dniym 0b35fb9fda
Add AbilityVelocityAffectEntityEvent (#1094)
Created a cancellable event that will fire whenever a bending move would
alter the velocity of an entity.

## Additions
* Adds 1.
    > The AbilityVelocityAffectEntityEvent
    > Adds a new method to GeneralMethods -> setEntityVelocity()
    > Updates existing setVelocity() calls to use the new method in general methods.
    > checks to see if anything in the event should be modified or if it should be cancelled.

## Fixes
* Fixes 2
    > The lack of a way to detect when a bending move pushed a player.
2020-10-17 17:27:44 -07:00

290 lines
8.3 KiB

package com.projectkorra.projectkorra.airbending;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bukkit.Effect;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.GeneralMethods;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.ability.AirAbility;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.ability.FireAbility;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.ability.util.Collision;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.attribute.Attribute;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.avatar.AvatarState;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.command.Commands;
public class AirShield extends AirAbility {
private boolean isToggledByAvatarState;
@Attribute("Max" + Attribute.RADIUS)
private double maxRadius;
@Attribute("Initial" + Attribute.RADIUS)
private double initialRadius;
private double radius;
private double speed;
private int streams;
private int particles;
private long cooldown;
private long duration;
private Random random;
private HashMap<Integer, Integer> angles;
private boolean dynamicCooldown;
public AirShield(final Player player) {
this.maxRadius = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Air.AirShield.MaxRadius");
this.initialRadius = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Air.AirShield.InitialRadius");
this.isToggledByAvatarState = getConfig().getBoolean("Abilities.Avatar.AvatarState.Air.AirShield.IsAvatarStateToggle");
this.radius = this.initialRadius;
this.cooldown = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Air.AirShield.Cooldown");
this.duration = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Air.AirShield.Duration");
this.speed = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Air.AirShield.Speed");
this.streams = getConfig().getInt("Abilities.Air.AirShield.Streams");
this.particles = getConfig().getInt("Abilities.Air.AirShield.Particles");
this.dynamicCooldown = getConfig().getBoolean("Abilities.Air.AirShield.DynamicCooldown"); //any unused duration from shield is removed from the cooldown
if (this.duration == 0) {
this.dynamicCooldown = false;
this.random = new Random();
this.angles = new HashMap<>();
if (this.bPlayer.isAvatarState() && hasAbility(player, AirShield.class) && this.isToggledByAvatarState) {
getAbility(player, AirShield.class).remove();
int angle = 0;
final int di = (int) (this.maxRadius * 2 / this.streams);
for (int i = -(int) this.maxRadius + di; i < (int) this.maxRadius; i += di) {
this.angles.put(i, angle);
angle += 90;
if (angle == 360) {
angle = 0;
* This method was used for the old collision detection system. Please see
* {@link Collision} for the new system.
public static boolean isWithinShield(final Location loc) {
for (final AirShield ashield : getAbilities(AirShield.class)) {
if (!ashield.player.getWorld().equals(loc.getWorld())) {
return false;
} else if (ashield.player.getLocation().distanceSquared(loc) <= ashield.radius * ashield.radius) {
return true;
return false;
public void progress() {
// AvatarState can use AirShield even when AirShield is not in the bound slot.
if (this.player.getEyeLocation().getBlock().isLiquid()) {
} else if (!this.bPlayer.isAvatarState() || !this.isToggledByAvatarState) {
if (!this.player.isSneaking() || !this.bPlayer.canBend(this)) {
if (this.dynamicCooldown) {
Long reducedCooldown = this.cooldown - (this.duration - (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.getStartTime()));
if (reducedCooldown < 0L) {
reducedCooldown = 0L;
this.bPlayer.addCooldown(this, reducedCooldown);
} else {
} else if (this.duration != 0) {
if (this.getStartTime() + this.duration <= System.currentTimeMillis()) {
} else if (!this.bPlayer.canBendIgnoreBinds(this)) {
private void rotateShield() {
final Location origin = this.player.getLocation();
for (final Entity entity : GeneralMethods.getEntitiesAroundPoint(origin, this.radius)) {
if (GeneralMethods.isRegionProtectedFromBuild(this.player, "AirShield", entity.getLocation())) {
if (origin.distanceSquared(entity.getLocation()) > 4) {
double x, z, vx, vz, mag;
double angle = 50;
angle = Math.toRadians(angle);
x = entity.getLocation().getX() - origin.getX();
z = entity.getLocation().getZ() - origin.getZ();
mag = Math.sqrt(x * x + z * z);
vx = (x * Math.cos(angle) - z * Math.sin(angle)) / mag;
vz = (x * Math.sin(angle) + z * Math.cos(angle)) / mag;
final Vector velocity = entity.getVelocity().clone();
if (this.bPlayer.isAvatarState()) {
} else {
if (entity instanceof Player) {
if (Commands.invincible.contains(((Player) entity).getName())) {
GeneralMethods.setVelocity(this, entity, velocity);
for (final Block testblock : GeneralMethods.getBlocksAroundPoint(this.player.getLocation(), this.radius)) {
if (FireAbility.isFire(testblock.getType())) {
testblock.getWorld().playEffect(testblock.getLocation(), Effect.EXTINGUISH, 0);
final Set<Integer> keys = this.angles.keySet();
for (final int i : keys) {
double x, y, z;
final double factor = this.radius / this.maxRadius;
double angle = this.angles.get(i);
angle = Math.toRadians(angle);
y = origin.getY() + factor * i;
final double f = Math.sqrt(1 - factor * factor * (i / this.radius) * (i / this.radius));
x = origin.getX() + this.radius * Math.cos(angle) * f;
z = origin.getZ() + this.radius * Math.sin(angle) * f;
final Location effect = new Location(origin.getWorld(), x, y, z);
if (!GeneralMethods.isRegionProtectedFromBuild(this, effect)) {
playAirbendingParticles(effect, this.particles);
if (this.random.nextInt(4) == 0) {
this.angles.put(i, this.angles.get(i) + (int) (this.speed));
if (this.radius < this.maxRadius) {
this.radius += .3;
if (this.radius > this.maxRadius) {
this.radius = this.maxRadius;
public String getName() {
return "AirShield";
public Location getLocation() {
return this.player != null ? this.player.getLocation() : null;
public long getCooldown() {
return this.cooldown;
public boolean isSneakAbility() {
return true;
public boolean isHarmlessAbility() {
return false;
public double getCollisionRadius() {
return this.getRadius();
public boolean isToggledByAvatarState() {
return this.isToggledByAvatarState;
public void setToggledByAvatarState(final boolean isToggledByAvatarState) {
this.isToggledByAvatarState = isToggledByAvatarState;
public double getMaxRadius() {
return this.maxRadius;
public void setMaxRadius(final double maxRadius) {
this.maxRadius = maxRadius;
public double getRadius() {
return this.radius;
public void setRadius(final double radius) {
this.radius = radius;
public double getSpeed() {
return this.speed;
public void setSpeed(final double speed) {
this.speed = speed;
public int getStreams() {
return this.streams;
public void setStreams(final int streams) {
this.streams = streams;
public int getParticles() {
return this.particles;
public void setParticles(final int particles) {
this.particles = particles;
public HashMap<Integer, Integer> getAngles() {
return this.angles;