Downgrade to Java 14 due to compatibility issues

This commit is contained in:
mathiascode 2020-10-18 18:43:35 +03:00
parent 1d343bb049
commit edd7fbb6cb
58 changed files with 187 additions and 234 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# This script is used as a reference to generate a stripped-down JRE for the server
rm -rf java/
tar -zxvf OpenJDK*
rm OpenJDK*
mv jdk* jdk/

vendor/java/bin/java vendored

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Binary file not shown.

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@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ security.provider.12=SunPKCS11
# and "DRBG" SecureRandom implementations in the "Sun" provider.
# (Other SecureRandom implementations might also use this property.)
# On Unix-like systems (for example, Linux/MacOS), the
# On Unix-like systems (for example, Solaris/Linux/MacOS), the
# "NativePRNG", "SHA1PRNG" and "DRBG" implementations obtains seed data from
# special device files such as file:/dev/random.
@ -251,18 +251,15 @@
# Controls whether or not properties are expanded in policy and login
# configuration files. If set to false, properties (${...}) will not
# be expanded in policy and login configuration files. If commented out or
# set to an empty string, the default value is "false" for policy files and
# "true" for login configuration files.
# whether or not we expand properties in the policy file
# if this is set to false, properties (${...}) will not be expanded in policy
# files.
# Controls whether or not an extra policy or login configuration file is
# allowed to be passed on the command line with
# or If commented out or set to
# an empty string, the default value is "false".
# whether or not we allow an extra policy to be passed on the command line
# with Comment out this line to disable
# this feature.
@ -634,26 +631,6 @@ jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, MD5, SHA1 jdkCA & usage TLSServer, \
RSA keySize < 1024, DSA keySize < 1024, EC keySize < 224, \
include jdk.disabled.namedCurves
# Legacy algorithms for certification path (CertPath) processing and
# signed JAR files.
# In some environments, a certain algorithm or key length may be undesirable
# but is not yet disabled.
# Tools such as keytool and jarsigner may emit warnings when these legacy
# algorithms are used. See the man pages for those tools for more information.
# The syntax is the same as the "jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms" and
# "jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms" security properties.
# Note: This property is currently used by the JDK Reference
# implementation. It is not guaranteed to be examined and used by other
# implementations., \
RSA keySize < 2048, DSA keySize < 2048
# Algorithm restrictions for signed JAR files
@ -791,7 +768,11 @@ jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, RC4, DES, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 1024, \
# Example:
# jdk.tls.legacyAlgorithms=DH_anon, DES_CBC, SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5
jdk.tls.legacyAlgorithms=NULL, anon, RC4, DES, 3DES_EDE_CBC
jdk.tls.legacyAlgorithms= \
DH_anon, ECDH_anon, \
RC4_128, RC4_40, DES_CBC, DES40_CBC, \
# The pre-defined default finite field Diffie-Hellman ephemeral (DHE)
@ -1296,16 +1277,3 @@
# security property value defined here.
# Trust Anchor Certificates - CA Basic Constraint check
# X.509 v3 certificates used as Trust Anchors (to validate signed code or TLS
# connections) must have the cA Basic Constraint field set to 'true'. Also, if
# they include a Key Usage extension, the keyCertSign bit must be set. These
# checks, enabled by default, can be disabled for backward-compatibility
# purposes with the System and Security
# properties. In the case that both properties are simultaneously set, the
# System value prevails. The default value of the property is "false".

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Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
#Tue Sep 22 19:25:32 UTC 2020
#Wed Jul 15 14:29:53 UTC 2020
EXEL070=ROM image is wrong version
EXEL079=\ -Xscmx<x> set size of new shared class cache to <x>
J9VM151=Failed to open jimage library
J9VM150=-Xscsoftmx is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified
EXEL071=Failed to find main class name
J9VM153=Switching to internal jimage reader as JVM is unable to use jimage library
EXEL072=VM startup error\: Out of memory
EXEL071=Failed to find main class name
J9VM152=Failed to lookup symbol %s in jimage library
EXEL073=Internal VM error\: Failed to create Java VM
EXEL072=VM startup error\: Out of memory
J9VM155=Bad value for -Xpatch; patch path is not specified in the property %s\=%s
EXEL073=Internal VM error\: Failed to create Java VM
J9VM154=Bad value for -Xpatch; value of the property %s is not specified
EXEL075=\ -Xquickstart improve startup time by delaying optimizations
J9VM157=Class %2$.*1$s(%3$s) can not access class %5$.*4$s(%6$s) because module %3$s does not read module %6$s
EXEL076=JIT - %s\n
EXEL075=\ -Xquickstart improve startup time by delaying optimizations
J9VM156=-XX\:SharedCacheHardLimit\= is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified
EXEL077=\ -Xssi<x> set java thread stack increment to <x>
EXEL076=JIT - %s\n
J9VM159=Error\: %s requires module path specification
EXEL078=\ -Xshareclasses[\:options] Enable class data sharing (use help for details)\n
EXEL077=\ -Xssi<x> set java thread stack increment to <x>
J9VM158=Class %2$.*1$s(%3$s) can not access class %5$.*4$s(%6$s) because module %6$s does not export package %7$s to module %3$s
EXEL078=\ -Xshareclasses[\:options] Enable class data sharing (use help for details)\n
J9VM149=%s is no longer supported. Please add the required libraries/jar files to the classpath.
EXEL068=Internal VM error\: Failed to set array element for %s
EXEL069=Failed to find ROM image
@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ J9VM143=The command-line option %s is not supported in this version of the IBM S
EXEL063=Class %s does not implement main()
J9VM146=invokeinterface of non-public method '%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s' in %2$.*1$s
EXEL064=The method main must be declared public, static and void.
EXEL065=Internal VM error\: Failed to create argument array
J9VM145=%s is unsupported on z/OS.
EXEL066=Internal VM error\: Failed to create byte array for argument %s
EXEL065=Internal VM error\: Failed to create argument array
J9VM148=%s is no longer supported. The endorsed-standards override mechanism is only supported via upgradable modules.
EXEL067=Internal VM error\: Failed to create java/lang/String for argument %s
EXEL066=Internal VM error\: Failed to create byte array for argument %s
J9VM147=Cannot attach current thread
EXEL067=Internal VM error\: Failed to create java/lang/String for argument %s
EXEL090=\ -Xscmaxaot<x> set maximum shared classes cache space allowed for AOT data to <x>
EXEL091=\n -Xcheck[\:option[\:...]] control checking use -Xcheck\:help for more details
EXEL092=\n -Xdump[\:option,...] control dumps use -Xdump\:help for more details
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ J9VM177=Class %2$.*1$s must be able to load its nest host %4$.*3$s.
EXEL095=\ -Xrealtime enable realtime extensions
J9VM176=loading constraint violation when overriding method "%2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s" during creation of class "%18$.*17$s"\: loader "%8$.*7$s@%9$x" of class "%11$.*10$s" and loader "%13$.*12$s@%14$x" of class "%16$.*15$s" have different types for the method signature
EXEL096=\ -Xgcpolicy\:metronome enable realtime extensions
EXEL097=\ -Xrealtime enable soft realtime
J9VM179=Module is unnamed.
EXEL098=\ -Xgcpolicy\:metronome enable soft realtime
EXEL097=\ -Xrealtime enable soft realtime
J9VM178=Module is null.
EXEL098=\ -Xgcpolicy\:metronome enable soft realtime
EXEL099=\ -Xrealtime -Xnortsj enable soft realtime
EXEL080=java version "%s"
EXEL081=java version "%1$s/%2$s"
@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ EXEL084=Unable to make a backup copy of file\: %s
J9VM165=\tat %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s (%6$.*5$s\:%7$u)
EXEL085=\nWARNING\: The command line argument "%s" has been deprecated.\nWARNING\: Use "-jxe <path>" instead.\n
EXEL086=\n -Xtrace[\:option,...] control tracing use -Xtrace\:help for more details
EXEL087=\ -Xjni\:<options> set JNI options
J9VM167=GC optimizations on idle are not supported
EXEL087=\ -Xjni\:<options> set JNI options
EXEL089=\ -Xscminaot<x> set minimum shared classes cache space reserved for AOT data to <x>
J9VM117=-Xitsn is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified
@ -132,20 +132,20 @@ DUMP011=%1$s dump created process %2$d
DUMP014=VM Action unrecognized\: ...%s
DUMP013=Processed dump event "%1$s", detail "%3$.*2$s".
