// Just to make the console a bit queer. console.info('%c \n Be yourself! \n\n', ` font-family: Ubuntu, sans-serif; font-size: 5rem; font-weight: bold; color: white; text-shadow: 1px 1px #ff69b5, 2px 2px #ff0000, 3px 3px #ff8f00, 4px 4px #ffff00, 5px 5px #008f00, 6px 6px #00c1c1, 7px 7px #3e0099, 8px 8px #8f008f; `) let teams = [] let teams_selected = new Set() function selectTeam(team) { teams_selected.add(team) renderTeamSuggestions() renderTeamSelected() renderTeamSelectedAutomatically() } function deselectTeam(team) { teams_selected = new Set([...teams_selected].filter(team_selected => team_selected.id !== team)) renderTeamSuggestions() renderTeamSelected() renderTeamSelectedAutomatically() } function renderTeamSuggestions() { const team_suggestions_input = document.getElementById('team_suggestions_input') const team_suggestions = document.getElementById('team_suggestions') team_suggestions.innerHTML = '' const team_suggestions_input_value = team_suggestions_input.value.toLowerCase() if (team_suggestions_input_value.length > 0) { // filter out parent_teams that are in the teams array const teams_selected_ids = [...teams_selected] .flatMap(team => [ team.id, // ...team.parent_team_ids, ]) const filtered_teams = teams .filter(team => !teams_selected_ids.includes(team.id)) .filter(team => team.name.toLowerCase().includes(team_suggestions_input_value)) .sort((a, b) => a.name.toLowerCase() > b.name.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1) for (const team of filtered_teams) { const team_chip = document.createElement('div') team_chip.classList.add('chip') team_chip.classList.add('add') team_chip.innerHTML = team.name team_chip.addEventListener('click', () => { selectTeam(team) }) team_suggestions.appendChild(team_chip) } } } function renderTeamSelected() { const teams_selected_node = document.getElementById('teams_selected') teams_selected_node.innerHTML = '' const filtered_teams = [...teams_selected] .sort((a, b) => { return a.name.toLowerCase() > b.name.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1 }) const selected_teams_wrapper_node = document.getElementById('selected_teams_wrapper') if (filtered_teams.length === 0) { selected_teams_wrapper_node.style.display = 'none' } else { selected_teams_wrapper_node.style.display = 'block' } for (const team of filtered_teams) { const team_chip = document.createElement('div') team_chip.classList.add('chip') team_chip.classList.add('remove') team_chip.innerHTML = team.name team_chip.addEventListener('click', () => { deselectTeam(team.id) }) teams_selected_node.appendChild(team_chip) } } function getParentTeams(parent_team_ids) { let parent_teams = [] for (const parent_team_id of parent_team_ids) { const team = teams.find(team => team.id === parent_team_id) if (team) { parent_teams.push(team) } } // filter out parent_teams that are in the teams array const teams_selected_ids = [...teams_selected].map(team => team.id) parent_teams = parent_teams.filter(parent_team => !teams_selected_ids.includes(parent_team.id)) return parent_teams } function renderTeamSelectedAutomatically() { const teams_selected_node = document.getElementById('teams_selected_automatically') teams_selected_node.innerHTML = '' const parent_teams = getParentTeams([...new Set([...teams_selected].flatMap(team => team.parent_team_ids))]) .sort((a, b) => { return a.name.toLowerCase() > b.name.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1 }) for (const team of parent_teams) { const team_chip = document.createElement('div') team_chip.classList.add('chip') team_chip.classList.add('automatic') team_chip.innerHTML = team.name teams_selected_node.appendChild(team_chip) } } function loadTeams() { // load teams from ./teams.json fetch('./teams.json') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { teams = data.teams renderTeamSuggestions() }) .catch(error => { console.error(error) }) } function initTeams() { loadTeams() renderTeamSuggestions() renderTeamSelected() renderTeamSelectedAutomatically() } initTeams() const CloudFunctionsPrefix = 'https://us-central1-volt-4eca0.cloudfunctions.net/save_formdata' function resetBodyClasses() { body.classList.remove('error') body.classList.remove('success') body.classList.remove('saving') } function getByLanguage(objectWithValuesByLanguage) { let value = '[NO TRANSLATION FOUND!]' if (objectWithValuesByLanguage) { if (objectWithValuesByLanguage[_language_]) { value = objectWithValuesByLanguage[_language_] } else