Update Java to 13

This commit is contained in:
mathiascode 2019-12-22 06:25:08 +02:00
parent 95e8a43cb5
commit 87dda2eae8
62 changed files with 164 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# This script is used as a reference to generate a stripped-down OpenJ9 JRE for the server
rm -rf java/
wget https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk11-binaries/releases/download/jdk-11.0.5%2B10_openj9-0.17.0/OpenJDK11U-jdk_x64_linux_openj9_11.0.5_10_openj9-0.17.0.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk13-binaries/releases/download/jdk-13.0.1%2B9_openj9-0.17.0/OpenJDK13U-jdk_x64_linux_openj9_13.0.1_9_openj9-0.17.0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf OpenJDK*
rm OpenJDK*
mv jdk* jdk/

vendor/java/bin/java vendored

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@ -60,4 +60,4 @@ java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter
# For example, set the com.xyz.foo logger to only log SEVERE
# messages:
com.xyz.foo.level = SEVERE
# com.xyz.foo.level = SEVERE

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@ -51,13 +51,6 @@ http.nonProxyHosts=localhost|127.*|[::1]
# ftp.proxyPort=80
# Gopher Proxy settings. proxyHost is the name of the proxy server
# (e.g. proxy.mydomain.com), proxyPort is the port number to use (default
# value is 80)
# gopher.proxyHost=
# gopher.proxyPort=80
# Socks proxy settings. socksProxyHost is the name of the proxy server
# (e.g. socks.domain.com), socksProxyPort is the port number to use
# (default value is 1080)
@ -99,6 +92,24 @@ ftp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|127.*|[::1]
# Allow restricted HTTP request headers
# By default, the following request headers are not allowed to be set by user code
# in HttpRequests: "connection", "content-length", "expect", "host" and "upgrade".
# The 'jdk.httpclient.allowRestrictedHeaders' property allows one or more of these
# headers to be specified as a comma separated list to override the default restriction.
# The names are case-insensitive and white-space is ignored (removed before processing
# the list). Note, this capability is mostly intended for testing and isn't expected
# to be used in real deployments. Protocol errors or other undefined behavior is likely
# to occur when using them. The property is not set by default.
# Note also, that there may be other headers that are restricted from being set
# depending on the context. This includes the "Authorization" header when the
# relevant HttpClient has an authenticator set. These restrictions cannot be
# overridden by this property.
# jdk.httpclient.allowRestrictedHeaders=host
# Transparent NTLM HTTP authentication mode on Windows. Transparent authentication
# can be used for the NTLM scheme, where the security credentials based on the

vendor/java/conf/sdp/sdp.conf.template vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Configuration file to enable InfiniBand Sockets Direct Protocol.
# Each line that does not start with a comment (#) is a rule to indicate when
# the SDP transport protocol should be used. The format of a rule is as follows:
# ("bind"|"connect") 1*LWSP-char (hostname|ipaddress["/"prefix]) 1*LWSP-char ("*"|port)["-"("*"|port)]
# A "bind" rule indicates that the SDP protocol transport should be used when
# a TCP socket binds to an address/port that matches the rule. A "connect" rule
# indicates that the SDP protocol transport should be used when an unbound
# TCP socket attempts to connect to an address/port that matches the rule.
# Addresses may be specified as hostnames or literal Internet Protocol (IP)
# addresses. When a literal IP address is used then a prefix length may be used
# to indicate the number of bits for matching (useful when a block of addresses
# or subnet is allocated to the InfiniBand fabric).
# Use SDP for all sockets that bind to specific local addresses
#bind *
#bind fe80::21b:24ff:fe3d:7896 *
# Use SDP for all sockets that bind to the wildcard address in a port range
#bind 5000-5999
#bind ::0 5000-5999
# Use SDP when connecting to all application services on 192.168.1.*
#connect 1024-*
# Use SDP when connecting to the http server or MySQL database on hpccluster.
#connect hpccluster.foo.com 80
#connect hpccluster.foo.com 3306

