Commit graph

54 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Christopher Martin 75c4f41be5
1.9.2 (#1153)
## Additions
* Adds support for Minecraft 1.17!
* Adds vanished player support to the `/pk who <Player>` command.
  * Should work with most common vanishing plugins, tested using Essentials vanish.
  * Affects `/pk who` and `/pk who <Player>`.
* Adds new `"Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Lift.Knockup"` configuration option to control the velocity applied to players standing where an EarthSmash is created.
* Adds new `"Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Lift.Range"` configuration option to control the range in which entities need to be standing in relation to where an EarthSmash is created to get the Knockup applied.

## Fixes
* Fixes players sometimes "falling through" their EarthSmash if they try to create it underneath themselves.
  * Reduces the overall push so it feels more natural.
  * Expands the push radius so it can affect entities within one block of the location.
* Fixes IceWave activating sometimes when PhaseChange wasn't clicked.
* Fixes IceWave users getting stuck on their ice midair.
* Fixes the display command showing hidden combos and passives
* Fixes an error caused by adding attribute modifiers to abilities sometimes.
* Fixes an error preventing the plugin from working on Minecraft 1.17.
  * ClassDefNotFoundError resulting from EntityHuman being moved during the 1.17 Minecraft update. We no longer rely on NMS for this area as a proper API has been introduced. As such, GeneralMethods and EarthArmor have been updated to reflect these changes.
2021-06-15 09:49:50 -07:00
Vahagn Tovmasian fa9f454978
Fix Illumination, Tremorsense, and who (#1070)
## Fixes
* Fixes Illumination torch duplication when breaking the block below the Illumination
* Fixes Tremorsense activating on slabs
* Fixes WhoCommand not displaying Blue Fire as a perk if the user has it
2020-07-19 21:28:17 -07:00
Christopher Martin c12e0daebb
1.8.9 (#1038)
For Spigot 1.14.4+

## General Gameplay
### Additions
- Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds
- Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep
- Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction
- Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels
- Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining)
- Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast
- Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet
- Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet
### Fixes
- Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1
- Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible
- Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown
- Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls
- Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options
- Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst)
- Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction)
- Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options
- Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options
- Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active
- Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities
- Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void
- Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time
- Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around
### Changes
- Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings
- Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast
- Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand
- Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly
- Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly
- Moved core combo instructions to config
### Removals
- Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet
- Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks
- Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml

## API
### Additions
- Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player)
- Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double)
- Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double)
- Added "large" abilities collision with each other
- Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK
  + player move event
  + physics event
  + bending manager
- Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin.
- Added check for concrete powder in move earth
- Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come)
  + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9>
  + %projectkorra_element% element of the player
  + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element
  + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has
- Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. 
  + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set
### Fixes
- Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled
### Changes
- Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null
- Formatted codebase
- Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized
- Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying
- Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords
- Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async
- Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement
- Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks
- Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light
- Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first
- Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event
### Removals
- Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used
- Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-09 23:03:28 -08:00
Christopher Martin 9ae9c07c7e
1.8.7 (#972)
## Additions
* Added Statistics API
* Added cooldown database
* Added database cooldown to `AvatarState`
* Added code to try a reconnect if the database connection is lost
* Added a check to ensure an entity is an instance of `LivingEntity` before casting in `PKListener`
* Added `FireManipulation` and Combo permissions to `plugin.yml`
* Added an isBender method to `BendingPlayer`
* Added a getter for the player object stored in `BendingPlayer`
* Added `OFFHAND_TRIGGER` to `ClickType`
* Added `ElementalAbility#getEarthbendableBlocks()`, returns String list from config
* Added `GeneralMethods#getBlockFaceFromValue(int xyz, double value)`
* Added `GeneralMethods#checkDiagonalWall(Location location, Vector direction)`, to determine if there is a diagonal wall
* Added required variable to `ComboAbilityInfo`, Set of `CoreAbility` a `Player` must have active to use corresponding `ComboAbility`
* Added `PassiveAbility#isProgressable()`, checks for if the ability uses its progress() method
* Added overriding capabilities to `CollisionManager`
* Added `TempArmorStand` utility class
* Added new `EarthGrab`
* Added new Earth combo, `EarthPillars`.
* Added new `Flight` `MultiAbility`
* Added a "Sticky" feature to `TremorSense`
* Added “/b stats” command to display player statistics
* Added `TimeUtil` to convert millisecond times into human readable increments
* Added Dynamic Sourcing config option for Earth and Water
* Added enable/disable option to `FireManipulation`
* Added configurable duration values to `AirShield`, `AirSpout`, and `Tornado`, `WaterSpout`, `HealingWaters`, and `OctopusForm`
* Added `IceBlast` and `IceSpike` blast to collisions
* Added mechanics to `AirSuction` to close doors
* Added configurable cooldown to “/b choose” located at “Properties.ChooseCooldown”
* Added IRON_TRAPDOOR to `FerroControl` functionality
* Added new config option that can prevent the Updater from connecting to the website when disabled in the config
* Added more options to `AirSwipe` in `AvatarState` config portion

