Push latest 1.13.2 files

This commit is contained in:
mathiascode 2019-10-03 17:50:54 +03:00
parent a4d4afff9c
commit 0c06340ba2
21 changed files with 711 additions and 94 deletions

Extras.jar Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

plugins/DiscordSRV.jar Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
# Don't touch pls
ConfigVersion: 1.17.1
# Bot token; don't know what this is? Look at the video on the plugin page for instructions
BotToken: "NjIzNTI2NDc5MTk5OTkzODc3.XYDvfQ.yCPKXzJsvIE7c0TWqWyTvzNte5k"
# Channel links from game to Discord
# syntax is Channels: {"in-game channel name": "numerical channel ID from Discord", "another in-game channel name": "another numerical channel ID from Discord"}
# The first channel pair specified in this config option will be the "main" channel, used for sending player joins/quits/deaths/achievements/etc
Channels: {"global": "623526220755107870"}
# Console channel numerical ID (NOT NAME), leave blank to disable the console channel all together
DiscordConsoleChannelId: "623525900847415297"
# Debug options, don't touch unless needed
# DebugLevel: 0 = no debug, 1 = debug, 2 = debug with stack traces
DebugLevel: 0
DebugJDA: false
CancelConsoleCommandIfLoggingFailed: true
RespectChatPlugins: true
ForcedLanguage: none
Experiment_JdbcAccountLinkBackend: "jdbc:mysql://HOST:PORT/DATABASE?useSSL=false"
Experiment_JdbcTablePrefix: "discordsrv"
Experiment_JdbcUsername: "username"
Experiment_JdbcPassword: "password"
Experiment_WebhookChatMessageDelivery: false
Experiment_MCDiscordReserializer: false
WebhookAvatarsAre3d: false
PrintGuildsAndChannels: true
ForceTLSv12: true
SponsorPebbleHost: false
# Disabled plugin hooks
# Generally, unless you have a reason to touch this, don't
DisabledPluginHooks: []
# Game information, this sets the "Playing ______" indicator for the bot, set to "" to disable
DiscordGameStatus: "Kaboom Minecraft Server"
# Chat channel information
# The chat channel is the text channel that all messages in-game will be sent to and all messages sent
# to this channel on Discord will be sent in-game
# DiscordChatChannelDiscordToMinecraft: whether or not to send messages in the chat channel to the server chat
# DiscordChatChannelMinecraftToDiscord: whether or not to send messages in the server chat to the chat channel
# DiscordChatChannelTruncateLength: the maximum length of messages from Discord to be sent to Minecraft
# DiscordChatChannelTranslateMentions: whether or not to translate mentions like @Person for Minecraft to Discord messages
# DiscordChatChannelPrefix: the character(s) required to prefix a message for it to be sent from Minecraft to Discord (example "!")
# DiscordChatChannelRolesAllowedToUseColorCodesInChat: list of roles allowed to use color/format codes in Discord to Minecraft chat
# DiscordChatChannelBroadcastDiscordMessagesToConsole: whether or not to print processed discord messages to the console
# DiscordChatChannelRequireLinkedAccount: whether or not to require players have their Discord account linked to their Minecraft to have their Discord messages sent to Minecraft
# DiscordChatChannelBlockBots: whether or not bots should be blocked from Discord -> MC chat
# DiscordChatChannelBlockedIds: ids of discord users (or bots) that should not have their messages processed & sent to MC
# DiscordChatChannelColorTranslations: hex representations of Discord roles to be matched with for showing role colors in-game with their in-game equivalent
# DiscordChatChannelRolesSelectionAsWhitelist: if the following list should be treated as a whitelist (true) or a blacklist (false)
# DiscordChatChannelRolesSelection: list of roles that are should be filtered from all of a user's roles
DiscordChatChannelDiscordToMinecraft: true
DiscordChatChannelMinecraftToDiscord: true
DiscordChatChannelTruncateLength: 256
DiscordChatChannelTranslateMentions: true
DiscordChatChannelPrefix: ""
DiscordChatChannelRolesAllowedToUseColorCodesInChat: ["Member"]
DiscordChatChannelBroadcastDiscordMessagesToConsole: true
DiscordChatChannelRequireLinkedAccount: false
DiscordChatChannelBlockBots: false
DiscordChatChannelBlockedIds: ["000000000000000000", "000000000000000000", "000000000000000000"]
DiscordChatChannelColorTranslations: {
"99AAB5": "&f",
"1ABC9C": "&a",
"2ECC71": "&a",
"3498DB": "&3",
"9B59B6": "&5",
"E91E63": "&d",
"F1C40F": "&e",
"E67E22": "&6",
"E74C3C": "&c",
"95A5A6": "&7",
"607D8B": "&8",
"11806A": "&2",
"1F8B4C": "&2",
"206694": "&1",
"71368A": "&5",
"AD1457": "&d",
"C27C0E": "&6",
"A84300": "&6",
"992D22": "&4",
"979C9F": "&7",
"546E7A": "&8"