DUMP010=%1$s dump written to %2$s
DUMP009=%s dump not available
SHRC824=STARTUP HINTS DETAIL Flags\: %1$zu DATA1\: %2$zu DATA2\: %3$zu
DUMP008=using '%s'
DUMP009=%s dump not available
SHRC825=\t startuphint\tPrints only startup hint types in the shared cache.
DUMP008=using '%s'
SHRC826=Startup hint bytes %*c\= %d
SHRC827=\# Startup hints %*c\= %d
DUMP005=Missing external tool
SHRC820=Disable caching of classes loaded by the bootstrap class loader.
DUMP004=Missing file name
DUMP005=Missing external tool
SHRC821=Disable caching of classes loaded by the non-bootstrap class loaders. This option also turns on option "nonfatal".
DUMP007=JVM Requesting %1$s dump using '%2$s'
DUMP004=Missing file name
SHRC822=Do not start up the shared cache if an error occurs.
DUMP006=Processing dump event "%1$s", detail "%3$.*2$s" - please wait.
DUMP007=JVM Requesting %1$s dump using '%2$s'
SHRC823=%1$d\: 0x%2$p STARTUP HINTS KEY\: %4$.*3$s Address\: 0x%5$p Size\: %6$d
DUMP006=Processing dump event "%1$s", detail "%3$.*2$s" - please wait.
SHRC828=The shared cache directory path is too long.
SHRC829=Failed to use user's home as the default shared cache directory. Cannot get home directory. Please set another directory via environment variable "HOME" or command line option "cacheDir\=", or fix the home directory in the password file entry.
DUMP023=The requested heap preparation has not been performed because exclusive access was not requested or could not be obtained.
@ -155,17 +155,17 @@ DUMP024=Multiple heapdumps were requested but %%id is missing from file label\:
DUMP021=The requested heapdump has not been produced because exclusive access was not requested or could not be obtained.
DUMP020=%s dump has been written
SHRC813=Total unstored bytes due to the setting of -Xscsoftmx is %u. Unstored AOT bytes due to the setting of -Xscmaxaot is %u. Unstored JIT bytes due to the setting of -Xscmaxjitdata is %u.
DUMP019=JVM requesting %s dump
SHRC814=\t stale\t\tPrints all the stale entries in the shared cache.
DUMP019=JVM requesting %s dump
SHRC815=stale bytes %*c\= %u
SHRC816=%s value is greater than the shared cache size, so it has been set to equal the shared cache size.
DUMP016=Aborting\: Cannot create file (%s)
DUMP015=Aborting\: Cannot open or read (%s)
SHRC810=Compressed references shared cache snapshot "%s" is destroyed. Use option -Xnocompressedrefs if you want to destroy a non-compressed references cache snapshot.
DUMP018=Requested event is not available\: run with -Xdump\:dynamic flag
DUMP015=Aborting\: Cannot open or read (%s)
SHRC811=Non-compressed references shared cache snapshot "%s" is destroyed. Use option -Xcompressedrefs if you want to destroy a compressed references cache snapshot.
DUMP017=Aborting\: Cannot compress file (%s)
DUMP018=Requested event is not available\: run with -Xdump\:dynamic flag
SHRC812=Feature \= %s
DUMP017=Aborting\: Cannot compress file (%s)
SHRC817=%s value is greater than the shared cache size, so it has been set to unlimited
SHRC818=Total unstored bytes due to the setting of shared cache soft max is %u. Unstored AOT bytes due to the setting of -Xscmaxaot is %u. Unstored JIT bytes due to the setting of -Xscmaxjitdata is %u.
SHRC819=Failed to start up the shared cache. The existing shared cache was created by a different JVM build and doesn't match the running JVM.
@ -187,8 +187,6 @@ J9VM194=Invalid class loading relationship for child\: %2$.*1$s, parent\: %4$.*3
SHRC845=Don't check free disk space before creating a persistent cache.
J9VM197=%1$s is not supported with %2$s.
J9VM196=Package String is null.
J9VM199=class %2$.*1$s is not permitted to inherit from its sealed super interface.
J9VM198=class %2$.*1$s is not permitted to inherit from its sealed super class.
SHRC830=Failed to use user's home as the default shared cache directory. The path is too long. Cannot get home directory. Please set another directory via environment variable "HOME" or command line option "cacheDir\=", or fix the home directory in the password file entry.
SHRC835=Check non-bootstrap URL jar/zip file timestamps on every class load.
SHRC836=Destroy all shared cache layers of the same name (use name parm or default)
@ -212,22 +210,21 @@ J9VM189=Final superclass %2$.*1$s can't be extended
SHRC850=Available options for -Xshareclasses\:%1$s<options>. Use '+' to specify multiple options. i.e. %2$saot+url \n
SHRC851=Turns off timestamp checking when finding classes in the shared cache. Obsolete classes might be loaded from the shared cache.
SHRC852=The top layer (layer %d) of the cache is destroyed. Modification to the layer %d of the shared cache has been detected. Expected Cache Unique ID is %s, current Cache Unique ID is %s.
SHRC853=Processor Features \= %s
VRFY007=final method overridden
VRFY008=array index not integer
VRFY009=array not type compatible
SHRC761=Failed to set group access permission as requested by the 'groupAccess' sub-option on the shared cache snapshot file.
VRFY000=%1$s; class\=%3$.*2$s, method\=%5$.*4$s%7$.*6$s, pc\=%8$u
SHRC762=Error getting stats of the shared class cache file when verifying its group access permission.
VRFY001=%1$s; class\=%3$.*2$s, method\=%5$.*4$s%7$.*6$s
VRFY000=%1$s; class\=%3$.*2$s, method\=%5$.*4$s%7$.*6$s, pc\=%8$u
SHRC763=All shared classes sub-options in total should not be longer than %u chars.
VRFY002=bytecode sequence invalid
VRFY001=%1$s; class\=%3$.*2$s, method\=%5$.*4$s%7$.*6$s
SHRC764=Unable to create shared memory of size %1$d bytes as requested \n \tAdjusted to maximum shared memory permitted (%2$d bytes) \n \t(To increase available shared memory, modify system SHMMAX value) \n \t If -Xscdmx is used, the debug attribute area is adjusted in proportion \n \t according to its original ratio to the -Xscmx value.
VRFY002=bytecode sequence invalid
VRFY003=class does not contain pre-verify data
VRFY004=jsr inlining encountered too many jsrs
VRFY005=local not type compatible
VRFY006=new array size not integer
SHRC760=Failed to set group access permission as requested by the 'groupAccess' sub-option on the shared memory control file associated with shared class cache.
VRFY006=new array size not integer
SHRC769=The JVM has enabled shared cache partial page protection as the existing shared cache was created with partial page protection enabled.
SHRC765=Memory page protection on runtime data, string read-write data and partially filled pages is successfully enabled
SHRC766=Memory page protection on runtime data and partially filled pages is successfully enabled
@ -235,14 +232,14 @@ SHRC767=Memory page protection on runtime data and string read-write data is suc
SHRC768=Memory page protection on runtime data is successfully enabled
VRFY018=max stack exceeded
VRFY019=class load failed
VRFY010=multiple jsrs use single return
SHRC750=No AOT methods match the method specification(s)
VRFY011=lookupswitch parameter not integer
VRFY010=multiple jsrs use single return
SHRC751=Failed to parse the method specifications. No more than %d method specifications are allowed.
VRFY012=stack shape inconsistent
VRFY011=lookupswitch parameter not integer
SHRC752=Failed to parse the method specification(s)
VRFY013=class loading constraint violated
VRFY012=stack shape inconsistent
SHRC753=Failed to get the cache write mutex
VRFY013=class loading constraint violated
VRFY014=return bytecode incompatible with return type
VRFY015=multiple returns to single jsr
VRFY016=shift bytecode parameter not integer
@ -252,8 +249,8 @@ SHRC759=Failed to set group access permission as requested by the 'groupAccess'
SHRC754=Recreation of shared memory control file is not allowed.