## Fixes
* Fixed “Abilities.Chi.Smokescreen.Instructions” spelling error in ``
* Fixed “Abilities.Water.Passive.HydroSink.Description” spelling error in ``
* Fixed “Commands.PermaRemove.Description” spelling error in ``
* Fixed “Extras.Fire.DayMessage” spelling error in ``
* Fixed `QuickStrike` causing an endless chain of itself that never stops chiblocking and does no damage
* Fixed `Paralyze` going indefinitely when it has a cooldown of 0
* Fixed damaging chi abilities not working in `WarriorStance`
* Fixed `WarriorStance` NPE
* Fixed `AcrobatStance` NPE when a user attempts to log out while the move is active
* Fixed paralyzing abilities canceling the sneak event if the player was sneaking
* Fixed `Passives` not being removed when a player has their bending changed
* Fixed `Passives` being activated in Spectator mode
* Fixed `DensityShift` softening your landing while you are an Airbender
* Fixed the passives that weren't working. This includes `FerroControl`, `FastSwim`, `AirAgility` and `ChiAgility`
* Fixed `MultiAbility` instances not being removed when a player has their bending changed
* Fixed player binds not being filtered properly if they are using a `MultiAbility`
* Fixed `FireWheel` going over air
* Fixed `AvatarState` sound causing the ability to not work
* Fixed bottlebending for `Surge`, `WaterManipulation`, and `OctopusForm`
* Fixed `Bloodbending` ConcurrentModificationException when attempting to bend non-living entities
* Fixed `PhaseChange` not working on blocks placed over already melted blocks
* Fixed `IceBlast` going on cooldown after sneaking after selecting a block
* Fixed `Surge` making `TempBlocks` revert
* Fixed `WaterArms` grapple ability not working
* Fixed `WaterArms` making `TempBlocks` revert
* Fixed `WaterArmsSpear` checking if a block is placeable after placing the block
* Fixed aiming bugs with `WaterArmsSpear`
* Fixed `LavaFlow` causing drop duplications when cooled by another move
* Fixed `EarthArmor` making people invincible
* Fixed `EarthTunnel` so that it will work through tall grass and other transparent blocks
* Fixed `EarthTunnel` not checking if a block it was trying to remove was in a protected region
* Fixed `EarthSmash` values being incorrect
* Fixed being able to remove the `EarthArmor` armor items from their slots
* Fixed `EarthTunnel` not being able to be used on fallen blocks
* Fixed `FireManipulation` being able to go through blocks
* Fixed `FireSpin` and `FireKick` not expanding to full size when hitting an entity
* Fixed `HeatControl` solidify not working on Minecraft version 1.9
* Fixed `Illumination` dropping a torch if water is placed on the user's feet via bucket
* Fixed `FireCombos` not working with `AvatarState`
* Fixed `FireWheel` not going down inclines
* Fixed `FireWheel` insane wall climbing
* Fixed `FireShield` duration
* Fixed `FireWheel` not always damaging due to an invalid entity selection range
* Fixed logic in `GeneralMethods#displayColoredParticle()` which caused random blips of other colors
* FIxed `ClassCastException` in `` caused by `MetalClips`
* Fixed typo in `GeneralMethods` which confused NETHER_WART_BLOCK with NETHER_STALK
* Fixed permission based limit on how many Presets players can create. `bending.command.preset.create.#`
* Fixed NPE in `WhoCommand` when performing offline lookups
* Fixed various bad `Map#contains()` checks throughout the plugin
* Fixed `BendingPlayer#addCooldown()` adding cooldowns even if their time is set to an invalid number.
* Fixed the `PlayerCooldownChangeEvent` being fired on an invalid case
* Fixed entity targeting methods in `GeneralMethods` registering dead players waiting to respawn as valid targets
* Fixed NPE caused by checking for Lunar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse, Full Moon or Sozins Comet when not in the Overworld
* Fixed `AirBlast`, `AirSweep`, `FireBlast` going through diagonal walls
* Fixed known fly glitches
* Fixed ability redirection breaking bottlebending for that player until server restart

