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synced 2025-01-10 16:26:57 +00:00
254 lines
9.6 KiB
254 lines
9.6 KiB
import discord
import requests
from checks import *
from discord.ext import commands
from datetime import datetime
from functions import *
from unicode import *
from telnetlib import Telnet
class ServerCommands(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
async def eventhost(self, ctx, user: discord.Member):
'Add or remove event host role - liaison only'
eventhostrole = ctx.guild.get_role(event_host)
if eventhostrole in user.roles:
await user.remove_roles(eventhostrole)
await ctx.send(f'```Succesfully took {eventhostrole.name} from {user.name}```')
await user.add_roles(eventhostrole)
await ctx.send(f'```Succesfully added {eventhostrole.name} to {user.name}```')
async def masterbuilder(self, ctx, user: discord.Member):
'Add or remove master builder role - ECD only'
master_builder_role = ctx.guild.get_role(master_builder)
if master_builder_role in user.roles:
await user.remove_roles(master_builder_role)
await ctx.send(f'```Succesfully took {master_builder_role.name} from {user.name}```')
await user.add_roles(master_builder_role)
await ctx.send(f'```Succesfully added {master_builder_role.name} to {user.name}```')
async def serverban(self, ctx, user: discord.Member):
'Add or remove server banned role'
serverbannedrole = ctx.guild.get_role(server_banned)
if serverbannedrole in user.roles:
await user.remove_roles(serverbannedrole)
await ctx.send(f'Took Server Banned role from {user.name}')
await user.add_roles(serverbannedrole)
await ctx.send(f'Added Server Banned role to {user.name}')
async def start(self, ctx):
'Not currently working'
startEmbed = discord.Embed(description='start working out fatass')
await ctx.send(embed=startEmbed)
async def stop(self, ctx):
'Stops the server'
em = discord.Embed()
self.bot.telnet_object.session.write(bytes('stop', 'ascii') + b"\r\n")
em.title='Command error'
em.colour = 0xFF0000
em.description='Something went wrong'
await ctx.send(embed=em)
em.title = 'Success'
em.colour = 0x00FF00
em.description = 'Server stopped.'
await ctx.send(embed=em)
@commands.command(aliases=['adminconsole', 'ac'])
async def telnet(self, ctx, *args):
'mv, gtfo, kick, mute or warn from discord'
em = discord.Embed()
command = ''
for x in range(len(args)):
command += f'{args[x]} '
if args[0] in ['mute', 'stfu', 'gtfo', 'ban', 'noob', 'tban', 'tempban', 'warn', 'mv', 'kick']:
self.bot.telnet_object.session.write(bytes(command, 'ascii') + b"\r\n")
raise no_permission(['IS_SENIOR_ADMIN'])
await ctx.send(embed=em)
except Exception as e:
em.title='Command error'
em.colour = 0xFF0000
em.description = f'{e}'
await ctx.send(embed=em)
em.title = 'Success'
em.colour = 0x00FF00
em.description = 'Command sent.'
await ctx.send(embed=em)
async def kill(self, ctx):
'Kills the server'
em = discord.Embed()
self.bot.telnet_object.session.write(bytes('telnet.stop', 'ascii') + b"\r\n")
em.title='Command error'
em.colour = 0xFF0000
em.description='Something went wrong'
await ctx.send(embed=em)
em.title = 'Success'
em.colour = 0x00FF00
em.description = 'Killed the server.'
await ctx.send(embed=em)
async def restart(self, ctx):
'Restarts the server'
em = discord.Embed()
self.bot.telnet_object.session.write(bytes('restart', 'ascii') + b"\r\n")
em.title='Command error'
em.colour = 0xFF0000
em.description='Something went wrong'
await ctx.send(embed=em)
em.title = 'Success'
em.colour = 0x00FF00
em.description = 'Server restarting.'
await ctx.send(embed=em)
async def console(self, ctx,*, command):
'Send a command as console'
'''await ctx.send(f'```:[{str(datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0))[11:]} INFO]: {ctx.author.name} issued server command: /{command}```')'''
em = discord.Embed()
self.bot.telnet_object.session.write(bytes(command, 'ascii') + b"\r\n")
except Exception as e:
em.title='Command error'
em.colour = 0xFF0000
em.description = f'{e}'
await ctx.send(embed=em)
em.title = 'Success'
em.colour = 0x00FF00
em.description = 'Command sent.'
await ctx.send(embed=em)
async def state(self, ctx):
'Gets the current status of the Server'
em = discord.Embed()
json = requests.get("http://play.totalfreedom.me:28966/list?json=true").json()
em.description = 'Server is offline'
em.colour = 0xFF0000
em.description = 'Server is online'
em.colour = 0x00FF00
await ctx.send(embed=em)
async def list(self, ctx):
'Gives a list of online players.'
em = discord.Embed()
em.title = "Player List"
json = requests.get("http://play.totalfreedom.me:28966/list?json=true").json()
except ConnectionError:
em.description = 'Server is offline'
if json["online"] == 0:
em.description = "There are no online players"
em.description = "There are {} / {} online players".format(json["online"], json["max"])
owners = json["owners"]
if len(owners) != 0:
em = format_list_entry(em, owners, "Server Owners")
executives = json["executives"]
if len(executives) != 0:
em = format_list_entry(em, executives, "Executives")
developers = json["developers"]
if len(developers) != 0:
em = format_list_entry(em, developers, "Developers")
senior_admins = json["senioradmins"]
if len(senior_admins) != 0:
em = format_list_entry(em, senior_admins, "Senior Admins")
admins = json["admins"]
if len(admins) != 0:
em = format_list_entry(em, admins, "Admins")
#trialadmins = json["trialadmins"]
#if len(trialadmins) != 0:
#em = format_list_entry(em, trialmods, "Trial Mods")
masterbuilders = json["masterbuilders"]
if len(masterbuilders) != 0:
em = format_list_entry(em, masterbuilders, "Master Builders")
operators = json["operators"]
if len(operators) != 0:
em = format_list_entry(em, operators, "Operators")
imposters = json["imposters"]
if len(imposters) != 0:
em = format_list_entry(em, imposters, "Imposters")
await ctx.send(embed=em)
async def ip(self, ctx):
'Returns the server IP'
await ctx.send('play.totalfreedom.me')
#pass #discordSRV responds already.
async def archivereports(self, ctx):
"""Archive all in-game reports older than 24 hours"""
count = 0
reports_channel = self.bot.get_channel(reports_channel_id)
archived_reports_channel = self.bot.get_channel(archived_reports_channel_id)
await ctx.channel.trigger_typing()
async for report in reports_channel.history(limit=100):
embed = report.embeds[0]
await report.delete()
time = embed.timestamp
difference = datetime.now() - time
if difference.days >= 0:
await report.delete()
await archived_reports_channel.send("Message archived because it is older than 24 hours", embed=embed)
count += 1
await ctx.send("Archived **{}** reports that are older than 24 hours".format(count))
async def fixreports(self, ctx):
await ctx.channel.trigger_typing()
reports_channel = self.bot.get_channel(reports_channel_id)
messages = await reports_channel.history(limit=500).flatten()
fixed = 0
for message in messages:
if len(message.reactions) == 0 and message.author == message.guild.me:
await message.add_reaction(clipboard)
fixed += 1
await ctx.send(f'Fixed **{fixed}** reports')
def setup(bot):