Christopher Martin c12e0daebb
1.8.9 (#1038)
For Spigot 1.14.4+

## General Gameplay
### Additions
- Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds
- Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep
- Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction
- Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels
- Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining)
- Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast
- Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet
- Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet
### Fixes
- Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1
- Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible
- Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown
- Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls
- Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options
- Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst)
- Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction)
- Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options
- Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options
- Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active
- Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities
- Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void
- Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time
- Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around
### Changes
- Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings
- Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast
- Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand
- Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly
- Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly
- Moved core combo instructions to config
### Removals
- Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet
- Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks
- Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml

## API
### Additions
- Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player)
- Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double)
- Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double)
- Added "large" abilities collision with each other
- Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK
  + player move event
  + physics event
  + bending manager
- Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin.
- Added check for concrete powder in move earth
- Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come)
  + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9>
  + %projectkorra_element% element of the player
  + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element
  + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has
- Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. 
  + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set
### Fixes
- Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled
### Changes
- Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null
- Formatted codebase
- Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized
- Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying
- Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords
- Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async
- Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement
- Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks
- Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light
- Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first
- Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event
### Removals
- Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used
- Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-09 23:03:28 -08:00

121 lines
5.4 KiB

package com.projectkorra.projectkorra.command;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.ProjectKorra;
public class Commands {
private final ProjectKorra plugin;
public static Set<String> invincible = new HashSet<String>();
public static boolean debugEnabled = false;
public static boolean isToggledForAll = false;
public Commands(final ProjectKorra plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
debugEnabled = ProjectKorra.plugin.getConfig().getBoolean("debug");
// Element Aliases.
public static String[] airaliases = { "air", "a", "airbending", "airbender" };
public static String[] chialiases = { "chi", "c", "chiblocking", "chiblocker" };
public static String[] earthaliases = { "earth", "e", "earthbending", "earthbender" };
public static String[] firealiases = { "fire", "f", "firebending", "firebender" };
public static String[] wateraliases = { "water", "w", "waterbending", "waterbender" };
public static String[] elementaliases = { "air", "a", "airbending", "airbender", "chi", "c", "chiblocking", "chiblocker", "earth", "e", "earthbending", "earthbender", "fire", "f", "firebending", "firebender", "water", "w", "waterbending", "waterbender" };
public static String[] avataraliases = { "avatar", "av", "avy", "aang", "korra" };
// Combo Aliases.
public static String[] aircomboaliases = { "aircombo", "ac", "aircombos", "airbendingcombos" };
public static String[] chicomboaliases = { "chicombo", "cc", "chicombos", "chiblockingcombos", "chiblockercombos" };
public static String[] earthcomboaliases = { "earthcombo", "ec", "earthcombos", "earthbendingcombos" };
public static String[] firecomboaliases = { "firecombo", "fc", "firecombos", "firebendingcombos" };
public static String[] watercomboaliases = { "watercombo", "wc", "watercombos", "waterbendingcombos" };
public static String[] comboaliases = { "aircombo", "ac", "aircombos", "airbendingcombos", "chicombo", "cc", "chicombos", "chiblockingcombos", "chiblockercombos", "earthcombo", "ec", "earthcombos", "earthbendingcombos", "firecombo", "fc", "firecombos", "firebendingcombos", "watercombo", "wc", "watercombos", "waterbendingcombos" };
// Passive Aliases.
public static String[] passivealiases = { "airpassive", "ap", "airpassives", "airbendingpassives", "chipassive", "cp", "chipassives", "chiblockingpassives", "chiblockerpassives", "earthpassive", "ep", "earthpassives", "earthbendingpassives", "firepassive", "fp", "firepassives", "firebendingpassives", "waterpassive", "wp", "waterpassives", "waterbendingpassives" };
// Subelement Aliases.
public static String[] subelementaliases = { "flight", "fl", "spiritualprojection", "sp", "spiritual", "bloodbending", "bb", "healing", "heal", "icebending", "ice", "ib", "plantbending", "plant", "metalbending", "mb", "metal", "lavabending", "lb", "lava", "sandbending", "sb", "sand", "combustionbending", "combustion", "cb", "lightningbending", "lightning" };
// Air.
public static String[] flightaliases = { "flight", "fl" };
public static String[] spiritualprojectionaliases = { "spiritualprojection", "sp", "spiritual" };
// Water.
public static String[] bloodaliases = { "bloodbending", "bb" };
public static String[] healingaliases = { "healing", "heal" };
public static String[] icealiases = { "icebending", "ice", "ib" };
public static String[] plantaliases = { "plantbending", "plant" };
// Earth.
public static String[] metalbendingaliases = { "metalbending", "mb", "metal" };
public static String[] lavabendingaliases = { "lavabending", "lb", "lava" };
public static String[] sandbendingaliases = { "sandbending", "sb", "sand" };
// Fire.
public static String[] combustionaliases = { "combustionbending", "combustion", "cb" };
public static String[] lightningaliases = { "lightningbending", "lightning" };
// Miscellaneous.
public static String[] commandaliases = { "b", "pk", "projectkorra", "bending", "mtla", "tla", "korra", "bend" };
private void init() {
final PluginCommand projectkorra = this.plugin.getCommand("projectkorra");
* Set of all of the Classes which extend Command
new AddCommand();
new BindCommand();
new CheckCommand();
new ChooseCommand();
new ClearCommand();
new CopyCommand();
new DebugCommand();
new DisplayCommand();
new HelpCommand();
new InvincibleCommand();
new PermaremoveCommand();
new PresetCommand();
new ReloadCommand();
new RemoveCommand();
new StatsCommand();
new ToggleCommand();
new VersionCommand();
new WhoCommand();
final CommandExecutor exe = (s, c, label, args) -> {
if (Arrays.asList(commandaliases).contains(label.toLowerCase())) {
if (args.length > 0) {
final List<String> sendingArgs = Arrays.asList(args).subList(1, args.length);
for (final PKCommand command : PKCommand.instances.values()) {
if (Arrays.asList(command.getAliases()).contains(args[0].toLowerCase())) {
command.execute(s, sendingArgs);
return true;
PKCommand.instances.get("help").execute(s, new ArrayList<String>());
return true;
return false;
projectkorra.setTabCompleter(new BendingTabComplete());