## Misc. Changes
* Changed instructions in “/bending help <ability>” to `ChatColor.WHITE`
* Changed “/bending help earth” message to match others
* Improved check for exhaustion in move event
* Changed `CoreAbility#getDescription()` to pull combos from the lang config as well
* Renamed `` to ``
* Reduced combo cleanup delay to one minute
* Improved `IceSpike` blast animation
* Improved code in ``
* Improved `FireShield` animation
* Changed passive classes to be more functional than previously
* Changed `BendingPlayer#canBendPassive()` and `BendingPlayer#canUsePassive()` to have `CoreAbility` param instead of `Element`
* Changed `PassiveAbility#isInstantiable()` to be a check if the ability must be activated by the player, not if it uses the constructor
* Improved `CoreAbility#progressAll()`
* Improved `AirAgility` and `ChiAgility`
* Changed death messages that say “experienced kinetic damage” to  “experienced a fatal collision”
* Changed `AirShield` to permit `AirSwipe` and `AirSweep` to pass through it
* Changed `FireShield` to permit `FireBlastCharged` to pass through it
* Changed `AirBlast`, `AirSuction`, `Blaze`, and `Combustion` so they do not collide with any other abilities
* Changed `AirSwipe` and `AirSweep` so they can respectively pass through other instances of themselves.
* Removed all active abilities for a given player when they quit the server
* Changed old `EarthGrab` to `EarthDome` combo
* Changed `AirSwipe` to cool lava temporarily instead of permanently
* Changed “/pk” to return the “/pk help” pages
* Changed `InvincibleCommand` to use `i` as an alias. “/pk i”
* Changed `Preset` bind command to use branding
* Changed `Preset` list command to use pages
* Changed bending preview to persist while on an ability slot
* Changed moves that cool lava (`AirBlast`, `AirBurst`, `AirSwipe`, `HeatControl`) so that they revert `LavaFlow` blocks
* Changed `LavaFlow` click to only produce particles on blocks it has affected
* Updated the `Updater` URL
* Updated “/pk help <element>” to support Avatar as an argument
* Updated “/pk help <element>” to prompt users to enter “/pk display <element>” instead of “/pk h <elementcombos>”
* Changed `FireWheel` default range in `AvatarState` config portion
* Changed `AirStream` default hold duration in `AvatarState` config portion
* Changed `WaterArms` to not go through tempblocks
* Changed `HealingWaters` previous duration value to “PotionDuration” in order to accurately represent what the setting changed
* Increased the default number of creatable presets to 5
* Disabled FireManipulation by default

