Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/voltbonn/diversity.volt.link.git synced 2024-06-28 17:00:55 +00:00
2022-11-20 13:54:10 +01:00

3 lines
26 KiB

// source: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/async@3.1.0/dist/async.min.js
(function (e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? t(exports) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["exports"], t) : t(e.async = {}) })(this, function (e) { 'use strict'; function t(e, ...t) { return (...a) => e(...t, ...a) } function a(e) { return function (...t) { var a = t.pop(); return e.call(this, t, a) } } function n(e) { setTimeout(e, 0) } function i(e) { return (t, ...a) => e(() => t(...a)) } function r(e) { return u(e) ? function (...t) { const a = t.pop(), n = e.apply(this, t); return s(n, a) } : a(function (t, a) { var n; try { n = e.apply(this, t) } catch (t) { return a(t) } return n && "function" == typeof n.then ? s(n, a) : void a(null, n) }) } function s(e, t) { return e.then(e => { l(t, null, e) }, e => { l(t, e && e.message ? e : new Error(e)) }) } function l(e, t, a) { try { e(t, a) } catch (e) { Ee(t => { throw t }, e) } } function u(e) { return "AsyncFunction" === e[Symbol.toStringTag] } function c(e) { return "AsyncGenerator" === e[Symbol.toStringTag] } function d(e) { return "function" == typeof e[Symbol.asyncIterator] } function p(e) { if ("function" != typeof e) throw new Error("expected a function"); return u(e) ? r(e) : e } function o(e, t = e.length) { function a(...a) { return "function" == typeof a[t - 1] ? e.apply(this, a) : new Promise((n, i) => { a[t - 1] = (e, ...t) => e ? i(e) : void n(1 < t.length ? t : t[0]), e.apply(this, a) }) } if (!t) throw new Error("arity is undefined"); return Object.defineProperty(a, "name", { value: `awaitable(${e.name})` }), a } function h(e) { return function (t, ...a) { const n = o(function (n) { var i = this; return e(t, (e, t) => { p(e).apply(i, a.concat(t)) }, n) }); return n } } function f(e, t, a, n) { t = t || []; var i = [], r = 0, s = p(a); return e(t, (e, t, a) => { var n = r++; s(e, (e, t) => { i[n] = t, a(e) }) }, e => { n(e, i) }) } function y(e) { return e && "number" == typeof e.length && 0 <= e.length && 0 == e.length % 1 } function m(e) { function t(...t) { if (null !== e) { var a = e; e = null, a.apply(this, t) } } return Object.assign(t, e), t } function g(e) { return e[Symbol.iterator] && e[Symbol.iterator]() } function k(e) { var t = -1, a = e.length; return function () { return ++t < a ? { value: e[t], key: t } : null } } function v(e) { var t = -1; return function () { var a = e.next(); return a.done ? null : (t++, { value: a.value, key: t }) } } function S(e) { var t = e ? Object.keys(e) : [], a = -1, n = t.length; return function () { var i = t[++a]; return a < n ? { value: e[i], key: i } : null } } function L(e) { if (y(e)) return k(e); var t = g(e); return t ? v(t) : S(e) } function x(e) { return function (...t) { if (null === e) throw new Error("Callback was already called."); var a = e; e = null, a.apply(this, t) } } function E(e, t, a, n) { function i() { d >= t || c || l || (c = !0, e.next().then(({ value: e, done: t }) => { if (!