Prefix: '&l&oCosmetics >&r' No-Permission: '%prefix% &c&lYou don''t have the permission!' Cosmetic-Disabled: '%prefix% &c&lThis cosmetic is disabled!' Invalid-Gadget: '%prefix% &c&lInvalid Gadget!' Invalid-Pet: '%prefix% &c&lInvalid Pet!' Invalid-Mount: '%prefix% &c&lInvalid Mount!' Invalid-Effect: '%prefix% &c&lInvalid Effect!' Invalid-Morph: '%prefix% &c&lInvalid Morph!' Invalid-Hat: '%prefix% &c&lInvalid Hat!' Invalid-Suit: '%prefix% &c&lInvalid Suit!' Invalid-Emote: '%prefix% &c&lInvalid Emote!' Invalid-Menu: '%prefix% &c&lInvalid Menu!' Ammo: '&7Your ammo: &e%ammo%' Purchase: '&a&lPURCHASE' Cancel: '&c&lCANCEL' Buy-Ammo-Description: '&e&lBuy %amount% %gadgetname% ammo &e&lfor %price%$' Right-Click-Buy-Ammo: '&7Right Click to Buy Ammo' Not-Enough-Money: '%prefix% &c&lYou don''t have enough money!' Successful-Purchase: '%prefix% &a&lSuccessful purchase!' Buy-Treasure-Key: '&lBuy a Treasure Key' Treasure-Keys: '&7&lTreasure Keys' Treasure-Chests: '&6&lTreasure Chests' Dont-Have-Key: '&4&lYou need a key!' Click-Open-Chest: '&aClick to open a chest' Click-Buy-Key: '&aClick to buy a key' Your-Keys: '&7&oYour keys: &f&l%keys%' Buy-Treasure-Key-ItemName: '&e&l1 &7&lTreasure Key &e&lfor %price%$' Found-Legendary: '%prefix% &c&l%name% found Legendary %found%' Chest-Not-Enough-Space: '%prefix% &c&lThere isn''t enough space for a treasure chest!' Too-Close-To-Other-Chest: '%prefix% &c&lYou are too close to another treasure chest!' You-Won-Treasure-Chests: '%prefix% &f&lYou won: %name%!' Clear-Cosmetics: '&c&lClear cosmetics' Clear-Gadget: '&c&lClear current gadget' Clear-Pet: '&c&lClear current pet' Clear-Mount: '&c&lClear current mount' Clear-Effect: '&c&lClear current effect' Clear-Morph: '&c&lClear current morph' Clear-Hat: '&c&lClear current hat' Clear-Suit: '&c&lClear current suit' Clear-Emote: '&c&lClear current emote' Rename-Pet-Purchase: '&c&lRename the pet to &f&l%name% &c&lfor &e&l%price%$' Active-Pet-Needed: '&c&lYou need to spawn a pet to rename it' Rename-Pet: '&c&lClick to rename: %petname%' Treasure-Chests-Loot: Ammo: '%ammo% %name% ammo' Pet: '%pet% pet' Mount: '%mount% mount' Effect: '%effect% effect' Morph: '%morph% morph' Hat: '%hat% hat' Money: '&e&l%money%$' gadget: '%gadget% gadget' Suit: '%suit%' Emote: '%emote% emote' Nothing: '&c&lNothing' Menus: Main-Menu: '&lMain Menu' Pets: '&lPets' Gadgets: '&lGadgets' Mounts: '&lMounts' Morphs: '&lMorphs' Hats: '&lHats' Particle-Effects: '&lParticle Effects' Suits: '&lSuits' Emotes: '&lEmotes' Buy-Ammo: '&lBuy Ammo' Rename-Pet: '&lRename Pet' Disable-Gadgets: '&c&lDisable Gadgets' Enable-Gadgets: '&a&lEnable Gadgets' Disable-Third-Person-View: '&c&lDisable Morphs Third Person View' Enable-Third-Person-View: '&a&lEnable Morphs Third Person View' Gadgets-Enabled-Needed: '%prefix% &c&lYou need to enable gadgets!' Gadgets: Equip: '%prefix% &9You equipped %gadgetname%' Unequip: '%prefix% &9You unequipped %gadgetname%' Countdown-Message: '%prefix% &c&lYou can''t use %gadgetname% &c&lfor %time%s!' PaintballGun: name: '&b&lPaintball Gun' BatBlaster: name: '&7&lBat