allows you to change any of the GUI # # icons to whatever block/item you want. # # # # Important Notes: # # * If any of the block/item names are invalid the icon in the GUI # # will be the barrier icon to show that it failed to load. # # * Do NOT change the particle/style name # # * You MUST use the Spigot-given name for it to work. You can see # # all the Spigot-given names at the link below: # # https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html # # * If two icons are listed, the second one is used for below MC 1.13 # # =================================================================== # gui-icon: misc: particles: - BLAZE_POWDER groups: - CHEST preset_groups: - ENDER_CHEST back: - ARROW create: - WRITABLE_BOOK - BOOK_AND_QUILL edit_effect: - FIREWORK_ROCKET - FIREWORK edit_style: - NETHER_STAR edit_data: - BOOK randomize: - HOPPER reset: - BARRIER effect: ambient_entity_effect: - BEACON angry_villager: - IRON_DOOR barrier: - BARRIER block: - STONE bubble: - BUBBLE_CORAL - GLASS bubble_column_up: - MAGMA_BLOCK bubble_pop: - BUBBLE_CORAL_FAN cloud: - WHITE_WOOL - WOOL crit: - IRON_SWORD current_down: - SOUL_SAND damage_indicator: - BOW dolphin: - DOLPHIN_SPAWN_EGG dragon_breath: - DRAGON_BREATH - DRAGONS_BREATH dripping_lava: - LAVA_BUCKET dripping_water: - WATER_BUCKET dust: - REDSTONE enchant: - ENCHANTING_TABLE - ENCHANTMENT_TABLE enchanted_hit: - DIAMOND_SWORD end_rod: - END_ROD entity_effect: - GLOWSTONE_DUST explosion: - FIRE_CHARGE - FIREBALL explosion_emitter: - TNT falling_dust: - SAND firework: - FIREWORK_ROCKET - FIREWORK fishing: - FISHING_ROD flame: - BLAZE_POWDER footstep: - GRASS happy_villager: - DARK_OAK_DOOR - WOOD_DOOR heart: - POPPY - RED_ROSE instant_effect: - SPLASH_POTION - POTION item: - ITEM_FRAME item_slime: - SLIME_BALL item_snowball: - SNOWBALL large_smoke: - COBWEB - WEB lava: - MAGMA_CREAM mycelium: - MYCELIUM - MYCEL nautilus: - HEART_OF_THE_SEA note: - NOTE_BLOCK poof: - FIREWORK_STAR - FIREWORK_CHARGE portal: - OBSIDIAN rain: - PUFFERFISH_BUCKET - LAPIS_BLOCK smoke: - TORCH spell: - POTION - GLASS_BOTTLE spit: - LLAMA_SPAWN_EGG - PUMPKIN_SEEDS splash: - SALMON - FISH squid_ink: - INK_SAC sweep_attack: - GOLDEN_SWORD - GOLD_SWORD totem_of_undying: - TOTEM underwater: - TURTLE_HELMET witch: - CAULDRON style: arrows: - BOW batman: - BAT_SPAWN_EGG - COAL beam: - POWERED_RAIL blockbreak: - IRON_PICKAXE blockplace: - OAK_PLANKS - WOOD celebration: - FIREWORK_ROCKET - FIREWORK chains: - TRIPWIRE_HOOK companion: - NAME_TAG cube: - STONE feet: - GRASS halo: - END_PORTAL_FRAME - ENDER_PORTAL_FRAME hurt: - CACTUS invocation: - ENDER_EYE - EYE_OF_ENDER move: - PISTON - PISTON_BASE normal: - DIRT orbit: - ENCHANTING_TABLE - ENCHANTMENT_TABLE overhead: - GLOWSTONE point: - STONE_BUTTON popper: - POPPED_CHORUS_FRUIT - CHORUS_FRUIT_POPPED pulse: - REDSTONE_TORCH - REDSTONE_TORCH_ON quadhelix: - NAUTILUS_SHELL - ACTIVATOR_RAIL rings: - LEAD sphere: - HEART_OF_THE_SEA - SNOWBALL spin: - BEACON spiral: - HOPPER swords: - IRON_SWORD thick: - COBWEB - WEB twins: - OAK_FENCE - FENCE vortex: - GLOWSTONE_DUST whirl: - FEATHER whirlwind: - STRING wings: - ELYTRA # That's everything! You reached the end of the configuration. # Enjoy the plugin!