package com.projectkorra.projectkorra.board; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.BendingPlayer; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.GeneralMethods; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.ProjectKorra; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.ability.CoreAbility; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.ability.util.ComboManager; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.ability.util.MultiAbilityManager; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.configuration.ConfigManager; import; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * Manages every individual {@link BendingBoardInstance} */ public class BendingBoardManager { private static final Set disabledWorlds = new HashSet<>(); private static final Map trackedCooldowns = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private static final Set disabledPlayers = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>()); private static final Map scoreboardPlayers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private static boolean enabled; public static void setup() { initialize(true); Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().forEach(BendingBoardManager::canUseScoreboard); } public static void reload() { scoreboardPlayers.values().forEach(BendingBoardInstance::disableScoreboard); scoreboardPlayers.clear(); initialize(false); } private static void initialize(boolean initial) { if (initial) loadDisabledPlayers(); enabled = ConfigManager.getConfig().getBoolean("Properties.BendingBoard"); disabledWorlds.clear(); disabledWorlds.addAll(ConfigManager.getConfig().getStringList("Properties.DisabledWorlds")); } /** * Force toggle the scoreboard for when a player changes worlds (for example when teleporting to a world where bending is disabled) * @param player */ public static void forceToggleScoreboard(Player player) { if (disabledWorlds.contains(player.getWorld().getName())) { if (scoreboardPlayers.containsKey(player)) { scoreboardPlayers.get(player).disableScoreboard(); scoreboardPlayers.remove(player); } } else { canUseScoreboard(player); } } public static void toggleScoreboard(Player player) { if (!enabled || disabledWorlds.contains(player.getWorld().getName())) { GeneralMethods.sendBrandingMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + ConfigManager.languageConfig.get().getString("Commands.Board.Disabled")); return; } if (scoreboardPlayers.containsKey(player)) { scoreboardPlayers.get(player).disableScoreboard(); disabledPlayers.add(player.getUniqueId()); scoreboardPlayers.remove(player); GeneralMethods.sendBrandingMessage(player, ChatColor.RED + ConfigManager.languageConfig.get().getString("Commands.Board.ToggledOff")); } else { disabledPlayers.remove(player.getUniqueId()); canUseScoreboard(player); GeneralMethods.sendBrandingMessage(player, ChatColor.GREEN + ConfigManager.languageConfig.get().getString("Commands.Board.ToggledOn")); } } /** * Checks if a player can use the bending board and creates a BendingBoardInstance if possible. * @param player the player to check * @return true if player can use the bending board, false otherwise */ public static boolean canUseScoreboard(Player player) { if (!enabled || disabledPlayers.contains(player.getUniqueId()) || disabledWorlds.contains(player.getWorld().getName())) { return false; } if (!player.isOnline()) { return false; } if (!scoreboardPlayers.containsKey(player)) { BendingPlayer bPlayer = BendingPlayer.getBendingPlayer(player); if (bPlayer == null) { return false; } scoreboardPlayers.put(player, new BendingBoardInstance(bPlayer)); } return true; } public static void updateAllSlots(Player player) { if (canUseScoreboard(player)) { scoreboardPlayers.get(player).updateAll(); } } public static void updateBoard(Player player, String abilityName, boolean cooldown, int slot) { if (canUseScoreboard(player)) { if (abilityName == null || abilityName.isEmpty()) { scoreboardPlayers.get(player).clearSlot(slot); return; } if (MultiAbilityManager.hasMultiAbilityBound(player)) { scoreboardPlayers.get(player).updateAll(); return; } CoreAbility coreAbility = CoreAbility.getAbility(abilityName); if (coreAbility != null && ComboManager.getComboAbilities().containsKey(abilityName)) { scoreboardPlayers.get(player).updateMisc("" + coreAbility.getElement().getColor() + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + abilityName, cooldown, true); return; } else if (coreAbility == null && trackedCooldowns.containsKey(abilityName)) { scoreboardPlayers.get(player).updateMisc("" + trackedCooldowns.get(abilityName) + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + abilityName, cooldown, false); return; } scoreboardPlayers.get(player).setAbility(abilityName, cooldown); } } public static void changeActiveSlot(Player player, int oldSlot, int newSlot) { if (canUseScoreboard(player)) { scoreboardPlayers.get(player).setActiveSlot(++oldSlot, ++newSlot); } } /** * Some abilities use internal cooldowns with custom names that don't correspond to bound abilities' names. * Adds the internal cooldown name and color to the map of tracked abilities so as they can appear on the bending board. * @param cooldownName the internal cooldown name * @param color the color to use when rendering the board entry */ public static void addCooldownToTrack(String cooldownName, ChatColor color) { trackedCooldowns.put(cooldownName, color); } /** * Load into memory the list of players who have toggled the bending board off. */ public static void loadDisabledPlayers() { Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(ProjectKorra.plugin, () -> { Set disabled = new HashSet<>(); try { final ResultSet rs = DBConnection.sql.readQuery("SELECT uuid FROM pk_board where enabled = 0"); while ( disabled.add(UUID.fromString(rs.getString("uuid"))); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } disabledPlayers.clear(); disabledPlayers.addAll(disabled); }); } /** * Called on player logout * Removes the board instance and stores the player's toggle preference for the bending board in the database * @param player */ public static void clean(final Player player) { scoreboardPlayers.remove(player); final UUID uuid = player.getUniqueId(); final String updateQuery = "UPDATE pk_board SET enabled = " + (disabledPlayers.contains(uuid) ? 0 : 1) + " WHERE uuid = ?"; Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(ProjectKorra.plugin, () -> { try { PreparedStatement ps = DBConnection.sql.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT enabled FROM pk_board where uuid = ? LIMIT 1"); ps.setString(1, uuid.toString()); PreparedStatement ps2; if (!ps.executeQuery().next()) { // if the entry doesn't exist in the DB, create it. ps2 = DBConnection.sql.getConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO pk_board (uuid, enabled) VALUES (?, 1)"); } else { // if the entry exists in the DB, update it ps2 = DBConnection.sql.getConnection().prepareStatement(updateQuery); } ps2.setString(1, uuid.toString()); ps2.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); } }