(u || l)) return c = !1, t ? (l = !0, void (0 >= d && n(null))) : void (d++, a(e, p, r), p++, i()) }).catch(s)) } function r(e, t) { return d -= 1, u ? void 0 : e ? s(e) : !1 === e ? (l = !0, void (u = !0)) : t === be || l && 0 >= d ? (l = !0, n(null)) : void i() } function s(e) { u || (c = !1, l = !0, n(e)) } let l = !1, u = !1, c = !1, d = 0, p = 0; i() } function b(e, t, a) { function n(e, t) { !1 === e && (l = !0); !0 === l || (e ? a(e) : (++r === s || t === be) && a(null)) } a = m(a); var i = 0, r = 0, { length: s } = e, l = !1; for (0 === s && a(null); i < s; i++)t(e[i], i, x(n)) } function O(e, t, a) { return _e(e, 1 / 0, t, a) } function _() { function e(e, ...n) { return e ? a(e) : void t(1 < n.length ? n : n[0]) } let t, a; return e[Fe] = new Promise((e, n) => { t = e, a = n }), e } function M(e, t, a) { function n(e, t) { g.push(() => l(e, t)) } function i() { if (!h) { if (0 === g.length && 0 === o) return a(null, d); for (; g.length && o < t;) { var e = g.shift(); e() } } } function r(e, t) { var a = y[e]; a || (a = y[e] = []), a.push(t) } function s(e) { var t = y[e] || []; t.forEach(e => e()), i() } function l(e, t) { if (!f) { var n = x((t, ...n) => { if (o--, !1 === t) return void (h = !0); if (2 > n.length && ([n] = n), t) { var i = {}; if (Object.keys(d).forEach(e => { i[e] = d[e] }), i[e] = n, f = !0, y = Object.create(null), h) return; a(t, i) } else d[e] = n, s(e) }); o++; var i = p(t[t.length - 1]); 1 < t.length ? i(d, n) : i(n) } } function u(t) { var a = []; return Object.keys(e).forEach(n => { const i = e[n]; Array.isArray(i) && 0 <= i.indexOf(t) && a.push(n) }), a } "number" != typeof t && (a = t, t = null), a = m(a || _()); var c = Object.keys(e).length; if (!c) return a(null); t || (t = c); var d = {}, o = 0, h = !1, f = !1, y = Object.create(null), g = [], k = [], v = {}; return Object.keys(e).forEach(t => { var a = e[t]; if (!Array.isArray(a)) return n(t, [a]), void k.push(t); var i = a.slice(0, a.length - 1), s = i.length; return 0 === s ? (n(t, a), void k.push(t)) : void (v[t] = s, i.forEach(l => { if (!e[l]) throw new Error("async.auto task `" + t + "` has a non-existent dependency `" + l + "` in " + i.join(", ")); r(l, () => { s--, 0 === s && n(t, a) }) })) }), function () { for (var e, t = 0; k.length;)e = k.pop(), t++, u(e).forEach(e => { 0 == --v[e] && k.push(e) }); if (t !== c) throw new Error("async.auto cannot execute tasks due to a recursive dependency") }(), i(), a[Fe] } function A(e) { const t = e.toString().replace(ze, ""); let a = t.match(Pe); if (a || (a = t.match(Te)), !a) throw new Error("could not parse args in autoInject\nSource:\n" + t); let [, n] = a; return n.replace(/\s/g, "").split(Re).map(e => e.replace(Ce, "").trim()) } function I(e, t) { var a = {}; return Object.keys(e).forEach(t => { function n(e, t) { var a = i.map(t => e[t]); a.push(t), p(r)(...a) } var i, r = e[t], s = u(r), l = !s && 1 === r.length || s && 0 === r.length; if (Array.isArray(r)) i = [...r], r = i.pop(), a[t] = i.concat(0 < i.length ? n : r); else if (l) a[t] = r; else { if (i = A(r), 0 === r.length && !s && 0 === i.length) throw new Error("autoInject task functions require explicit parameters."); s || i.pop(), a[t] = i.concat(n) } }), M(a, t) } function j(e, t) { e.length = 1, e.head = e.tail = t } function w(e, t, a) { function n(e, t) { f[e].push(t) } function i(e, t) { const a = (...n) => { r(e, a), t(...n) }; f[e].push(a) } function r(e, t) { return e ? t ? void (f[e] = f[e].filter(e => e !