diff --git a/js/functions.js b/js/functions.js
index d42ce24..56b5311 100644
--- a/js/functions.js
+++ b/js/functions.js
@@ -1,183 +1 @@
-var log = function (message, level) {
- level = level || "INFO";
- var time = moment().format("DD MMM HH:mm:ss");
- console.log(time + " [" + level.toUpperCase() + "] " + message);
-log("Scripts loaded");
-var staticLoaded = 0;
-var jsonLoaded = 0;
-var playerCount = 0;
-var errorMsg = "Error loading content!";
-var loadStatic = function (contentArray) {
- for (var i = 0; i < contentArray.length; i++) {
- getStatic(contentArray[i], contentArray.length);
- }
- setTimeout(function() {
- log(staticLoaded + "/" + contentArray.length + " static items loaded");
- staticLoaded = 0;
- }, 3000);
-var getStatic = function (contentPath, totalLength) {
- var name = "#" + contentPath.replace("statics/", "").replace(".html", "");
- // Async ajax request
- $.get(contentPath, function (data) {
- $(name).html(data);
- staticLoaded += 1;
- log("(STATIC " + staticLoaded + ") Loaded " + contentPath);
- })
- // Error handling
- .error(function() {
- log("Error loading " + contentPath + "!", "WARN");
- $(name).html(errorMsg);
- });
-var loadJson = function(jsonUrl, jsonContent) {
- getJson(jsonUrl, function (data) {
- if (data["usingCachedData"]) {
- updateOnline(false);
- } else {
- updateOnline(true);
- }
- updateJsonItems(data);
- // If items are missing, don't store in cache
- if (jsonContent.length > data.length) {
- log("JSON data incomplete, not storing in cache!", "WARN");
- return;
- }
- $.cookies.set("jsondata", data, {expiresAt: moment().add('days', 15).toDate()});
- log("Updated JSON data cache");
- }, function (error) {
- updateOnline(false);
- log("Error loading " + jsonUrl + "!", "WARN");
- var data = $.cookies.get("jsondata");
- // No cache
- if (data == null) {
- log("No cached JSON items found!", "WARN");
- for (var i in jsonContent) {
- $("#" + jsonContent[i]).html(errorMsg);
- }
- return;
- }
- log("Loading JSON items from cache...", "WARN");
- // Load from cache
- updateJsonItems(data);
- });
- setTimeout(function() {
- log(jsonLoaded + "/" + jsonContent.length + " JSON items loaded");
- jsonLoaded = 0;
- }, 3000);
-var getJson = function (url, successHandler, errorHandler) { // http://mathiasbynens.be/notes/xhr-responsetype-json
- if (!url) {
- return;
- }
- successHandler = successHandler || function () {};
- errorHandler = errorHandler || function () {};
- var xhr = typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined' ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
- xhr.open('get', url, true);
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
- var data;
- if (xhr.readyState != 4) { // 4 = done
- return;
- }
- if (xhr.status != 200) {
- return;
- }
- data = JSON.parse (xhr.responseText);
- successHandler(data);
- };
- xhr.onerror = function () {
- errorHandler(9001);
- };
- xhr.timeout = 2500;
- xhr.ontimeout = function () {
- errorHandler(9001);
- };
- xhr.send();
-var updateJsonItems = function (data) {
- for (var i in jsonContent) {
- var current = jsonContent[i];
- var names = data[current];
- if (names == null || names.length == 0) {
- log("Error loading " + current + "!", "WARN");
- $("#" + current).html(errorMsg);
- continue;
- }
- $("#" + current).html(parseArray(names, current));
- jsonLoaded += 1;
- log("(JSON " + jsonLoaded + ") Loaded " + current);
- }
-var parseArray = function (array, type) {
- var result = "";
- if (type == "developers") {
- for (var i in array) {
- var append = " - ";
- if (array[i] == "Madgeek1450") {
- append += "TFM Creator";
- } else if (array[i] == "DarthSalamon") {
- append += "Lead Developer";
- } else {
- append += "Developer";
- }
- result += "" + array[i] + append + ""
- }
- } else {
- for (var i in array) {
- result += "" + array[i] + ""
- }
- }
- return result;
-var updateOnline = function(online) {
- if(online) {
- $('#status').html("The server is Online!");
- } else {
- $('#status').html("The server is Offline :/");
- }
+var log=function(e,t){t=t||"INFO";var o=moment().format("DD MMM HH:mm:ss");console.log(o+" ["+t.toUpperCase()+"] "+e)};log("Scripts loaded");var staticLoaded=0,jsonLoaded=0,playerCount=0,errorMsg="Error loading content!",loadStatic=function(e){for(var t=0;te.length?void log("JSON data incomplete, not storing in cache!","WARN"):($.cookies.set("jsondata",e,{expiresAt:moment().add("days",15).toDate()}),void log("Updated JSON data cache"))},function(o){updateOnline(!1),log("Error loading "+e+"!","WARN");var n=$.cookies.get("jsondata");if(null!=n)log("Loading JSON items from cache...","WARN"),updateJsonItems(n);else{log("No cached JSON items found!","WARN");for(var a in t)$("#"+t[a]).html(errorMsg)}}),setTimeout(function(){log(jsonLoaded+"/"+t.length+" JSON items loaded"),jsonLoaded=0},3e3)},getJson=function(e,t,o){if(e){t=t||function(){},o=o||function(){};var n="undefined"!