Christopher Martin 102112ffdd 1.8.6 (#825)
## Fixes
* Fixed Combos and possibly Passives appearing in `/pk b <Ability>` auto-tabbing.
* Fixed Combos not loading properly on certain servers.
* Fixed issue with `PreciousStones` by updating to the latest version to resolve API change issues.
* Fixed `RapidPunch` damage.
* Fixed incorrect summation of chiblocking chance.
* Fixed possible issue in PKListener#onPlayerInteraction()
* Fixed `Earth.LavaSound`.
* Fixed Chi attempting to chiblock targets with any move.
* Fixed hitting an entity with `TempArmor` not ignoring armor.
* Fixed `Immobilize` config path.

## Additions
* Added "Contributing" section to the `README` to help guide active community members.
* Added more detail to the `PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE` to allow for more uniform pull requests. 
* Added many new blocks to our ability block interaction.
* Added check to combo collisions to discard dead entities.
* Added functionality to allow chiblocking abilities to affect all entities.
* Added exception handling to the configurable `Sound` options to prevent `IllegalArgumentExcpetions`.
* Added sounds and `ActionBar` messages to being Bloodbent, Electrocuted, Immobilized, MetalClipped, and Paralyzed. (Abilities: `Bloodbending`, `Lightning`, `Immobilize`, `MetalClips`, and `Paralyze`)
* Added sound and `ActionBar` message for being Chiblocked.
* Added interval config option to `RapidPunch`. (time between each punch)

## API Changes
* Updated to `Spigot 1.12.1`.
    * Confirmed to be backward compatible with `Spigot 1.12` and `Spigot 1.11.2`.
* Renamed `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterial()` to `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterials()`.
* Converted most `byte`/`int` dependent `Material` logic to use `Material` instead. 
    * `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterialSet()` now returns a `HashSet<Material>` instead of a `HashSet<Byte>`.
    * `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterials()` and `GeneralMethods.NON_OPAQUE` now return `Material[]` instead of `Integer[]`.
    * `GeneralMethods#getTargetedLocation()` now takes a `varargs Material[]` instead of a `varargs Integer[]`.
* Removed `ElementalAbility.TRANSPARENT_MATERIAL`. It was outdated and became irrelevent after `GeneralMethods.NON_OPAQUE` was updated.
* Removed `Java 7` Travi-CI  JDK check.
* Updated `pom.xml` to build in `Java 8`.
* Added new `MovementHandler` utility class to control entity movement. (currently only capable of stopping movement.
2017-08-06 00:18:12 -07:00

388 lines
13 KiB

package com.projectkorra.projectkorra.ability;
import org.bukkit.Effect;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.BendingPlayer;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.Element;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.GeneralMethods;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.ProjectKorra;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.ability.util.Collision;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.firebending.HeatControl;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.util.BlockSource;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.util.ParticleEffect;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.util.ParticleEffect.ParticleData;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.util.TempBlock;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.waterbending.SurgeWall;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.waterbending.SurgeWave;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.waterbending.WaterSpout;
import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.waterbending.multiabilities.WaterArms;
import com.projectkorra.rpg.RPGMethods;
public abstract class WaterAbility extends ElementalAbility {
public WaterAbility(Player player) {
public boolean canAutoSource() {
return getConfig().getBoolean("Abilities." + getElement() + "." + getName() + ".CanAutoSource");
public boolean canDynamicSource() {
return getConfig().getBoolean("Abilities." + getElement() + "." + getName() + ".CanDynamicSource");
public Element getElement() {
return Element.WATER;
public Block getIceSourceBlock(double range) {
return getIceSourceBlock(player, range);
public double getNightFactor() {
if (getLocation() != null) {
return getNightFactor(getLocation().getWorld());
return player != null ? getNightFactor(player.getLocation().getWorld()) : 1;
public double getNightFactor(double value) {
return player != null ? getNightFactor(value, player.getWorld()) : value;
public Block getPlantSourceBlock(double range) {
return getPlantSourceBlock(range, false);
public Block getPlantSourceBlock(double range, boolean onlyLeaves) {
return getPlantSourceBlock(player, range, onlyLeaves);
public boolean isExplosiveAbility() {
return false;
public boolean isIgniteAbility() {
return false;
public void handleCollision(Collision collision) {
if (collision.isRemovingFirst()) {
ParticleData particleData = (ParticleEffect.ParticleData) new ParticleEffect.BlockData(Material.WATER, (byte) 0);
ParticleEffect.BLOCK_CRACK.display(particleData, 1F, 1F, 1F, 0.1F, 10, collision.getLocationFirst(), 50);
public static boolean isBendableWaterTempBlock(Block block) { // Will need to be done for earth as well.