== t)) : f[e] = [] : Object.keys(f).forEach(e => f[e] = []) } function s(e, ...t) { f[e].forEach(e => e(...t)) } function l(e, t, a, n) { function i(e, ...t) { return e ? a ? s(e) : r() : 1 >= t.length ? r(t[0]) : void r(t) } if (null != n && "function" != typeof n) throw new Error("task callback must be a function"); k.started = !0; var r, s, l = { data: e, callback: a ? i : n || i }; if (t ? k._tasks.unshift(l) : k._tasks.push(l), y || (y = !0, Ee(() => { y = !1, k.process() })), a || !n) return new Promise((e, t) => { r = e, s = t }) } function u(e) { return function (t, ...a) { o -= 1; for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) { var l = e[n], u = h.indexOf(l); 0 === u ? h.shift() : 0 < u && h.splice(u, 1), l.callback(t, ...a), null != t && s("error", t, l.data) } o <= k.concurrency - k.buffer && s("unsaturated"), k.idle() && s("drain"), k.process() } } function c(e) { return !!(0 === e.length && k.idle()) && (Ee(() => s("drain")), !0) } if (null == t) t = 1; else if (0 === t) throw new RangeError("Concurrency must not be zero"); var d = p(e), o = 0, h = []; const f = { error: [], drain: [], saturated: [], unsaturated: [], empty: [] }; var y = !1; const m = e => t => t ? void (r(e), n(e, t)) : new Promise((t, a) => { i(e, (e, n) => e ? a(e) : void t(n)) }); var g = !1, k = { _tasks: new Ye, *[Symbol.iterator]() { yield* k._tasks[Symbol.iterator]() }, concurrency: t, payload: a, buffer: t / 4, started: !1, paused: !1, push(e, t) { return Array.isArray(e) ? c(e) ? void 0 : e.map(e => l(e, !1, !1, t)) : l(e, !1, !1, t) }, pushAsync(e, t) { return Array.isArray(e) ? c(e) ? void 0 : e.map(e => l(e, !1, !0, t)) : l(e, !1, !0, t) }, kill() { r(), k._tasks.empty() }, unshift(e, t) { return Array.isArray(e) ? c(e) ? void 0 : e.map(e => l(e, !0, !1, t)) : l(e, !0, !1, t) }, unshiftAsync(e, t) { return Array.isArray(e) ? c(e) ? void 0 : e.map(e => l(e, !0, !0, t)) : l(e, !0, !0, t) }, remove(e) { k._tasks.remove(e) }, process() { var e = Math.min; if (!g) { for (g = !0; !k.paused && o < k.concurrency && k._tasks.length;) { var t = [], a = [], n = k._tasks.length; k.payload && (n = e(n, k.payload)); for (var r, c = 0; c < n; c++)r = k._tasks.shift(), t.push(r), h.push(r), a.push(r.data); o += 1, 0 === k._tasks.length && s("empty"), o === k.concurrency && s("saturated"); var p = x(u(t)); d(a, p) } g = !1 } }, length() { return k._tasks.length }, running() { return o }, workersList() { return h }, idle() { return 0 === k._tasks.length + o }, pause() { k.paused = !0 }, resume() { !1 === k.paused || (k.paused = !1, Ee(k.process)) } }; return Object.defineProperties(k, { saturated: { writable: !1, value: m("saturated") }, unsaturated: { writable: !1, value: m("unsaturated") }, empty: { writable: !1, value: m("empty") }, drain: { writable: !1, value: m("drain") }, error: { writable: !1, value: m("error") } }), k } function B(e, t) { return w(e, 1, t) } function F(e, t, a) { return w(e, t, a) } function P(...e) { var t = e.map(p); return function (...e) { var a = this, n = e[e.length - 1]; return "function" == typeof n ? e.pop() : n = _(), Ne(t, e, (e, t, n) => { t.apply(a, e.concat((e, ...t) => { n(e, t) })) }, (e, t) => n(e, ...t)), n[Fe] } } function T(...e) { return P(...e.reverse()) } function R(...e) { return function (...t) { var