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@ -451,6 +451,31 @@ networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10
krb5.kdc.bad.policy = tryLast
# Kerberos cross-realm referrals (RFC 6806)
# OpenJDK's Kerberos client supports cross-realm referrals as defined in
# RFC 6806. This allows to setup more dynamic environments in which clients
# do not need to know in advance how to reach the realm of a target principal
# (either a user or service).
# When a client issues an AS or a TGS request, the "canonicalize" option
# is set to announce support of this feature. A KDC server may fulfill the
# request or reply referring the client to a different one. If referred,
# the client will issue a new request and the cycle repeats.
# In addition to referrals, the "canonicalize" option allows the KDC server
# to change the client name in response to an AS request. For security reasons,
# RFC 6806 (section 11) FAST scheme is enforced.
# Disable Kerberos cross-realm referrals. Value may be overwritten with a
# System property (-Dsun.security.krb5.disableReferrals).
# Maximum number of AS or TGS referrals to avoid infinite loops. Value may
# be overwritten with a System property (-Dsun.security.krb5.maxReferrals).
# Algorithm restrictions for certification path (CertPath) processing
@ -897,7 +922,7 @@ jdk.xml.dsig.secureValidationPolicy=\
# Serialization process-wide filter
# Serialization system-wide filter
# A filter, if configured, is used by java.io.ObjectInputStream during
# deserialization to check the contents of the stream.
@ -999,27 +1024,6 @@ jdk.xml.dsig.secureValidationPolicy=\
# java.rmi.dgc.Lease;\
# maxdepth=5;maxarray=10000
# CORBA ORBIorTypeCheckRegistryFilter
# Type check enhancement for ORB::string_to_object processing
# An IOR type check filter, if configured, is used by an ORB during
# an ORB::string_to_object invocation to check the veracity of the type encoded
# in the ior string.
# The filter pattern consists of a semi-colon separated list of class names.
# The configured list contains the binary class names of the IDL interface types
# corresponding to the IDL stub class to be instantiated.
# As such, a filter specifies a list of IDL stub classes that will be
# allowed by an ORB when an ORB::string_to_object is invoked.
# It is used to specify a white list configuration of acceptable
# IDL stub types which may be contained in a stringified IOR
# parameter passed as input to an ORB::string_to_object method.
# Note: This property is currently used by the JDK Reference implementation.
# It is not guaranteed to be examined and used by other implementations.
# JCEKS Encrypted Key Serial Filter
@ -1037,6 +1041,77 @@ jdk.xml.dsig.secureValidationPolicy=\
jceks.key.serialFilter = java.base/java.lang.Enum;java.base/java.security.KeyRep;\
# PKCS12 KeyStore properties
# The following properties, if configured, are used by the PKCS12 KeyStore
# implementation during the creation of a new keystore. Several of the
# properties may also be used when modifying an existing keystore. The
# properties can be overridden by a KeyStore API that specifies its own
# algorithms and parameters.
# If an existing PKCS12 keystore is loaded and then stored, the algorithm and
# parameter used to generate the existing Mac will be reused. If the existing
# keystore does not have a Mac, no Mac will be created while storing. If there
# is at least one certificate in the existing keystore, the algorithm and
# parameters used to encrypt the last certificate in the existing keystore will
# be reused to encrypt all certificates while storing. If the last certificate
# in the existing keystore is not encrypted, all certificates will be stored
# unencrypted. If there is no certificate in the existing keystore, any newly
# added certificate will be encrypted (or stored unencrypted if algorithm
# value is "NONE") using the "keystore.pkcs12.certProtectionAlgorithm" and
# "keystore.pkcs12.certPbeIterationCount" values defined here. Existing private
# and secret key(s) are not changed. Newly set private and secret key(s) will
# be encrypted using the "keystore.pkcs12.keyProtectionAlgorithm" and
# "keystore.pkcs12.keyPbeIterationCount" values defined here.
# In order to apply new algorithms and parameters to all entries in an
# existing keystore, one can create a new keystore and add entries in the
# existing keystore into the new keystore. This can be achieved by calling the
# "keytool -importkeystore" command.
# If a system property of the same name is also specified, it supersedes the
# security property value defined here.
# If the property is set to an illegal value,
# an iteration count that is not a positive integer, or an unknown algorithm
# name, an exception will be thrown when the property is used.
# If the property is not set or empty, a default value will be used.
# Note: These properties are currently used by the JDK Reference implementation.
# They are not guaranteed to be examined and used by other implementations.
# The algorithm used to encrypt a certificate. This can be any non-Hmac PBE
# algorithm defined in the Cipher section of the Java Security Standard
# Algorithm Names Specification. When set to "NONE", the certificate
# is not encrypted. The default value is "PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40".
#keystore.pkcs12.certProtectionAlgorithm = PBEWithSHA1AndRC2_40
# The iteration count used by the PBE algorithm when encrypting a certificate.
# This value must be a positive integer. The default value is 50000.
#keystore.pkcs12.certPbeIterationCount = 50000
# The algorithm used to encrypt a private key or secret key. This can be
# any non-Hmac PBE algorithm defined in the Cipher section of the Java
# Security Standard Algorithm Names Specification. The value must not be "NONE".
# The default value is "PBEWithSHA1AndDESede".
#keystore.pkcs12.keyProtectionAlgorithm = PBEWithSHA1AndDESede
# The iteration count used by the PBE algorithm when encrypting a private key
# or a secret key. This value must be a positive integer. The default value
# is 50000.
#keystore.pkcs12.keyPbeIterationCount = 50000
# The algorithm used to calculate the optional MacData at the end of a PKCS12
# file. This can be any HmacPBE algorithm defined in the Mac section of the
# Java Security Standard Algorithm Names Specification. When set to "NONE",
# no Mac is generated. The default value is "HmacPBESHA1".
#keystore.pkcs12.macAlgorithm = HmacPBESHA1
# The iteration count used by the MacData algorithm. This value must be a
# positive integer. The default value is 100000.
#keystore.pkcs12.macIterationCount = 100000
# Enhanced exception message information
@ -1058,18 +1133,20 @@ jceks.key.serialFilter = java.base/java.lang.Enum;java.base/java.security.KeyRep
# java.nio.channels package will contain enhanced exception
# message information
# jar - enables more detailed information in the IOExceptions thrown
# by classes in the java.util.jar package
# The property setting in this file can be overridden by a system property of
# the same name, with the same syntax and possible values.
# Disabled mechanisms for the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)
# Disabled mechanisms will not be negotiated by both SASL clients and servers.
# These mechanisms will be ignored if they are specified in the "mechanisms"
# argument of "Sasl.createSaslClient" or the "mechanism" argument of
# "Sasl.createSaslServer".
# These mechanisms will be ignored if they are specified in the mechanisms argument
# of `Sasl.createClient` or the mechanism argument of `Sasl.createServer`.
# The value of this property is a comma-separated list of SASL mechanisms.
# The mechanisms are case-sensitive. Whitespaces around the commas are ignored.
@ -1158,4 +1235,3 @@ jdk.io.permissionsUseCanonicalPath=false
# security property value defined here.