DiscordChatChannelRolesSelectionAsWhitelist: false
DiscordChatChannelRolesSelection: ["Don't show me!", "Misc role"]
# Console channel information
# The console channel is the text channel that receives messages which are then run as server commands
# by the console as well as having the server's console being streamed to line by line
# You can customize the message including removing timestamps in messages.yml
# DiscordConsoleChannelLogRefreshRateInSeconds: rate in seconds between sending lines from the console
# DiscordConsoleChannelUsageLog: the file that logs all commands being executed by users in the console channel
# DiscordConsoleChannelBlacklistActsAsWhitelist: whether or not the blacklisted commands list acts as a whitelist instead of blacklist
# DiscordConsoleChannelBlacklistedCommands: phrases wrapped in quotation marks that users should not be able to send as commands to the console
# DiscordConsoleChannelDoNotSendPhrasesActsAsWhitelist: whether or not the do not send phrases list acts as a whitelist instead of blacklist
# DiscordConsoleChannelDoNotSendPhrases: phrases wrapped in quotation marks that should not be sent to the console channel
# DiscordConsoleChannelRegexFilter: the regex filter to be applied to console lines being sent to Discord
# DiscordConsoleChannelRegexReplacement: what the regex filter will replace with where matches are found
# DiscordConsoleChannelLevels: levels to send to console channel via appender
DiscordConsoleChannelLogRefreshRateInSeconds: 5
DiscordConsoleChannelUsageLog: "DiscordConsole.log"
DiscordConsoleChannelBlacklistActsAsWhitelist: false
DiscordConsoleChannelBlacklistedCommands: []
DiscordConsoleChannelDoNotSendPhrasesActsAsWhitelist: false
DiscordConsoleChannelDoNotSendPhrases: ["async chat thread"]
DiscordConsoleChannelRegexFilter: ""
DiscordConsoleChannelRegexReplacement: ""
DiscordConsoleChannelLevels: [info, warn, error]
# Chat channel command execute command
# These options control the ability to say "!c kick Notch", or whatever the prefix is to run a command,
# as the console, from a registered chat channel.
# DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandEnabled: whether or not to allow console commands from a chat channel.
# DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandNotifyErrors: whether or not to send a user who tries to run a command without permission that they don't have permission
# DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandPrefix: prefix to use for console commands. e.g. "!c tps"
# DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandRolesAllowed: the user roles that are allowed to execute server commands from the chat channel
# DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandWhitelist: list of commands that are able to be ran with DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandPrefix
# DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandWhitelistBypassRoles: list of roles that bypass the whitelist
# DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandWhitelistActsAsBlacklist: should the command whitelist act as a blacklist instead
# DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandExpiration: time in seconds until a sent command output is automatically removed by the bot. set to 0 to disable expiration.
# DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandExpirationDeleteRequest: whether or not to delete the message of the person that originally issued the command
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandEnabled: true
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandNotifyErrors: true
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandPrefix: "!c"
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandRolesAllowed: ["Member"]
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandWhitelist: ["say", "lag", "tps"]
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandWhitelistBypassRoles: ["Member"]
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandWhitelistActsAsBlacklist: false
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandExpiration: 0
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandExpirationDeleteRequest: true
# Chat channel player list command
# All the config stuff for the player list command
# DiscordChatChannelListCommandEnabled: whether the command is enabled
# DiscordChatChannelListCommandMessage: the command people can type to get the player list
# DiscordChatChannelListCommandExpiration: time in seconds until a sent player list message is automatically removed by the bot. set to 0 to disable expiration.