Blaster' MelonThrower: name: '&a&lMelon Thrower' Wait-For-Finish: '%prefix% &c&lWait for your previous melon to finish exploding!' EtherealPearl: name: '&5&lEthereal Pearl' FleshHook: name: '&7&lFlesh Hook' DiscoBall: name: '&d&lDisco Ball' Already-Active: '&c&lThere is already a disco ball active!' Not-Space-Above: '&c&lThere is not enough space above you!' ColorBomb: name: '&d&lColor Bomb' Chickenator: name: '&f&lChickenator' PortalGun: name: '&c&lPortal &9&lGun' No-Block-Range: '%prefix% &c&lNo BLOCKS in range!' Different-Worlds: '%prefix% &c&lPortals must be in the same world!' BlizzardBlaster: name: '&b&lBlizzard Blaster' ThorHammer: name: '&f&lThor''s Hammer' SmashDown: name: '&c&lSmashDown' ExplosiveSheep: name: '&4&lExplosive Sheep' Already-Active: '&c&lThere is already a an explosive sheep active!' AntiGravity: name: '&d&lAnti Gravity' Tsunami: name: '&9&lTsunami' Rocket: name: '&4&lRocket' Not-Enough-Space: '%prefix% &c&lNot enough space around and above you!' Not-On-Ground: '%prefix% &c&lYou must be on the ground!' Takeoff: '&4&lTAKEOFF!!' BlackHole: name: '&1&lBlack Hole' TNT: name: '&4&lT&f&lN&4&lT' FunGun: name: '&6&lFun Gun' Parachute: name: '&f&lParachute' QuakeGun: name: '&5&lQuake &d&lGun' GhostParty: name: '&f&lGhost Party' Firework: name: '&c&lFirework' ChristmasTree: name: '&2&lChristmas Tree' Click-On-Block: '%prefix% &c&lPlease click on a block!' FreezeCannon: name: '&b&lFreeze Cannon' Snowball: name: '&f&lSnowball' PartyPopper: name: '&e&lParty Popper' Trampoline: name: '&9&lTrampoline' Gadget-Ready-ActionBar: '%gadgetname% &f&lis ready!' Lore: '&9Gadget' Mounts: DruggedHorse: menu-name: '&2&lDrugged Horse' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s drugged horse' InfernalHorror: menu-name: '&4&lInfernal Horror' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s infernal horror' GlacialSteed: menu-name: '&b&lGlacial Steed' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s glacial steed' WalkingDead: menu-name: '&2&lWalking Dead' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s walking dead' MountOfFire: menu-name: '&c&lMount of Fire' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s mount of fire' MountOfWater: menu-name: '&9&lMount of Water' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s mount of water' EcologistHorse: menu-name: '&a&lEcologist Horse' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s ecologist horse' NyanSheep: menu-name: '&4&lNy&6&la&e&ln &a&lSh&b&lee&d&lp' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s nyan sheep' Snake: menu-name: '&6&lSnake' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s snake' Dragon: menu-name: '&5&lDragon' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s dragon' SkySquid: menu-name: '&9&lSky Squid' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s sky squid' HypeCart: menu-name: '&7&lHypeCart' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s hypecart' Slime: menu-name: '&a&lSlime' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s slime' Spider: menu-name: '&8&lSpider' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s