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#Wed Oct 16 11:04:37 UTC 2019
#Mon Oct 21 13:10:59 UTC 2019
EXEL070=ROM image is wrong version
EXEL079=\ -Xscmx<x> set size of new shared class cache to <x>
J9VM151=Failed to open jimage library

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vendor/java/lib/libjli.so vendored Normal file

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@ -154,10 +154,6 @@ grant codeBase "jrt:/jdk.crypto.cryptoki" {
permission java.io.FilePermission "<<ALL FILES>>", "read";
grant codeBase "jrt:/jdk.desktop" {
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.com.sun.awt";
grant codeBase "jrt:/jdk.dynalink" {
permission java.security.AllPermission;
@ -175,10 +171,15 @@ grant codeBase "jrt:/jdk.internal.vm.compiler" {
grant codeBase "jrt:/jdk.internal.vm.compiler.management" {
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.jdk.internal.vm.compiler.collections";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.jdk.vm.ci.runtime";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.sun.management.spi";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "sun.management.spi.PlatformMBeanProvider.subclass";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.jdk.vm.ci.services";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.org.graalvm.compiler.core.common";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.org.graalvm.compiler.debug";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.org.graalvm.compiler.hotspot";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.org.graalvm.compiler.options";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.org.graalvm.compiler.phases.common.jmx";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.org.graalvm.compiler.serviceprovider";
grant codeBase "jrt:/jdk.jsobject" {
@ -214,6 +215,7 @@ grant codeBase "jrt:/jdk.zipfs" {
permission java.io.FilePermission "<<ALL FILES>>", "read,write,delete";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "fileSystemProvider";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "os.name", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.dir", "read";
grant codeBase "jrt:/openj9.cuda" {

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vendor/java/release vendored
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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
MODULES="java.base java.datatransfer java.xml java.prefs java.desktop java.logging java.management java.security.sasl java.naming java.net.http java.scripting java.transaction.xa java.sql jdk.crypto.ec jdk.unsupported jdk.zipfs openj9.sharedclasses"