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2019-10-03 14:50:54 +00:00
# Discord -> Minecraft message
# DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormat: the format used when sending messages from Discord to Minecraft
# DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormatNoRole: the format used when sending messages from Discord to Minecraft when the person doesn't have any roles
# Available placeholders:
# %allroles%: all of the person's roles combined with DiscordToMinecraftAllRolesSeparator between them all
# example: Owner | Developer | Boss man
# %message%: message content
# example: Hello!
# %toprole%: person's highest ranking role
# example: Owner
# %toproleinitial%: first letter of the person's highest ranking role
# example: O
# %toprolecolor%: approximate color of person's highest ranking role, definitions for this at DiscordChatChannelColorTranslations in config.yml
# example: &4
# %username%: person's name on Discord or their nickname if one is set
# example: Notch
# %channelname%: name of the channel that the message is coming from
# example: server-chat
# DiscordToMinecraftAllRolesSeparator: the separator used in between roles in %allroles%
DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormat: "[&bDiscord &r| %toprolecolor%%toprole%&r] %username% » %message%"
DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormatNoRole: "[&bDiscord&r] %username% » %message%"
DiscordToMinecraftAllRolesSeparator: " | "
# Minecraft -> Discord message
# MinecraftChatToDiscordMessageFormat: the format used when sending messages from Minecraft to Discord
# MinecraftChatToDiscordMessageFormatNoPrimaryGroup: used in place of MinecraftChatToDiscordMessageFormat
# when no primary group for the player was found
# Available placeholders:
# %username%: raw player username
# example: jeb_
# %displayname%: display name from things like nicknames
# example: BigBossManJeb
# %message%: message content
# example: Hello!
# %primarygroup%: the name of the user's primary group
# %world%: name of world player is in
# example: world
# %worldalias%: alias of world player is in via Multiverse-Core
# example: Mainland
# %date%: current date & time
# example: Sun Jan 1 15:30:45 PDT 2017
# %channelname%: the name of the channel that the message was sent in, if the message was sent in a channel at all
# example: Global
# PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
MinecraftChatToDiscordMessageFormat: "**%primarygroup%** %displayname% » %message%"
MinecraftChatToDiscordMessageFormatNoPrimaryGroup: "%displayname% » %message%"
# Chat channel plugin message
# This is a special message that's only used when a supported chat channel plugin is hooked
# It modifies what the message would be like in-game to include information related to the channel the message is from
# Available placeholders:
# %channelcolor%: the color character corresponding to the channel
# example: messages from the channel are in red, this would replace with the red color
# %channelname%: the literal name of the channel, usually the name only the server sees internally
# example: staff
# %channelnickname%: the formal nickname of the channel, usually the name of the channel that players see
# example: Staff
# %message%: the message after processing through DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormat / DiscordToMinecraftChatMessageFormatNoRole
# example: jeb_ > Hello from the server!
ChatChannelHookMessageFormat: "%channelcolor%[%channelnickname%]&r %message%"
# Discord console channel message
# This is the format used when sending a line from the console to the console channel, if enabled
# Available placeholders:
# %date%: current date & time
# example: Sun Jan 1 15:30:45 PDT 2017
# %level%: message severity level
# example: INFO, WARN, ERROR
# %line%: line from the console
# example: [DiscordSRV] Enabling DiscordSRV vX.Y
DiscordConsoleChannelFormat: "[%date% %level%] %line%"
# Discord chat channel !c command error message
# Used when an error occurs with permissions for the player to run the command, not an error running the command itself
# This is sent as a PM to the user
# Available placeholders:
# %user%: the name of the user that tried running the command
# example: Notch
# %error%: the reason for the error
# example: no permission
DiscordChatChannelConsoleCommandNotifyErrorsFormat: "**%user%**, you tried running a command. Unfortunately, there was an error: %error%"
# Discord chat channel player list command
# Messages used for when someone runs the playerlist command in a chat channel
# DiscordChatChannelListCommandFormatOnlinePlayers: the message at the beginning of the list, before all of the player names
# DiscordChatChannelListCommandFormatNoOnlinePlayers: used instead for when no players are online
# DiscordChatChannelListCommandPlayerFormat: the format of how each player should appear in the list
# Available placeholders:
# %username%: raw player username
# %displayname%: display name from things like nicknames
# %primarygroup%: the name of the user's primary group
# %world%: name of world player is in
# %worldalias%: alias of world player is in via Multiverse-Core
# PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
# DiscordChatChannelListCommandAllPlayersSeparator: the separator used in between players
DiscordChatChannelListCommandFormatOnlinePlayers: "**Online players (%playercount%):**"
DiscordChatChannelListCommandFormatNoOnlinePlayers: "**No online players**"
DiscordChatChannelListCommandPlayerFormat: "%displayname%"
DiscordChatChannelListCommandAllPlayersSeparator: ", "
