OpenJ9 0.21.0

This commit is contained in:
mathiascode 2020-08-02 15:17:00 +03:00
parent 8cc05ffbeb
commit 7536988946
59 changed files with 167 additions and 108 deletions

View File

@ -30,7 +30,28 @@ while true; do
# Start Minecraft server
java -Xmx1800M -Xss8M -Xtune:virtualized -Xaggressive -Xcompressedrefs -Xdump:heap+java+snap+system:none -Xdump:tool:events=throw+systhrow,filter=java/lang/OutOfMemoryError,exec="kill -9 %pid" -Xgc:concurrentScavenge -Xgc:dnssExpectedTimeRatioMaximum=3 -Xgc:scvNoAdaptiveTenure -Xdisableexplicitgc -Xshareclasses -Xshareclasses:noPersistentDiskSpaceCheck -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=128M -XX:+ClassRelationshipVerifier -XX:+GlobalLockReservation -XX:+UseContainerSupport -DPaper.IgnoreJavaVersion=true -Dpaper.playerconnection.keepalive=360 -DIReallyKnowWhatIAmDoingISwear -jar server.jar nogui
java \
-Xmx1800M \
-Xss8M \
-Xtune:virtualized \
-Xaggressive \
-Xcompressedrefs \
-Xdump:heap+java+snap+system:none \
-Xdump:tool:events=throw+systhrow,filter=java/lang/OutOfMemoryError,exec="kill -9 %pid" \
-Xgc:concurrentScavenge \
-Xgc:dnssExpectedTimeRatioMaximum=3 \
-Xgc:scvNoAdaptiveTenure \
-Xdisableexplicitgc \
-Xshareclasses \
-Xshareclasses:noPersistentDiskSpaceCheck \
-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=128M \
-XX:+ClassRelationshipVerifier \
-XX:+GlobalLockReservation \
-XX:+UseContainerSupport \
-DPaper.IgnoreJavaVersion=true \
-Dpaper.playerconnection.keepalive=360 \
-DIReallyKnowWhatIAmDoingISwear \
-jar server.jar nogui
# Stop alive checker (will be started again on the next run)

View File

@ -3,13 +3,23 @@
# This script is used as a reference to generate a stripped-down OpenJ9 JRE for the server
rm -rf java/
tar -zxvf OpenJDK*
rm OpenJDK*
mv jdk* jdk/
jdk/bin/jlink --no-header-files --no-man-pages --compress=2 --strip-debug \
--exclude-files=**java_*.properties,**jrunscript,**keytool,**legal/** \
--add-modules \
java.desktop,java.logging,,java.naming,,java.scripting,java.sql,,jdk.unsupported,jdk.zipfs,openj9.sharedclasses \
java.desktop, \
java.logging, \, \
java.naming, \, \
java.scripting, \
java.sql, \, \
jdk.unsupported, \
jdk.zipfs, \
openj9.sharedclasses \
--output java
rm -rf jdk/

vendor/java/bin/java vendored

Binary file not shown.

vendor/java/bin/jitserver vendored Executable file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
#Thu Apr 16 13:41:43 UTC 2020
#Wed Jul 15 14:29:53 UTC 2020
EXEL070=ROM image is wrong version
EXEL079=\ -Xscmx<x> set size of new shared class cache to <x>
J9VM151=Failed to open jimage library
J9VM150=-Xscsoftmx is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified
EXEL071=Failed to find main class name
J9VM153=Switching to internal jimage reader as JVM is unable to use jimage library
EXEL072=VM startup error\: Out of memory
EXEL071=Failed to find main class name
J9VM152=Failed to lookup symbol %s in jimage library
EXEL073=Internal VM error\: Failed to create Java VM
EXEL072=VM startup error\: Out of memory
J9VM155=Bad value for -Xpatch; patch path is not specified in the property %s\=%s
EXEL073=Internal VM error\: Failed to create Java VM
J9VM154=Bad value for -Xpatch; value of the property %s is not specified
EXEL075=\ -Xquickstart improve startup time by delaying optimizations
J9VM157=Class %2$.*1$s(%3$s) can not access class %5$.*4$s(%6$s) because module %3$s does not read module %6$s
EXEL076=JIT - %s\n
EXEL075=\ -Xquickstart improve startup time by delaying optimizations
J9VM156=-XX\:SharedCacheHardLimit\= is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified
EXEL077=\ -Xssi<x> set java thread stack increment to <x>
EXEL076=JIT - %s\n
J9VM159=Error\: %s requires module path specification
EXEL078=\ -Xshareclasses[\:options] Enable class data sharing (use help for details)\n
EXEL077=\ -Xssi<x> set java thread stack increment to <x>
J9VM158=Class %2$.*1$s(%3$s) can not access class %5$.*4$s(%6$s) because module %6$s does not export package %7$s to module %3$s
EXEL078=\ -Xshareclasses[\:options] Enable class data sharing (use help for details)\n
J9VM149=%s is no longer supported. Please add the required libraries/jar files to the classpath.