# DiscordChatChannelListCommandExpirationDeleteRequest: whether or not to delete the message of the person that originally requested for the player list
DiscordChatChannelListCommandEnabled: true
DiscordChatChannelListCommandMessage: "playerlist"
DiscordChatChannelListCommandExpiration: 10
DiscordChatChannelListCommandExpirationDeleteRequest: true
# Chat channel blacklisted phrases & regex
# DiscordChatChannelBlockedPhrases: phrases which if a message is sent in the chat channel containing a phrase here, the message won't be processed
# DiscordChatChannelCutPhrases: phrases which if said in the Minecraft chat will be removed from the message before sending it to the chat channel
# DiscordChatChannelRegex: regex to filter the chat going to Minecraft by
# DiscordChatChannelRegexReplacement: replacement for above option
DiscordChatChannelBlockedPhrases: ["Online players (", "**No online players**"]
DiscordChatChannelCutPhrases: ["@everyone"]
DiscordChatChannelRegex: ""
DiscordChatChannelRegexReplacement: ""
# Channel topic updater settings
# ChannelTopicUpdaterChannelTopicsAtShutdownEnabled: whether or not the channel topics should be changed at server shutdown at all
# ChannelTopicUpdaterRateInMinutes: amount of minutes between automatically updating the channel topics with fresh information
ChannelTopicUpdaterChannelTopicsAtShutdownEnabled: false
ChannelTopicUpdaterRateInMinutes: 999999999
# Discord canned responses
# These are triggers (commands in a way) that will trigger a "canned response" to be sent as a reply to them
# You should probably change these from their defaults or add your own
# Syntax is {"TRIGGER": "RESPONSE", "TRIGGER": "RESPONSE", ...}
# If you do not want any canned responses, set this to just {}
# PlaceholderAPI placeholders are supported for the values
DiscordCannedResponses: {"!ip": "yourserveripchange.me", "!site": "http://yoursiteurl.net"}
# Minecraft to Discord account linking
# These are the config options pertaining to how linking a Minecraft account to a Discord account functions
# MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedConsoleCommands: commands to run when an account is linked, see below for possible placeholders
# MinecraftDiscordAccountUnlinkedConsoleCommands: commands to run when an account is unlinked, see below for possible placeholders
# %minecraftplayername%: player's Minecraft username
# example: Notch
# %minecraftuuid%: player's uuid
# example: you know what a uuid looks like
# %discordid%: linked discord account's id
# example: 12345678901234567890
# %discordname%: linked discord account's username
# example: Notch
# MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedRoleToAddUserTo: the name of a discord role to add a discord user to when they link their account
# MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedSetDiscordNicknameAsInGameName: whether or not to set the discord user's nickname to their in-game account name
# MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedAllowRelinkBySendingANewCode: allows sending a new code to the bot to unlink and relink with the new code
MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedConsoleCommands: ["", "", ""]
MinecraftDiscordAccountUnlinkedConsoleCommands: ["", "", ""]
MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedRoleNameToAddUserTo: "Linked"
MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedSetDiscordNicknameAsInGameName: false
MinecraftDiscordAccountLinkedAllowRelinkBySendingANewCode: false
# Minecraft group -> Discord role synchronization
# GroupRoleSynchronizationRoleIdsToSync: these are Discord role IDs that you want to be synchronized from Minecraft to Discord
# if a role ID is not here, the permission for it (discordsrv.sync.[role id]) is effectively useless
# to get your Discord guild's role IDs, run "/discord debug" and look at the first section
# GroupRoleSynchronizationCycleTime: amount of minutes between repeatedly triggering synchronization for all online players
# GroupRoleSynchronizationRemoveRolesOnUnlink: whether or not to remove synced roles from a Discord user when unlinking accounts
GroupRoleSynchronizationRoleIdsToSync: ["000000000000000000", "000000000000000000", "000000000000000000"]
GroupRoleSynchronizationCycleTime: 5
GroupRoleSynchronizationRemoveRolesOnUnlink: true
# Server watchdog
# The watchdog constantly monitors the last time your server performed a game tick
# If the time since the last tick goes above the set interval in seconds, Discord messages can be triggered
# ServerWatchdogEnabled: whether or not the watchdog is enabled at all
# ServerWatchdogTimeout: time in seconds that need to elapse before the watchdog takes action (Spigot's crash detection uses 60 for this)
# the minimum for this value is 10
# ServerWatchdogMessageCount: the amount of times ServerWatchdogMessage is sent. useful if you *really* want to make sure you know something's up
ServerWatchdogEnabled: true
ServerWatchdogTimeout: 30
ServerWatchdogMessageCount: 3
# Ban synchronization
# When a player gets banned on the server when they have a linked Discord account you can optionally ban them on the Discord server and vice versa
# BanSynchronizationDiscordToMinecraft: whether or not to ban people on the Minecraft server if they get banned from the Discord server
# BanSynchronizationDiscordToMinecraftReason: the message to be used as the ban reason for banning players from the Minecraft server
# BanSynchronizationMinecraftToDiscord: whether or not to ban people on the Discord server if they get banned from the Minecraft server
BanSynchronizationDiscordToMinecraft: false
BanSynchronizationDiscordToMinecraftReason: "&cYou have been banned until further notice from the server because you were banned on our Discord server."
BanSynchronizationMinecraftToDiscord: false

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@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
# Discord -> Minecraft message
# DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormat: the format used when sending messages from Discord to Minecraft
# DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormatNoRole: the format used when sending messages from Discord to Minecraft when the person doesn't have any roles