if (objectWithValuesByLanguage['en']) { value = objectWithValuesByLanguage['en'] } else if (objectWithValuesByLanguage['de']) { value = objectWithValuesByLanguage['de'] } } // if (value.indexOf(' ') > -1) { // value = value.substr(0,value.lastIndexOf(' '))+' '+value.substr(value.lastIndexOf(' ')+1) // } return value } function generateForm(data) { // websiteTitle.innerHTML = 'Volt — '+getByLanguage(_DATA_.translation_texts.website_title).replace(/\n+/g, ' ') for (const section of _DATA_.sections) { var sectionEle = document.createElement('section') if (!!section.heading) { var sectionHeading = document.createElement('h2') sectionHeading.innerHTML = getByLanguage(section.heading) sectionEle.appendChild(sectionHeading) } if (!!section.intro) { var sectionIntro = document.createElement('p') sectionIntro.classList.add('intro') sectionIntro.innerHTML = getByLanguage(section.intro) sectionEle.appendChild(sectionIntro) } // display questions for (const questionKey of Object.keys(section.questions)) { const question = section.questions[questionKey] var questionEle = document.createElement('div') questionEle.classList.add('question') if (!!question.question) { var questionHeading = document.createElement('h3') questionHeading.innerHTML = getByLanguage(question.question) questionEle.appendChild(questionHeading) } if (!!question.why) { var question_why_text = document.createElement('p') question_why_text.classList.add('why_text') if (!question.info) { question_why_text.classList.add('no_info_text') } question_why_text.innerHTML = getByLanguage(question.why) questionEle.appendChild(question_why_text) } if (!!question.info) { var question_info_text = document.createElement('p') // question_info_text.classList.add('info_text') question_info_text.innerHTML = getByLanguage(question.info) questionEle.appendChild(question_info_text) } if (question.type == 'number') { let newInput = document.createElement('input') newInput.addEventListener('click', resetBodyClasses) newInput.setAttribute('name', questionKey) newInput.setAttribute('type', 'number') newInput.setAttribute('placeholder', '…') newInput.addEventListener('click', resetBodyClasses) // newInput.value = '123' questionEle.appendChild(newInput) } else if (question.type == 'checkbox') { for (const key of Object.keys(question.options)) { let labelEle = document.createElement('label') labelEle.classList.add('radio_or_checkbox_label') labelEle.addEventListener('click', resetBodyClasses) let checkboxEle = document.createElement('input') checkboxEle.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox') checkboxEle.setAttribute('name', questionKey) checkboxEle.setAttribute('value', key) labelEle.appendChild(checkboxEle) let spanEle = document.createElement('span') spanEle.innerHTML = getByLanguage(question.options[key]) labelEle.appendChild(spanEle) questionEle.appendChild(labelEle) } } else if (question.type == 'radio') { for (const key of Object.keys(question.options)) { let labelEle = document.createElement('label') labelEle.classList.add('radio_or_checkbox_label') labelEle.addEventListener('click', resetBodyClasses) let checkboxEle = document.createElement('input') checkboxEle.setAttribute('type', 'radio') checkboxEle.setAttribute('name', questionKey) checkboxEle.setAttribute('value', key) labelEle.appendChild(checkboxEle) let spanEle = document.createElement('span') spanEle.innerHTML = getByLanguage(question.options[key]) labelEle.appendChild(spanEle) questionEle.appendChild(labelEle) } } else if (question.type == 'chooser') { let newInput = document.createElement('select') newInput.addEventListener('click', resetBodyClasses) if (questionKey == 'metadata_country') { newInput.setAttribute('selectedValue', window.volt_country_party) for (const country_data of _DATA_.countries) { const disabled = country_data.disabled const value = (country_data.value ? country_data.value : '') let title = '' if (country_data.title) { title = country_data.title } else if (country_data.en && country_data.local_name && country_data.en != country_data.local_name) { title = country_data.en + ' (' + country_data.local_name + ')' } else if (country_data.en) { title = country_data.en } else if (country_data.local_name) { title = country_data.local_name } const optionEle = document.createElement('option') optionEle.setAttribute('name', questionKey) optionEle.setAttribute('value', value) optionEle.innerHTML = title if (window.volt_country_party == value) { optionEle.selected = true } if (disabled == true) { optionEle.disabled = true } newInput.appendChild(optionEle) } } else { // question.options = { // '': {de:'…'}, // ...question.options // } question.options = Object.assign({}, { '': { de: '…' } }, question.options) newInput.setAttribute('selectedValue', '') // let optionEle = document.createElement('option') // optionEle.setAttribute('value', '') // optionEle.innerHTML = '…' // newInput.appendChild(optionEle) // var c = 0 for (const key of Object.keys(question.options)) { let optionEle = document.createElement('option') optionEle.setAttribute('name', questionKey) optionEle.setAttribute('value', key) optionEle.innerHTML = getByLanguage(question.options[key]) // if (c == 1) { // optionEle.selected = true // } newInput.appendChild(optionEle) // c += 1 } } newInput.addEventListener('change', e => { const optionEles = e.target.querySelectorAll('option') for (let optionEle of optionEles) { if (optionEle.selected) { newInput.setAttribute('selectedValue', optionEle.value) break } } }) if (question.multiSelect) { newInput.setAttribute('multiple', 'multiple') question.showAllOptions = true } if (question.showAllOptions) { newInput.classList.add('showingAllOptions') newInput.setAttribute('size', Object.keys(question.options).length) } else { newInput.classList.add('not_showingAllOptions') } questionEle.appendChild(newInput) } else if (question.type == 'one_line_text') { let newInput = document.createElement('input') newInput.addEventListener('click', resetBodyClasses) newInput.setAttribute('name', questionKey) newInput.setAttribute('type', 'text') newInput.setAttribute('placeholder', '…') // newInput.value = 'some text' questionEle.appendChild(newInput) if (questionKey == 'metadata_city') { newInput.value = window.volt_city } } else { let newInput = document.createElement('textarea') newInput.addEventListener('click', resetBodyClasses) newInput.setAttribute('name', questionKey) // newInput.setAttribute('type', 'text') newInput.setAttribute('placeholder', '…') // newInput.innerHTML = 'some text' questionEle.appendChild(newInput) } sectionEle.appendChild(questionEle) } inputs.appendChild(sectionEle) } } function getMetadata(country, city) { // const now = new Date() let metadata = { // year and quater is calculated on the server // year: now.getFullYear(), // quater: Math.floor((now.getMonth() + 3) / 3), isFirstCompletion: !!metadataIsFirstCompletion.checked, // country: metadataCountries.getAttribute('selectedValue'), // city: metadataCity.value, country: country, city: city, } return metadata } function getTimelessButAnonymousTrackingCode(questionKey, answerKey) { // tatc = Timeless but Anonymous Tracking Code const shaObj = new jsSHA('SHA3-512', 'TEXT') shaObj.update(window.pre_tatc + '' + questionKey) // +' '+answerKey return shaObj.getHash('HEX') } function submitForm() { if (navigator.onLine) { var answers = [] const elements = [ ...inputs.querySelectorAll('input[type="text"]'), ...inputs.querySelectorAll('textarea'), ...inputs.querySelectorAll('input[type="number"]'), ] for (const ele of elements) { const questionKey = ele.getAttribute('name') const value = ele.value if (value != '' && questionKey != '') { answers.push({ questionKey: questionKey, answerKey: null, value: value, // metadata: metadata, // tatc: getTimelessButAnonymousTrackingCode(questionKey, null), }) } } for (const ele of inputs.querySelectorAll('option')) { const questionKey = ele.getAttribute('name') const answerKey = ele.value if (ele.selected && questionKey != '' && answerKey != '') { answers.push({ questionKey: questionKey, answerKey: answerKey, value: true, // (ele.selected ? true : false), // metadata: metadata, // tatc: getTimelessButAnonymousTrackingCode(questionKey, null), }) } } for (const ele of inputs.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]')) { const questionKey = ele.getAttribute('name') const answerKey = ele.value if (ele.checked && questionKey != '' && answerKey != '') { answers.push({ questionKey: questionKey, answerKey: answerKey, value: true, // (ele.checked ? true : false), // metadata: metadata, // tatc: getTimelessButAnonymousTrackingCode(questionKey, answerKey), }) } } for (const ele of inputs.