SHRC755=\t invalidatedaot\tPrints only invalidated aot types in the shared cache.
SHRC756=Failed to set group access permission on the shared cache file as requested by the 'groupAccess' sub-option.
VRFY020=invoke arguments not type compatible
SHRC757=Failed to set group access permission as requested by the 'groupAccess' sub-option on the semaphore set with semid\=%d associated with shared class cache.
VRFY020=invoke arguments not type compatible
SHRC783=The maximum allowed JIT data space should not be greater than the softmx limit of %u bytes set on shared cache usage.
SHRC300=The shared class cache is in use by another vm, cannot grow the nested cache
SHRC784=Cannot set the minimum reserved AOT and/or JIT data space as requested. The softmx limit set on shared cache usage, or total cache size is not big enough.
@ -294,24 +291,24 @@ SHRC325=Failed posting the shared classes cache header lock failed during initia
SHRC326=Failed posting the shared classes cache user lock failed during initialization. Warning\: your cache may be corrupt. If you experience problems using the shared cache, you may need to destroy and re-create it.
SHRC327=SH_OSCachesysv\:\:acquireWriteLock() call to j9shsem_wait has failed with error %d.
SHRC328=System V IPC reported the following error '%s'
VERB032=min reserved shared class cache space for JIT data
SHRC310=Persistent cache cannot be located on a networked file system. Select a different cacheDir.
SHRC794=Adjust the maximum shared classes cache space allowed for JIT data to <size>.
VERB033=max allowed shared class cache space for JIT data
VERB032=min reserved shared class cache space for JIT data
SHRC311=Error releasing shared class cache file attach write lock
SHRC795=The sum of minimum reserved AOT bytes %d and minumum reserved JIT data bytes %d should not be greater than the softmx bytes %d.
VERB034=large page size for JIT code cache
VERB033=max allowed shared class cache space for JIT data
SHRC312=Error releasing shared class cache file header write lock
SHRC796=The minimum reserved AOT space should not be greater than the softmx limit %d set on shared cache usage.
VERB035=available large page sizes for JIT code cache\:
VERB034=large page size for JIT code cache
SHRC313=Failed to create jclCacheMutex in shrinit
SHRC797=The minimum reserved JIT data space should not be greater than the softmx limit %d set on shared cache usage.
VERB036=compressed references metadata initial size
VERB035=available large page sizes for JIT code cache\:
SHRC790=Adjust the softmx size in the cache to <size>.
VERB037=shared class cache size
VERB036=compressed references metadata initial size
SHRC791=Adjust the minimum shared classes cache space reserved for AOT data to <size>.
VERB038=shared class cache soft max size
VERB037=shared class cache size
SHRC792=Adjust the maximum shared classes cache space allowed for AOT data to <size>.
VERB038=shared class cache soft max size
SHRC793=Adjust the minimum shared classes cache space reserved for JIT data to <size>.
SHRC318=Error recovery\: destroying shared memory.
SHRC319=Error recovery\: closing shared memory.
@ -319,78 +316,78 @@ SHRC314=Cannot allocate memory for hint lookup table in SH_Manager
SHRC798=The maximum allowed AOT space should not be greater than the softmx limit %d set on shared cache usage.
SHRC315=Cannot initialize cachelet class memory segments
SHRC799=The maximum allowed JIT data space should not be greater than the softmx limit %d set on shared cache usage.
VERB030=max allowed shared class cache space for JIT
SHRC316=Cannot serialize cache because there is no current VM thread.
VERB031=reserved shared class cache space for class debug attributes
VERB030=max allowed shared class cache space for JIT
SHRC317=Print the name of the shared class cache file that will be used.
VERB031=reserved shared class cache space for class debug attributes
VRFY029=invalid returnAddress for ret instruction
VRFY021=thrown object not throwable
SHRC343=Found class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with URL %4$.*3$s.
VRFY022=subroutines must be re-walked for each jsr
VRFY021=thrown object not throwable
SHRC344=Failed to find class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with URL %4$.*3$s.
VRFY023=tableswitch parameter not integer
VRFY022=subroutines must be re-walked for each jsr
SHRC345=Found class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with Token %4$.*3$s.
VRFY024=arguments are not type compatible
VRFY023=tableswitch parameter not integer
SHRC346=Failed to find class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with Token %4$.*3$s.
VRFY024=arguments are not type compatible
VRFY025=bad access to protected data
VRFY026=unexpected EOF
SHRC340=Shared Cache CRC check failed. Stored CRC %1$x, calculated CRC %2$x
VRFY027=receiver is incompatible with declaring class
VRFY026=unexpected EOF
SHRC341=Found class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d.
VRFY028=bad dimension
VRFY027=receiver is incompatible with declaring class
SHRC342=Failed to find class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d.
VRFY028=bad dimension
SHRC347=Stored class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with URL %5$.*4$s (index %6$d).
SHRC348=Failed to store class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with URL %5$.*4$s (index %6$d).
VRFY030=bad type on stack
SHRC349=Stored class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with URL %5$.*4$s.
VRFY030=bad type on stack
VRFY031=attempt to iinc non integer
VRFY032=bad receiver for <init>
SHRC332=Data memory page protection successfully enabled for cache
VRFY033=field not type compatible
VRFY032=bad receiver for <init>
SHRC333=Default memory page protection successfully enabled for cache
VRFY034=target PC invalid
VRFY033=field not type compatible
SHRC334=Error recovery failed\: Destroying shared memory has failed.
VRFY035=no error
VRFY034=target PC invalid
SHRC335=Error recovery failed\: Destroying shared semaphore has failed.
VRFY035=no error
VRFY036=stack underflow
VRFY037=uninitialized object during backwards branch
VRFY038=invokespecial on invalid target
SHRC330=SH_CompositeCacheImpl\:\:runExitCode failed to acquire the write area mutex (return code %d).
VRFY039=unknown bytecode
VRFY038=invokespecial on invalid target
SHRC331=Acquired a different semaphore than previously used with this cache
VRFY039=unknown bytecode
SHRC336=Port layer error code \= %1$d
VRFY040=verifier unable to allocate native memory
SHRC337=Platform error message\: %1$s
VRFY041=invokespecial of wrong initializer
VRFY040=verifier unable to allocate native memory
SHRC338=Port layer error code \= %1$d
VRFY042=%1$s; class\=%3$.*2$s, method\=%5$.*4$s%7$.*6$s, pc\=%8$u; Type Mismatch, argument %9$d in signature %11$.*10$s.%13$.*12$s\:%15$.*14$s does not match
VRFY041=invokespecial of wrong initializer
SHRC339=Platform error message\: %1$s
VRFY042=%1$s; class\=%3$.*2$s, method\=%5$.*4$s%7$.*6$s, pc\=%8$u; Type Mismatch, argument %9$d in signature %11$.*10$s.%13$.*12$s\:%15$.*14$s does not match
VERB007=operating system thread stack size
VERB008=java thread stack initial size
VERB009=java thread stack increment
SHRC360=Failed to find byte data for key %.*s in shared cache...
EXEL109=\ -XX\:ShareClassesEnableBCI create shared class cache with support for byte-code instrumentation
SHRC365=Enables the storage of class debug information in the shared class.
VERB000=Verbose stack\: "%2$.*1$s" used %3$zd/%4$zd bytes on Java/C stacks
EXEL109=\ -XX\:ShareClassesEnableBCI create shared class cache with support for byte-code instrumentation
SHRC366=debug enabled \= true
VERB000=Verbose stack\: "%2$.*1$s" used %3$zd/%4$zd bytes on Java/C stacks
SHRC367=debug enabled \= false
VERB002=Verbose stack\: maximum stack use was %1$zd/%2$zd bytes on Java/C stacks
SHRC368=Shutting down non debug enabled shared classes cache.