## Removals
* Removed `ImportCommand`
* Removed `AirSwipes` capability to break blocks
* Removed metal ores (Iron, Gold, and Quartz) from the Earthbendable's list
* Removed `` and ``, combos are in their own respective files.
* Removed redundant checks in `PKListener`
* Removed redundant Earthbendable checks in `Extraction`
* Removed redundant checks in `BendingPlayer`
* Removed unnecessary code from `GeneralMethods#getTargetedEntity()`
* Removed unnecessary SuppressWarnings for deprecation in various classes
* Removed unnecessary `SpiritPlayer` checks in `BendingPlayer#canBind(CoreAbility ability)`
2018-08-06 22:46:09 -07:00
Christopher Martin 0ab240cd93 1.8.5 (#813)
## Fixes

* Fixed odd interactions between `Bloodbending` and `AvatarState`.
  * You can no longer be bloodbent while in `AvatarState` and going into the `AvatarState` while being bloodbent will break you free.
* Fixed various errors in `Bloodbending`.
* Fixed `SubElements` being saved incorrectly in the database.
* Fixed a few cases where `Surge` would cause flooding.
* Fixed various NoCheatPlus exemptions in our `DamageHandler`. (Thanks, RoboMWM)
* Fixed ProjectKorra fire tick damage overriding other plugins fire tick damage.
* Fixed `FireSpin` working underwater.
* Fixed `EarthArmor` not properly obeying its cooldown.
* Fixed `Combo Abilities` being displayed in `/pk display <Element>`.
* Fixed `Extraction` cooldown being applied when the ability couldn't start.
* Fixed `EarthTunnel` cooldown being applied when the ability couldn't start.
* Fixed `IceSpike` field functionality not activating on `PhaseChange` blocks.
* Fixed `FireWheel` hit location if used while looking down.
* Fixed `Lightning` paralyze functionality.
* Fixed `DensityShift` causing fall damage if used on other `DensityShift` blocks.
* Fixed `Flight` cooldown being applied when the ability couldn't start.
* Fixed `Flight` deactivating if used while on the ground.
* Fixed `RapidPunch` cooldown being applied when the ability couldn't start.
* Fixed `WaterArms` not returning water sources to bottles.
* Fixed `WaterArms` not grabbing sources correctly.
* Fixed `CollisionManager` attempting to detect collisions between abilities in different worlds. (Thanks, plushmonkey)
* Fixed `CollisionManager` not resetting when a new manager is created.
* Fixed `JetBlaze` and `JetBlast` not overriding `FireJet` duration.
* Fixed `PhaseChange` not being able to melt snow blocks.
* Fixed `FastSwim` being able to be used on a `Catapult` slot.
* Fixed `FireManipulation` cooldown.
* Fixed `Collapse` and `RaiseEarth`not working in `AvatarState`.
* Fixed Waterbending causing concrete powder to harden.
* Fixed `MetalClips` magnetize not pulling iron ingots if players had them in their hand.
* Fixed `MetalClips` not disabling passives such as `FastSwim` on its targets.
* Fixed `MetalClips` armor absorbing damage.
* Fixed `MetalClips` magnetize not pulling if the launching portion of the move is on cooldown.
* Fixed `MetalClips` not dropping iron ingots once a held target is killed.
* Fixed `MetalClips` duplicating iron ingots by repeatedly hitting and pulling entities.
* Fixed `MetalClips` duplicating iron ingots by hitting blocks. 
* Fixed addon Passive abilities not registering.
* Fixed `/pk help <Element>` displaying incorrect/old links.
* Fixed `/pk help <Element/Combo>` being case sensitive.
* Fixed `/pk help` not allowing players to auto tab all non-hidden abilities.
* Fixed `IllegalArgumentException` being thrown if server owners put an incorrect `ChatColor` for the `Chat.Branding.Color` value in `language.yml`.
* Fixed `EarthArmor` allowing players to use `FastSwim` while the armor is activated.
* Fixed incorrect cancellation of `BlockBreakEvent` when players bending is toggled off.
* Fixed multiple instances of the same `CoreAbility` being present in auto tabbing due to certain move functionalities being split up between files.
* Fixed Passive abilities and Combo abilities showing up in `/pk bind <Ability>` auto tabbing.
* Fixed `WaterWave` and `WaterSpout` cohesive movement.
* Fixed `DamageHandler` applying `DamageModifier.ARMOR` where it is not applicable.
* Fixed `/pk check` command URL.
* Fixed Passive abilities breaking when choosing an element while bending is toggled.
* Fixed `WaterBubble` removing blocks placed by players while the ability is active.
* Fixed potential infinite loop in `EarthGrab`.
* Fixed `AirScooter` not disabling when a player would sneak.