EXEL068=Internal VM error\: Failed to set array element for %s
EXEL069=Failed to find ROM image
J9VM140=Caller is not annotated as @sun.reflect.CallerSensitive.
EXEL060=Internal VM error\: Failed to create byte array for class name %s
J9VM142=The command-line option -Xrealtime is not supported in this version of the IBM SDK
EXEL061=Internal VM error\: Failed to create java/lang/String for class name %s
EXEL060=Internal VM error\: Failed to create byte array for class name %s
J9VM141=conflicting default methods for '%2$.*1$s%4$.*3$s' in %6$.*5$s from classes [%7$s]
EXEL062=Internal VM error\: Out of memory converting string to UTF characters for class name %s
EXEL061=Internal VM error\: Failed to create java/lang/String for class name %s
J9VM144=too many parameters\: 255 + 1
EXEL063=Class %s does not implement main()
EXEL062=Internal VM error\: Out of memory converting string to UTF characters for class name %s
J9VM143=The command-line option %s is not supported in this version of the IBM SDK
EXEL064=The method main must be declared public, static and void.
EXEL063=Class %s does not implement main()
J9VM146=invokeinterface of non-public method '%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s' in %2$.*1$s
EXEL065=Internal VM error\: Failed to create argument array
EXEL064=The method main must be declared public, static and void.
J9VM145=%s is unsupported on z/OS.
EXEL066=Internal VM error\: Failed to create byte array for argument %s
EXEL065=Internal VM error\: Failed to create argument array
J9VM148=%s is no longer supported. The endorsed-standards override mechanism is only supported via upgradable modules.
EXEL067=Internal VM error\: Failed to create java/lang/String for argument %s
EXEL066=Internal VM error\: Failed to create byte array for argument %s
J9VM147=Cannot attach current thread
EXEL067=Internal VM error\: Failed to create java/lang/String for argument %s
EXEL090=\ -Xscmaxaot<x> set maximum shared classes cache space allowed for AOT data to <x>
EXEL091=\n -Xcheck[\:option[\:...]] control checking use -Xcheck\:help for more details
EXEL092=\n -Xdump[\:option,...] control dumps use -Xdump\:help for more details
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ J9VM177=Class %2$.*1$s must be able to load its nest host %4$.*3$s.
EXEL095=\ -Xrealtime enable realtime extensions
J9VM176=loading constraint violation when overriding method "%2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s" during creation of class "%18$.*17$s"\: loader "%8$.*7$s@%9$x" of class "%11$.*10$s" and loader "%13$.*12$s@%14$x" of class "%16$.*15$s" have different types for the method signature
EXEL096=\ -Xgcpolicy\:metronome enable realtime extensions
EXEL097=\ -Xrealtime enable soft realtime
J9VM179=Module is unnamed.
EXEL098=\ -Xgcpolicy\:metronome enable soft realtime
EXEL097=\ -Xrealtime enable soft realtime
J9VM178=Module is null.
EXEL098=\ -Xgcpolicy\:metronome enable soft realtime
EXEL099=\ -Xrealtime -Xnortsj enable soft realtime
EXEL080=java version "%s"
EXEL081=java version "%1$s/%2$s"
@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ EXEL084=Unable to make a backup copy of file\: %s
J9VM165=\tat %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s (%6$.*5$s\:%7$u)
EXEL085=\nWARNING\: The command line argument "%s" has been deprecated.\nWARNING\: Use "-jxe <path>" instead.\n
EXEL086=\n -Xtrace[\:option,...] control tracing use -Xtrace\:help for more details
EXEL087=\ -Xjni\:<options> set JNI options
J9VM167=GC optimizations on idle are not supported
EXEL087=\ -Xjni\:<options> set JNI options
EXEL089=\ -Xscminaot<x> set minimum shared classes cache space reserved for AOT data to <x>
J9VM117=-Xitsn is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified
@ -173,31 +173,34 @@ SHRC840=Failed to start up the shared cache.
SHRC841=Specify the top layer number. Create a new shared cache layer if the specified layer does not exist.
SHRC846=\nCurrent statistics for top layer of cache "%s"\: \n
SHRC847=cache layer %*.c\= %d
SHRC848=\nCurrent statistics for all layers of cache "%s"\: \n
J9VM191=%2$.*1$s is not visible
SHRC849=Print summary of cache statistics from top layer only. Use printTopLayerStats\=help to see available options.
SHRC848=\nCurrent statistics for all layers of cache "%s"\: \n
J9VM190=Superclass %2$.*1$s can't be an interface
SHRC842=Create a new shared cache layer.
SHRC849=Print summary of cache statistics from top layer only. Use printTopLayerStats\=help to see available options.
J9VM193=Since Java 13 -Xverify\:none and -noverify were deprecated for removal and may not be accepted options in the future.
SHRC843=Invalid layer number %d found for "%s". The layer number should be less than %d.
SHRC842=Create a new shared cache layer.
J9VM192=%2$.*1$s is not an interface
SHRC843=Invalid layer number %d found for "%s". The layer number should be less than %d.
J9VM195=Package array is null.
SHRC844=Invalid layer number %d. The existing top layer is %d. The new layer number should be %d.