a = t.pop(); return a(null, ...e) } } function C(e, t) { return (a, n, i, r) => { var s, l = !1; const u = p(i); a(n, (a, n, i) => { u(a, (n, r) => n || !1 === n ? i(n) : e(r) && !s ? (l = !0, s = t(!0, a), i(null, be)) : void i()) }, e => e ? r(e) : void r(null, l ? s : t(!1))) } } function z(e) { return (t, ...a) => p(t)(...a, (t, ...a) => { "object" == typeof console && (t ? console.error && console.error(t) : console[e] && a.forEach(t => console[e](t))) }) } function Y(e, t, a) { const n = p(t); return Je(e, (...e) => { const t = e.pop(); n(...e, (e, a) => t(e, !a)) }, a) } function V(e) { return (t, a, n) => e(t, n) } function N(e) { return u(e) ? e : function (...t) { var a = t.pop(), n = !0; t.push((...e) => { n ? Ee(() => a(...e)) : a(...e) }), e.apply(this, t), n = !1 } } function q(e, t, a, n) { var r = Array(t.length); e(t, (e, t, n) => { a(e, (e, a) => { r[t] = !!a, n(e) }) }, e => { if (e) return n(e); for (var a = [], s = 0; s < t.length; s++)r[s] && a.push(t[s]); n(null, a) }) } function D(e, t, a, n) { var i = []; e(t, (e, t, n) => { a(e, (a, r) => a ? n(a) : void (r && i.push({ index: t, value: e }), n(a))) }, e => e ? n(e) : void n(null, i.sort((e, t) => e.index - t.index).map(e => e.value))) } function Q(e, t, a, n) { var i = y(t) ? q : D; return i(e, t, p(a), n) } function U(e, t, a) { return lt(e, 1 / 0, t, a) } function G(e, t, a) { return lt(e, 1, t, a) } function W(e, t, a) { return ct(e, 1 / 0, t, a) } function K(e, t, a) { return ct(e, 1, t, a) } function X(e, t = e => e) { var n = Object.create(null), r = Object.create(null), s = p(e), l = a((e, a) => { var u = t(...e); u in n ? Ee(() => a(null, ...n[u])) : u in r ? r[u].push(a) : (r[u] = [a], s(...e, (e, ...t) => { e || (n[u] = t); var a = r[u]; delete r[u]; for (var s = 0, c = a.length; s < c; s++)a[s](e, ...t) })) }); return l.memo = n, l.unmemoized = e, l } function J(e, t) { return pt(Me, e, t) } function Z(e, t, a) { return pt(Oe(t), e, a) } function $(e, t) { var a = p(e); return w((e, t) => { a(e[0], t) }, t, 1) } function H(e) { return (e << 1) + 1 } function ee(e) { return (e + 1 >> 1) - 1 } function te(e, t) { return e.priority === t.priority ? e.pushCount < t.pushCount : e.priority < t.priority } function ae(e, t) { var a = $(e, t); return a._tasks = new ot, a.push = function (e, t = 0, n = () => { }) { if ("function" != typeof n) throw new Error("task callback must be a function"); if (a.started = !0, Array.isArray(e) || (e = [e]), 0 === e.length && a.idle()) return Ee(() => a.drain()); for (var r, s = 0, u = e.length; s < u; s++)r = { data: e[s], priority: t, callback: n }, a._tasks.push(r); Ee(a.process) }, delete a.unshift, a } function ne(e, t, a, n) { var i = [...e].reverse(); return Ne(i, t, a, n) } function ie(e) { var t = p(e); return a(function (e, a) { return e.push((e, ...t) => { let n = {}; if (e && (n.error = e), 0 < t.length) { var i = t; 1 >= t.length && ([i] = t), n.value = i } a(null, n) }), t.apply(this, e) }) } function re(e) { var t; return Array.isArray(e) ? t = e.map(ie) : (t = {}, Object.keys(e).forEach(a => { t[a] = ie.call(this, e[a]) })), t } function se(e, t, a, n) { const i = p(a); return Q(e, t, (e, t) => { i(e, (e, a) => { t(e, !a) }) }, n) } function le(e) { return function () { return e } } function ue(e, t, a) { function