package com.projectkorra.projectkorra.earthbending; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import org.bukkit.Effect; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.GeneralMethods; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.ability.EarthAbility; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.util.ClickType; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.util.DamageHandler; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.util.ParticleEffect; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.util.TempBlock; public class EarthSmash extends EarthAbility { public static enum State { START, LIFTING, LIFTED, GRABBED, SHOT, FLYING, REMOVED } private boolean allowGrab; private boolean allowFlight; private int animationCounter; private int progressCounter; private int requiredBendableBlocks; private int maxBlocksToPassThrough; private long delay; private long cooldown; private long chargeTime; private long removeTimer; private long flightRemoveTimer; private long flightStartTime; private long shootAnimationInterval; private long flightAnimationInterval; private long liftAnimationInterval; private double selectRange; private double grabRange; private double shootRange; private double damage; private double knockback; private double knockup; private double flightSpeed; private double grabbedDistance; private double grabDetectionRadius; private double flightDetectionRadius; private State state; private Block origin; private Location location; private Location destination; private ArrayList affectedEntities; private ArrayList currentBlocks; private ArrayList affectedBlocks; public EarthSmash(Player player, ClickType type) { super(player); this.state = State.START; this.requiredBendableBlocks = getConfig().getInt("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.RequiredBendableBlocks"); this.maxBlocksToPassThrough = getConfig().getInt("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.MaxBlocksToPassThrough"); this.shootAnimationInterval = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.ShootAnimationInterval"); this.flightAnimationInterval = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.FlightAnimationInterval"); this.liftAnimationInterval = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.LiftAnimationInterval"); this.grabDetectionRadius = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.GrabDetectionRadius"); this.flightDetectionRadius = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.FlightDetectionRadius"); this.allowGrab = getConfig().getBoolean("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.AllowGrab"); this.allowFlight = getConfig().getBoolean("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.AllowFlight"); this.selectRange = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.SelectRange"); this.grabRange = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.GrabRange"); this.shootRange = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.ShootRange"); this.damage = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Damage"); this.knockback = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Knockback"); this.knockup = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Knockup"); this.flightSpeed = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.FlightSpeed"); this.chargeTime = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.ChargeTime"); this.cooldown = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Cooldown"); this.flightRemoveTimer = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.FlightTimer"); this.removeTimer = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.RemoveTimer"); this.affectedEntities = new ArrayList<>(); this.currentBlocks = new ArrayList<>(); this.affectedBlocks = new ArrayList<>(); if (type == ClickType.SHIFT_DOWN || type == ClickType.SHIFT_UP && !player.isSneaking()) { if (bPlayer.isAvatarState()) { this.selectRange = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Avatar.AvatarState.Earth.EarthSmash.SelectRange"); this.grabRange = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Avatar.AvatarState.Earth.EarthSmash.GrabRange"); this.chargeTime = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Avatar.AvatarState.Earth.EarthSmash.ChargeTime"); this.cooldown = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Avatar.AvatarState.Earth.EarthSmash.Cooldown"); this.damage = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Avatar.AvatarState.Earth.EarthSmash.Damage"); this.knockback = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Avatar.AvatarState.Earth.EarthSmash.Knockback"); this.flightSpeed = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Avatar.AvatarState.Earth.EarthSmash.FlightSpeed"); this.flightRemoveTimer = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Avatar.AvatarState.Earth.EarthSmash.FlightTimer"); this.shootRange = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Avatar.AvatarState.Earth.EarthSmash.ShootRange"); } EarthSmash flySmash = flyingInSmashCheck(player); if (flySmash != null) { flySmash.state = State.FLYING; flySmash.player = player; flySmash.flightStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); return; } EarthSmash