VERB003=Error\: -Xverbosegclog number of files must be greater than 0
VERB002=Verbose stack\: maximum stack use was %1$zd/%2$zd bytes on Java/C stacks
SHRC361=Error while attaching to the shared memory during open/create
VERB004=Error\: -Xverbosegclog number of cycles must be greater than 0
VERB003=Error\: -Xverbosegclog number of files must be greater than 0
SHRC362=Cannot allocate memory for ClasspathItem
VERB005=Error\: -Xverbosegclog missing filename
VERB004=Error\: -Xverbosegclog number of cycles must be greater than 0
SHRC363=Cannot allocate api for shared classes in shrinit
VERB006=Failed to initialize
VERB005=Error\: -Xverbosegclog missing filename
SHRC364=SH_OSCachesysv\:\:acquireWriteLock() call to j9shsem_wait on semid %d has failed with error %d.
VERB006=Failed to initialize
EXEL112=\ -Xscsoftmx<x> set soft max size of new shared class cache to <x>
EXEL113=\ -Xscmx<x> set size (or soft max size if option -XX\:SharedCacheHardLimit\= is present) of new shared class cache to <x>
EXEL114=\ -XX\:SharedCacheHardLimit\=<x> set size of new shared class cache to <x>
EXEL115=\ -XX\:+ShareAnonymousClasses enable storing and finding anonymous classes in the shared class cache
EXEL116=\ -XX\:-ShareAnonymousClasses disable storing and finding anonymous classes in the shared class cache
SHRC369=-Xnolinenumbers \= true
EXEL116=\ -XX\:-ShareAnonymousClasses disable storing and finding anonymous classes in the shared class cache
EXEL117=\ -XX\:+ShareUnsafeClasses enable storing and finding non-anonymous unsafe classes in the shared class cache
EXEL118=\ -XX\:-ShareUnsafeClasses disable storing and finding non-anonymous unsafe classes in the shared class cache
EXEL119=\ -XX\:+UseGCStartupHints enable storing and finding GC startup hints in the shared class cache
@ -407,10 +404,10 @@ SHRC353=Found AOT code for ROMMethod 0x%1$p in shared cache.
EXEL101=\n -Xhealthcenter enable the Health Center agent
EXEL103=\ -Xscdmx<x> set size of shared class cache debug attribute area to <x>
EXEL104=\ -Xscminjit<x> set minimum shared classes cache space reserved for JIT data to <x>
EXEL105=\ -Xscmaxjit<x> set maximum shared classes cache space allowed for JIT data to <x>
SHRC358=Failed to store byte data for key %.*s in shared cache.
EXEL106=\ -Xscminjitdata<x> set minimum shared classes cache space reserved for JIT data to <x>
EXEL105=\ -Xscmaxjit<x> set maximum shared classes cache space allowed for JIT data to <x>
SHRC359=Found byte data for key %.*s in shared cache...
EXEL106=\ -Xscminjitdata<x> set minimum shared classes cache space reserved for JIT data to <x>
EXEL107=\ -Xscmaxjitdata<x> set maximum shared classes cache space allowed for JIT data to <x>
EXEL108=\ -Xzero\:nosharebootzip do not share bootstrap jar entry caches in the shared class cache
EXEL100=\ -Xgcpolicy\:metronome -Xnortsj enable soft realtime
@ -418,45 +415,43 @@ VERB029=min reserved shared class cache space for JIT
SHRC380=Class debug area %% used %*c\= %u%%
SHRC381=Class LineNumberTable bytes %*c\= %u
SHRC382=Class debug area LocalVariableTable bytes %*c\= %u\n
VERB021=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (unsupported file type)
SHRC387=free bytes %*c\= %d
VERB022=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (unknown file type)
VERB021=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (unsupported file type)
SHRC388=ROMClass bytes %*c\= %d
VERB023=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (unknown error)
VERB022=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (unknown file type)
SHRC389=Metadata bytes %*c\= %d
VERB023=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (unknown error)
VERB024=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (jxe missing rom.classes)
VERB025=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (jxe corrupt image header)
SHRC383=\nbase address %*c\= 0x%p
VERB026=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (opposite endian jxe not supported)
VERB025=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (jxe corrupt image header)
SHRC384=end address %*c\= 0x%p
VERB027=Verbose stack\: Running thread "%2$.*1$s" is using %3$zd/%4$zd bytes on Java/C stacks
VERB026=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (opposite endian jxe not supported)
SHRC385=allocation pointer %*c\= 0x%p\n
VERB028=Verbose stack\: Unable to print the stack info for currently running threads
VERB027=Verbose stack\: Running thread "%2$.*1$s" is using %3$zd/%4$zd bytes on Java/C stacks
SHRC386=cache size %*c\= %d
VERB028=Verbose stack\: Unable to print the stack info for currently running threads
VERB020=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (file corrupt)
VERB018=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (file I/O failed)
VERB019=Invalid classpath entry\: %s (file read failed)
SHRC370=-Xnolinenumbers \= false
SHRC371=Zip cache bytes \= %d
VERB010=java thread stack maximum size
SHRC376=%1$d\: 0x%2$p ZIPCACHE\: %4$.*3$s Address\: 0x%5$p Size\: %6$d
VERB011=java thread stack size
VERB010=java thread stack maximum size
SHRC377=-Xscdmx value of %u bytes is greater than %u bytes of available free space. A value of %u bytes will be used for -Xscdmx instead.
VERB012=RAM class segment increment
VERB011=java thread stack size
SHRC378=\nRelated command line options\:\n
VERB013=ROM class segment increment
VERB012=RAM class segment increment
SHRC379=Class debug area size %*c\= %u
VERB014=memory maximum
VERB013=ROM class segment increment
SHRC372=\# Zip caches \= %d
VERB015=shared class cache size
VERB014=memory maximum
SHRC373=JIT data bytes \= %d
VERB016=min reserved shared class cache space for AOT
VERB015=shared class cache size
SHRC374=Cache created with\:
VERB017=max allowed shared class cache space for AOT
VERB016=min reserved shared class cache space for AOT
SHRC375=The cache name is too long when the user name is included. There are %d bytes left in this buffer, and your user name is %d bytes.
VERB017=max allowed shared class cache space for AOT
EXEL120=\ -XX\:-UseGCStartupHints disable storing and finding GC startup hints in the shared class cache
EXEL121=\ -XX\:+PortableSharedCache enable feature that attempts to maximize shared cache's portability across machines
EXEL122=\ -XX\:-PortableShareCache disable feature that attempts to maximize shared cache's portability across machines
SHRC390=Metadata %% used %*c\= %d%%
SHRC391=\# ROMClasses %*c\= %d
SHRC392=\# Classpaths %*c\= %d
@ -547,11 +542,6 @@ SHRC702=Failed to get a directory for the shared cache snapshot
SHRC707=Failed to acquire the mutex of cache "%s"
SHRC708=Failed to truncate the existing non-persistent shared cache snapshot file "%s"
SHRC709=The JVM is creating a snapshot of the non-persistent shared cache "%s", but a snapshot file "%s" already exists and it will be overwritten
CFRE174=multiple PermittedSubclasses attributes
CFRE175=final classes cannot be sealed
CFRE176=PermittedSubclasses name must be a string
CFRE177=PermittedSubclasses class entry is not a class type
CFRE178=Sealed classes must have at least one permitted subclass
CFRE170=RecordComponent name must be a string
CFRE171=RecordComponent descriptor must be a string
CFRE172=Record is implicitly final
@ -601,8 +591,8 @@ SHRC641=JVM is attempting to use the existing shared class cache in mprotect dia
SHRC642=JVM has created shared class cache in mprotect diagnostic mode (using -Xshareclasses\:mprotect\=diagnostic option). Using the cache in this mode can affect performance.
SHRC643=JVM has attached to the shared class cache created in mprotect diagnostic mode (using -Xshareclasses\:mprotect\=diagnostic option). Using the cache in this mode can affect performance.
SHRC648=The JVM is not configured to access semaphore set associated with existing non-persistent shared class cache. To attach to the non-persistent shared class cache, use 'groupAccess' sub-option.
J9CL030=Unable to allocate memory for tenant native data
SHRC649=The JVM does not permit access to the shared cache's semaphore set created and owned by another user not in its group.