spider' Rudolph: menu-name: '&f&lRudolp&4&lh' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s rudolph' MoltenSnake: menu-name: '&c&lMolten Snake' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s Molten Snake' FlyingShip: menu-name: '&a&lFlying Ship' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s Flying Ship' Spawn: '%prefix% &9You spawned %mountname%' Despawn: '%prefix% &9You despawned %mountname%' Particle-Effects: Summon: '%prefix% &9You summoned %effectname%' Unsummon: '%prefix% &9You unsummoned %effectname%' RainCloud: name: '&9&lRain Cloud' SnowCloud: name: '&f&lSnow Cloud' BloodHelix: name: '&4&lBlood Helix' FrostLord: name: '&b&lFrost Lord' FlameRings: name: '&c&lFlame Rings' GreenSparks: name: '&a&lGreen Sparks' InLove: name: '&c&lIn Love' FrozenWalk: name: '&b&lFrozen Walk' Enchanted: name: '&7&lEnchanted' Music: name: '&9&lMusic' Inferno: name: '&4&lInferno' AngelWings: name: '&f&lAngel Wings' SuperHero: name: '&4&lSuper Hero' SantaHat: name: '&4&lSanta &f&lHat' CrushedCandyCane: name: '&4&lCrushed &f&lCandy &4&lCane' EnderAura: name: '&d&lEnder Aura' FlameFairy: name: '&6&lFlame Fairy' Pets: Piggy: menu-name: '&d&lPiggy' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s piggy' Sheep: menu-name: '&f&lSheep' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s sheep' EasterBunny: menu-name: '&6&lEaster Bunny' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s easter bunny' Cow: menu-name: '&c&lCow' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s cow' Kitty: menu-name: '&9&lKitty' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s kitty' Dog: menu-name: '&7&lDog' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s dog' Chick: menu-name: '&e&lChick' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s chick' Wither: menu-name: '&8&lWither' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s wither' Pumpling: menu-name: '&6&lPumpling' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s pumpling' CompanionCube: menu-name: '&d&lCompanion Cube' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s cube' ChristmasElf: menu-name: '&a&lChristmas Elf' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s Christmas elf' Mooshroom: menu-name: '&4&lMooshroom' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s Mooshroom' IronGolem: menu-name: '&7&lIronGolem' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s IronGolem' Snowman: menu-name: '&f&lSnowman' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s Snowman' Villager: menu-name: '&a&lVillager' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s Villager' Bat: menu-name: '&8&lBat' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s Bat' PolarBear: menu-name: '&b&lPolarBear' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s PolarBear' Llama: menu-name: '&7&lLlama' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s Llama' Parrot: menu-name: '&a&lParrot' entity-displayname: '&l%playername%''s Parrot' Spawn: '%prefix% &9You spawned %petname%' Despawn: '%prefix% &9You despawned %petname%' Morphs: Blaze: name: '&6&lBlaze' skill: '&eCrouch&7 to: &aFly' Chicken: name: '&f&lChicken' skill: '&eCrouch&7 to: &aLay eggs' Slime: name: '&a&lSlime' skill: '&eCrouch&7 to: &aBounce' Pig: name: '&d&lPig' skill: '&eCollide&7 to: &aBounce Players' Enderman: name: '&5&lEnderman' skill: '&eDouble Jump&7 to: &aTeleport' Bat: name: '&8&lBat' skill: '&eDouble Jump&7 to: &aFlap' Creeper: name: '&a&lCreeper' skill: '&eCrouch&7 to: &aDetonate' charging: '&a&lCharging: %chargelevel%/100' release-to-explode: '&f&lRelease to explode!' Snowman: name: '&f&lSnowman' skill: '&eLeft Click&7 to: &aThrow Snowball' Morph: '%prefix% &9You morphed into %morphname%' Unmorph: '%prefix% &9You unmorphed from %morphname%' WitherSkeleton: name: '&8&lWither Skeleton' skill: '&eSneak&7 to: &aBone Bomb' ElderGuardian: name: '&8&lElder Guardian' skill: '&eLeft-Click&7 to: &aLaser' Cow: name: '&8&lCow' skill: '&eLeft-Click&7 to: &aMoo' Sheep: name: '&f&lSheep' skill: '&eLeft-Click&7 to: &aChange Colors' Mooshroom: name: '&c&lMooshroom' skill: '&eCrouch&7 to: &aSoup Throw' Villager: name: '&a&lVillager' skill: '&eLeft-Click&7 to: &aEmerald Throw' Witch: name: '&5&lWitch' skill: '&eLEft-Click&7 to: &aPotion Throw' PolarBear: name: '&f&lPolarBear' skill: '&eLeft-Click&7 to: &aBlizzard' Llama: name: '&3&lLlama' skill: '&eLeft-Click&7 to: &aSpit' Parrot: name: '&a&lParrot' skill: '&eDouble Jump&7 to: &aFlap' Hats: Equip: '%prefix% &9You equipped %hatname% &9hat!' Unequip: '%prefix% &9You unequipped %hatname% &9hat!' Astronaut: Name: '&7&lAstronaut' Scared: Name: '&4&lScared' Angel: Name: '&f&lAngel' Embarassed: Name: '&7&lEmbarassed' Kissy: Name: '&c&lKissy' Sad: Name: '&9&lSad' Cool: Name: '&6&lCool' Surprised: Name: '&4&lSurprised' Dead: Name: '&8&lDead' Crying: Name: '&9&lCrying' BigSmile: Name: '&6&lBigSmile' Wink: Name: '&e&lWink' Derp: Name: '&3&lDerp' Smile: Name: '&e&lSmile' Iron: Name: '&7&lIron' Gold: Name: '&e&lGold' Diamond: Name: '&b&lDiamond' CommandBlock: Name: '&7&lCommand Block' Music: Name: '&9&lMusic' Squid: Name: '&3&lSquid' Chicken: Name: '&f&lChicken' Blaze: Name: '&6&lBlaze' Piston: Name: '&7&lPiston' Sheep: Name: '&f&lSheep' Pig: Name: '&d&lPig' Golem: Name: '&7&lGolem' Enderman: Name: '&5&lEnderman' Mario: Name: '&4&lMario' Luigi: Name: '&2&lLuigi' Batman: Name: '&8&lBatman' Chest: Name: '&6&lChest' Skull: Name: '&f&lSkull' JackOLantern: Name: '&6&lJack-O''-Lantern' Ghost: Name: '&f&lGhost' ScaryClown: Name: '&4&lScary Clown' Santa: Name: '&4&lSanta' Snowman: Name: '&f&lSnowman' Present: Name: '&c&lPresent' Elf: Name: '&a&lElf' Bedrock: Name: '&8&lBedrock' Bread: Name: '&f&lBread' Cheese: Name: '&e&lCheese' Pancakes: Name: '&f&lPancakes' Cake: Name: '&c&lCake' Cookie: Name: '&6&lCookie' CandyCane: Name: '&c&lCandy &f&lCane' Chocolate: Name: '&a&lChocolate' WhiteChocolate: Name: '&f&lWhite Chocolate' Apple: Name: '&4&lApple' Melon: Name: '&a&lMelon' CarvedPumpkin: Name: '&6&lCarved Pumpkin' Strawberry: Name: '&c&lStrawberry' Coconut: Name: '&f&lCoconut' Taco: Name: '&e&lTaco' Bacon: Name: '&f&lBacon' Fries: Name: '&6&lFries' Hamburger: Name: '&6&lHamburger' Popcorn: Name: '&6&lPopcorn' WhiteDonut: Name: '&f&lWhite Donut' PinkDonut: Name: '&d&lPink Donut' ChocolateDonut: Name: '&a&lChocolate Donut' Pie: Name: '&4&lPie' A: Name: '&6&lA' B: Name: '&4&lB' C: Name: '&2&lC' D: Name: '&b&lD' E: Name: '&e&lE' F: Name: '&5&lF' G: Name: '&d&lG' H: Name: '&a&lH' I: Name: '&6&lI' J: Name: '&4&lJ' K: Name: '&2&lK' L: Name: '&b&lL' M: Name: '&e&lM' N: Name: '&5&lN' O: Name: '&d&lO' P: Name: '&a&lP' Q: Name: '&6&lQ' R: Name: '&4&lR' S: Name: '&2&lS' T: Name: '&b&lT' U: Name: '&e&lU' V: Name: '&5&lV' W: Name: '&d&lW' X: Name: '&a&lX' Y: Name: '&6&lY' Z: Name: '&4&lZ' Must-Remove-Hat: '%prefix% &c&lYou must remove your helmet to equip a hat!' Suits: Rave: helmet-name: '&b&lR&a&la&e&lv&6&le &f&lHelmet' chestplate-name: '&b&lR&a&la&e&lv&6&le &f&lChestplate' leggings-name: '&b&lR&a&la&e&lv&6&le &f&lLeggings' boots-name: '&b&lR&a&la&e&lv&6&le &f&lBoots' Astronaut: helmet-name: '&f&lAstronaut &f&lHelmet' chestplate-name: '&f&lAstronaut &f&lChestplate' leggings-name: '&f&lAstronaut &f&lLeggings' boots-name: '&f&lAstronaut &f&lBoots' Diamond: helmet-name: '&b&lDiamond &f&lHelmet' chestplate-name: '&b&lDiamond &f&lChestplate' leggings-name: '&b&lDiamond &f&lLeggings' boots-name: '&b&lDiamond &f&lBoots' Santa: helmet-name: '&4&lSanta &f&lHelmet' chestplate-name: '&4&lSanta &f&lChestplate' leggings-name: '&4&lSanta &f&lLeggings' boots-name: '&4&lSanta &f&lBoots' Equip: '%prefix% &9You equipped %suitname%!' Unequip: '%prefix% &9You unequipped %suitname%!' Suit-Part-Lore: '&9Suits Part' Emotes: Equip: '%prefix% &9You equipped %emotename%' Unequip: '%prefix% &9You unequipped %emotename%' Cry: Name: '&9&lCry' Angry: Name: '&c&lAngry' Happy: Name: '&e&lHappy' Cheeky: Name: '&6&lCheeky' Love: Name: '&4&lLove' DealWithIt: Name: '&7&lDeal With it' Cool: Name: '&9&lCool' Surprised: Name: '&6&lSurprised' Wink: Name: '&a&lWink' Must-Remove-Helmet: '%prefix% &c&lYou must remove your helmet to equip an emote!' Menu: Gadgets: '&9&lGadgets' Particle-Effects: '&b&lParticle Effects' Mounts: '&6&lMounts' Pets: '&a&lPets' Morphs: '&2&lMorphs' Hats: '&b&lHats' Suits: '&c&lSuits' Emotes: '&e&lEmotes' Main-Menu: '&c&lMain Menu' Activate: '&b&lActivate' Deactivate: '&c&lDeactivate' Spawn: '&b&lSpawn' Despawn: '&c&lDespawn' Summon: '&b&lSummon' Unsummon: '&c&lUnsummon' Equip: '&b&lEquip' Unequip: '&c&lUnequip' Morph: '&b&lMorph into' Unmorph: '&c&lUnmorph from' Previous-Page: '&c&lPrevious Page' Next-Page: '&a&lNext Page' Enabled-SelfMorphView: '%prefix% &9you enabled self view for morphs!' Disabled-SelfMorphView: '%prefix% &9you disabled self view for morphs!' Enabled-Gadgets: '%prefix% &9you enabled gadgets!' Disabled-Gadgets: '%prefix% &9you disabled gadgets!' Not-Allowed-From-Console: '&c&lThis can''t be executed from console!' World-Disabled: '%prefix% &c&lCosmetics are disabled in this world!' Disabled-Command-Holding-Message: '%prefix% &c&lYou can''t use this command while holding cosmetics!' Disabled-Command-Wearing-Message: '%prefix% &c&lYou can''t use this command while wearing cosmetics!'