grabbedSmash = aimingAtSmashCheck(player, State.LIFTED); if (grabbedSmash == null) { if (bPlayer.isOnCooldown(this)) { return; } grabbedSmash = aimingAtSmashCheck(player, State.SHOT); } if (grabbedSmash != null) { grabbedSmash.state = State.GRABBED; grabbedSmash.grabbedDistance = 0; if (grabbedSmash.location.getWorld().equals(player.getWorld())) { grabbedSmash.grabbedDistance = grabbedSmash.location.distance(player.getEyeLocation()); } grabbedSmash.player = player; return; } start(); } else if (type == ClickType.LEFT_CLICK && player.isSneaking()) { for (EarthSmash smash : getAbilities(EarthSmash.class)) { if (smash.state == State.GRABBED && smash.player == player) { smash.state = State.SHOT; smash.destination = player.getEyeLocation().clone().add(player.getEyeLocation().getDirection().normalize().multiply(smash.shootRange)); smash.location.getWorld().playEffect(smash.location, Effect.GHAST_SHOOT, 0, 10); } } return; } else if (type == ClickType.RIGHT_CLICK && player.isSneaking()) { EarthSmash grabbedSmash = aimingAtSmashCheck(player, State.GRABBED); if (grabbedSmash != null) { player.teleport(grabbedSmash.location.clone().add(0, 2, 0)); grabbedSmash.state = State.FLYING; grabbedSmash.player = player; grabbedSmash.flightStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } return; } } @Override public void progress() { progressCounter++; if (state == State.LIFTED && removeTimer > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() - getStartTime() > removeTimer) { remove(); return; } if (state == State.START) { if (!bPlayer.canBend(this)) { remove(); return; } } else if (state == State.START || state == State.FLYING || state == State.GRABBED) { if (!bPlayer.canBendIgnoreCooldowns(this)) { remove(); return; } } if (state == State.START && progressCounter > 1) { if (!player.isSneaking()) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - getStartTime() >= chargeTime) { origin = getEarthSourceBlock(selectRange); if (origin == null) { remove(); return; } bPlayer.addCooldown(this); location = origin.getLocation(); state = State.LIFTING; } else { remove(); return; } } else if (System.currentTimeMillis() - getStartTime() > chargeTime) { Location tempLoc = player.getEyeLocation().add(player.getEyeLocation().getDirection().normalize().multiply(1.2)); tempLoc.add(0, 0.3, 0); ParticleEffect.SMOKE.display(tempLoc, 0.3F, 0.1F, 0.3F, 0, 4); } } else if (state == State.LIFTING) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - delay >= liftAnimationInterval) { delay = System.currentTimeMillis(); animateLift(); } } else if (state == State.GRABBED) { if (player.isSneaking()) { revert(); Location oldLoc = location.clone(); location = player.getEyeLocation().add(player.getEyeLocation().getDirection().normalize().multiply(grabbedDistance)); // Check to make sure the new location is available to move to for (Block block : getBlocks()) { if (block.getType() != Material.AIR && !isTransparent(block)) { location = oldLoc; break; } } draw(); return; } else { state = State.LIFTED; return; } } else if (state == State.SHOT) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - delay >= shootAnimationInterval) { delay = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (GeneralMethods.isRegionProtectedFromBuild(this, location)) { remove(); return; } revert(); location.add(GeneralMethods.getDirection(location, destination).normalize().multiply(1)); if (location.distanceSquared(destination) < 4) { remove(); return; } // If an earthsmash runs into too many blocks we should remove it int badBlocksFound = 0; for (Block block : getBlocks()) { if (block.getType() != Material.AIR && (!isTransparent(block) || block.getType() == Material.WATER || block.getType() == Material.STATIONARY_WATER)) { badBlocksFound++; } } if (badBlocksFound > maxBlocksToPassThrough) { remove(); return; } shootingCollisionDetection(); draw(); smashToSmashCollisionDetection(); } return; } else if (state == State.FLYING) { if (!player.isSneaking()) { remove(); return; } else if (System.currentTimeMillis() - delay >= flightAnimationInterval) { delay = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (GeneralMethods.isRegionProtectedFromBuild(this, location)) { remove(); return; } revert(); destination = player.getEyeLocation().clone().add(player.getEyeLocation().getDirection().normalize().multiply(shootRange)); Vector direction = GeneralMethods.getDirection(location, destination).normalize(); List entities = GeneralMethods.getEntitiesAroundPoint(location.clone().add(0, 2, 0), flightDetectionRadius); if (entities.size() == 0) { remove(); return; } for (Entity entity : entities) { entity.setVelocity(direction.clone().multiply(flightSpeed)); } // These values tend to work well when dealing with a person aiming upward or downward. if (direction.getY() < -0.35) { location = player.getLocation().clone().add(0, -3.2, 0); } else if (direction.getY() > 0.35) { location = player.getLocation().clone().add(0, -1.7, 0); } else { location = player.getLocation().clone().add(0, -2.2, 0); } draw(); } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - flightStartTime > flightRemoveTimer) { remove(); return; } } } /** * Begins animating the EarthSmash from the ground. The lift animation * consists of 3 steps, and each one has to design the shape in the ground * that removes the Earthbendable material. We also need to make sure that * there is a clear path for the EarthSmash to rise, and that there is * enough Earthbendable material for it to be created. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void animateLift() { if (animationCounter < 4) { revert(); location.add(0, 1, 0); //Remove the blocks underneath the rising smash if (animationCounter == 0) { //Check all of the blocks and make sure that they can be removed AND make sure there is enough dirt int totalBendableBlocks = 0; for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int y = -2; y <= -1; y++) { for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) { Block block = location.clone().add(x, y, z).getBlock(); if (GeneralMethods.isRegionProtectedFromBuild(this, block.getLocation())) { remove(); return; } if (isEarthbendable(block)) { totalBendableBlocks++; } } } } if (totalBendableBlocks < requiredBendableBlocks) { remove(); return; } //Make sure there is a clear path upward otherwise remove for (int y = 0; y <= 3; y++) { Block tempBlock = location.clone().add(0, y, 0).getBlock(); if (!isTransparent(tempBlock) && tempBlock.getType() != Material.AIR) { remove(); return; } } //Design what this EarthSmash looks like by using BlockRepresenters Location tempLoc = location.clone().add(0, -2, 0); for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) { for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) { if ((Math.abs(x) + Math.abs(y) + Math.abs(z)) % 2 == 0) { Block block = tempLoc.clone().add(x, y, z).getBlock(); currentBlocks.add(new BlockRepresenter(x, y, z, selectMaterialForRepresenter(block.getType()), block.getData())); } } } } //Remove the design of the second level of removed dirt for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) { if ((Math.abs(x) + Math.abs(z)) % 2 == 1) { Block block = location.clone().add(x, -2, z).getBlock(); if (isEarthbendable(block)) { addTempAirBlock(block); } } //Remove the first level of dirt Block block = location.clone().add(x, -1, z).getBlock(); if (isEarthbendable(block)) { addTempAirBlock(block); } } } /* * We needed to calculate all of the blocks based on the * location being 1 above the initial bending block, however we * want to animate it starting from the original bending block. * We must readjust the location back to what it originally was. */ location.add(0, -1, 0); } //Move any entities that are above the rock List entities = GeneralMethods.getEntitiesAroundPoint(location, 2.5); for (Entity entity : entities) { org.bukkit.util.Vector velocity = entity.getVelocity(); entity.setVelocity(velocity.add(new Vector(0, 0.36, 0))); } location.getWorld().playEffect(location, Effect.GHAST_SHOOT, 0, 7); draw(); } else { state = State.LIFTED; } animationCounter++; } /** * Redraws the blocks for this instance of EarthSmash. */ public void draw() { if (currentBlocks.size() == 0) { remove(); return; } for (BlockRepresenter blockRep : currentBlocks) { Block block = location.clone().add(blockRep.getX(), blockRep.getY(), blockRep.getZ()).getBlock(); if (block.getType().equals(Material.SAND) || block.getType().equals(Material.GRAVEL)) { //Check if block can be affected by gravity. } if (player != null && isTransparent(block)) { affectedBlocks.add(new TempBlock(block, blockRep.getType(), blockRep.getData())); getPreventEarthbendingBlocks().add(block); } } } public void revert() { checkRemainingBlocks(); for (int i = 0; i < affectedBlocks.size(); i++) { TempBlock tblock = affectedBlocks.get(i); getPreventEarthbendingBlocks().remove(tblock.getBlock()); tblock.revertBlock(); affectedBlocks.remove(i); i--; } } /** * Checks to see which of the blocks are still attached to the EarthSmash, * remember that blocks can be broken or used in other abilities so we need * to double check and remove any that are not still attached. * * Also when we remove the blocks from instances, movedearth, or tempair we * should do it on a delay because tempair takes a couple seconds before the * block shows up in that map. */ public void checkRemainingBlocks() { for (int i = 0; i < currentBlocks.size(); i++) { BlockRepresenter brep = currentBlocks.get(i); final Block block = location.clone().add(brep.getX(), brep.getY(), brep.getZ()).getBlock(); // Check for grass because sometimes the dirt turns into grass. if (block.getType() != brep.getType() && (block.getType() != Material.GRASS) && (block.getType() != Material.COBBLESTONE)) { currentBlocks.remove(i); i--; } } } public void remove() { super.remove(); state = State.REMOVED; revert(); } /** * Gets the blocks surrounding the EarthSmash's loc. This method ignores the * blocks that should be Air, and only returns the ones that are dirt. */ public List getBlocks() { List blocks = new ArrayList(); for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) { for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) { if ((Math.abs(x) + Math.abs(y) + Math.abs(z)) % 2 == 0) { //Give it the cool shape if (location != null) { blocks.add(location.getWorld().getBlockAt(location.clone().add(x, y, z))); } } } } } return blocks; } /** * Gets the blocks surrounding the EarthSmash's loc. This method returns all * the blocks surrounding the loc, including dirt and air. */ public List getBlocksIncludingInner() { List blocks = new ArrayList(); for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) { for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) { for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z++) { if (location != null) { blocks.add(location.getWorld().getBlockAt(location.clone().add(x, y, z))); } } } } return blocks; } /** * Switches the Sand Material and Gravel to SandStone and stone * respectively, since gravel and sand cannot be bent due to gravity. */ public static Material selectMaterial(Material mat) { if (mat == Material.SAND) { return Material.SANDSTONE; } else if (mat == Material.GRAVEL) { return Material.STONE; } else { return mat; } } public Material selectMaterialForRepresenter(Material mat) { Material tempMat = selectMaterial(mat); Random rand = new Random(); if (!isEarthbendable(tempMat, true, true, true) && !isMetalbendable(tempMat)) { if (currentBlocks.size() < 1) { return Material.DIRT; } else { return currentBlocks.get(rand.nextInt(currentBlocks.size())).getType(); } } return tempMat; } /** * Determines if a player is trying to grab an EarthSmash. A player is * trying to grab an EarthSmash if they are staring at it and holding shift. */ private EarthSmash aimingAtSmashCheck(Player player, State reqState) { if (!allowGrab) { return null; } List blocks = GeneralMethods.getBlocksAroundPoint(GeneralMethods.getTargetedLocation(player, grabRange, getTransparentMaterials()), 1); for (EarthSmash smash : getAbilities(EarthSmash.class)) { if (reqState == null || smash.state == reqState) { for (Block block : blocks) { if (block == null || smash.getLocation() == null) { continue; } if (block.getLocation().getWorld() == smash.location.getWorld() && block.getLocation().distanceSquared(smash.location) <= Math.pow(grabDetectionRadius, 2)) { return smash; } } } } return null; } /** * This method handles any collision between an EarthSmash and the * surrounding entities, the method only applies to earthsmashes that have * already been shot. */ public void shootingCollisionDetection() { List entities = GeneralMethods.getEntitiesAroundPoint(location, flightDetectionRadius); for (Entity entity : entities) { if (entity instanceof LivingEntity && entity != player && !affectedEntities.contains(entity)) { affectedEntities.add(entity); double damage = currentBlocks.size() / 13.0 * this.damage; DamageHandler.damageEntity(entity, damage, this); Vector travelVec = GeneralMethods.getDirection(location, entity.getLocation()); entity.setVelocity(travelVec.setY(knockup).normalize().multiply(knockback)); } } } /** * EarthSmash to EarthSmash collision can only happen when one of the * Smashes have been shot by a player. If we find out that one of them have * collided then we want to return since a smash can only remove 1 at a * time. */ public void smashToSmashCollisionDetection() { for (EarthSmash smash : getAbilities(EarthSmash.class)) { if (smash.location != null && smash != this && smash.location.getWorld() == location.getWorld() && smash.location.distanceSquared(location) < Math.pow(flightDetectionRadius, 2)) { smash.remove(); remove(); return; } } } /** * Determines whether or not a player is trying to fly ontop of an * EarthSmash. A player is considered "flying" if they are standing ontop of * the earthsmash and holding shift. */ private static EarthSmash flyingInSmashCheck(Player player) { for (EarthSmash smash : getAbilities(EarthSmash.class)) { if (!smash.allowFlight) { continue; } //Check to see if the player is standing on top of the smash. if (smash.state == State.LIFTED) { if (smash.location.getWorld().equals(player.getWorld()) && smash.location.clone().add(0, 2, 0).distanceSquared(player.getLocation()) <= Math.pow(smash.flightDetectionRadius, 2)) { return smash; } } } return null; } /** * A BlockRepresenter is used to keep track of each of the individual types * of blocks that are attached to an EarthSmash. Without the representer * then an EarthSmash can only be made up of 1 material at a time. For * example, an ESmash that is entirely dirt, coalore, or sandstone. Using * the representer will allow all the materials to be mixed together. */ public class BlockRepresenter { private int x, y, z; private Material type; private byte data; public BlockRepresenter(int x, int y, int z, Material type, byte data) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.type = type; = data; } public int getX() { return x; } public int getY() { return y; } public int getZ() { return z; } public Material getType() { return type; } public byte getData() { return data; } public void setX(int x) { this.x = x; } public void setY(int y) { this.y = y; } public void setZ(int z) { this.z = z; } public void setType(Material type) { this.type = type; } public void setData(byte data) { = data; } public String toString() { return x + ", " + y + ", " + z + ", " + type.toString(); } } public class Pair { private F first; //first member of