package com.projectkorra.projectkorra.airbending; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect; import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType; import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.GeneralMethods; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.ProjectKorra; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.ability.AirAbility; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.attribute.Attribute; import com.projectkorra.projectkorra.util.DamageHandler; /** * Suffocate * * Suffocate is an air ability that causes entities to be surrounded by a sphere * air that causes constant damage after a configurable delay. Suffocate also * causes Blinding and Slowing affects to entities depending on how the ability * is configured. While in AvatarState this ability can be used on multiple * entities within a large radius. If the user is damaged while performing this * ability then the ability is removed. */ public class Suffocate extends AirAbility { public static enum SpiralType { HORIZONTAL1, HORIZONTAL2, VERTICAL1, VERTICAL2, DIAGONAL1, DIAGONAL2 }; private boolean started; private boolean requireConstantAim; private boolean canSuffocateUndead; private int particleCount; @Attribute(Attribute.CHARGE_DURATION) private long chargeTime; @Attribute(Attribute.COOLDOWN) private long cooldown; @Attribute(Attribute.RANGE) private double range; @Attribute(Attribute.RADIUS) private double radius; @Attribute(Attribute.DAMAGE) private double damage; private double damageDelay; private double damageRepeat; private double slow; private double slowRepeat; private double slowDelay; private double constantAimRadius; private double blind; private double blindDelay; private double blindRepeat; private double animationSpeed; private Suffocate ability; private ArrayList tasks; private ArrayList targets; public Suffocate(Player player) { super(player); ability = this; if (bPlayer.isOnCooldown(this)) { return; } else if (hasAbility(player, Suffocate.class)) { return; } this.started = false; this.requireConstantAim = getConfig().getBoolean("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.RequireConstantAim"); this.canSuffocateUndead = getConfig().getBoolean("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.CanBeUsedOnUndeadMobs"); this.particleCount = getConfig().getInt("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.AnimationParticleAmount"); this.animationSpeed = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.AnimationSpeed"); this.chargeTime = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.ChargeTime"); this.cooldown = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.Cooldown"); this.range = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.Range"); this.radius = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.AnimationRadius"); this.constantAimRadius = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.RequireConstantAimRadius"); this.damage = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.Damage"); this.damageDelay = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.DamageInitialDelay"); this.damageRepeat = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.DamageInterval"); this.slow = getConfig().getInt("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.SlowPotency"); this.slowRepeat = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.SlowInterval"); this.slowDelay = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.SlowDelay"); this.blind = getConfig().getInt("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.BlindPotentcy"); this.blindDelay = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.BlindDelay"); this.blindRepeat = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.BlindInterval"); this.targets = new ArrayList<>(); this.tasks = new ArrayList<>(); if (bPlayer.isAvatarState()) { cooldown = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Avatar.AvatarState.Air.Suffocate.Cooldown"); chargeTime = getConfig().getLong("Abilities.Avatar.AvatarState.Air.Suffocate.ChargeTime"); damage = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Avatar.AvatarState.Air.Suffocate.Damage"); range = getConfig().getDouble("Abilities.Avatar.AvatarState.Air.Suffocate.Range"); } if (particleCount < 1) { particleCount = 1; } else if (particleCount > 2) { particleCount = 2; } if (bPlayer.isAvatarState()) { for (Entity ent : GeneralMethods.getEntitiesAroundPoint(player.getLocation(), range)) { if (ent instanceof LivingEntity && !ent.equals(player)) { targets.add((LivingEntity) ent); } } } else { //Location location = GeneralMethods.getTargetedLocation(player, 6, getTransparentMaterial()); //List entities = GeneralMethods.getEntitiesAroundPoint(location, 1.5); List entities = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Location location = GeneralMethods.getTargetedLocation(player, i, getTransparentMaterials()); entities = GeneralMethods.getEntitiesAroundPoint(location, 1.7); if (entities.contains(player)) entities.remove(player); if (entities != null && !entities.isEmpty() && !entities.contains(player)) { break; } } if (entities == null || entities.isEmpty()) { return; } Entity target = entities.get(0); if (target != null && target instanceof LivingEntity) { targets.add((LivingEntity) target); } } if (!canSuffocateUndead) { for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) { LivingEntity target = targets.get(i); if (GeneralMethods.isUndead(target)) { targets.remove(i); i--; } } } bPlayer.addCooldown(this); start(); } @Override public void progress() { for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) { LivingEntity target = targets.get(i); if (target.isDead() || !target.getWorld().equals(player.getWorld()) || target.getLocation().distanceSquared(player.getEyeLocation()) > range * range || GeneralMethods.isRegionProtectedFromBuild(this, target.getLocation())) { breakSuffocateLocal(target); i--; } else if (target instanceof Player) { Player targPlayer = (Player) target; if (!targPlayer.isOnline()) { breakSuffocateLocal(target); i--; } } } if (targets.size() == 0 || !bPlayer.canBendIgnoreCooldowns(this)) { remove(); return; } if (requireConstantAim) { double dist = 0; if (player.getWorld().equals(targets.get(0).getWorld())) { dist = player.getEyeLocation().distance(targets.get(0).getEyeLocation()); } Location targetLoc = player.getEyeLocation().clone().add(player.getEyeLocation().getDirection().normalize().multiply(dist)); List ents = GeneralMethods.getEntitiesAroundPoint(targetLoc, constantAimRadius); for (int i = 0; i < targets.size(); i++) { LivingEntity target = targets.get(i); if (!ents.contains(target)) { breakSuffocateLocal(target); i--; } } if (targets.size() == 0) { remove(); return; } } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - getStartTime() < chargeTime) { return; } else if (!started) { started = true; for (LivingEntity targ : targets) { final LivingEntity target = targ; BukkitRunnable br1 = new BukkitRunnable() { @Override public void run() { DamageHandler.damageEntity(target, damage, ability); } }; BukkitRunnable br2 = new BukkitRunnable() { @Override public void run() { target.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SLOW, (int) (slowRepeat * 20), (int) slow)); } }; BukkitRunnable br3 = new BukkitRunnable() { @Override public void run() { target.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.BLINDNESS, (int) (blindRepeat * 20), (int) blind)); } }; tasks.add(br1); tasks.add(br2); tasks.add(br3); br1.runTaskTimer(ProjectKorra.plugin, (long) (damageDelay * 20), (long) (damageRepeat * 20)); br2.runTaskTimer(ProjectKorra.plugin, (long) (slowDelay * 20), (long) (slowRepeat * 20 / 0.25)); br3.runTaskTimer(ProjectKorra.plugin, (long) (blindDelay * 20), (long) (blindRepeat * 20)); } } animate(); if (!player.isSneaking()) { remove(); return; } } /** Stops an entity from being suffocated **/ public static void breakSuffocate(Entity entity) { for (Suffocate suffocate : getAbilities(Suffocate.class)) { if (suffocate.targets.contains(entity)) { suffocate.breakSuffocateLocal(entity); } } } /** Checks if an entity is being suffocated **/ public static boolean isBreathbent(Entity entity) { for (Suffocate suffocate : getAbilities(Suffocate.class)) { if (suffocate.targets.contains(entity)) { return suffocate.started; } } return false; } /** Determines if a player is Suffocating entities **/ public static boolean isChannelingSphere(Player player) { return hasAbility(player, Suffocate.class); } /** * Removes an instance of Suffocate if player is the one suffocating * entities **/ public static void remove(Player player) { Suffocate suff = getAbility(player, Suffocate.class); if (suff != null) { suff.remove(); } } /** * Removes all instances of Suffocate at loc within the radius threshold. * The location of a Suffocate is defined at the benders location, not the * location of the entities being suffocated. * * @param causer The player causing this instance to be removed **/ public static boolean removeAtLocation(Player causer, Location loc, double radius) { if (causer == null) { return false; } for (Suffocate suff : getAbilities(Suffocate.class)) { if (!suff.player.equals(causer)) { Location playerLoc = suff.getPlayer().getLocation(); if (playerLoc.getWorld().equals(loc.getWorld()) && playerLoc.distanceSquared(loc) <= radius * radius) { suff.remove(); return true; } } } return false; } /** * Animates this instance of the Suffocate ability. Depending on the * specific time (dt) the ability will create a different set of * SuffocationSpirals. */ public void animate() { int steps = 8 * particleCount; long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long