## Additions

* Added cooldown capability to `AirShield`, `AirSpout`, `Tornado`, `FastSwim`, `WaterBubble`, `EarthTunnel`, `AcrobaticStance`, and `WarriorStance`.
* Added the clickable ProjectKorra branding message to the `/pk help` and `/pk who` commands.
* Added `radius` config option to `EarthGrab`.
* Added AvatarState configuration options for `IceSpike`, `IceBlast`, `Torrent`, `OctopusForm`, `WallOfFire`, `WaterSpout`, and all stock Combos.
* Added aesthetic donation perk servers can give to their players in the `/pk who <Player>` command via the `bending.donor` permission.
* Added config option for the lightning bending sound and lava bending sound.
* Added `Pitch` and `Volume` config options for all configurable sounds.
* Added identifiers on Addon Abilities in `/pk help <Ability>` and `/pk display`.

## General Changes

* Reduced default config values of `AvatarState` ability modifiers.
* Changed the way abilities display in `/pk help <Ability>`
     * Abilities now display whether they are Addons or not.
     * Abilities now display whether they are Combos or Passives.
     * Addon Abilities display their author and version.
* Improved `AirScooter` behavior. It isn't perfect yet, but it is better.
* Changed `EarthArmor` so it now breaks when a player teleports.
* Changed cobblestone and obsidian created by `AirBlast` to `TempBlocks`.
* Changed `/pk add Avatar` to add all four main elements.

## API Changes

* Added `RevertTask` which runs whenever `TempBlock#revertBlock()` is called.
* Moved `BendingPlayer` creation to a separate thread.
* Changed initial `BendingPlayer` database storage to insert default values.
* Improved `CollisionManager` performance by removing unnecessary detections.
* Put logic in place to remove ability instances causing exceptions without breaking all other running abilities. (Thanks, PhanaticD)
* Changed `PassiveManager` storage so Passive abilities are be stored by name/class instead of by `Element`.
* Removed `PassiveManager#getPassivesByElement()`.
* Added `CoreAbility#unloadAbility(Class clazz)` to unload an ability from a server.
* Added `CoreAbility#getAddonPlugins()` to get the names and paths of all currently loaded addon plugins. Returned format: `<plugin name>::<abilities path>`
* Changed `/pk reload` to add support for addon plugin reloading.

## Removals

* Removed the Minecraft version from the `/pk version` command.
* Removed `SandSpout`.
* Removed `SandRun` remnant from `EarthPassive`.
* Removed `AirBlast` collisions with other basic moves.
2017-08-03 21:54:22 -07:00
Sobki 29a6cb8d05 New branding stuff (#726) 2017-02-10 21:02:40 -08:00
StrangeOne101 477d02c673 Few fixes here, here and maybe there (#724)
• Fixed CoreAbility.getAbilities() not returning addon abilities
• Fixed errors spammed from /b w when the server can't fetch the staff
• Fixed /b d passives - now displays all possible passives
• Fixed /b t <sub> causing an internal error
• Fixed a lot of NPEs
2017-02-06 15:09:02 -08:00
Sobki e8df4895b9 Changes to branding (#721)
* Changes to branding

* Fixed java 8 crap

* whoops missed some cause im an idiot
2017-02-04 20:57:52 -08:00
Sobki 9fa1810e71 1.8.2 (#697) 2017-01-15 22:48:20 -08:00
Alexander Meech 2fdc59c0a5 Update (#627)
* Update the interactable materials array to remove unnecessary materials

* Remove shaded jsoup lib and change the remote staff fetcher to load and parse a txt file instead of an html file
2016-10-18 19:43:00 -07:00
Alexander Meech 13050a81cd Update remote staff fetcher to translate... (#623)
* Update remote staff fetcher to translate...