pair private S second; //second member of pair public Pair(F first, S second) { this.first = first; this.second = second; } public void setFirst(F first) { this.first = first; } public void setSecond(S second) { this.second = second; } public F getFirst() { return first; } public S getSecond() { return second; } } @Override public String getName() { return "EarthSmash"; } @Override public Location getLocation() { return location; } @Override public long getCooldown() { return cooldown; } @Override public boolean isSneakAbility() { return true; } @Override public boolean isHarmlessAbility() { return false; } @Override public List getLocations() { ArrayList locations = new ArrayList<>(); for (TempBlock tblock : affectedBlocks) { locations.add(tblock.getLocation()); } return locations; } public boolean isAllowGrab() { return allowGrab; } public void setAllowGrab(boolean allowGrab) { this.allowGrab = allowGrab; } public boolean isAllowFlight() { return allowFlight; } public void setAllowFlight(boolean allowFlight) { this.allowFlight = allowFlight; } public int getAnimationCounter() { return animationCounter; } public void setAnimationCounter(int animationCounter) { this.animationCounter = animationCounter; } public int getProgressCounter() { return progressCounter; } public void setProgressCounter(int progressCounter) { this.progressCounter = progressCounter; } public int getRequiredBendableBlocks() { return requiredBendableBlocks; } public void setRequiredBendableBlocks(int requiredBendableBlocks) { this.requiredBendableBlocks = requiredBendableBlocks; } public int getMaxBlocksToPassThrough() { return maxBlocksToPassThrough; } public void setMaxBlocksToPassThrough(int maxBlocksToPassThrough) { this.maxBlocksToPassThrough = maxBlocksToPassThrough; } public long getDelay() { return delay; } public void setDelay(long delay) { this.delay = delay; } public long getChargeTime() { return chargeTime; } public void setChargeTime(long chargeTime) { this.chargeTime = chargeTime; } public long getRemoveTimer() { return removeTimer; } public void setRemoveTimer(long removeTimer) { this.removeTimer = removeTimer; } public long getFlightRemoveTimer() { return flightRemoveTimer; } public void setFlightRemoveTimer(long flightRemoveTimer) { this.flightRemoveTimer = flightRemoveTimer; } public long getFlightStartTime() { return flightStartTime; } public void setFlightStartTime(long flightStartTime) { this.flightStartTime = flightStartTime; } public long getShootAnimationInterval() { return shootAnimationInterval; } public void setShootAnimationInterval(long shootAnimationInterval) { this.shootAnimationInterval = shootAnimationInterval; } public long getFlightAnimationInterval() { return flightAnimationInterval; } public void setFlightAnimationInterval(long flightAnimationInterval) { this.flightAnimationInterval = flightAnimationInterval; } public long getLiftAnimationInterval() { return liftAnimationInterval; } public void setLiftAnimationInterval(long liftAnimationInterval) { this.liftAnimationInterval = liftAnimationInterval; } public double getGrabRange() { return grabRange; } public void setGrabRange(double grabRange) { this.grabRange = grabRange; } public double getSelectRange() { return selectRange; } public void setSelectRange(double selectRange) { this.selectRange = selectRange; } public double getShootRange() { return shootRange; } public void setShootRange(double shootRange) { this.shootRange = shootRange; } public double getDamage() { return damage; } public void setDamage(double damage) { this.damage = damage; } public double getKnockback() { return knockback; } public void setKnockback(double knockback) { this.knockback = knockback; } public double getKnockup() { return knockup; } public void setKnockup(double knockup) { this.knockup = knockup; } public double getFlightSpeed() { return flightSpeed; } public void setFlightSpeed(double flightSpeed) { this.flightSpeed = flightSpeed; } public double getGrabbedDistance() { return grabbedDistance; } public void setGrabbedDistance(double grabbedDistance) { this.grabbedDistance = grabbedDistance; } public double getGrabDetectionRadius() { return grabDetectionRadius; } public void setGrabDetectionRadius(double grabDetectionRadius) { this.grabDetectionRadius = grabDetectionRadius; } public double getFlightDetectionRadius() { return flightDetectionRadius; } public void setFlightDetectionRadius(double flightDetectionRadius) { this.flightDetectionRadius = flightDetectionRadius; } public State getState() { return state; } public void setState(State state) { this.state = state; } public Block getOrigin() { return origin; } public void setOrigin(Block origin) { this.origin = origin; } public Location getDestination() { return destination; } public void setDestination(Location destination) { this.destination = destination; } public ArrayList getAffectedEntities() { return affectedEntities; } public ArrayList getCurrentBlocks() { return currentBlocks; } public ArrayList getAffectedBlocks() { return affectedBlocks; } public void setCooldown(long cooldown) { this.cooldown = cooldown; } public void setLocation(Location location) { this.location = location; } }