J9CL030=Unable to allocate memory for tenant native data
J9CL031=Could not register dbgwrapper.dll as bootstrap library. Error code \= %zu
J9CL032=%1$d\: Failed to retrieve %2$s Info.
SHRC644=JVM has attached to the shared class cache created in mprotect diagnostic mode (using -Xshareclasses\:mprotect\=diagnostic option). -Xshareclasses\:mprotect\=none option will be ignored.
@ -622,8 +612,8 @@ SHRC631=Space reserved for AOT data in shared cache "%s" is full. Use -Xscminaot
SHRC632=Space reserved for JIT data in shared cache "%s" is full. Use -Xscminjitdata to increase space reserved for JIT data.
SHRC637=The -Xshareclasses\:cacheRetransformed sub-option is incompatible with an existing BCI enabled shared cache.
SHRC638=Cache creation with the cacheRetransformed option forces disableBCI mode.
J9CL020=Not enough memory to read locale data
SHRC639=Only shared cache utility options can be used in combination with -Xmt. Put other shared cache options in the javad.options file.
J9CL020=Not enough memory to read locale data
J9CL021=Not enough memory to create index list
SHRC633=The "-XX\:+StoreIntermediateClassfile" option was specified but the existing cache was not created with the "-XX\:+StoreIntermediateClassfile" option.
SHRC634=The "-XX\:-StoreIntermediateClassfile" option was specified but the existing cache was created with the "-XX\:+StoreIntermediateClassfile" option.
@ -652,8 +642,8 @@ SHRC652=The JVM is not configured to access shared memory associated with existi
SHRC653=The JVM is not configured to access shared memory associated with existing non-persistent shared class cache. To attach to the non-persistent shared class cache, use 'groupAccess' and 'readonly' sub-option.
SHRC654=The JVM does not permit access to the shared cache's shared memory region created and owned by another user not in its group.
SHRC650=The JVM could not check the permissions of the shared memory associated with the shared cache.
J9CL040=Unable to allocate memory for new JNI global reference
SHRC659=An error has occurred while opening shared memory
J9CL040=Unable to allocate memory for new JNI global reference
J9CL041=Host class %2$.*1$s and anonymous class %4$.*3$s are in different packages
J9CL042=Nest member %2$.*1$s in %4$.*3$s declares a different nest host of %6$.*5$s
SHRC655=Cache is accessible to current user \= %s
@ -661,55 +651,55 @@ SHRC656=The JVM is not configured to access shared cache file. To attach to the
SHRC657=The JVM does not permit access to the shared cache file because the JVM process's user ID and group ID are different from the shared cache file owner's user ID and group ID, and the JVM process's user ID does not belong to the shared cache file owner's group.
SHRC658=The JVM could not check the permissions of the shared cache file.
SHRC200=\ Succeeded finding %2$.*1$s.
DUMP034=User requested %1$s dump using '%2$s' through %3$s
SHRC684=An error has occurred while opening semaphore. Control file could not be locked.
DUMP034=User requested %1$s dump using '%2$s' through %3$s
SHRC201=\ Succeeded replacing %2$.*1$s.
DUMP033=JVM requested %1$s dump in response to an event
SHRC685=An error has occurred while opening shared memory. Control file could not be locked.
DUMP033=JVM requested %1$s dump in response to an event
SHRC202=Failed to initialize pools in shared class Manager
DUMP036=Invalid or missing -Xdump filter
SHRC686=Failed to startup shared class cache. Continue without using it as -Xshareclasses\:nonfatal is specified
DUMP036=Invalid or missing -Xdump filter
SHRC203=Cannot create hashtable in shared class Manager
DUMP035=User requested %1$s dump through %2$s
SHRC687=A new shared class cache cannot be created when running with -Xshareclasses\:readonly option
DUMP030=Cannot write dump to file %s\: %s
DUMP035=User requested %1$s dump through %2$s
SHRC680=Error recovery failure\: Failed to remove the semaphore set control file %s associated with shared class cache.
DUMP030=Cannot write dump to file %s\: %s
SHRC681=System limit for maximum number of semaphores or the system wide maximum number of semaphores has been reached.
DUMP032=JVM requested %1$s dump using '%2$s' in response to an event
SHRC682=System limit for maximum number of shared memory regions or system-wide limit on memory allocated to shared memory regions has been reached.
DUMP031=The requested heapdump has not been produced because the VM exclusive lock was not requested. Add request\=exclusive+prepwalk+compact to your -Xdump\:heap\: command line option.
DUMP032=JVM requested %1$s dump using '%2$s' in response to an event
SHRC683=System limit on the total number of open files has been reached.
DUMP031=The requested heapdump has not been produced because the VM exclusive lock was not requested. Add request\=exclusive+prepwalk+compact to your -Xdump\:heap\: command line option.
SHRC208=Cannot allocate memory for hastable item pool in CompiledMethodManagerImpl
SHRC209=Enable byte data verbose output
SHRC204=Cannot create hashtable mutex in shared class Manager
DUMP027=The requested heapdump has not been produced because another component is holding the VM exclusive lock.
SHRC688=Classpaths can only be added by first JVM initializing the cache.
DUMP027=The requested heapdump has not been produced because another component is holding the VM exclusive lock.
SHRC205=Failed to create new hash table item in CompiledMethodManagerImpl
DUMP026=IEATDUMP Name exceeding maximum allowed length. Default name used.
SHRC689=Allows a JVM to store classpaths in the cache created with "restrictClasspaths" option.
DUMP026=IEATDUMP Name exceeding maximum allowed length. Default name used.
SHRC206=Cannot allocate memory for hashtable entry in CompiledMethodManagerImpl
DUMP029=The request for prepwalk or compact before taking a system dump will be ignored because the VM exclusive lock was not requested.
SHRC207=Cannot enter CompiledMethodManager hashtable mutex
DUMP028=The VM exclusive lock could not be acquired before taking the system dump.
DUMP045=The number of dump options must be less than %d, including options set by default.
SHRC673=Failed to destroy semaphore set with semid\=%d associated with shared class cache.
DUMP044=Invalid or reserved valid value for %s
DUMP045=The number of dump options must be less than %d, including options set by default.
SHRC674=User is not allowed to destroy the shared memory with shmid\=%d. Only creator or owner or user with administrative privileges can destroy the shared memory.
DUMP047=VM is shutting down. Reason\: Unknown
DUMP044=Invalid or reserved valid value for %s
SHRC675=Failed to destroy shared memory associated with shared class cache.
DUMP046=VM is shutting down. Reason\: %2$.*1$s
DUMP047=VM is shutting down. Reason\: Unknown
SHRC676=Failed to destroy shared memory with shmid\=%d associated with shared class cache.
DUMP046=VM is shutting down. Reason\: %2$.*1$s
DUMP041=Incorrect use of -Xdump msg_filter
DUMP040=%1$s dump written to dataset(s) using name template %2$s
SHRC670=Error recovery\: attempting to use shared cache in readonly mode if the shared memory region exists, in response to "-Xshareclasses\:nonfatal" option.
DUMP043=%s not supported on this platform
DUMP040=%1$s dump written to dataset(s) using name template %2$s
SHRC671=User is not allowed to destroy the semaphore set with semid\=%d. Only creator or owner or user with administrative privileges can destroy the semaphore set.
DUMP042=Abort signal received while running on Java stack. The JVM dump agents could not be run.
DUMP043=%s not supported on this platform
SHRC672=Failed to destroy semaphore set associated with shared class cache.
DUMP038=Snap dump is not written because tracing to file\: %1$s
DUMP042=Abort signal received while running on Java stack. The JVM dump agents could not be run.
SHRC677=Port layer error code \= %1$d
DUMP037=Error in %1$s dump\: %2$s failed, error code\: %3$d
DUMP038=Snap dump is not written because tracing to file\: %1$s
SHRC678=Platform error message\: %1$s
DUMP037=Error in %1$s dump\: %2$s failed, error code\: %3$d
SHRC679=Error recovery failure\: Failed to remove the semaphore set control file %s associated with shared class cache.