# Available placeholders:
# %allroles%: all of the person's roles combined with DiscordToMinecraftAllRolesSeparator between them all
# example: Owner | Developer | Boss man
# %message%: message content
# example: Hello!
# %toprole%: person's highest ranking role
# example: Owner
# %toproleinitial%: first letter of the person's highest ranking role
# example: O
# %toprolecolor%: approximate color of person's highest ranking role, definitions for this at DiscordChatChannelColorTranslations in config.yml
# example: &4
# %username%: person's name on Discord or their nickname if one is set
# example: Notch
# %channelname%: name of the channel that the message is coming from
# example: server-chat
# DiscordToMinecraftAllRolesSeparator: the separator used in between roles in %allroles%
DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormat: "[&bDiscord &r| %toprolecolor%%toprole%&r] %username% » %message%"
DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormatNoRole: "[&bDiscord&r] %username% » %message%"
DiscordToMinecraftAllRolesSeparator: " | "
# Minecraft -> Discord message
# MinecraftChatToDiscordMessageFormat: the format used when sending messages from Minecraft to Discord
# MinecraftChatToDiscordMessageFormatNoPrimaryGroup: used in place of MinecraftChatToDiscordMessageFormat
# when no primary group for the player was found
# Available placeholders:
# %username%: raw player username
# example: jeb_
# %displayname%: display name from things like nicknames
# example: BigBossManJeb
# %message%: message content
# example: Hello!
# %primarygroup%: the name of the user's primary group
# %world%: name of world player is in
# example: world
# %worldalias%: alias of world player is in via Multiverse-Core
# example: Mainland
# %date%: current date & time
# example: Sun Jan 1 15:30:45 PDT 2017
# %channelname%: the name of the channel that the message was sent in, if the message was sent in a channel at all
# example: Global
# PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
MinecraftChatToDiscordMessageFormat: "**%primarygroup%** %displayname% » %message%"
MinecraftChatToDiscordMessageFormatNoPrimaryGroup: "%displayname% » %message%"
# Chat channel plugin message
# This is a special message that's only used when a supported chat channel plugin is hooked
# It modifies what the message would be like in-game to include information related to the channel the message is from
# Available placeholders:
# %channelcolor%: the color character corresponding to the channel
# example: messages from the channel are in red, this would replace with the red color
# %channelname%: the literal name of the channel, usually the name only the server sees internally
# example: staff
# %channelnickname%: the formal nickname of the channel, usually the name of the channel that players see
# example: Staff
# %message%: the message after processing through DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormat / DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormatNoRole
# example: jeb_ > Hello from the server!
ChatChannelHookMessageFormat: "%channelcolor%[%channelnickname%]&r %message%"
# Discord console channel message
# This is the format used when sending a line from the console to the console channel, if enabled
# Available placeholders:
# %date%: current date & time
# example: Sun Jan 1 15:30:45 PDT 2017
# %level%: message severity level
# example: INFO, WARN, ERROR
# %line%: line from the console
# example: [DiscordSRV] Enabling DiscordSRV vX.Y
DiscordConsoleChannelFormat: "[%date% %level%] %line%"
# Discord chat channel !c command error message
# Used when an error occurs with permissions for the player to run the command, not an error running the command itself
# This is sent as a PM to the user
# Available placeholders:
# %user%: the name of the user that tried running the command
# example: Notch
# %error%: the reason for the error
# example: no permission
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandNotifyErrorsFormat: "**%user%**, you tried running a command. Unfortunately, there was an error: %error%"
# Discord chat channel player list command
# Messages used for when someone runs the playerlist command in a chat channel
# DiscordChatChannelListCommandFormatOnlinePlayers: the message at the beginning of the list, before all of the player names
# DiscordChatChannelListCommandFormatNoOnlinePlayers: used instead for when no players are online
# DiscordChatChannelListCommandPlayerFormat: the format of how each player should appear in the list
# Available placeholders:
# %username%: raw player username
# %displayname%: display name from things like nicknames
# %primarygroup%: the name of the user's primary group
# %world%: name of world player is in
# %worldalias%: alias of world player is in via Multiverse-Core
# PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
# DiscordChatChannelListCommandAllPlayersSeparator: the separator used in between players
DiscordChatChannelListCommandFormatOnlinePlayers: "**Online players (%playercount%):**"
DiscordChatChannelListCommandFormatNoOnlinePlayers: "**No online players**"
DiscordChatChannelListCommandPlayerFormat: "%displayname%"
DiscordChatChannelListCommandAllPlayersSeparator: ", "
