Christopher Martin 787b303c9f
1.9.1 (#1145)
## Additions
* Adds a built-in bending board sidebar to visualize bound abilities and cooldowns.
  * The board respects worlds where bending is disabled.
  * Players can use the command `/pk board` to toggle the visibility of their board.
  * Includes an API that community developers can use in BendingBoardManager.
  * Adds the `"Properties.BendingBoard"` config option to enable or disable the board server.
  * Adds language file configuration options to control BendingBoard visuals.
    * `"Board.Title"`
      * Controls the title at the top of the board.
      * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes.
    * `"Board.SelectionPrefix"`
      * Controls the prefix shown corresponding to your current hot bar slot.
      * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes.
    * `"Board.EmptySlot"`
      * Controls what is shown for empty slots.
      * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes.
      * `{slot_number}` can be used as a placeholder for the slot number.
    * `"Board.MiscSeparator"`
      * Controls the separation between hot bar binds and temporary cooldowns such as Combos.
      * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes.
* Adds support for KingdomsX version
* Adds ability permission check to passive abilities. They should now respect their `bending.ability.<ability name>` permissions.
* Adds `AbilityVelocityAffectEntityEvent`
  * A cancellable event that will fire whenever an ability would alter the velocity of an entity.
* Adds the `Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Shoot.CollisionRadius` configuration option
  * Sets the collision radius of shot EarthSmash.

## Fixes
* Fixes FireBlast going through liquids.
* Fixes duplication involving waterlogged containers.
* Fixes being able to not enter the name of a Preset when using the `/pk preset create <name>` command.
* Fixes getDayFactor() not being applied correctly and occasionally producing the wrong value.
* Fixes a rounding issue with some Fire ability damage configuration options.
* Fixes an error when attempting to start EarthGrab.
* Fixes PhaseChange error when melting snow.
* Fixes a memory/process leak in how cooldowns were removed.
  * A player's cooldowns could only be removed when they were online. If a player's cooldown expired while they weren't online, their cooldown would attempt to revert every tick until the player rejoined. This has been resolved so cooldowns can revert while a player is offline.
  * A side effect of this fix is that it is now possible for `PlayerCooldownChangeEvents` to fire while their corresponding Player is offline.
* Fixes an issue with `MultiAbilityManager#hasMultiAbilityBound` where it would return true if any MultiAbility is bound, not if the specified MultiAbility was bound.

## Misc Changes
* Updates Towny version to
* DensityShift sand blocks can now be used as a bendable source.
* Changes AvatarState so that its cooldown is applied when the ability ends instead of when it starts.
* Changes togglable abilities such as AvatarState, Illumination, and TremorSense to visually show when they are enabled in the BendingBoard and on BendingPreview in the same way as the ChiBlocking Stances.
* Updated the text of some ability descriptions and instructions.
* Adds new cache to PhaseChange to greatly improve the performance of water/ice updates.
2021-06-07 16:58:29 -07:00

131 lines
4.8 KiB
Executable file

package com.projectkorra.projectkorra.board;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.BendingPlayer;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.ability.CoreAbility;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.configuration.ConfigManager;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.scoreboard.DisplaySlot;
import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Objective;
import org.bukkit.scoreboard.Scoreboard;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Represents a player's scoreboard for bending purposes
public class BendingBoardInstance {
private final String[] cachedSlots = new String[10];
private final Set<String> misc = new HashSet<>(); // Stores scoreboard scores for combos and misc abilities
private final Player player;
private final BendingPlayer bendingPlayer;
private final Scoreboard bendingBoard;
private final Objective bendingSlots;
private int selectedSlot;
public BendingBoardInstance(final BendingPlayer bPlayer) {
bendingPlayer = bPlayer;
player = bPlayer.getPlayer();
selectedSlot = player.getInventory().getHeldItemSlot() + 1;
bendingBoard = Bukkit.getScoreboardManager().getNewScoreboard();
String title = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', ConfigManager.languageConfig.get().getString("Board.Title"));
bendingSlots = bendingBoard.registerNewObjective("Board Slots", "dummy", title);
Arrays.fill(cachedSlots, "");
public void disableScoreboard() {
private void setSlot(int slot, String name, boolean cooldown) {
if (slot < 1 || slot > 9 || !player.getScoreboard().equals(bendingBoard)) return;
String prefix = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', ConfigManager.languageConfig.get().getString("Board.SelectionPrefix"));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(slot == selectedSlot ? prefix : String.join("", Collections.nCopies(ChatColor.stripColor(prefix).length(), " ")));
if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) {
String emptySlot = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', ConfigManager.languageConfig.get().getString("Board.EmptySlot").replaceAll("\\{slot_number\\}", "" + slot));
} else {
CoreAbility coreAbility = CoreAbility.getAbility(ChatColor.stripColor(name));
if (coreAbility == null) { // MultiAbility
if (cooldown || bendingPlayer.isOnCooldown(name)) sb.append(ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH);
} else {
sb.append(coreAbility.getMovePreviewWithoutCooldownTimer(player, cooldown));
sb.append(ChatColor.values()[slot].toString()); // Unique suffix
if (!cachedSlots[slot].equals(sb.toString())) {
cachedSlots[slot] = sb.toString();
public void updateAll() {
final Map<Integer, String> boundAbilities = new HashMap<>(bendingPlayer.getAbilities());
for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
setSlot(i, boundAbilities.getOrDefault(i, ""), false);
public void clearSlot(int slot) {
setSlot(slot, null, false);
public void setActiveSlot(int oldSlot, int newSlot) {
if (selectedSlot != oldSlot) {
oldSlot = selectedSlot; // Fixes bug when slot is set using setHeldItemSlot
selectedSlot = newSlot;
setSlot(oldSlot, bendingPlayer.getAbilities().getOrDefault(oldSlot, ""), false);
setSlot(newSlot, bendingPlayer.getAbilities().getOrDefault(newSlot, ""), false);
public void setAbility(String name, boolean cooldown) {
final Map<Integer, String> boundAbilities = bendingPlayer.getAbilities();
boundAbilities.keySet().stream().filter(key -> name.equals(boundAbilities.get(key))).forEach(slot -> setSlot(slot, name, cooldown));
public void updateMisc(String text, boolean show, boolean isCombo) {
String selection = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', ConfigManager.languageConfig.get().getString("Board.SelectionPrefix"));
String prefix = String.join("", Collections.nCopies(ChatColor.stripColor(selection).length(), " "));
String miscSeparator = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', ConfigManager.languageConfig.get().getString("Board.MiscSeparator"));
String alignedText = prefix + text;
if (show) {
if (misc.isEmpty()) {
bendingSlots.getScore(alignedText).setScore(isCombo ? -11 : -12);
} else {
if (misc.isEmpty()) {