SHRC845=Don't check free disk space before creating a persistent cache.
J9VM194=Invalid class loading relationship for child\: %2$.*1$s, parent\: %4$.*3$s
SHRC845=Don't check free disk space before creating a persistent cache.
J9VM197=%1$s is not supported with %2$s.
J9VM196=Package String is null.
SHRC830=Failed to use user's home as the default shared cache directory. The path is too long. Cannot get home directory. Please set another directory via environment variable "HOME" or command line option "cacheDir\=", or fix the home directory in the password file entry.
SHRC835=Check non-bootstrap URL jar/zip file timestamps on every class load.
SHRC836=Destroy all shared cache layers of the same name (use name parm or default)
SHRC837=Failed to allocate a cache descriptor
J9VM180=Module name is invalid.
SHRC837=Failed to allocate a cache descriptor
SHRC838=Failed to start up the shared cache. Modification to a lower layer shared cache has been detected. Expected Unique Cache ID is %s
SHRC831=Failed to use user's home as the default shared cache directory. It is on a Network File System. Cannot get home directory. Please set another directory via environment variable "HOME" or command line option "cacheDir\=", or fix the home directory in the password file entry.
J9VM182=Only bootstrap or platform classloader can define package java or java.*.
SHRC832=Failed to use user's home as the default shared cache directory. Error code is %1$d.
SHRC831=Failed to use user's home as the default shared cache directory. It is on a Network File System. Cannot get home directory. Please set another directory via environment variable "HOME" or command line option "cacheDir\=", or fix the home directory in the password file entry.
J9VM181=Only bootstrap classloader can define module java.base.
SHRC833=Failed to allocate native memory required to get the shared cache directory.
SHRC832=Failed to use user's home as the default shared cache directory. Error code is %1$d.
J9VM184=bad class %2$.*1$s\: Qtype instance field is not a value type
SHRC834=Minimize timestamp checking on URL jar/zip files.
SHRC833=Failed to allocate native memory required to get the shared cache directory.
J9VM183=Nest member %2$.*1$s must be able to load nest host %4$.*3$s
SHRC834=Minimize timestamp checking on URL jar/zip files.
J9VM186=bad object type %2$.*1$s\: object on stack is not a value type
J9VM185=bad class %2$.*1$s\: classref is not a value type
J9VM188=Failed to create a thread\: retVal %1$zd, errno %2$zd (0x%3$zx), errno2 0x%4$x
@ -211,17 +214,17 @@ VRFY007=final method overridden
VRFY008=array index not integer
VRFY009=array not type compatible
SHRC761=Failed to set group access permission as requested by the 'groupAccess' sub-option on the shared cache snapshot file.
VRFY000=%1$s; class\=%3$.*2$s, method\=%5$.*4$s%7$.*6$s, pc\=%8$u
SHRC762=Error getting stats of the shared class cache file when verifying its group access permission.
VRFY001=%1$s; class\=%3$.*2$s, method\=%5$.*4$s%7$.*6$s
VRFY000=%1$s; class\=%3$.*2$s, method\=%5$.*4$s%7$.*6$s, pc\=%8$u
SHRC763=All shared classes sub-options in total should not be longer than %u chars.
VRFY002=bytecode sequence invalid
VRFY001=%1$s; class\=%3$.*2$s, method\=%5$.*4$s%7$.*6$s
SHRC764=Unable to create shared memory of size %1$d bytes as requested \n \tAdjusted to maximum shared memory permitted (%2$d bytes) \n \t(To increase available shared memory, modify system SHMMAX value) \n \t If -Xscdmx is used, the debug attribute area is adjusted in proportion \n \t according to its original ratio to the -Xscmx value.
VRFY002=bytecode sequence invalid
VRFY003=class does not contain pre-verify data
VRFY004=jsr inlining encountered too many jsrs
VRFY005=local not type compatible
VRFY006=new array size not integer
SHRC760=Failed to set group access permission as requested by the 'groupAccess' sub-option on the shared memory control file associated with shared class cache.
VRFY006=new array size not integer
SHRC769=The JVM has enabled shared cache partial page protection as the existing shared cache was created with partial page protection enabled.
SHRC765=Memory page protection on runtime data, string read-write data and partially filled pages is successfully enabled
SHRC766=Memory page protection on runtime data and partially filled pages is successfully enabled
@ -229,14 +232,14 @@ SHRC767=Memory page protection on runtime data and string read-write data is suc
SHRC768=Memory page protection on runtime data is successfully enabled
VRFY018=max stack exceeded
VRFY019=class load failed
VRFY010=multiple jsrs use single return
SHRC750=No AOT methods match the method specification(s)
VRFY011=lookupswitch parameter not integer
VRFY010=multiple jsrs use single return
SHRC751=Failed to parse the method specifications. No more than %d method specifications are allowed.