# Minecraft -> Discord player join/leave messages
# Available placeholders:
# %message%: join message as seen in-game
# %displayname%: display name from things like nicknames
# %username%: raw player username
# %date%: current date & time
# PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
MinecraftPlayerJoinMessageFormat: ":heavy_plus_sign: **%displayname% joined the server**"
MinecraftPlayerFirstJoinMessageFormat: ":tada: **%displayname% joined the server for the first time**"
MinecraftPlayerLeaveMessageFormat: ":heavy_minus_sign: **%displayname% left the server**"
# Minecraft -> Discord player death messages
# Available placeholders:
# %displayname%: display name from things like nicknames
# %username%: raw player username
# %deathmessage%: raw death message
# %world%: the name of the world the user died in
# %date%: current date & time
# PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
MinecraftPlayerDeathMessageFormat: ":skull: **%deathmessage%**"
# Minecraft -> Discord achievement/advancement messages
# Available placeholders:
# %achievement%: title of the achievement/advancement
# %displayname%: display name from things like nicknames
# %username%: raw player username
# %world%: the name of the world the user is in
# %worldalias%: alias of world player is in via Multiverse-Core
# %date%: current date & time
# PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
MinecraftPlayerAchievementMessagesFormat: ":medal: **%displayname% has made the advancement %achievement%!**"
# Channel topic updater messages
# This is all the stuff related to automatically updating the chat or console channel's topics with server information
# ChannelTopicUpdater______ChannelTopicFormat: message to set the channel's topic to every X seconds
# ChannelTopicUpdater______ChannelTopicAtShutdownFormat: message to set the channel's topic when the server shuts down
# Available placeholders:
# %playercount%: current player count
# %playermax%: maximum player count
# %date%: current date
# %totalplayers%: total amount of players to ever join the main world
# %uptimemins%: amount of minutes since DiscordSRV has started
# %uptimehours%: amount of hours since DiscordSRV has started
# %motd%: motto of the day of the server
# %serverversion%: server version such as Spigot-1.9
# %freememory%: free memory of the JVM in MB
# %usedmemory%: used memory of the JVM in MB
# %totalmemory%: total memory of the JVM in MB
# %maxmemory%: max memory of the JVM in MB
# %freememorygb%: free memory of the JVM in GB
# %usedmemorygb%: used memory of the JVM in GB
# %totalmemorygb%: total memory of the JVM in GB
# %maxmemorygb%: max memory of the JVM in GB
# %tps%: average TPS of the server
ChannelTopicUpdaterChatChannelTopicFormat: "%playercount%/%playermax% players online | %totalplayers% unique players ever joined | Server online for %uptimemins% minutes | Last update: %date%"
ChannelTopicUpdaterConsoleChannelTopicFormat: "TPS: %tps% | Mem: %usedmemorygb%GB used/%freememorygb%GB free/%maxmemorygb%GB max | %serverversion%"
# AtServerShutdownFormats ONLY supports %totalplayers%, %serverversion%, & %date% / %time%
ChannelTopicUpdaterChatChannelTopicAtServerShutdownFormat: "Server is offline | %totalplayers% unique players ever joined"
ChannelTopicUpdaterConsoleChannelTopicAtServerShutdownFormat: "Server is offline | %serverversion%"
# Discord command message
# This is the message sent to players when they run "/discord". It's recommended to leave command syntax as a part of this
DiscordCommandFormat: "&bJoin us on Discord at http://discord.gg/changethisinmessages.yml. For command help, do \"/discord ?\""
# Server startup/shutdown messages
# DiscordChatChannelServerStartupMessage: message to be sent when server starts; leave blank to disable
# DiscordChatChannelServerShutdownMessage: message to be sent when server shuts down; leave blank to disable
DiscordChatChannelServerStartupMessage: ":white_check_mark: **Server has started**"
DiscordChatChannelServerShutdownMessage: ":octagonal_sign: **Server has stopped**"
# Server watchdog message
# The watchdog constantly monitors the last time your server performed a game tick
# If the time since the last tick goes above the set interval in seconds, Discord messages can be triggered
# ServerWatchdogMessage: the message to be sent the the main chat channel.
# you can @mention users by using "<@USERID>", i.e. "<@12345678901234567890>"
# you can @mention roles by using "<@&ROLEID>", i.e. "<@&12345678901234567890>"; see console when discordsrv loads for role ids
# you can @mention the owner of the server by using "%guildowner%"
# you can put the date and time of the crash in the message by using %date%
ServerWatchdogMessage: "`%date%` %guildowner%, the server room is on :fire::bangbang:"
# Account link messages
# These are messages used when accounts are linked
# Available placeholders:
# CodeGenerated: %code%: the code generated for the player to link their account with
# %botname%: the name of the bot on Discord
# DiscordAccountLinked: %name%: the name of the Minecraft player that the user's Discord account was linked to
# %uuid%: the uuid of the Minecraft player that the user's Discord account was linked to
# MinecraftAccountLinked: %id%: the discord id of the Discord user that the user's Minecraft account was linked to
# %username%: the discord name of the Discord user that the user's Minecraft account was linked to
CodeGenerated: "Your link code is %code%. PM the bot on Discord (%botname%) containing just this code as the message to link your accounts."