return isBendableWaterTempBlock(TempBlock.get(block));
public static boolean isBendableWaterTempBlock(TempBlock tempBlock) {
return PhaseChange.getFrozenBlocksAsTempBlock().contains(tempBlock) || HeatControl.getMeltedBlocks().contains(tempBlock);
public boolean isIcebendable(Block block) {
return isIcebendable(block.getType());
public boolean isIcebendable(Material material) {
return isIcebendable(player, material);
public boolean isIcebendable(Player player, Material material) {
return isIcebendable(player, material, false);
public boolean isPlantbendable(Block block) {
return isPlantbendable(block.getType());
public boolean isPlantbendable(Material material) {
return isPlantbendable(player, material);
public boolean isPlantbendable(Player player, Material material) {
return isPlantbendable(player, material, false);
public boolean isWaterbendable(Block block) {
return isWaterbendable(player, block);
public boolean isWaterbendable(Player player, Block block) {
return isWaterbendable(player, null, block);
public boolean allowBreakPlants() {
return true;
public static boolean isWaterbendable(Material material) {
return isWater(material) || isIce(material) || isPlant(material) || isSnow(material);
public static Block getIceSourceBlock(Player player, double range) {
Location location = player.getEyeLocation();
Vector vector = location.getDirection().clone().normalize();
for (double i = 0; i <= range; i++) {
Block block = location.clone().add(vector.clone().multiply(i)).getBlock();
if (GeneralMethods.isRegionProtectedFromBuild(player, "IceBlast", location)) {
if (isIcebendable(player, block.getType(), false)) {
if (TempBlock.isTempBlock(block) && !isBendableWaterTempBlock(block)) {
return block;
return null;
public static double getNightFactor(double value, World world) {
if (isNight(world)) {
if (GeneralMethods.hasRPG()) {
if (isLunarEclipse(world)) {
return RPGMethods.getFactor("LunarEclipse") * value;
} else if (isFullMoon(world)) {
return RPGMethods.getFactor("FullMoon") * value;
} else {
return getConfig().getDouble("Properties.Water.NightFactor") * value;
} else {
if (isFullMoon(world)) {
return getConfig().getDouble("Properties.Water.FullMoonFactor") * value;
} else {
return getConfig().getDouble("Properties.Water.NightFactor") * value;
} else {
return value;
public static double getNightFactor(World world) {
return getNightFactor(1, world);
public static Block getPlantSourceBlock(Player player, double range, boolean onlyLeaves) {
Location location = player.getEyeLocation();
Vector vector = location.getDirection().clone().normalize();
for (double i = 0; i <= range; i++) {
Block block = location.clone().add(vector.clone().multiply(i)).getBlock();
if (GeneralMethods.isRegionProtectedFromBuild(player, "PlantDisc", location)) {
} else if (isPlantbendable(player, block.getType(), onlyLeaves)) {
if (TempBlock.isTempBlock(block) && !isBendableWaterTempBlock(block)) {
return block;
return null;
* Finds a valid Water source for a Player. To use dynamic source selection,
* use BlockSource.getWaterSourceBlock() instead of this method. Dynamic
* source selection saves the user's previous source for future use.
* {@link BlockSource#getWaterSourceBlock(Player, double)}
* @param player the player that is attempting to Waterbend.
* @param range the maximum block selection range.
* @param plantbending true if the player can bend plants.
* @return a valid Water source block, or null if one could not be found.