=typeof XMLHttpRequest?new XMLHttpRequest:new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");n.open("get",e,!0),n.onreadystatechange=function(){var e;4==n.readyState&&200==n.status&&(e=JSON.parse(n.responseText),t(e))},n.onerror=function(){o(9001)},n.timeout=2500,n.ontimeout=function(){o(9001)},n.send()}},updateJsonItems=function(e){for(var t in jsonContent){var o=jsonContent[t],n=e[o];null!=n&&0!=n.length?($("#"+o).html(parseArray(n,o)),jsonLoaded+=1,log("(JSON "+jsonLoaded+") Loaded "+o)):(log("Error loading "+o+"!","WARN"),$("#"+o).html(errorMsg))}},parseArray=function(e,t){var o="";if("developers"==t)for(var n in e){var a=" - ";a+="Madgeek1450"==e[n]?"TFM Creator":"DarthSalamon"==e[n]?"Lead Developer":"Developer",o+=''+e[n]+a+""}else for(var n in e)o+=''+e[n]+"";return o},updateOnline=function(e){e?$("#status").html("The server is Online!"):$("#status").html("The server is Offline :/")};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/main.js b/js/main.js
index 4c12eec..248030f 100644
--- a/js/main.js
+++ b/js/main.js
@@ -29,51 +29,4 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
-$(document).ready(function() {
- var currentYear = (new Date).getFullYear();
- $("#curYear").text((new Date).getFullYear());
-$(document).ready(function() {
- $('.one').click(function() {
- $('.a').fadeToggle(300);
- $(".one i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-right', 1000);
- $(".one i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-down', 1000);
- });
- $('.two').click(function() {
- $('.b').fadeToggle(300);
- $(".two i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-right');
- $(".two i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-down');
- });
- $('.three').click(function() {
- $('.c').fadeToggle(300);
- $(".three i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-right');
- $(".three i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-down');
- });
- $('.four').click(function() {
- $('.d').fadeToggle(300);
- $(".four i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-right');
- $(".four i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-down');
- });
- $('.five').click(function() {
- $('.e').fadeToggle(300);
- $(".five i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-right');
- $(".five i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-down');
- });
- $('.six').click(function() {
- $('.f').fadeToggle(300);
- $(".six i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-right');
- $(".six i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-down');
- });
- $('.seven').click(function() {
- $('.g').fadeToggle(300);
- $(".seven i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-right');
- $(".seven i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-down');
- });
- $('.eight').click(function() {
- $('.h').fadeToggle(300);
- $(".eight i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-right');
- $(".eight i").toggleClass('fa-chevron-down');
- });
\ No newline at end of file
+$(document).ready(function(){(new Date).getFullYear();$("#curYear").text((new Date).getFullYear())}),$(document).ready(function(){$(".one").click(function(){$(".a").fadeToggle(300),$(".one i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-right",1e3),$(".one i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-down",1e3)}),$(".two").click(function(){$(".b").fadeToggle(300),$(".two i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-right"),$(".two i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-down")}),$(".three").click(function(){$(".c").fadeToggle(300),$(".three i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-right"),$(".three i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-down")}),$(".four").click(function(){$(".d").fadeToggle(300),$(".four i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-right"),$(".four i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-down")}),$(".five").click(function(){$(".e").fadeToggle(300),$(".five i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-right"),$(".five i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-down")}),$(".six").click(function(){$(".f").fadeToggle(300),$(".six i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-right"),$(".six i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-down")}),$(".seven").click(function(){$(".g").fadeToggle(300),$(".seven i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-right"),$(".seven i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-down")}),$(".eight").click(function(){$(".h").fadeToggle(300),$(".eight i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-right"),$(".eight i").toggleClass("fa-chevron-down")})});
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