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]')) { const questionKey = ele.getAttribute('name') const answerKey = ele.value if (ele.checked && questionKey != '' && answerKey != '') { answers.push({ questionKey: questionKey, answerKey: answerKey, value: true, // (ele.checked ? true : false), // metadata: metadata, // tatc: getTimelessButAnonymousTrackingCode(questionKey, answerKey), }) } } if (answers.length > 0) { body.classList.add('saving') // add the metadata const metadata_country_value = answers.filter(a => a.questionKey == 'metadata_country').map(a => a.answerKey)[0] || '' const metadata_city_value = answers.filter(a => a.questionKey == 'metadata_city').map(a => a.value)[0] || '' const metadata = getMetadata(metadata_country_value, metadata_city_value) answers = answers.filter(answer => answer.questionKey != 'metadata_country' && answer.questionKey != 'metadata_city') // answers = answers.map(answer=> ({ // ...answer, // metadata: metadata, // tatc: getTimelessButAnonymousTrackingCode(answer.questionKey, answer.answerKey), // }) ) answers = answers.map(answer => Object.assign({}, answer, { metadata: metadata, tatc: getTimelessButAnonymousTrackingCode(answer.questionKey, answer.answerKey), })) console.log('answers:', answers) let startTS = new Date() * 1 console.info('START', 0) async.each(answers, (answer, callback) => { const xmlReq = new XMLHttpRequest() xmlReq.addEventListener('load', event => { const json_res = JSON.parse(event.target.responseText) if (!!json_res && !json_res.error) { callback() } else { callback('error') } }) xmlReq.open('GET', CloudFunctionsPrefix + '?data=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({ answers: [answer] }))) xmlReq.send() }, error => { console.info('END', (new Date() * 1) - startTS) if (!!error) { body.classList.add('error') body.classList.remove('saving') } else { body.classList.add('success') body.classList.remove('saving') clearForm() } }) } } } function clearForm() { for (const ele of inputs.querySelectorAll('input[type="text"]')) { ele.value = '' } for (const ele of inputs.querySelectorAll('input[type="number"]')) { ele.value = '' } for (const ele of inputs.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]')) { ele.checked = false } for (const ele of inputs.querySelectorAll('option')) { ele.selected = false } } function getIdentifier() { // a got a few things from https://github.com/Valve/fingerprintjs2/blob/master/fingerprint2.js // var getDoNotTrack = function() { // if (navigator.doNotTrack) { // return navigator.doNotTrack // } else if (navigator.msDoNotTrack) { // return navigator.msDoNotTrack // } else if (window.doNotTrack) { // return window.doNotTrack // } else { // return false // } // } var getTouchSupport = function () { var maxTouchPoints = 0 var touchEvent; if (typeof navigator.maxTouchPoints !== 'undefined') { maxTouchPoints = navigator.maxTouchPoints } else if (typeof navigator.msMaxTouchPoints !== 'undefined') { maxTouchPoints = navigator.msMaxTouchPoints } try { document.createEvent('TouchEvent') touchEvent = true } catch (_) { touchEvent = false } var touchStart = 'ontouchstart' in window return [maxTouchPoints, touchEvent, touchStart] } var timezone = function () { if (window.Intl && window.Intl.DateTimeFormat) { return new window.Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone } return false } var relativly_unique_information = { browserPlatform: navigator.platform, javaEnabled: navigator.javaEnabled(), dataCookiesEnabled: navigator.cookieEnabled, sizeScreenAvailWidth: screen.availWidth, sizeScreenAvailHeight: screen.availHeight, sizeScreenWidth: screen.width, sizeScreenHeight: screen.height, scrColorDepth: screen.colorDepth, scrPixelDepth: screen.pixelDepth, hardwareConcurrency: navigator.hardwareConcurrency, // doNotTrack: getDoNotTrack(), isTouchCapable: getTouchSupport().join('|'), // isTouchCapable: 'ontouchstart' in window || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0, timezoneOffset: new Date().getTimezoneOffset(), timezone: timezone(), browserLanguage: (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage || navigator.browserLanguage || navigator.systemLanguage), languages: [...(navigator.languages || [])].sort().join('|'), } return Object.values(relativly_unique_information).join('|') } function parseQuery(queryString) { var query = {} var pairs = (queryString[0] === '?' ? queryString.substr(1) : queryString).split('&') for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { var pair = pairs[i].split('=') if (pair[0] != '') { query[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || '') } } return query } function obj2searchQuery(obj) { var query_parts = [] for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) { query_parts.