public static Block getWaterSourceBlock(Player player, double range, boolean plantbending) {
Location location = player.getEyeLocation();
Vector vector = location.getDirection().clone().normalize();
BendingPlayer bPlayer = BendingPlayer.getBendingPlayer(player);
Block testBlock = player.getTargetBlock(getTransparentMaterialSet(), range > 3 ? 3 : (int) range);
if (bPlayer == null) {
return null;
} else if (isWaterbendable(player, null, testBlock) && (!isPlant(testBlock) || plantbending)) {
return testBlock;
for (double i = 0; i <= range; i++) {
Block block = location.clone().add(vector.clone().multiply(i)).getBlock();
if ((!isTransparent(player, block) && !isIce(block) && !isPlant(block) && !isSnow(block)) || GeneralMethods.isRegionProtectedFromBuild(player, "WaterManipulation", location)) {
} else if (isWaterbendable(player, null, block) && (!isPlant(block) || plantbending)) {
if (TempBlock.isTempBlock(block) && !isBendableWaterTempBlock(block)) {
return block;
return null;
public static boolean isAdjacentToFrozenBlock(Block block) {
BlockFace[] faces = { BlockFace.DOWN, BlockFace.UP, BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.EAST, BlockFace.WEST, BlockFace.SOUTH };
boolean adjacent = false;
for (BlockFace face : faces) {
if (PhaseChange.getFrozenBlocksAsBlock().contains((block.getRelative(face)))) {
adjacent = true;
return adjacent;
public static boolean isIcebendable(Player player, Material material, boolean onlyIce) {
BendingPlayer bPlayer = BendingPlayer.getBendingPlayer(player);
return bPlayer == null ? null : isIce(material) && bPlayer.canIcebend() && (!onlyIce || material == Material.ICE);
public static boolean isPlantbendable(Player player, Material material, boolean onlyLeaves) {
BendingPlayer bPlayer = BendingPlayer.getBendingPlayer(player);
if (onlyLeaves) {
return bPlayer == null ? null : isPlant(material) && bPlayer.canPlantbend() && isLeaves(material);
} else {
return bPlayer == null ? null : isPlant(material) && bPlayer.canPlantbend();
public static boolean isLeaves(Block block) {
return block != null ? isLeaves(block.getType()) : false;
public static boolean isLeaves(Material material) {
return material == Material.LEAVES || material == Material.LEAVES_2;
public static boolean isSnow(Block block) {
return block != null ? isSnow(block.getType()) : false;
public static boolean isSnow(Material material) {
return material == Material.SNOW || material == Material.SNOW_BLOCK;
public static boolean isWaterbendable(Player player, String abilityName, Block block) {
byte full = 0x0;
BendingPlayer bPlayer = BendingPlayer.getBendingPlayer(player);
if (bPlayer == null || !isWaterbendable(block.getType()) || GeneralMethods.isRegionProtectedFromBuild(player, abilityName, block.getLocation())) {
return false;
if (TempBlock.isTempBlock(block) && !isBendableWaterTempBlock(block)) {
return false;
} else if (isWater(block) && block.getData() == full) {
return true;
} else if (isIce(block) && !bPlayer.canIcebend()) {
return false;
} else if (isPlant(block) && !bPlayer.canPlantbend()) {
return false;
return true;
public static void playFocusWaterEffect(Block block) {
block.getWorld().playEffect(block.getLocation(), Effect.SMOKE, 4, 20);
public static void playIcebendingSound(Location loc) {
if (getConfig().getBoolean("Properties.Water.PlaySound")) {
float volume = (float) getConfig().getDouble("Properties.Water.IceSound.Volume");
float pitch = (float) getConfig().getDouble("Properties.Water.IceSound.Pitch");
try {
sound = Sound.valueOf(getConfig().getString("Properties.Water.IceSound.Sound"));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
ProjectKorra.log.warning("Your current value for 'Properties.Water.IceSound.Sound' is not valid.");
} finally {
loc.getWorld().playSound(loc, sound, volume, pitch);
public static void playPlantbendingSound(Location loc) {
if (getConfig().getBoolean("Properties.Water.PlaySound")) {
float volume = (float) getConfig().getDouble("Properties.Water.PlantSound.Volume");
float pitch = (float) getConfig().getDouble("Properties.Water.PlantSound.Pitch");
Sound sound = Sound.BLOCK_GRASS_STEP;
try {
sound = Sound.valueOf(getConfig().getString("Properties.Water.PlantSound.Sound"));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
ProjectKorra.log.warning("Your current value for 'Properties.Water.PlantSound.Sound' is not valid.");
} finally {
loc.getWorld().playSound(loc, sound, volume, pitch);
public static void playWaterbendingSound(Location loc) {
if (getConfig().getBoolean("Properties.Water.PlaySound")) {
float volume = (float) getConfig().getDouble("Properties.Water.WaterSound.Volume");
float pitch = (float) getConfig().getDouble("Properties.Water.WaterSound.Pitch");
Sound sound = Sound.BLOCK_WATER_AMBIENT;
try {
sound = Sound.valueOf(getConfig().getString("Properties.Water.WaterSound.Sound"));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
ProjectKorra.log.warning("Your current value for 'Properties.Water.WaterSound.Sound' is not valid.");
} finally {
loc.getWorld().playSound(loc, sound, volume, pitch);
* This method was used for the old collision detection system. Please see
* {@link Collision} for the new system.
* <p>
* Removes all water spouts in a location within a certain radius.
* @param loc The location to use
* @param radius The radius around the location to remove spouts in
* @param source The player causing the removal
public static void removeWaterSpouts(Location loc, double radius, Player source) {
WaterSpout.removeSpouts(loc, radius, source);
* This method was used for the old collision detection system. Please see
* {@link Collision} for the new system.
* <p>
* Removes all water spouts in a location with a radius of 1.5.
* @param loc The location to use
* @param source The player causing the removal
public static void removeWaterSpouts(Location loc, Player source) {
removeWaterSpouts(loc, 1.5, source);
public static void stopBending() {