dt = curTime - getStartTime() - chargeTime; long delay = 2 / particleCount; long t1 = (long) (1500 * animationSpeed); long t2 = (long) (2500 * animationSpeed); long t3 = (long) (5000 * animationSpeed); long t4 = (long) (6000 * animationSpeed); for (LivingEntity lent : targets) { final LivingEntity target = lent; if (dt < t1) { new SuffocateSpiral(target, steps, radius, delay, 0, 0.25 - (0.25 * (double) dt / (double) t1), 0, SpiralType.HORIZONTAL1); new SuffocateSpiral(target, steps, radius, delay, 0, 0.25 - (0.25 * (double) dt / (double) t1), 0, SpiralType.HORIZONTAL2); } else if (dt < t2) { new SuffocateSpiral(target, steps, radius, delay, 0, 0, 0, SpiralType.HORIZONTAL1); new SuffocateSpiral(target, steps * 2, radius, delay, 0, 0, 0, SpiralType.VERTICAL1); new SuffocateSpiral(target, steps * 2, radius, delay, 0, 0, 0, SpiralType.VERTICAL2); } else if (dt < t3) { new SuffocateSpiral(target, steps, radius, delay, 0, 0, 0, SpiralType.HORIZONTAL1); new SuffocateSpiral(target, steps, radius, delay, 0, 0, 0, SpiralType.VERTICAL1); new SuffocateSpiral(target, steps, radius, delay, 0, 0, 0, SpiralType.VERTICAL2); } else if (dt < t4) { new SuffocateSpiral(target, steps, radius - Math.min(radius * 3 / 4, (radius * 3.0 / 4 * ((double) (dt - t3) / (double) (t4 - t3)))), delay, 0, 0, 0, SpiralType.HORIZONTAL1); new SuffocateSpiral(target, steps, radius - Math.min(radius * 3 / 4, (radius * 3.0 / 4 * ((double) (dt - t3) / (double) (t4 - t3)))), delay, 0, 0, 0, SpiralType.VERTICAL1); new SuffocateSpiral(target, steps, radius - Math.min(radius * 3 / 4, (radius * 3.0 / 4 * ((double) (dt - t3) / (double) (t4 - t3)))), delay, 0, 0, 0, SpiralType.VERTICAL2); } else { new SuffocateSpiral(target, steps, radius - (radius * 3.0 / 4.0), delay, 0, 0, 0, SpiralType.HORIZONTAL1); new SuffocateSpiral(target, steps, radius - (radius * 3.0 / 4.0), delay, 0, 0, 0, SpiralType.VERTICAL1); new SuffocateSpiral(target, steps, radius - (radius * 3.0 / 4.0), delay, 0, 0, 0, SpiralType.VERTICAL2); } } } /** Stops an entity from being suffocated **/ public void breakSuffocateLocal(Entity entity) { if (targets.contains(entity)) { targets.remove(entity); } } /** Removes this instance of the ability **/ @Override public void remove() { super.remove(); for (int i = 0; i < tasks.size(); i++) { tasks.get(i).cancel(); tasks.remove(i); i--; } } /** * Animates a Spiral of air particles around a location or a targetted * entity. The direction of the spiral is determined by SpiralType, and each * type is calculated independently from one another. */ public class SuffocateSpiral extends BukkitRunnable { private Location startLoc; private Location loc; private LivingEntity target; private int totalSteps; private double radius; private double dx, dy, dz; private SpiralType type; private int i; /** * @param lent The entity to animate the spiral around * @param totalSteps Amount of times it will be animated * @param radius The radius of the spiral * @param interval The speed of the animation * @param dx x offset * @param dy y offset * @param dz z offset * @param type Spiral animation direction */ public SuffocateSpiral(LivingEntity lent, int totalSteps, double radius, long interval, double dx, double dy, double dz, SpiralType type) { = lent; this.totalSteps = totalSteps; this.radius = radius; this.dx = dx; this.dy = dy; = dz; this.type = type; this.loc = target.getEyeLocation(); this.i = 0; this.runTaskTimer(ProjectKorra.plugin, 0L, interval); tasks.add(this); } /** * @param startLoc Initial location * @param totalSteps Amount of times it will be animated * @param radius The radius of the spiral * @param interval The speed of the animation * @param dx x offset * @param dy y offset * @param dz z offset * @param type Spiral animation direction */ public SuffocateSpiral(Location startLoc, int totalSteps, double radius, long interval, double dx, double dy, double dz, SpiralType type) { this.startLoc = startLoc; this.totalSteps = totalSteps; this.radius = radius; this.dx = dx; this.dy = dy; = dz; this.type = type; this.loc = startLoc.clone(); this.i = 0; this.runTaskTimer(ProjectKorra.plugin, 0L, interval); tasks.add(this); } /** * Starts the initial animation, and removes itself when it is finished. */ public void run() { Location tempLoc; if (target != null) { tempLoc = target.getEyeLocation(); tempLoc.setY(tempLoc.getY() - 0.5); } else { tempLoc = startLoc.clone(); } if (type == SpiralType.HORIZONTAL1) { loc.setX(tempLoc.getX() + radius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians((double) i / (double) totalSteps * 360))); loc.setY(tempLoc.getY() + dy * i); loc.setZ(tempLoc.getZ() + radius * Math.sin(Math.toRadians((double) i / (double) totalSteps * 360))); } else if (type == SpiralType.HORIZONTAL2) { loc.setX(tempLoc.getX() + radius * -Math.cos(Math.toRadians((double) i / (double) totalSteps * 360))); loc.setY(tempLoc.getY() + dy * i); loc.setZ(tempLoc.getZ() + radius * -Math.sin(Math.toRadians((double) i / (double) totalSteps * 360))); } else if (type == SpiralType.VERTICAL1) { loc.setX(tempLoc.getX() + radius * Math.sin(Math.toRadians((double) i / (double) totalSteps * 360))); loc.setY(tempLoc.getY() + radius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians((double) i / (double) totalSteps * 360))); loc.setZ(tempLoc.getZ() + dz * i); } else if (type == SpiralType.VERTICAL2) { loc.setX(tempLoc.getX() + dx * i); loc.setY(tempLoc.getY() + radius * Math.sin(Math.toRadians((double) i / (double) totalSteps * 360))); loc.setZ(tempLoc.getZ() + radius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians((double) i / (double) totalSteps * 360))); } else if (type == SpiralType.DIAGONAL1) { loc.setX(tempLoc.getX() + radius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians((double) i / (double) totalSteps * 360))); loc.setY(tempLoc.getY() + radius * Math.sin(Math.toRadians((double) i / (double) totalSteps * 360))); loc.setZ(tempLoc.getZ() + radius * -Math.cos(Math.toRadians((double) i / (double) totalSteps * 360))); } else if (type == SpiralType.DIAGONAL2) { loc.setX(tempLoc.getX() + radius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians((double) i / (double) totalSteps * 360))); loc.setY(tempLoc.getY() + radius * Math.sin(Math.toRadians((double) i / (double) totalSteps * 360))); loc.setZ(tempLoc.getZ() + radius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians((double) i / (double) totalSteps * 360))); } getAirbendingParticles().display(loc, (float) 0, (float) 0, (float) 0, 0, 1); if (i == totalSteps + 1) { this.cancel(); } i++; } } @Override public String getName() { return "Suffocate"; } @Override public Location getLocation() { if (targets.size() > 0) { return targets.get(0).getLocation(); } else if (player != null) { return player.getLocation(); } return null; } @Override public long getCooldown() { return cooldown; } @Override public boolean isSneakAbility() { return true; } @Override public boolean isHarmlessAbility() { return false; } @Override public List getLocations() { ArrayList locations = new ArrayList<>(); locations.add(player.getLocation()); return locations; } public boolean isStarted() { return started; } public void setStarted(boolean started) { this.started = started; } public boolean isRequireConstantAim() { return requireConstantAim; } public void setRequireConstantAim(boolean requireConstantAim) { this.requireConstantAim = requireConstantAim; } public boolean isCanSuffocateUndead() { return canSuffocateUndead; } public void setCanSuffocateUndead(boolean canSuffocateUndead) { this.canSuffocateUndead = canSuffocateUndead; } public int getParticleCount() { return particleCount; } public void setParticleCount(int particleCount) { this.particleCount = particleCount; } public long getChargeTime() { return chargeTime; } public void setChargeTime(long chargeTime) { this.chargeTime = chargeTime; } public double getRange() { return range; } public void setRange(double range) { this.range = range; } public double getRadius() { return radius; } public void setRadius(double radius) { this.radius = radius; } public double getDamage() { return damage; } public void setDamage(double damage) { this.damage = damage; } public double getDamageDelay() { return damageDelay; } public void setDamageDelay(double damageDelay) { this.damageDelay = damageDelay; } public double getDamageRepeat() { return damageRepeat; } public void setDamageRepeat(double damageRepeat) { this.damageRepeat = damageRepeat; } public double getSlow() { return slow; } public void setSlow(double slow) { this.slow = slow; } public double getSlowRepeat() { return slowRepeat; } public void setSlowRepeat(double slowRepeat) { this.slowRepeat = slowRepeat; } public double getSlowDelay() { return slowDelay; } public void setSlowDelay(double slowDelay) { this.slowDelay = slowDelay; } public double getConstantAimRadius() { return constantAimRadius; } public void setConstantAimRadius(double constantAimRadius) { this.constantAimRadius = constantAimRadius; } public double getBlind() { return blind; } public void setBlind(double blind) { this.blind = blind; } public double getBlindDelay() { return blindDelay; } public void setBlindDelay(double blindDelay) { this.blindDelay = blindDelay; } public double getBlindRepeat() { return blindRepeat; } public void setBlindRepeat(double blindRepeat) { this.blindRepeat = blindRepeat; } public double getAnimationSpeed() { return animationSpeed; } public void setAnimationSpeed(double animationSpeed) { this.animationSpeed = animationSpeed; } public ArrayList getTasks() { return tasks; } public ArrayList getTargets() { return targets; } public void setCooldown(long cooldown) { this.cooldown = cooldown; } }