VRFY012=stack shape inconsistent
VRFY011=lookupswitch parameter not integer
SHRC752=Failed to parse the method specification(s)
VRFY013=class loading constraint violated
VRFY012=stack shape inconsistent
SHRC753=Failed to get the cache write mutex
VRFY013=class loading constraint violated
VRFY014=return bytecode incompatible with return type
VRFY015=multiple returns to single jsr
VRFY016=shift bytecode parameter not integer
@ -246,8 +249,8 @@ SHRC759=Failed to set group access permission as requested by the 'groupAccess'
SHRC754=Recreation of shared memory control file is not allowed.
SHRC755=\t invalidatedaot\tPrints only invalidated aot types in the shared cache.
SHRC756=Failed to set group access permission on the shared cache file as requested by the 'groupAccess' sub-option.
VRFY020=invoke arguments not type compatible
SHRC757=Failed to set group access permission as requested by the 'groupAccess' sub-option on the semaphore set with semid\=%d associated with shared class cache.
VRFY020=invoke arguments not type compatible
SHRC783=The maximum allowed JIT data space should not be greater than the softmx limit of %u bytes set on shared cache usage.
SHRC300=The shared class cache is in use by another vm, cannot grow the nested cache
SHRC784=Cannot set the minimum reserved AOT and/or JIT data space as requested. The softmx limit set on shared cache usage, or total cache size is not big enough.
@ -288,24 +291,24 @@ SHRC325=Failed posting the shared classes cache header lock failed during initia
SHRC326=Failed posting the shared classes cache user lock failed during initialization. Warning\: your cache may be corrupt. If you experience problems using the shared cache, you may need to destroy and re-create it.
SHRC327=SH_OSCachesysv\:\:acquireWriteLock() call to j9shsem_wait has failed with error %d.
SHRC328=System V IPC reported the following error '%s'
VERB032=min reserved shared class cache space for JIT data
SHRC310=Persistent cache cannot be located on a networked file system. Select a different cacheDir.
SHRC794=Adjust the maximum shared classes cache space allowed for JIT data to <size>.
VERB033=max allowed shared class cache space for JIT data
VERB032=min reserved shared class cache space for JIT data
SHRC311=Error releasing shared class cache file attach write lock
SHRC795=The sum of minimum reserved AOT bytes %d and minumum reserved JIT data bytes %d should not be greater than the softmx bytes %d.
VERB034=large page size for JIT code cache
VERB033=max allowed shared class cache space for JIT data
SHRC312=Error releasing shared class cache file header write lock
SHRC796=The minimum reserved AOT space should not be greater than the softmx limit %d set on shared cache usage.
VERB035=available large page sizes for JIT code cache\:
VERB034=large page size for JIT code cache
SHRC313=Failed to create jclCacheMutex in shrinit
SHRC797=The minimum reserved JIT data space should not be greater than the softmx limit %d set on shared cache usage.
VERB036=compressed references metadata initial size
VERB035=available large page sizes for JIT code cache\:
SHRC790=Adjust the softmx size in the cache to <size>.
VERB037=shared class cache size
VERB036=compressed references metadata initial size
SHRC791=Adjust the minimum shared classes cache space reserved for AOT data to <size>.
VERB038=shared class cache soft max size
VERB037=shared class cache size
SHRC792=Adjust the maximum shared classes cache space allowed for AOT data to <size>.
VERB038=shared class cache soft max size
SHRC793=Adjust the minimum shared classes cache space reserved for JIT data to <size>.
SHRC318=Error recovery\: destroying shared memory.
SHRC319=Error recovery\: closing shared memory.
@ -313,53 +316,53 @@ SHRC314=Cannot allocate memory for hint lookup table in SH_Manager
SHRC798=The maximum allowed AOT space should not be greater than the softmx limit %d set on shared cache usage.
SHRC315=Cannot initialize cachelet class memory segments
SHRC799=The maximum allowed JIT data space should not be greater than the softmx limit %d set on shared cache usage.
VERB030=max allowed shared class cache space for JIT
SHRC316=Cannot serialize cache because there is no current VM thread.
VERB031=reserved shared class cache space for class debug attributes
VERB030=max allowed shared class cache space for JIT
SHRC317=Print the name of the shared class cache file that will be used.
VERB031=reserved shared class cache space for class debug attributes
VRFY029=invalid returnAddress for ret instruction
VRFY021=thrown object not throwable
SHRC343=Found class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with URL %4$.*3$s.
VRFY022=subroutines must be re-walked for each jsr
VRFY021=thrown object not throwable
SHRC344=Failed to find class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with URL %4$.*3$s.
VRFY023=tableswitch parameter not integer
VRFY022=subroutines must be re-walked for each jsr
SHRC345=Found class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with Token %4$.*3$s.
VRFY024=arguments are not type compatible
VRFY023=tableswitch parameter not integer
SHRC346=Failed to find class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with Token %4$.*3$s.
VRFY024=arguments are not type compatible
VRFY025=bad access to protected data
VRFY026=unexpected EOF
SHRC340=Shared Cache CRC check failed. Stored CRC %1$x, calculated CRC %2$x
VRFY027=receiver is incompatible with declaring class
VRFY026=unexpected EOF
SHRC341=Found class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d.
VRFY028=bad dimension
VRFY027=receiver is incompatible with declaring class
SHRC342=Failed to find class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d.