# Minecraft -> Discord player join/leave messages
# Available placeholders:
# %message%: join message as seen in-game
# %displayname%: display name from things like nicknames
# %username%: raw player username
# %date%: current date & time
# PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
MinecraftPlayerJoinMessageFormat: ":heavy_plus_sign: **%displayname% joined the server**"
MinecraftPlayerFirstJoinMessageFormat: ":tada: **%displayname% joined the server for the first time**"
MinecraftPlayerLeaveMessageFormat: ":heavy_minus_sign: **%displayname% left the server**"
# Minecraft -> Discord player death messages
# Available placeholders:
# %displayname%: display name from things like nicknames
# %username%: raw player username
# %deathmessage%: raw death message
# %world%: the name of the world the user died in
# %date%: current date & time
# PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
MinecraftPlayerDeathMessageFormat: ":skull: **%deathmessage%**"
# Minecraft -> Discord achievement/advancement messages
# Available placeholders:
# %achievement%: title of the achievement/advancement
# %displayname%: display name from things like nicknames
# %username%: raw player username
# %world%: the name of the world the user is in
# %worldalias%: alias of world player is in via Multiverse-Core
# %date%: current date & time
# PlaceholderAPI placeholders are also supported
MinecraftPlayerAchievementMessagesFormat: ":medal: **%displayname% has made the advancement %achievement%!**"
# Channel topic updater messages
# This is all the stuff related to automatically updating the chat or console channel's topics with server information
# ChannelTopicUpdater______ChannelTopicFormat: message to set the channel's topic to every X seconds
# ChannelTopicUpdater______ChannelTopicAtShutdownFormat: message to set the channel's topic when the server shuts down
# Available placeholders:
# %playercount%: current player count
# %playermax%: maximum player count
# %date%: current date
# %totalplayers%: total amount of players to ever join the main world
# %uptimemins%: amount of minutes since DiscordSRV has started
# %uptimehours%: amount of hours since DiscordSRV has started
# %motd%: motto of the day of the server
# %serverversion%: server version such as Spigot-1.9
# %freememory%: free memory of the JVM in MB
# %usedmemory%: used memory of the JVM in MB
# %totalmemory%: total memory of the JVM in MB
# %maxmemory%: max memory of the JVM in MB
# %freememorygb%: free memory of the JVM in GB
# %usedmemorygb%: used memory of the JVM in GB
# %totalmemorygb%: total memory of the JVM in GB
# %maxmemorygb%: max memory of the JVM in GB
# %tps%: average TPS of the server
ChannelTopicUpdaterChatChannelTopicFormat: "%playercount%/%playermax% players online | %totalplayers% unique players ever joined | Server online for %uptimemins% minutes | Last update: %date%"
ChannelTopicUpdaterConsoleChannelTopicFormat: "TPS: %tps% | Mem: %usedmemorygb%GB used/%freememorygb%GB free/%maxmemorygb%GB max | %serverversion%"
# AtServerShutdownFormats ONLY supports %totalplayers%, %serverversion%, & %date% / %time%
ChannelTopicUpdaterChatChannelTopicAtServerShutdownFormat: "Server is offline | %totalplayers% unique players ever joined"
ChannelTopicUpdaterConsoleChannelTopicAtServerShutdownFormat: "Server is offline | %serverversion%"
# Discord command message
# This is the message sent to players when they run "/discord". It's recommended to leave command syntax as a part of this
DiscordCommandFormat: "&bJoin us on Discord at For command help, do \"/discord ?\""
# Server startup/shutdown messages
# DiscordChatChannelServerStartupMessage: message to be sent when server starts; leave blank to disable
# DiscordChatChannelServerShutdownMessage: message to be sent when server shuts down; leave blank to disable
DiscordChatChannelServerStartupMessage: ":white_check_mark: **Server has started**"
DiscordChatChannelServerShutdownMessage: ":octagonal_sign: **Server has stopped**"
# Server watchdog message
# The watchdog constantly monitors the last time your server performed a game tick
# If the time since the last tick goes above the set interval in seconds, Discord messages can be triggered
# ServerWatchdogMessage: the message to be sent the the main chat channel.
# you can @mention users by using "<@USERID>", i.e. "<@12345678901234567890>"
# you can @mention roles by using "<@&ROLEID>", i.e. "<@&12345678901234567890>"; see console when discordsrv loads for role ids
# you can @mention the owner of the server by using "%guildowner%"
# you can put the date and time of the crash in the message by using %date%
ServerWatchdogMessage: "`%date%` %guildowner%, the server room is on :fire::bangbang:"
# Account link messages
# These are messages used when accounts are linked
# Available placeholders:
# CodeGenerated: %code%: the code generated for the player to link their account with
# %botname%: the name of the bot on Discord
# DiscordAccountLinked: %name%: the name of the Minecraft player that the user's Discord account was linked to
# %uuid%: the uuid of the Minecraft player that the user's Discord account was linked to
# MinecraftAccountLinked: %id%: the discord id of the Discord user that the user's Minecraft account was linked to
# %username%: the discord name of the Discord user that the user's Minecraft account was linked to
CodeGenerated: "Your link code is %code%. PM the bot on Discord (%botname%) containing just this code as the message to link your accounts."
DiscordAccountLinked: "Your Discord account has been linked to %name% (%uuid%)"
MinecraftAccountLinked: "&bYour UUID has been linked to Discord user %username% (%id%)"