DUMP039=Processing dump event "%1$s", detail "%3$.*2$s" at %4$s - please wait.
J9CL008=nanosecond timeout value out of range
@ -813,8 +803,8 @@ EXEL002=\ -Xbootclasspath/p\:<path> prepend <path> to bootstrap classpath
EXEL003=\ -Xbootclasspath/a\:<path> append <path> to bootstrap classpath
EXEL004=\n -Xrun<library>[\:options] load native agent library\n (deprecated in favor of -agentlib)\n
EXEL005=\ -Xint run interpreted only (equivalent to -Xnojit -Xnoaot)
EXEL006=\ -Xnojit disable the JIT
SHRC259=Cannot enter Manager hashtable mutex
EXEL006=\ -Xnojit disable the JIT
EXEL007=\ -Xnoaot do not run precompiled code
EXEL008=\ -Xfuture enable strictest checks, anticipating future default
EXEL009=\nArguments to the following options are expressed in bytes.
@ -1037,54 +1027,54 @@ JNCK082=Advice detected in the outermost frame of an attached thread\n
JNCK083=Error detected in JNI_OnLoad of library %.*s\n
JNCK080=Error detected in the outermost frame of an attached thread\n
JNCK081=Warning detected in the outermost frame of an attached thread\n
TRCE009=Error writing to snap file
SHRC604=Reserve <size> bytes of cache space for raw class data
TRCE008=Error performing seek in tracefile\: %s
TRCE009=Error writing to snap file
SHRC605=The memory size for "%s" is too large, or specifies units other than 'K','M', or 'G'.
TRCE008=Error performing seek in tracefile\: %s
SHRC606=Add nonfunctional JIT hints to methods for testing; use with -Xint and a prepopulated cache.
SHRC607=Stored %1$s attached data %2$sfor %8$.*7$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s
SHRC600=The raw class data area is corrupt because storing %u bytes will exceed the available area free space ('free space start'\=%p, 'free space end'\=%p).
SHRC601=Raw class data area size %*c\= %lu
SHRC602=Raw class data area %% used %*c\= %lu%%
SHRC603=Raw class data used bytes %*c\= %lu
TRCE001=Error processing trace option\: -Xtrace\:%s
JNCK075=Internal jnichk error in %1$s\: Unrecognized descriptor 0x%2$x
TRCE000=Trace option unrecognized\: -Xtrace\:%s
TRCE001=Error processing trace option\: -Xtrace\:%s
JNCK076=Internal jnichk error in %s\: Out of memory
TRCE003=Error processing trace option, detail\: %s
TRCE000=Trace option unrecognized\: -Xtrace\:%s
JNCK073=JNI advice in %1$s\: JNI_ABORT was specified, but cannot be honoured because data has been modified.\n(Original CRC\=0x%2$x, new CRC\=0x%3$x).\nSince %4$s returned the actual array contents, the changes will not be discarded. This may not be what you wanted.
TRCE002=Error processing trace option\: -Xtrace\:%s\=%s
TRCE003=Error processing trace option, detail\: %s
JNCK074=JNI advice in %s\: Buffer appears to be unmodified. Consider using JNI_ABORT instead of mode 0.
TRCE005=Error writing header to trace file\: %s
TRCE002=Error processing trace option\: -Xtrace\:%s\=%s
JNCK079=Advice detected in %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s\n
SHRC608=Found %1$s attached data %2$sfor %8$.*7$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s
TRCE004=Error opening trace file\: %s
TRCE005=Error writing header to trace file\: %s
SHRC609=Updated %1$s attached data%2$s for %8$.*7$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s
TRCE007=Error opening next trace file generation\: %s
TRCE004=Error opening trace file\: %s
JNCK077=Error detected in %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s\n
TRCE006=Error writing %d bytes to trace file\: %s rc\: %d
TRCE007=Error opening next trace file generation\: %s
JNCK078=Warning detected in %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s\n
TRCE006=Error writing %d bytes to trace file\: %s rc\: %d
JNCK071=JNI warning\: Memory at 0x%1$p acquired by %2$s was not released before returning from native. This is probably a memory leak.
JNCK072=JNI advice in %1$s\: JNI_COMMIT was specified, but will be ignored.\nSince %2$s returned the actual array contents, the buffer will be invalid following this call. This may not be what you wanted.
TRCE010=Native memory allocation failure, falling back to nodynamic trace settings.
JNCK070=JNI warning in %1$s\: Original array data was modified between %2$s and %3$s.\n(Original CRC\=0x%4$x, new CRC\=0x%5$x).\nSince %6$s returned a copy of the array contents, the new contents will be lost.
TRCE019=Trace engine failed to initialize properly, RC \= %d
TRCE012=Unable to open trace point counter file %s, counters redirected to stderr.
JNCK064=JNI warning in %1$s\: Automatically grew global weak reference pool capacity from %2$d to %3$d.\nThis may be an indicator of a memory leak.
TRCE011=Module not configured for trace\: %s
TRCE012=Unable to open trace point counter file %s, counters redirected to stderr.
JNCK065=JNI warning in %1$s\: Automatically grew local reference frame capacity from %2$d to %3$d. %4$d references are in use.\nUse EnsureLocalCapacity or PushLocalFrame to explicitly grow the frame.
TRCE014=Trace engine initialization failed, trace not enabled
TRCE011=Module not configured for trace\: %s
JNCK062=JNI warning in %s\: This function should not be called inside of a critical section
TRCE013=Writing trace count info to %s
TRCE014=Trace engine initialization failed, trace not enabled
JNCK063=JNI warning in %1$s\: Automatically grew global reference pool capacity from %2$d to %3$d.\nThis may be an indicator of a memory leak.
TRCE016=Storage for RasGlobalStorage not available, trace not enabled
TRCE013=Writing trace count info to %s
JNCK068=JNI warning in %1$s\: Start or index is out of range (%2$d >\= %3$d)
TRCE015=Error registering trace write subscriber
TRCE016=Storage for RasGlobalStorage not available, trace not enabled
JNCK069=JNI warning in %1$s\: End is out of range (%2$d + %3$d > %4$d)
TRCE018=Unable to allocate UTE thread local storage key
TRCE015=Error registering trace write subscriber
JNCK066=JNI warning in %1$s\: Negative start or index (%2$d) specified
TRCE017=Unable to allocate RAS thread local storage key
TRCE018=Unable to allocate UTE thread local storage key
JNCK067=JNI warning in %1$s\: Negative region length (%2$d) specified
TRCE017=Unable to allocate RAS thread local storage key
CFRE086=method has two Code attributes
CFRE087=interface method bytecode must reference an InterfaceMethodref
CFRE088=local variable name must be a string
@ -1122,8 +1112,8 @@ CFRE099=illegal method modifiers
JNCK050=JNI error in %s\: PopLocalFrame called without a local frame on the stack
CFRE090=new bytecode cannot create arrays
CFRE091=exception handler start PC is not an instruction
CFRE092=signature invalid
SHRC610=Disable support for byte-code instrumentation.
CFRE092=signature invalid
CFRE093=method can be at most one of public private or protected
CFRE094=instanceof bytecode must reference a class
CFRE095=annotations must be interfaces
@ -1278,8 +1268,8 @@ SHRC145=Finding class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with URL %4$
SHRC146=Finding class %1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %2$d with Token %4$.*3$s...