DiscordAccountLinked: "Your Discord account has been linked to %name% (%uuid%)"
MinecraftAccountLinked: "&bYour UUID has been linked to Discord user %username% (%id%)"

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
[123, 34, 109, 101, 115, 115, 97, 103, 101, 115, 95, 115, 101, 110, 116, 95, 116, 111, 95, 100, 105, 115, 99, 111, 114, 100, 34, 58, 50, 44, 34, 109, 101, 115, 115, 97, 103, 101, 115, 95, 115, 101, 110, 116, 95, 116, 111, 95, 109, 105, 110, 101, 99, 114, 97, 102, 116, 34, 58, 49, 125]

View file

@ -195,99 +195,11 @@ mute-commands:
- me - me
- say - say
# If you do not wish to use a permission system, you can define a list of 'player perms' below.
# This list has no effect if you are using a supported permissions system.
# If you are using an unsupported permissions system, simply delete this section.
# Whitelist the commands and permissions you wish to give players by default (everything else is op only).
# These are the permissions without the "essentials." part.
# To enable this feature, please set use-bukkit-permissions to false.
- afk
- afk.auto
- back
- back.ondeath
- balance
- balance.others
- balancetop
- build
- chat.color
- chat.format
- chat.shout
- chat.question
- clearinventory
- compass
- depth
- delhome
- getpos
- geoip.show
- help
- helpop
- home
- home.others
- ignore
- info
- itemdb
- kit
- kits.tools
- list
- mail
- mail.send
- me
- motd
- msg
- msg.color
- nick
- near
- pay
- ping
- protect
- r
- rules
- realname
- seen
- sell
- sethome
- setxmpp
- signs.create.protection
- signs.create.trade
- signs.break.protection
- signs.break.trade
- signs.use.balance
- signs.use.buy
- signs.use.disposal
- signs.use.enchant
- signs.use.free
- signs.use.gamemode
- signs.use.heal
- signs.use.info
- signs.use.kit
- signs.use.mail
- signs.use.protection
- signs.use.repair
- signs.use.sell
- signs.use.time
- signs.use.trade
- signs.use.warp
- signs.use.weather
- spawn
- suicide
- time
- tpa
- tpaccept
- tpahere
- tpdeny
- warp
- warp.list
- world
- worth
- xmpp
# Use this option to force superperms-based permissions handler regardless of detected installed perms plugin. # Use this option to force superperms-based permissions handler regardless of detected installed perms plugin.
# This is useful if you want superperms-based permissions (with wildcards) for custom permissions plugins. # This is useful if you want superperms-based permissions (with wildcards) for custom permissions plugins.
# If you wish to use EssentialsX's built-in permissions using the `player-commands` section above, set this to false. # If you wish to use EssentialsX's built-in permissions using the `player-commands` section above, set this to false.
# Default is true. # Default is true.
use-bukkit-permissions: true use-bukkit-permissions: false
# When this option is enabled, one-time use kits (ie. delay < 0) will be # When this option is enabled, one-time use kits (ie. delay < 0) will be
# removed from the /kit list when a player can no longer use it # removed from the /kit list when a player can no longer use it

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ experimental:
# This relates to how FAWE places chunks # This relates to how FAWE places chunks
queue: queue:
# This should equal the number of processors you have # This should equal the number of processors you have
parallel-threads: 8 parallel-threads: 32
progress: progress:
# Display constant titles about the progress of a user's edit # Display constant titles about the progress of a user's edit
# - false = disabled # - false = disabled

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

plugins/iDisguise.jar Normal file

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# Options affecting the basic behavior of iDisguise (including the developer API)
# Do disguised players see their own disguise in 3rd person view.
# This only works for player disguises at the moment.
view-self: false
# Do disguised players keep their disguise when they leave the server
keep-disguise-leave: false
# Do disguised players keep their disguise when you shutdown the server
keep-disguise-shutdown: false
# Modify disguised players' death messages
# e.g. 'RobinGrether tried to swim in lava' -> 'Notch tried to swim in lava' in case RobinGrether is disguised as a player called Notch
modify-message-death: false
# Modify disguised players' join message
# e.g. 'RobinGrether joined the game' -> 'Dinnerbone joined the game' in case RobinGrether is disguise as a player called Dinnerbone
modify-message-join: false
# Modify disguised players' kill message
# e.g. 'Notch was slain by RobinGrether' -> 'Notch was slain by Zombie' in case RobinGrether is disguised as a zombie
modify-message-kill: false
# Modify disguised players' leave message
# e.g. 'RobinGrether left the game' -> 'Herobrine left the game' in case RobinGrether is disguised as a player called Herobrine