n() { r((e, ...t) => { !1 === e || (e && s++ < i.times && ("function" != typeof i.errorFilter || i.errorFilter(e)) ? setTimeout(n, i.intervalFunc(s - 1)) : a(e, ...t)) }) } var i = { times: gt, intervalFunc: le(kt) }; if (3 > arguments.length && "function" == typeof e ? (a = t || _(), t = e) : (ce(i, e), a = a || _()), "function" != typeof t) throw new Error("Invalid arguments for async.retry"); var r = p(t), s = 1; return n(), a[Fe] } function ce(e, a) { if ("object" == typeof a) e.times = +a.times || gt, e.intervalFunc = "function" == typeof a.interval ? a.interval : le(+a.interval || kt), e.errorFilter = a.errorFilter; else if ("number" == typeof a || "string" == typeof a) e.times = +a || gt; else throw new Error("Invalid arguments for async.retry") } function de(e, t) { t || (t = e, e = null); let n = e && e.arity || t.length; u(t) && (n += 1); var i = p(t); return a((t, a) => { function r(e) { i(...t, e) } return (t.length < n - 1 || null == a) && (t.push(a), a = _()), e ? ue(e, r, a) : ue(r, a), a[Fe] }) } function pe(e, t) { return pt(je, e, t) } function oe(e, t, n) { var i = p(e); return a((a, r) => { var s, l = !1; a.push((...e) => { l || (r(...e), clearTimeout(s)) }), s = setTimeout(function () { var t = e.name || "anonymous", a = new Error("Callback function \"" + t + "\" timed out."); a.code = "ETIMEDOUT", n && (a.info = n), l = !0, r(a) }, t), i(...a) }) } function he(e) { for (var t = Array(e); e--;)t[e] = e; return t } function fe(e, t, a, n) { var i = p(a); return qe(he(e), t, i, n) } function ye(e, t, a) { return fe(e, 1 / 0, t, a) } function me(e, t, a) { return fe(e, 1, t, a) } function ge(e, t, a, n) { 3 >= arguments.length && "function" == typeof t && (n = a, a = t, t = Array.isArray(e) ? [] : {}), n = m(n || _()); var i = p(a); return Me(e, (e, a, n) => { i(t, e, a, n) }, e => n(e, t)), n[Fe] } function ke(e) { return (...t) => (e.unmemoized || e)(...t) } function ve(e, t, a) { const n = p(e); return bt(e => n((t, a) => e(t, !a)), t, a) } var Se, Le = "function" == typeof setImmediate && setImmediate, xe = "object" == typeof process && "function" == typeof process.nextTick; Se = Le ? setImmediate : xe ? process.nextTick : n; var Ee = i(Se); const be = {}; var Oe = e => (t, a, n) => { function i(e, t) { if (!u) if (p -= 1, e) l = !0, n(e); else if (!1 === e) l = !0, u = !0; else { if (t === be || l && 0 >= p) return l = !0, n(null); o || r() } } function r() { for (o = !0; p < e && !l;) { var t = s(); if (null === t) return l = !0, void (0 >= p && n(null)); p += 1, a(t.value, t.key, x(i)) } o = !1 } if (n = m(n), 0 >= e) throw new RangeError("concurrency limit cannot be less than 1"); if (!t) return n(null); if (c(t)) return E(t, e, a, n); if (d(t)) return E(t[Symbol.asyncIterator](), e, a, n); var s = L(t), l = !1, u = !1, p = 0, o = !1; r() }, _e = o(function (e, t, a, n) { return Oe(t)(e, p(a), n) }, 4), Me = o(function (e, t, a) { var n = y(e) ? b : O; return n(e, p(t), a) }, 3), Ae = o(function (e, t, a) { return f(Me, e, t, a) }, 3), Ie = h(Ae), je = o(function (e, t, a) { return _e(e, 1, t, a) }, 3), we = o(function (e, t, a) { return f(je, e, t, a) }, 3), Be = h(we); const Fe = Symbol("promiseCallback"); var Pe = /^(?:async\s+)?(?:function)?\s*\w*\s*\(\s*([^)]+)\s*\)(?:\s*{)/, Te = /^(?:async\s+)?\(?\s*([^)=]+)\s*\)?