SHRC147=Character %.*s not valid for cache name
VMUT001=(unnamed thread)
VMUT000=(out of memory)
SHRC148=Allow group access to cache (user is default)
VMUT000=(out of memory)
SHRC141=mismatched bytes\:
VMUT003=Options file not found
SHRC142=\tat 0x%1$p\t\t%2$x \!\= %3$x
@ -1377,26 +1367,26 @@ J9TI060=Create a subscription to verbose GC records
J9TI061=Cancel a subscription to verbose GC records
J9VM030=Invalid UTF8 used in JNI function
J9VM031=Required class %2$.*1$s must be in the boot classpath, but was found in the application class path in %4$.*3$s
CDRT000=Unable to locate JIT stack map - aborting VM
J9TI064=Agent initialization function %s failed for library %s, return code %d
CDRT000=Unable to locate JIT stack map - aborting VM
J9VM032=Unrecoverable error\: unable to load %1$s\: %2$s
J9TI065=Agent initialization function %s not found in library %s
J9VM033=Unrecoverable error\: failed to initialize %s
CDRT002=Failing PC\: %1$p (offset %2$p), metaData \= %3$p
J9TI062=Gets the J9VMThread pointer from a jthread
CDRT002=Failing PC\: %1$p (offset %2$p), metaData \= %3$p
J9VM034=JVMRI requires trace engine\: run with -Xtrace flag
CDRT001=Method\: %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s (%7$p)
J9TI063=Gets the J9Method pointer from JMethodID
CDRT001=Method\: %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s (%7$p)
J9VM035=Unable to allocate OutOfMemoryError
J9VM036=divide by zero
J9VM037=Failed to allocate monitor
J9TI066=Create a subscription to VM tracepoints
J9VM038=-Xthr\: unrecognized option --> '%s'
J9TI067=Cancel a subscription to VM tracepoints
J9VM028=\tat %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s (%6$.*5$s\:%7$u)
SHRC071=Command-line option "%s" requires sub-option
J9VM029=\tat (Unknown Method)
J9VM028=\tat %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s (%6$.*5$s\:%7$u)
SHRC072=Command-line option "%s" unrecognised
J9VM029=\tat (Unknown Method)
SHRC073=Storing class %2$.*1$s in shared cache for class-loader id %3$d with URL %5$.*4$s (index %6$d)...
SHRC074=\ Succeeded.
SHRC070=Incremental updates disabled
@ -1433,23 +1423,22 @@ SHRC092=ADD failure when reading cache
SHRC097=Shared cache "%s" is corrupt. No new JVMs will be allowed to connect to the cache.\n \tExisting JVMs can continue to function, but cannot update the cache.
SHRC098=\nCurrent statistics for cache "%s"\: \n
SHRC099=%1$d\: 0x%2$p ORPHAN\: %4$.*3$s at 0x%5$p.
JITM031=Value for '%s' is not correct
JITM032='%1$s' option is not complete, must specify '%2$s' parameter.
JITM031='%1$s' option is not complete, must specify '%2$s' parameter.
JITM032=Extra comma characters are discovered in '-Xlp' option - ignored
J9VM040=operating system stack overflow
J9VM041=wrong number of arguments
JITM030=%s value specified is too large
JITM030=Value for '%s' is not correct
J9VM042=Threading Configuration
JITM035=Large page size %1$zu%2$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %3$zu%4$s %5$s instead
JITM035=Large page size %1$zu%2$s %3$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %4$zu%5$s instead
JITM036=Large page size %1$zu%2$s %3$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %4$zu%5$s instead
JITM036=Large page size %1$zu%2$s %3$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %4$zu%5$s %6$s instead
J9VM044=Three-tier system monitors supported
JITM033=Extra comma characters are discovered in '-Xlp' option - ignored
JITM033=Large page size %1$zu%2$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %3$zu%4$s instead
J9VM045=Three-tier system monitors not supported
JITM034=Large page size %1$zu%2$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %3$zu%4$s instead
JITM034=Large page size %1$zu%2$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %3$zu%4$s %5$s instead
J9VM046=JLM supported
J9VM047=JLM not supported
J9VM048=JLM hold times supported
JITM037=Large page size %1$zu%2$s %3$s is not a supported page size for the JIT codecache; using %4$zu%5$s %6$s instead
J9VM049=JLM hold times not supported
J9TI028=Report the end of a RAS dump.
J9TI029=Query RAS dump agent configuration.
@ -1461,27 +1450,27 @@ J9RI017=Can't allocate dump agent in jvmri->SetOutOfMemoryHook, function not reg
J9RI018=jvmri->NotifySignal raising signal %d.
JITM020=Software Read Barrier feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
JITM021=TM feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI020=Gets the OS thread ID from a jthread
J9RI015=jvmri->RunDumpRoutine\: componentId is out of bounds.
J9TI020=Gets the OS thread ID from a jthread
JITM024=Compressedrefs Shift mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI021=Get extended frame information
J9RI016=jvmri->SetOutOfMemoryHook called with NULL callback, function not registered.
JITM025=The SCC is too big for the JIT to correctly encode offsets. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI021=Get extended frame information
JITM025=Unknown Problem. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9RI013=jvmri->ReleaseRasInfo\: structure has unsupported type field.
JITM022=Lockword mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9RI014=jvmri->RunDumpRoutine\: unable to retrieve component data.
JITM023=Arraylet Size mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI024=Method exit without the return value.
J9RI011=RasInfo structure has unsupported type field.
JITM028=System configuration does not support parameter '%.*s' in option '-Xlp'
J9TI025=Allow direct JNI in the presence of method enter and exit events (resulting in possibly inaccurate reporting of enter and exit)
J9TI024=Method exit without the return value.
JITM028=%s must be followed by a number
J9RI012=jvmri->ReleaseRasInfo called with NULL RasInfo structure.
JITM029=%s must be followed by a number
J9TI025=Allow direct JNI in the presence of method enter and exit events (resulting in possibly inaccurate reporting of enter and exit)
JITM029=%s value specified is too large
J9TI022=Get extended frame information for all stack traces.
JITM026=Unknown Problem. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI023=Get extended frame information for a thread list.
JITM026=JIT failed to allocate memory
J9RI010=jvmri->GetRasInfo unable to allocate memory.
JITM027=JIT failed to allocate memory
J9TI023=Get extended frame information for a thread list.
JITM027=System configuration does not support parameter '%.*s' in option '-Xlp'
J9TI039=Destroy a named shared cache.
J9TI037=Get the heap total memory.
JITM008=AOT Header Validation failed; feature flag start sanity bit mangled. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
@ -1492,22 +1481,22 @@ J9RI009=jvmri->GetRasInfo unable to allocate memory.
J9RI006=jvmri->GetRasInfo called with NULL RasInfo structure.
J9RI007=jvmri->GetRasInfo unable to allocate memory.
JITM010=SMP feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI031=Cancel the async event on a single thread or all threads
J9RI004=jvmri->DynamicVerbosegc is not supported.
J9TI031=Cancel the async event on a single thread or all threads
JITM013=Disable Traps feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI032=Indicates that a thread has processed the async event
J9RI005=jvmri->GetComponentDataArea component %s does not have dataArea under this vm.
J9TI032=Indicates that a thread has processed the async event
JITM014=TLH Prefetch feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9RI002=jvmri->DumpRegister called with NULL callback, function not registered.
JITM011=Compressed References feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI030=Signal the async event on a single thread or all threads
J9RI003=Can't allocate dump agent in jvmri->DumpRegister, function not registered.
J9TI030=Signal the async event on a single thread or all threads
JITM012=DFP feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI035=Garbage collection cycle finished.
J9RI000=jvmri->CreateThread cannot allocate thread arguments memory
J9TI035=Garbage collection cycle finished.
JITM017=SIMD Enabled feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI036=Get the current heap free memory.
J9RI001=Internal error removing dump agent in jvmri->DumpDeregister, dump function may not have been deregistered.
J9TI036=Get the current heap free memory.
JITM018=Async Compilation feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI033=Reset the VM dump options.
JITM015=Method Trampoline feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
@ -1515,19 +1504,19 @@ J9TI034=Garbage collection cycle started.
JITM016=HCR Enabled feature mismatch. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9VM017=Could not allocate memory for command line option array
J9VM018=Could not allocate memory for shared library load table pool
J9TI048=Gets trace metadata that can used with the formatter to process trace buffers
J9VM019=Unrecoverable error\: Unable to find and initialize required class %.*s
J9TI048=Gets trace metadata that can used with the formatter to process trace buffers
J9TI049=Return Class, Method and Package names for a set of RAM Method pointers
J9TI042=Signal autotags for newly allocated object and its class.
JITM002=Failure storing AOT code in shared class cache. Shared class cache might be corrupted. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI043=Signal class load only for array classes.
J9VM010=Failed to initialize %s
J9TI043=Signal class load only for array classes.