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(obj[key])) } return '?' + query_parts.join('&') } function setMetadata() { // const now = new Date() // metaDataCurrentYear.innerHTML = now.getFullYear() // metadataCurrentRangeInYear.innerHTML = getByLanguage(_DATA_.months[now.getMonth()+1]) // quater = Math.floor((now.getMonth() + 3) / 3) const locationSearchObj = parseQuery(window.location.search) window.volt_country_party = (!!locationSearchObj.country ? locationSearchObj.country.toUpperCase() : 'DEU') window.volt_city = (!!locationSearchObj.city ? locationSearchObj.city : '') window.pre_tatc = (!!locationSearchObj.tatc ? locationSearchObj.tatc : getIdentifier()) // tatc from get OR a relatively good unique idetifier // tatc = Timeless but Anonymous Tracking Code } function updateLanguageTexts() { const translationNodes = document.querySelectorAll('[data-translation-key]') for (let translationNode of translationNodes) { const translationKey = translationNode.getAttribute('data-translation-key') if (_DATA_.translation_texts[translationKey]) { let text = '' if (_DATA_.translation_texts[translationKey].use_instead && _DATA_.translation_texts[_DATA_.translation_texts[translationKey].use_instead]) { text = getByLanguage(_DATA_.translation_texts[_DATA_.translation_texts[translationKey].use_instead]) } else { text = getByLanguage(_DATA_.translation_texts[translationKey]) } if (_DATA_.translation_texts[translationKey].prefix) { text = _DATA_.translation_texts[translationKey].prefix + text } let translationDestination = '' if (translationNode.hasAttribute('data-translation-dest')) { translationDestination = translationNode.getAttribute('data-translation-dest') } if (translationDestination == 'attr-content') { const temp_node = document.createElement("div") temp_node.innerHTML = text translationNode.setAttribute('content', temp_node.textContent || temp_node.innerText || "") delete temp_node } else { text = text.replace(/\t+/g, '') text = text.replace(/(^\n+|\n+$)/g, '') if (!_DATA_.translation_texts[translationKey].is_plain) { text = text.replace(/\n/g, '
') } translationNode.innerHTML = text } } } } const body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] const websiteTitle = document.getElementById('websiteTitle') const languageChooserSelect = document.getElementById('languageChooserSelect') const metadataIsFirstCompletion = document.getElementById('metadataIsFirstCompletion') const inputs = document.getElementById('inputs') const submitButton = document.getElementById('submitButton') const buttons_to_page = document.querySelectorAll('button[to-page]') for (const button of buttons_to_page) { button.addEventListener('click', () => { const toPage = button.getAttribute('to-page') if (!['', 'intro', 'privacy', 'metadata', 'questions'].includes(toPage)) { toPage = '' } body.setAttribute('show', toPage) window.scrollTo(0, 0) history.pushState(null, websiteTitle.innerText, '#' + toPage) }) } languageChooserSelect.addEventListener('change', e => { const optionEles = e.target.querySelectorAll('option') for (let optionEle of optionEles) { if (optionEle.selected) { window._language_ = optionEle.value updateLanguageTexts() var locationSearchObj = parseQuery(window.location.search) locationSearchObj.lang = optionEle.value history.pushState(null, websiteTitle.innerText, window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + obj2searchQuery(locationSearchObj) + window.location.hash) break } } }) function selectLanguageInSelector() { const html_node = document.querySelector('html') html_node.setAttribute('lang', window._language_) const optionEles = languageChooserSelect.querySelectorAll('option') for (let optionEle of optionEles) { if (optionEle.value === window._language_) { optionEle.selected = true } else { optionEle.selected = false } } } function checkUrl() { // check hash let hash = document.location.hash if (hash.charAt(0) === '#') { hash = hash.slice(1) } body.setAttribute('show', hash) // check search const locationSearchObj = parseQuery(window.location.search) // set language window._language_ = locationSearchObj.lang || 'en' selectLanguageInSelector() updateLanguageTexts() } window.addEventListener('popstate', checkUrl) submitButton.addEventListener('click', () => { submitForm() }) function _DATA_GOT_LOADED() { if (typeof _DATA_ !== 'undefined') { checkUrl() setMetadata() generateForm(_DATA_) } } _DATA_GOT_LOADED()