modify-message-leave: false
# Modify disguised players' player list entry
# If this is enabled disguised players are NOT shown in the player list except if they are disguised as other players,
# in this case the disguise name is shown instead of the original player name.
# Consider enabling modify-scoreboard-packets as well if you experience problems with scoreboard/nametag plugins.
modify-player-list-entry: false
# Modify scoreboard packets
# This may help scoreboard plugins to work properly with disguised players.
# Furthermore, this option enables compatibility with NametagEdit and ColoredTags.
modify-scoreboard-packets: true
# Show name tags with their original name for disguised players
# Obviously, this option does NOT affect player disguises.
name-tag-shown: false
# Do disguised players sound like actual mobs
# e.g. a player disguised as a cow moos when he is hurt
replace-sound-effects: true
# Change this to true if you use BungeeCord
# Explanation: BungeeCord breaks the standard player disguises, this option fixes that.
bungee-cord: false
# Options affecting the commands and permissions of iDisguise (these do NOT affect the developer API)
# Restrict some player names so your players cannot disguise as them
# Admins might get 'iDisguise.player.prohibited' permission to bypass this restriction
# The names should be lower case (won't work otherwise)
- player1
- player2
# Do disguised players need to have 'iDisguise.undisguise' permission to be allowed to undisguise
undisguise-permission: false
# Options affecting the update checking feature
# Check whether an update is available at every server start
# Admins might get the 'iDisguise.update' permission node to trigger an update check whenever they log in and receive a notification if an update is available
check: false
# Automatically download new updates (however a server restart is required for an update to take effect)
download: false

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
e7fb4fbf-17cd-440a-a46c-681e0bfaa384 -> pig; visibility=everyone; visibility-param=; custom-name=; custom-name-visible; adult; not-saddled

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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
reload-complete: §6[iDisguise] Reload complete.
no-permission: §cYou are not allowed to do this.
console-use-other-command: §cUse /odisguise from the server console.
cannot-find-targets: §cNo target entities were found.
wrong-usage-no-name: '§cWrong usage: account name required'
wrong-usage-two-disguise-types: '§cWrong usage: two disguise types given'
wrong-usage-unknown-arguments: '§cWrong usage: the following arguments could not be
wrong-usage-unknown-arguments2: §7 §o%argument%§7 -> %message%
wrong-usage-see-through: '§cWrong usage: unknown argument §o%argument%'
invalid-name: §cThe given account name is invalid.
event-cancelled: §cAnother plugin prohibits you to do that.
disguise-success-self: §6You disguised as a %type%.
disguise-success-other: §6%player% disguised as a %type%.
disguise-success-multiple: §6%share% out of %total% selected entities disguised as
a %type%.
status-player-self: §6You are disguised as a %type% called %name%.
status-player-other: §6%player% is disguised as a %type% called %name%.
status-self: §6You are disguised as a %type%.
status-other: §6%player% is disguised as a %type%.
status-subtypes: §7(%subtypes%)
status-not-disguised-self: §6You are not disguised.
status-not-disguised-other: §6%player% is not disguised.
outdated-server: §cYour Minecraft version does not support the given disguise type.
undisguise-console: §cYou are not a player so you cannot undisguise.
undisguise-not-disguised-self: §cYou are not disguised.
undisguise-not-disguised-other: §c%player% is not disguised.
undisguise-success-self: §6You undisguised.
undisguise-success-other: §6%player% undisguised.
undisguise-success-multiple: §6%share% out of %total% selected entities undisguised.
help-base: §6§o%command% §6- %description%
help-types: §6%types%
help-types-available: '%type%'
help-types-not-supported: §7§m%type%
help-types-no-permission: §7§m%type%
help-info: §7Use §o%command% §7to read the other pages.
help-player-self: Disguise yourself as a player
help-player-other: Disguise a player as a player
help-random-self: Disguise yourself as a randomly chosen mob
help-random-other: Disguise a player as a randomly chosen mob
help-reload: Reload config and language file
help-see-through-self: Indicate or toggle see-through mode for yourself
help-see-through-other: Indicate or toggle see-through mode for a player
help-status-self: Shows your disguise status
help-status-other: Shows a player's disguise status
help-undisguise-self: Undisguise yourself
help-undisguise-all-new: Undisguise everyone (*), all online players (*o), all players
(*p) or all entities (*e)
help-undisguise-other: Undisguise a player
help-disguise-self: Disguise yourself as a mob with optional subtypes
help-disguise-other: Disguise a player as a mob with optional subtypes
help-subtype: Apply one (or multiple) subtypes
join-disguised: §6You are still disguised. Use §o/disguise status§r§6 to get more
move-as-shulker: §cYou must not move while you are disguised as a shulker.
update-available: '§6[iDisguise] An update is available: %version%'
update-already-downloaded: §6[iDisguise] Update already downloaded. (Restart server
to apply update)
update-downloading: §6[iDisguise] Downloading update...
update-download-succeeded: §6[iDisguise] Download succeeded. (Restart server to apply
update-download-failed: §c[iDisguise] Download failed.
update-option: §6[iDisguise] You can enable automatic updates in the config file.
easter-egg-birthday: §eYAAAY!!! Today is my birthday! I'm %age% years old now.
see-through-status-on-self: §6See-through mode is currently §aenabled §6for you.
see-through-status-on-other: §6See-through mode is currently §aenabled §6for %player%.
see-through-status-off-self: §6See-through mode is currently §cdisabled §6for you.
see-through-status-off-other: §6See-through mode is currently §cdisabled §6for %player%.
see-through-enable-self: §6See-through mode is now §aenabled §6for you.
see-through-enable-other: §6See-through mode is now §aenabled §6for %player%.
see-through-disable-self: §6See-through mode is now §cdisabled §6for you.