JITM003=Failure during AOT runtime initialization. Ignoring AOT code in shared class cache.
J9TI040=Adds the extended capability can_autotag_objects.
J9VM011=Unable to load %1$s\: %2$s
J9TI040=Adds the extended capability can_autotag_objects.
JITM000=Unsupported hardware [%d].
J9TI041=Signal the object(s) renamed event (moved or deleted).
J9VM012=Unable to unload %1$s\: %2$s
J9TI041=Signal the object(s) renamed event (moved or deleted).
JITM001=No more space for AOT code in shared class cache. New AOT code will not be generated.
J9VM013=Initialization error in function %1$s(%2$d)\: %3$s
J9TI046=Cancel a subscription to external trace records
@ -1545,15 +1534,15 @@ J9VM006=Invalid command-line option\: %s
MECK001=Unrecognized -Xcheck\:memory option\: %s
J9VM007=Command-line option unrecognised\: %s
MECK000=An error occurred initializing the -Xcheck\:memory utility
J9TI059=Get the amount of native memory used by the JVM, broken down under memory categories.
J9VM008=J9VMDllMain not found
J9TI059=Get the amount of native memory used by the JVM, broken down under memory categories.
J9VM009=J9VMDllMain failed
MECK002=An error occurred creating the call site data structure. Call site information will not be displayed
J9TI050=Get a hash code for an object's monitor.
J9TI053=Set the VM log options.
J9TI054=Request a Java Lock Monitor (JLM) dump with a format specifier.
J9TI051=Clear per-method flag for selective entry and exit notification.
J9VM000=Malformed value for IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS
J9TI051=Clear per-method flag for selective entry and exit notification.
J9VM001=Malformed value for -Xservice
J9TI052=Query the current VM log options.
J9VM002=Options file not found
@ -1601,14 +1590,14 @@ PORT004=Symbol resolution failure
PORT003=Dependent module %s could not be loaded
PORT002=Unknown error loading shared library
PORT001=Failed to allocate memory while attempting to write to a file.
PORT008=The module is not the correct architecture
J9RI022=initialize JVMRI unable to allocate jvmri dump monitor
PORT007=The specified module is not a module
PORT008=The module is not the correct architecture
J9RI023=jvmri->TraceRegister, jvmri->TraceDeregister and TraceListener no longer supported, use new versions in JVMRAS_VERSION_1_5
PORT006=The format of the module is not correct
PORT007=The specified module is not a module
J9RI020=jvmri->CreateThread unable to allocate private monitor
PORT005=Could not load the shared library
PORT006=The format of the module is not correct
J9RI021=jvmri->RunDumpRoutine not supported.
PORT005=Could not load the shared library
J9VM070=native memory exhausted during bind of native method %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s
J9VM071=attempt to recursively bind native method %2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s
J9VM072=native memory exhausted
@ -1631,20 +1620,20 @@ J9VM068=-Xshareclasses not enabled, -Xzero\:sharestring option ignored
J9VM069=loading constraint violation\: loader "%2$.*1$s@%3$x" previously initiated loading for a different type with name "%5$.*4$s" defined by loader "%7$.*6$s@%8$x"
SHRC500=The debug area is corrupt because free space low address %p, is greater than free space high address %p
SHRC505=The debug area is corrupt because free space high address %p minus the free space low address %p exceeds the debug region size of %lu bytes
J9VM090=Slow response to network query (%d secs), check your IP DNS configuration
SHRC506=The debug area is corrupt because its size of %lu is larger than the total cache size of %u stored in the cache header
J9VM091=Adaptive spinning supported
J9VM090=Slow response to network query (%d secs), check your IP DNS configuration
SHRC507=Do extra checks when storing and allocating class debug data
J9VM091=Adaptive spinning supported
J9VM092=Adaptive spinning not supported
SHRC508=Acquired a different semaphore than previously used with this cache. old semid\=%d, new semid\=%d
J9VM093=This version of Java requires a CPU that supports SSE2 or later extensions. See the 'Supported Environments' information in the IBM Java User Guide for more details.
SHRC501=The debug area is corrupt because the 'line number table data' low address %p, is greater than the high address %p
J9VM094=Thread "%s" is still alive after running the shutdown hooks.
J9VM093=This version of Java requires a CPU that supports SSE2 or later extensions. See the 'Supported Environments' information in the IBM Java User Guide for more details.
SHRC502=The debug area is corrupt because the 'local variable table data' low address %p, is greater than the high address %p
J9VM095=loading constraint violation when resolving method "%2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s" \: loader "%8$.*7$s@%9$x" of class "%11$.*10$s" and loader "%13$.*12$s@%14$x" of class "%16$.*15$s" have different types for the method signature
J9VM094=Thread "%s" is still alive after running the shutdown hooks.
SHRC503=The debug area is corrupt because storing 'line number table' %d bytes, and 'local variable table' %d bytes, will result in a 'line number table data' high address of %p, which will be greater than the new 'local variable table data' low address %p
J9VM096=-Xscdmx is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified
J9VM095=loading constraint violation when resolving method "%2$.*1$s.%4$.*3$s%6$.*5$s" \: loader "%8$.*7$s@%9$x" of class "%11$.*10$s" and loader "%13$.*12$s@%14$x" of class "%16$.*15$s" have different types for the method signature
SHRC504=Cache data start is null. data start\: %p
J9VM096=-Xscdmx is ignored if -Xshareclasses is not specified
J9VM098=-Xlog\:help Print JVM -Xlog help.
J9VM099=-Xlog\:none Disable JVM log options previously specified, including defaults.
@ -1660,14 +1649,14 @@ J9VM082=Unable to switch to IFA processor - issue "extattr +a"
J9VM083=Error switching to IFA processor rc\: %08x
J9VM084=IFA Error\: unexpected return code %08x from IFA switch service
J9VM085=Malformed option\: '%s'
PORT048=Failed to create system dump because a non-regular file "%s" exists with the same name as the expected system dump file
J9VM086=Option too large\: '%s'
PORT047=Insufficient buffer memory while attempting to load a shared library
PORT048=Failed to create system dump because a non-regular file "%s" exists with the same name as the expected system dump file
J9VM087=resetDumpOption requires %s
PORT046=The executable could not be opened
PORT047=Insufficient buffer memory while attempting to load a shared library
J9VM088=Warning\: syscorepath has not been configured which may prevent system core file generation (if one is needed).\n\t\tPlease consult the WebSphere Real Time installation instructions for proper syscorepath configuration settings.\n\t\tNOTE\: syscorepath must be configured each time the machine is restarted.
PORT045=Failed to allocate memory while retrieving system info.
PORT046=The executable could not be opened
J9VM089=Warning\: unable to verify syscorepath settings using sysconfig\: %s.
PORT045=Failed to allocate memory while retrieving system info.
SHRC400=Zip cache bytes %*c\= %d
SHRC401=\# Zip caches %*c\= %d
SHRC406=metadata start address %*c\= 0x%p
@ -1718,8 +1707,6 @@ SHRC435=-Xitsn%2$u uses %1$u bytes of memory, which is larger than the shared cl
SHRC436=Error acquiring shared class cache file header write lock
SHRC437=Error releasing shared class cache file header read lock
SHRC438=Disable storing of JIT data in the shared cache
JNCK101=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is expected to be static but a non-static field ID is passed to JNI
JNCK102=JNI error in %1$s\: Argument \#%2$d is expected to be non-static but a static field ID is passed to JNI
JNCK100=JNI advice in %1$s\: This function cannot be used with packed objects. Please use %2$s instead
SHRC464=Enable JIT data verbose output
SHRC465=[-Xshareclasses JIT data verbose output enabled]

vendor/java/lib/jexec vendored

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@ -78,8 +78,6 @@ grant codeBase "jrt:/java.sql.rowset" {
grant codeBase "jrt:/java.xml.crypto" {
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read";

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Binary file not shown.

vendor/java/release vendored
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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
MODULES="java.base java.datatransfer java.xml java.prefs java.desktop java.logging java.naming java.scripting java.transaction.xa java.sql jdk.unsupported jdk.zipfs openj9.sharedclasses"