(?:\s*=>)/, Re = /,/, Ce = /(=.+)?(\s*)$/, ze = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg; class Ye { constructor() { this.head = this.tail = null, this.length = 0 } removeLink(e) { return e.prev ? e.prev.next = e.next : this.head = e.next, e.next ? e.next.prev = e.prev : this.tail = e.prev, e.prev = e.next = null, this.length -= 1, e } empty() { for (; this.head;)this.shift(); return this } insertAfter(e, t) { t.prev = e, t.next = e.next, e.next ? e.next.prev = t : this.tail = t, e.next = t, this.length += 1 } insertBefore(e, t) { t.prev = e.prev, t.next = e, e.prev ? e.prev.next = t : this.head = t, e.prev = t, this.length += 1 } unshift(e) { this.head ? this.insertBefore(this.head, e) : j(this, e) } push(e) { this.tail ? this.insertAfter(this.tail, e) : j(this, e) } shift() { return this.head && this.removeLink(this.head) } pop() { return this.tail && this.removeLink(this.tail) } toArray() { return [...this] } *[Symbol.iterator]() { for (var e = this.head; e;)yield e.data, e = e.next } remove(e) { for (var t = this.head; t;) { var { next: a } = t; e(t) && this.removeLink(t), t = a } return this } } var Ve, Ne = o(function (e, t, a, n) { n = m(n); var r = p(a); return je(e, (e, a, n) => { r(t, e, (e, a) => { t = a, n(e) }) }, e => n(e, t)) }, 4), qe = o(function (e, t, a, n) { return f(Oe(t), e, a, n) }, 4), De = o(function (e, t, a, n) { var i = p(a); return qe(e, t, (e, t) => { i(e, (e, ...a) => e ? t(e) : t(e, a)) }, (e, t) => { for (var a = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++)t[r] && (a = a.concat(...t[r])); return n(e, a) }) }, 4), Qe = o(function (e, t, a) { return De(e, 1 / 0, t, a) }, 3), Ue = o(function (e, t, a) { return De(e, 1, t, a) }, 3), Ge = o(function (e, t, a) { return C(e => e, (e, t) => t)(Me, e, t, a) }, 3), We = o(function (e, t, a, n) { return C(e => e, (e, t) => t)(Oe(t), e, a, n) }, 4), Ke = o(function (e, t, a) { return C(e => e, (e, t) => t)(Oe(1), e, t, a) }, 3), Xe = z("dir"), Je = o(function (e, t, a) { function n(e, ...t) { return e ? a(e) : void (!1 === e || (r = t, l(...t, i))) } function i(e, t) { return e ? a(e) : !1 === e ? void 0 : t ? void s(n) : a(null, ...r) } a = x(a); var r, s = p(e), l = p(t); return i(null, !0) }, 3), Ze = o(function (e, t, a) { return Me(e, V(p(t)), a) }, 3), $e = o(function (e, t, a, n) { return Oe(t)(e, V(p(a)), n) }, 4), He = o(function (e, t, a) { return $e(e, 1, t, a) }, 3), et = o(function (e, t, a) { return C(e => !e, e => !e)(Me, e, t, a) }, 3), tt = o(function (e, t, a, n) { return C(e => !e, e => !e)(Oe(t), e, a, n) }, 4), at = o(function (e, t, a) { return C(e => !e, e => !e)(je, e, t, a) }, 3), nt = o(function (e, t, a) { return Q(Me, e, t, a) }, 3), it = o(function (e, t, a, n) { return Q(Oe(t), e, a, n) }, 4), rt = o(function (e, t, a) { return Q(je, e, t, a) }, 3), st = o(function (e, t) { function a(e) { return e ? n(e) : void (!1 === e || i(a)) } var n = x(t), i = p(N(e)); return a() }, 2), lt = o(function (e, t, a, n) { var i = p(a); return qe(e, t, (e, t) => { i(e, (a, n) => a ? t(a) : t(a, { key: n, val: e })) }, (e, t) => { for (var a = {}, { hasOwnProperty: r } = Object.prototype, s = 0; s < t.length; s++)if (t[s]) { var { key: l } = t[s], { val: u } = t[s]; r.call(a, l) ? a[l].push(u) : a[l] = [u] } return n(e, a) }) }, 4), ut = z("log"), ct = o(function (e, t, a, n) { n = m(n); var i = {}, r = p(a); return Oe(t)(e, (e, t, a) => { r(e, t, (e, n) => e ? a(e) : void (i[t] = n, a(e))) }, e => n(e, i)) }, 4); Ve = xe ? process.nextTick : Le ? setImmediate : n; var dt = i(Ve), pt = o((e, t, a) => { var n = y(t) ? [] : {}; e(t, (e, t, a) => { p(e)((e, ...i) => { 2 > i.length && ([i] = i), n[t] = i, a(e) }) }, e => a(e, n)) }, 3); class ot { constructor() { this.heap = [], this.pushCount = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER } get length() { return this.heap.length } empty() { return this.heap = [], this } percUp(e) { for (let a; 0 < e && te(this.heap[e], this.heap[a = ee(e)]);) { let n = this.heap[e]; this.heap[e] = this.heap[a], this.heap[a] = n, e = a } } percDown(e) { for (let a, n; (a = H(e)) < this.heap.length && (a + 1 < this.heap.length && te(this.heap[a + 1], this.heap[a]) && ++a, !te(this.heap[e], this.heap[a]));)n = this.heap[e], this.heap[e] = this.heap[a], this.heap[a] = n, e = a } push(e) { e.pushCount = ++this.pushCount, this.heap.push(e), this.percUp(this.heap.length - 1) } unshift(e) { return this.heap.push(e) } shift() { let [e] = this.heap; return this.heap[0] = this.heap[this.heap.length - 1], this.heap.pop(), this.percDown(0), e } toArray() { return [...this] } *[Symbol.iterator]() { for (let e = 0; e < this.heap.length; e++)yield this.heap[e].data } remove(e) { let t = 0; for (let a = 0; a < this.heap.length; a++)e(this.heap[a]) || (this.heap[t] = this.heap[a], t++); this.heap.splice(t); for (let t = ee(this.heap.length - 1); 0 <= t; t--)this.percDown(t); return this } } var ht = o(function (e, t) { if (t = m(t), !Array.isArray(e)) return t(new TypeError("First argument to race must be an array of functions")); if (!e.length) return t(); for (var a = 0, n = e.length; a < n; a++)p(e[a])(t) }, 2), ft = o(function (e, t, a) { return se(Me, e, t, a) }, 3), yt = o(function (e, t, a, n) { return se(Oe(t), e, a, n) }, 4), mt = o(function (e, t, a) { return se(je, e, t, a) }, 3); const gt = 5, kt = 0; var vt = o(function (e, t, a) { return C(Boolean, e => e)(Me, e, t, a) }, 3), St = o(function (e, t, a, n) { return C(Boolean, e => e)(Oe(t), e, a, n) }, 4), Lt = o(function (e, t, a) { return C(Boolean, e => e)(je, e, t, a) }, 3), xt = o(function (e, t, a) { function n(e, t) { var n = e.criteria, a = t.criteria; return n < a ? -1 : n > a ? 1 : 0 } var i = p(t); return Ae(e, (e, t) => { i(e, (a, n) => a ? t(a) : void t(a, { value: e, criteria: n })) }, (e, t) => e ? a(e) : void a(null, t.sort(n).map(e => e.value))) }, 3), Et = o(function (e, t) { var a, n = null; return He(e, (e, t) => { p(e)((e, ...i) => !1 === e ? t(e) : void (2 > i.length ? [a] = i : a = i, n = e, t(e ? null : {}))) }, () => t(n, a)) }), bt = o(function (e, t, a) { function n(e, ...t) { if (e) return a(e); l = t; !1 === e || s(i) } function i(e, t) { return e ? a(e) : !1 === e ? void 0 : t ? void r(n) : a(null, ...l) } a = x(a); var r = p(t), s = p(e), l = []; return s(i) }, 3), Ot = o(function (e, t) { function a(t) { var a = p(e[i++]); a(...t, x(n)) } function n(n, ...r) { return !1 === n ? void 0 : n || i === e.length ? t(n, ...r) : void a(r) } if (t = m(t), !Array.isArray(e)) return t(new Error("First argument to waterfall must be an array of functions")); if (!e.length) return t(); var i = 0; a([]) }); e.default = { apply: t, applyEach: Ie, applyEachSeries: Be, asyncify: r, auto: M, autoInject: I, cargo: B, cargoQueue: F, compose: T, concat: Qe, concatLimit: De, concatSeries: Ue, constant: R, detect: Ge, detectLimit: We, detectSeries: Ke, dir: Xe, doUntil: Y, doWhilst: Je, each: Ze, eachLimit: $e, eachOf: Me, eachOfLimit: _e, eachOfSeries: je, eachSeries: He, ensureAsync: N, every: et, everyLimit: tt, everySeries: at, filter: nt, filterLimit: it, filterSeries: rt, forever: st, groupBy: U, groupByLimit: lt, groupBySeries: G, log: ut, map: Ae, mapLimit: qe, mapSeries: we, mapValues: W, mapValuesLimit: ct, mapValuesSeries: K, memoize: X, nextTick: dt, parallel: J, parallelLimit: Z, priorityQueue: ae, queue: $, race: ht, reduce: Ne, reduceRight: ne, reflect: ie, reflectAll: re, reject: ft, rejectLimit: yt, rejectSeries: mt, retry: ue, retryable: de, seq: P, series: pe, setImmediate: Ee, some: vt, someLimit: St, someSeries: Lt, sortBy: xt, timeout: oe, times: ye, timesLimit: fe, timesSeries: me, transform: ge, tryEach: Et, unmemoize: ke, until: ve, waterfall: Ot, whilst: bt, all: et, allLimit: tt, allSeries: at, any: vt, anyLimit: St, anySeries: Lt, find: Ge, findLimit: We, findSeries: Ke, flatMap: Qe, flatMapLimit: De, flatMapSeries: Ue, forEach: Ze, forEachSeries: He, forEachLimit: $e, forEachOf: Me, forEachOfSeries: je, forEachOfLimit: _e, inject: Ne, foldl: Ne, foldr: ne, select: nt, selectLimit: it, selectSeries: rt, wrapSync: r, during: bt, doDuring: Je }, e.apply = t, e.applyEach = Ie, e.applyEachSeries = Be, e.asyncify = r, e.auto = M, e.autoInject = I, e.cargo = B, e.cargoQueue = F, e.compose = T, e.concat = Qe, e.concatLimit = De, e.concatSeries = Ue, e.constant = R, e.detect = Ge, e.detectLimit = We, e.detectSeries = Ke, e.dir = Xe, e.doUntil = Y, e.doWhilst = Je, e.each = Ze, e.eachLimit = $e, e.eachOf = Me, e.eachOfLimit = _e, e.eachOfSeries = je, e.eachSeries = He, e.ensureAsync = N, e.every = et, e.everyLimit = tt, e.everySeries = at, e.filter = nt, e.filterLimit = it, e.filterSeries = rt, e.forever = st, e.groupBy = U, e.groupByLimit = lt, e.groupBySeries = G, e.log = ut, e.map = Ae, e.mapLimit = qe, e.mapSeries = we, e.mapValues = W, e.mapValuesLimit = ct, e.mapValuesSeries = K, e.memoize = X, e.nextTick = dt, e.parallel = J, e.parallelLimit = Z, e.priorityQueue = ae, e.queue = $, e.race = ht, e.reduce = Ne, e.reduceRight = ne, e.reflect = ie, e.reflectAll = re, e.reject = ft, e.rejectLimit = yt, e.rejectSeries = mt, e.retry = ue, e.retryable = de, e.seq = P, e.series = pe, e.setImmediate = Ee, e.some = vt, e.someLimit = St, e.someSeries = Lt, e.sortBy = xt, e.timeout = oe, e.times = ye, e.timesLimit = fe, e.timesSeries = me, e.transform = ge, e.tryEach = Et, e.unmemoize = ke, e.until = ve, e.waterfall = Ot, e.whilst = bt, e.all = et, e.allLimit = tt, e.allSeries = at, e.any = vt, e.anyLimit = St, e.anySeries = Lt, e.find = Ge, e.findLimit = We, e.findSeries = Ke, e.flatMap = Qe, e.flatMapLimit = De, e.flatMapSeries = Ue, e.forEach = Ze, e.forEachSeries = He, e.forEachLimit = $e, e.forEachOf = Me, e.forEachOfSeries = je, e.forEachOfLimit = _e, e.inject = Ne, e.foldl = Ne, e.foldr = ne, e.select = nt, e.selectLimit = it, e.selectSeries = rt, e.wrapSync = r, e.during = bt, e.doDuring = Je, Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) });