Nathan Curran e6d3dc6b12
TFGuilds Rewrite (FS-164, FS-133, FS-244) (#7)
* TFGuilds rewrite almost completed (FS-164 FS-133 FS-244)

The rewrite is nearing completion - few modifications to TFGuilds and TFM and it will be ready for production

* Finalise few things

* Code cleanup

* Use empty list instead and true instead of false
2021-05-22 14:26:48 +10:00

24 lines
1 KiB

package me.totalfreedom.tfguilds;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class Common
public static final String PREFIX = ChatColor.AQUA + "TFGuilds " + ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + "\u00BB " + ChatColor.GRAY;
public static final String NOT_IN_GUILD = PREFIX + "You are not in a guild.";
public static final String IN_GUILD = PREFIX + "You are already in a guild.";
public static final String PLAYER_NOT_FOUND = PREFIX + "That player is not online.";
public static final String PLAYER_NOT_IN_GUILD = PREFIX + "That player is not in your guild.";
public static final String IN_GAME_ONLY = PREFIX + "You must be in-game to interact with guilds";
public static final String USAGE = PREFIX + "Correct usage: " + ChatColor.GOLD;
public static final TFMBridge tfmBridge = TFGuilds.getPlugin().getTfmBridge();
public static List<Player> GUILD_CHAT = new ArrayList<>();
public static List<Player> GUILD_CHAT_SPY = new ArrayList<>();