VRFY028=bad dimension
SHRC347=Stored class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with URL %5$.*4$s (index %6$d).
SHRC348=Failed to store class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with URL %5$.*4$s (index %6$d).
VRFY030=bad type on stack
SHRC349=Stored class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with URL %5$.*4$s.
VRFY030=bad type on stack
VRFY031=attempt to iinc non integer
VRFY032=bad receiver for <init>
SHRC332=Data memory page protection successfully enabled for cache
VRFY033=field not type compatible
VRFY032=bad receiver for <init>
SHRC333=Default memory page protection successfully enabled for cache
VRFY034=target PC invalid
VRFY033=field not type compatible
SHRC334=Error recovery failed\: Destroying shared memory has failed.
VRFY035=no error
VRFY034=target PC invalid
SHRC335=Error recovery failed\: Destroying shared semaphore has failed.
VRFY035=no error
VRFY036=stack underflow
VRFY037=uninitialized object during backwards branch
VRFY038=invokespecial on invalid target
SHRC330=SH_CompositeCacheImpl\:\:runExitCode failed to acquire the write area mutex (return code %d).
VRFY039=unknown bytecode
VRFY038=invokespecial on invalid target
SHRC331=Acquired a different semaphore than previously used with this cache
VRFY039=unknown bytecode
SHRC336=Port layer error code \= %1$d
VRFY040=verifier unable to allocate native memory
SHRC337=Platform error message\: %1$s
VRFY040=verifier unable to allocate native memory
SHRC338=Port layer error code \= %1$d
VRFY041=invokespecial of wrong initializer
VRFY042=%1$s; class\=%3$.*2$s, method\=%5$.*4$s%7$.*6$s, pc\=%8$u; Type Mismatch, argument %9$d in signature %11$.*10$s.%13$.*12$s\:%15$.*14$s does not match
SHRC339=Platform error message\: %1$s
VRFY042=%1$s; class\=%3$.*2$s, method\=%5$.*4$s%7$.*6$s, pc\=%8$u; Type Mismatch, argument %9$d in signature %11$.*10$s.%13$.*12$s\:%15$.*14$s does not match
VERB007=operating system thread stack size
VERB008=java thread stack initial size
VERB009=java thread stack increment
@ -412,21 +415,21 @@ VERB029=min reserved shared class cache space for JIT
SHRC380=Class debug area %% used %*c\= %u%%
SHRC381=Class LineNumberTable bytes %*c\= %u
SHRC382=Class debug area LocalVariableTable bytes %*c\= %u\n
VERB021=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (unsupported file type)
SHRC387=free bytes %*c\= %d
VERB022=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (unknown file type)
VERB021=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (unsupported file type)
SHRC388=ROMClass bytes %*c\= %d
VERB023=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (unknown error)
VERB022=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (unknown file type)
SHRC389=Metadata bytes %*c\= %d
VERB023=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (unknown error)
VERB024=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (jxe missing rom.classes)
VERB025=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (jxe corrupt image header)
SHRC383=\nbase address %*c\= 0x%p
VERB026=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (opposite endian jxe not supported)
VERB025=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (jxe corrupt image header)
SHRC384=end address %*c\= 0x%p
VERB027=Verbose stack\: Running thread "%2$.*1$s" is using %3$zd/%4$zd bytes on Java/C stacks
VERB026=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (opposite endian jxe not supported)
SHRC385=allocation pointer %*c\= 0x%p\n
VERB028=Verbose stack\: Unable to print the stack info for currently running threads
VERB027=Verbose stack\: Running thread "%2$.*1$s" is using %3$zd/%4$zd bytes on Java/C stacks
SHRC386=cache size %*c\= %d
VERB028=Verbose stack\: Unable to print the stack info for currently running threads
VERB020=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (file corrupt)
VERB018=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (file I/O failed)
VERB019=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (file read failed)
@ -438,8 +441,8 @@ SHRC377=-Xscdmx value of %u bytes is greater than %u bytes of available free spa
VERB011=java thread stack size
SHRC378=\nRelated command line options\:\n
VERB012=RAM class segment increment
VERB013=ROM class segment increment
SHRC379=Class debug area size %*c\= %u
VERB013=ROM class segment increment
SHRC372=\# Zip caches \= %d
VERB014=memory maximum
SHRC373=JIT data bytes \= %d
@ -542,6 +545,7 @@ SHRC709=The JVM is creating a snapshot of the non-persistent shared cache "%s",
CFRE170=RecordComponent name must be a string
CFRE171=RecordComponent descriptor must be a string
CFRE172=Record is implicitly final
CFRE173=LocalVariableTypeTable entry does not match any LocalVariableTable entry
SHRC720=Recreation of shared memory control file is not allowed when creating a snapshot of the cache
SHRC725=The length of the non-persistent shared cache snapshot file "%s" is invalid. The length of the file is %lld bytes. A valid snapshot file is at least %d bytes and at most %lld bytes.
SHRC726=Non-persistent shared cache "%s" already exists. It cannot be restored from the snapshot.