see-through-disable-other: §6See-through mode is now §cdisabled §6for %player%.
see-through-entity: §cSee-through mode is only for players.
help-target-uid: §6<account-id> - Select a player by account id
help-target-eid: §6[entity-id] - Select an entity/player by entity id
help-target-vanilla: §6@p/@r/@a/@e/@s[...] - Select entities/players with vanilla
help-target-name-exact: §6"player-name" - Select a player by EXACT account name
help-target-name-match: §6player-name - Match an ONLINE player
help-target-vanilla-tip: '§7Tip: You can use vanilla target selectors in command blocks
like this §o#p/#r/#a/#e/#s[...]'
help-title: §7==== §l%name% §7%version% ==== §l%title% §7(%page%/%total%) ====
help-title-disguise: Disguise
help-title-undisguise: Undisguise
help-title-types: Types
help-title-features: Features
help-title-targets: Targets
help-undisguise-tip: '§7Tip: Append §oignore§7 to the end of the command to bypass
the plugin''s API.'
disguise-alias-bat: ''
disguise-alias-blaze: ''
disguise-alias-cave-spider: cavespider, bluespider, blue-spider
disguise-alias-chicken: chick
disguise-alias-cod: ''
disguise-alias-cow: cattle, ox
disguise-alias-creeper: ''
disguise-alias-dolphin: ''
disguise-alias-donkey: ''
disguise-alias-drowned: ''
disguise-alias-elder-guardian: ''
disguise-alias-ender-dragon: ''
disguise-alias-enderman: endermen
disguise-alias-endermite: ''
disguise-alias-evoker: ''
disguise-alias-ghast: ''
disguise-alias-giant: ''
disguise-alias-guardian: ''
disguise-alias-horse: ''
disguise-alias-husk: ''
disguise-alias-illusioner: ''
disguise-alias-iron-golem: golem
disguise-alias-llama: ''
disguise-alias-magma-cube: magmacube, magma-slime, magmaslime, lava-slime, lavaslime,
lava-cube, lavacube
disguise-alias-mule: ''
disguise-alias-mushroom-cow: mushroom-cow, mooshroom
disguise-alias-ocelot: cat
disguise-alias-parrot: ''
disguise-alias-phantom: ''
disguise-alias-pig: ''
disguise-alias-pig-zombie: pigzombie, pigman, pigmen
disguise-alias-polar-bear: polarbear, bear
disguise-alias-pufferfish: puffer-fish
disguise-alias-rabbit: bunny
disguise-alias-salmon: ''
disguise-alias-sheep: ''
disguise-alias-shulker: ''
disguise-alias-silverfish: ''
disguise-alias-skeletal-horse: ''
disguise-alias-skeleton: ''
disguise-alias-slime: ''
disguise-alias-snowman: ''
disguise-alias-spider: ''
disguise-alias-squid: ''
disguise-alias-stray: ''
disguise-alias-tropical-fish: tropicalfish
disguise-alias-turtle: ''
disguise-alias-undead-horse: undeadhorse, zombie-horse, zombiehorse
disguise-alias-vex: ''
disguise-alias-villager: ''
disguise-alias-vindicator: ''
disguise-alias-witch: ''
disguise-alias-wither: witherboss
disguise-alias-wither-skeleton: ''
disguise-alias-wolf: dog
disguise-alias-zombie: ''
disguise-alias-zombie-villager: zombievillager, infected-villager, infectedvillager
disguise-alias-area-effect-cloud: areaeffectcloud, effect-cloud, effectcloud
disguise-alias-armor-stand: armorstand
disguise-alias-boat: ''
disguise-alias-ender-crystal: endercrystal, crystal
disguise-alias-falling-block: fallingblock, block
disguise-alias-item: item-stack, itemstack
disguise-alias-minecart: cart
version: iDisguise 5.8.2

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@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ settings:
late-bind: true late-bind: true
player-shuffle: 0 player-shuffle: 0
user-cache-size: 1000 user-cache-size: 1000
moved-wrongly-threshold: 100.0 moved-wrongly-threshold: 0.0625
moved-too-quickly-multiplier: 100.0 moved-too-quickly-multiplier: 10.0
timeout-time: 60 timeout-time: 60
restart-on-crash: true restart-on-crash: true
restart-script: script/stop restart-script: script/stop
netty-threads: 8 netty-threads: 32
debug: false debug: false
attribute: attribute:
maxHealth: maxHealth:
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ world-settings:
seed-ocean: 14357621 seed-ocean: 14357621
seed-outpost: 165745296 seed-outpost: 165745296
seed-slime: 987234911 seed-slime: 987234911
max-tnt-per-tick: 10 max-tnt-per-tick: 100
enable-zombie-pigmen-portal-spawns: true enable-zombie-pigmen-portal-spawns: true
item-despawn-rate: 6000 item-despawn-rate: 6000
arrow-despawn-rate: 1200 arrow-despawn-rate: 1200