@ -1041,8 +1045,8 @@ JNCK073=JNI advice in %1$s\: JNI_ABORT was specified, but cannot be honoured bec
TRCE003=Error processing trace option, detail\: %s
JNCK074=JNI advice in %s\: Buffer appears to be unmodified. Consider using JNI_ABORT instead of mode 0.
TRCE002=Error processing trace option\: -Xtrace\:%s\=%s
SHRC608=Found %1$s attached data %2$sfor %8$.*7$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s
JNCK079=Advice detected in %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s\n
SHRC608=Found %1$s attached data %2$sfor %8$.*7$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s
TRCE005=Error writing header to trace file\: %s
SHRC609=Updated %1$s attached data%2$s for %8$.*7$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s
TRCE004=Error opening trace file\: %s
@ -1077,18 +1081,18 @@ CFRE088=local variable name must be a string
CFRE089=expecting name and type
JNCK060=JNI warning in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is a malformed method signature ("%3$s")
JNCK061=JNI warning in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is a malformed field signature ("%3$s")
SHRC620=Error opening shared memory region. Control file is found to be corrupt.
CFRE080=method signature is invalid
SHRC621=Error opening shared memory region. Mismatch in shared memory ID.
SHRC620=Error opening shared memory region. Control file is found to be corrupt.
CFRE081=source file must be a UTF8
SHRC621=Error opening shared memory region. Mismatch in shared memory ID.
CFRE082=<init> method may not be static, final, synchronized, native or abstract
CFRE083=class is both abstract and final
CFRE084=no error
CFRE085=inner name must be a string
SHRC626=The stats of the shared cache cannot be obtained since a valid shared cache does not exist.
SHRC627=Recreation of shared memory control file is not allowed when running in read-only mode.
SHRC628=Shared memory control file is not readable.
JNCK059=JNI warning in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is a malformed identifier ("%3$s")
SHRC628=Shared memory control file is not readable.
SHRC629=Shared memory control file is read only.
SHRC622=Error opening shared memory region. Mismatch in shared memory key.
SHRC623=Error opening shared memory region. Check for group id failed.
@ -1116,10 +1120,10 @@ CFRE095=annotations must be interfaces
CFRE096=target not instruction in switch bytecode
SHRC615=An error has occurred while opening semaphore. Mismatch in semaphore key.
SHRC616=An error has occurred while opening semaphore. Mismatch in number of semaphores in the semaphore set.
SHRC617=An error has occurred while opening semaphore. Semaphore marker not found in the semaphore set.
JNCK048=JNI error in %s\: Ineligible receiver
SHRC618=Semaphore control file is not readable.
SHRC617=An error has occurred while opening semaphore. Semaphore marker not found in the semaphore set.
JNCK049=JNI error in %s\: va_list reuse detected
SHRC618=Semaphore control file is not readable.
SHRC611=The "disableBCI" sub-option is specified but the existing cache was created with the "enableBCI" sub-option.
SHRC612=Artificially set the storage key (0-15) on z/OS for testing.
SHRC613=An error has occurred while opening semaphore. Control file is found to be corrupt.
@ -1128,8 +1132,8 @@ JNCK042=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is not a subclass of %3$s
JNCK043=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d; unable to find %3$s
JNCK040=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is out of range for a %3$s (0x%4$x < 0x%5$x)
JNCK041=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is out of range for a %3$s (0x%4$x > 0x%5$x)
SHRC619=Semaphore control file is read only.
JNCK046=JNI error in %1$s\: Method has wrong return type ('%2$c')
SHRC619=Semaphore control file is read only.
JNCK047=JNI error in %s\: Incorrect clazz argument
JNCK044=JNI error in %s\: Method is static
JNCK045=JNI error in %s\: Method is not static
@ -1348,8 +1352,8 @@ SHRC174=Enable optimizations for single JVM use
SHRC175=Make the cache persist beyond reboots (Win only)
SHRC176=String invariant relocation enabled
SHRC177=Cannot run safemode due to use of singleJVM option
SHRC082=Cannot create identifiedMutex in SH_ClasspathManagerImpl2
J9VM039=-Xscmx is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified
SHRC082=Cannot create identifiedMutex in SH_ClasspathManagerImpl2
SHRC083=Cannot allocate memory for identifiedClasspaths array in SH_ClasspathManagerImpl2
SHRC084=Cannot allocate memory for linked list item
SHRC085=Cannot allocate memory for linked list item header
@ -1363,16 +1367,16 @@ J9TI060=Create a subscription to verbose GC records
J9TI061=Cancel a subscription to verbose GC records
J9VM030=Invalid UTF8 used in JNI function
J9VM031=Required class %2$.*1$s must be in the boot classpath, but was found in the application class path in %4$.*3$s
CDRT000=Unable to locate JIT stack map - aborting VM
J9TI064=Agent initialization function %s failed for library %s, return code %d
CDRT000=Unable to locate JIT stack map - aborting VM
J9VM032=Unrecoverable error\: unable to load %1$s\: %2$s
J9TI065=Agent initialization function %s not found in library %s
J9VM033=Unrecoverable error\: failed to initialize %s
CDRT002=Failing PC\: %1$p (offset %2$p), metaData \= %3$p
J9TI062=Gets the J9VMThread pointer from a jthread
CDRT002=Failing PC\: %1$p (offset %2$p), metaData \= %3$p
J9VM034=JVMRI requires trace engine\: run with -Xtrace flag
CDRT001=Method\: %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s (%7$p)
J9TI063=Gets the J9Method pointer from JMethodID
CDRT001=Method\: %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s (%7$p)
J9VM035=Unable to allocate OutOfMemoryError
J9VM036=divide by zero
J9VM037=Failed to allocate monitor
@ -1419,12 +1423,19 @@ SHRC092=ADD failure when reading cache
SHRC097=Shared cache "%s" is corrupt. No new JVMs will be allowed to connect to the cache.\n \tExisting JVMs can continue to function, but cannot update the cache.
SHRC098=\nCurrent statistics for cache "%s"\: \n
SHRC099=%1$d\: 0x%2$p ORPHAN\: %4$.*3$s at 0x%5$p.
JITM031='%1$s' option is not complete, must specify '%2$s' parameter.
JITM032=Extra comma characters are discovered in '-Xlp' option - ignored
J9VM040=operating system stack overflow
J9VM041=wrong number of arguments
JITM030=Value for '%s' is not correct
J9VM042=Threading Configuration
JITM035=Large page size %1$zu%2$s %3$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %4$zu%5$s instead
JITM036=Large page size %1$zu%2$s %3$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %4$zu%5$s %6$s instead
J9VM044=Three-tier system monitors supported
JITM033=Large page size %1$zu%2$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %3$zu%4$s instead
J9VM045=Three-tier system monitors not supported
JITM034=Large page size %1$zu%2$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %3$zu%4$s %5$s instead
J9VM046=JLM supported
J9VM047=JLM not supported
J9VM048=JLM hold times supported
@ -1432,82 +1443,93 @@ J9VM049=JLM hold times not supported
J9TI028=Report the end of a RAS dump.
J9TI029=Query RAS dump agent configuration.
J9TI026=Trigger a dump using the given RAS configuration.
JITM019=Concurrent Scavenge feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI027=Report the start of a RAS dump.
J9RI019=jvmri->InjectOutOfMemory not supported.
J9RI017=Can't allocate dump agent in jvmri->SetOutOfMemoryHook, function not registered.
J9RI018=jvmri->NotifySignal raising signal %d.
JITM020=Software Read Barrier feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
JITM021=TM feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9RI015=jvmri->RunDumpRoutine\: componentId is out of bounds.
J9TI020=Gets the OS thread ID from a jthread
JITM024=Compressedrefs Shift mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9RI016=jvmri->SetOutOfMemoryHook called with NULL callback, function not registered.
J9TI021=Get extended frame information
JITM025=Unknown Problem. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9RI013=jvmri->ReleaseRasInfo\: structure has unsupported type field.
JITM022=Lockword mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9RI014=jvmri->RunDumpRoutine\: unable to retrieve component data.
JITM023=Arraylet Size mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9RI011=RasInfo structure has unsupported type field.
J9TI024=Method exit without the return value.
JITM028=%s must be followed by a number
J9RI012=jvmri->ReleaseRasInfo called with NULL RasInfo structure.
J9TI025=Allow direct JNI in the presence of method enter and exit events (resulting in possibly inaccurate reporting of enter and exit)
JITM029=%s value specified is too large
J9TI022=Get extended frame information for all stack traces.
JITM026=JIT failed to allocate memory
J9RI010=jvmri->GetRasInfo unable to allocate memory.
J9TI023=Get extended frame information for a thread list.
JITM027=System configuration does not support parameter '%.*s' in option '-Xlp'
J9TI039=Destroy a named shared cache.
JITM008=JIT failed to allocate memory
J9TI037=Get the heap total memory.
JITM009=System configuration does not support parameter '%.*s' in option '-Xlp'
JITM008=AOT Header Validation failed; feature flag start sanity bit mangled. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI038=Iterate over shared caches.
JITM009=AOT Header Validation failed; feature flag end sanity bit mangled. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9RI008=jvmri->GetRasInfo unable to get components.
J9RI009=jvmri->GetRasInfo unable to allocate memory.
J9RI006=jvmri->GetRasInfo called with NULL RasInfo structure.
J9RI007=jvmri->GetRasInfo unable to allocate memory.
JITM010=%s must be followed by a number
JITM010=SMP feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9RI004=jvmri->DynamicVerbosegc is not supported.
JITM013='%1$s' option is not complete, must specify '%2$s' parameter.
J9TI031=Cancel the async event on a single thread or all threads
JITM013=Disable Traps feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9RI005=jvmri->GetComponentDataArea component %s does not have dataArea under this vm.
JITM014=Extra comma characters are discovered in '-Xlp' option - ignored
J9TI032=Indicates that a thread has processed the async event
JITM014=TLH Prefetch feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9RI002=jvmri->DumpRegister called with NULL callback, function not registered.
JITM011=%s value specified is too large
JITM011=Compressed References feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9RI003=Can't allocate dump agent in jvmri->DumpRegister, function not registered.
JITM012=Value for '%s' is not correct
J9TI030=Signal the async event on a single thread or all threads
JITM012=DFP feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9RI000=jvmri->CreateThread cannot allocate thread arguments memory
JITM017=Large page size %1$zu%2$s %3$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %4$zu%5$s instead
J9TI035=Garbage collection cycle finished.
JITM017=SIMD Enabled feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9RI001=Internal error removing dump agent in jvmri->DumpDeregister, dump function may not have been deregistered.
JITM018=Large page size %1$zu%2$s %3$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %4$zu%5$s %6$s instead
J9TI036=Get the current heap free memory.
JITM015=Large page size %1$zu%2$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %3$zu%4$s instead
JITM018=Async Compilation feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI033=Reset the VM dump options.
JITM016=Large page size %1$zu%2$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %3$zu%4$s %5$s instead
JITM015=Method Trampoline feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI034=Garbage collection cycle started.
JITM016=HCR Enabled feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9VM017=Could not allocate memory for command line option array
J9VM018=Could not allocate memory for shared library load table pool
J9VM019=Unrecoverable error\: Unable to find and initialize required class %.*s
J9TI048=Gets trace metadata that can used with the formatter to process trace buffers
J9TI049=Return Class, Method and Package names for a set of RAM Method pointers
JITM002=Failure storing AOT code in shared class cache. Shared class cache might be corrupted. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI042=Signal autotags for newly allocated object and its class.
JITM002=Failure storing AOT code in shared class cache. Shared class cache might be corrupted. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9VM010=Failed to initialize %s
JITM003=Failure during AOT runtime initialization. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI043=Signal class load only for array classes.
JITM003=Failure during AOT runtime initialization. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9VM011=Unable to load %1$s\: %2$s
JITM000=Unsupported hardware [%d].
J9TI040=Adds the extended capability can_autotag_objects.
JITM000=Unsupported hardware [%d].
J9VM012=Unable to unload %1$s\: %2$s
JITM001=No more space for AOT code in shared class cache. New AOT code will not be generated.
J9TI041=Signal the object(s) renamed event (moved or deleted).
JITM001=No more space for AOT code in shared class cache. New AOT code will not be generated.
J9VM013=Initialization error in function %1$s(%2$d)\: %3$s
JITM006=AOT code in shared class cache cannot run with current garbage collection policy. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI046=Cancel a subscription to external trace records
JITM006=AOT code in shared class cache cannot run with current garbage collection policy. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9VM014=Shutdown error in function %1$s(%2$d)\: %3$s
JITM007=AOT code in shared class cache cannot run with current JVMPI or JVMTI settings. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI047=All in use trace records are switched out and passed to trace subscribers
JITM007=AOT code in shared class cache cannot run with current JVMPI or JVMTI settings. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9VM015=Initialization error for library %1$s(%2$d)\: %3$s
JITM004=AOT code in shared class cache cannot execute on current processor. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI044=Delete all object tags.
JITM004=AOT code in shared class cache cannot execute on current processor. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9VM016=Shutdown error for library %1$s(%2$d)\: %3$s
JITM005=AOT code in the shared class cache cannot run on current JVM release. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI045=Create a subscription to external trace records
JITM005=AOT code in the shared class cache cannot run on current JVM release. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9VM006=Invalid command-line option\: %s
MECK001=Unrecognized -Xcheck\:memory option\: %s
J9VM007=Command-line option unrecognised\: %s
@ -1602,8 +1624,8 @@ SHRC506=The debug area is corrupt because its size of %lu is larger than the tot
J9VM090=Slow response to network query (%d secs), check your IP DNS configuration
SHRC507=Do extra checks when storing and allocating class debug data
J9VM091=Adaptive spinning supported
SHRC508=Acquired a different semaphore than previously used with this cache. old semid\=%d, new semid\=%d
J9VM092=Adaptive spinning not supported
SHRC508=Acquired a different semaphore than previously used with this cache. old semid\=%d, new semid\=%d
SHRC501=The debug area is corrupt because the 'line number table data' low address %p, is greater than the high address %p
J9VM093=This version of Java requires a CPU that supports SSE2 or later extensions. See the 'Supported Environments' information in the IBM Java User Guide for more details.
SHRC502=The debug area is corrupt because the 'local variable table data' low address %p, is greater than the high address %p

vendor/java/lib/jexec vendored

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View File

@ -220,13 +220,19 @@ grant codeBase "jrt:/jdk.zipfs" {
grant codeBase "jrt:/openj9.cuda" {
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "loadLibrary.cuda4j29";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThreadGroup";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";
grant codeBase "jrt:/openj9.gpu" {
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "";
permission "access";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThreadGroup";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";

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Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

vendor/java/release vendored
View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
MODULES="java.base java.datatransfer java.xml java.prefs java.desktop java.logging java.naming java.scripting java.transaction.xa java.sql jdk.unsupported jdk.zipfs openj9.sharedclasses"