...color codes, use proper link, and use multiline entry management

* Implement maven shading for external libraries and set up remote staff fetcher to appropriately handle html pages

* Use maven instead of ant with travis
2016-10-18 17:49:54 -07:00
Alexander Meech f94c861804 Make staff list based on remote webpage (#618)
* Make staff list based on remote webpage

* Update
2016-10-16 19:48:23 -07:00
Sobki 329f91fff8 Core 1.9.0 changes to Healing Waters. Updated /b who staff list. (#606)
* Core 1.9.0 changes to Healing Waters. Updated /b who staff list.

* More HealingWaters changes & updated staff

* Updated HealingWaters description
2016-10-14 17:02:57 -07:00
Sobki 00097da45a Fixed movement while hovering with Flight (#541)
* Fixed your own water manips breaking spout

* Fixed Surge wave freeze from not reverting ice to water

Surge wave now reverts the ice blocks back to water if they were
originally water :)))))

* Fixed movement while hovering with Flight

You can no longer use shift or space to move up or down respectively
while hovering with Flight. New developer Matan also added to /b who
2016-08-13 16:07:30 -07:00
d0nwah 8b9d80d76a Fixed grammar error in adding/choosing elements (#515)
Added checks to test which element is being chosen and then based on
that outputs a certain message.
2016-07-16 22:47:50 -07:00
StrangeOne101 dd6bc984ba Various fixes
* Lots of Fixes

• Added 1.9 and 1.10 particle effects
• Fixed Particle Effect version from being wrong
• Fixed {ability} not being replaced when trying to bind non-existent
• Fixed permremoving command not sending a message to the executor
• Fixed remove command sending user 2 remove messages if they removed
their own bending
• Fixed who command not replacing {target} in message for players that
aren't found
• Fixed Chat prefixes not being in the language file

* Fixed Chat Prefixes

• Fixed chat prefixes from not generating in language.yml file
• Added Nonbender prefix

* Fixed Waterbending Bugs

• Fixes waterbending getting a super far away source when selecting
under water
• Water from Bottlebending now shows bubbles when under water

* Fixed WaterWave & WaterManip Bugs

• Fixed WaterManipulation disappearing when the player taps shift
• Fixed being able to use current WaterManips as sources for other
• Fixed WaterWave being able to use more sources while spinning around
the player

* OfflinePlayer lookup fix + IceWave DeathMessage

• Fixed IceWave not having a death message
• Fixed /b who not working on offline players

* Fixed bad english ;-;

* Changes + Fixes

• Added Properties.TogglePassivesWithAllBending config option (whether
passives should be toggled when bending is toggled globally)
• Changed chat prefixes
• Re-enabled WarriorStance
• Fixed IceBlast being removed when pressing shift
• Fixed IceWave and IceBullet from having the wrong colored death
• Fixed not being able to select ice and plants as sources for
• Fixed help command showing hidden abilities (WaterReturn, etc)
• Fixed WaterManip turning ice sources to air
2016-06-19 09:41:18 -07:00
Jay Stannon de01245ad6 Changed Beta version to 12, updated staff list. (#503)
* Fixed IceBlast Selection Bug

* Added KnockBack to WallOfFire

Also organized imports.

* Fixed WallOfFire Knockback

* Fixed Watermanip creating air pockets.

Also organized imports.

* Fixed surge wall removing leaves, also re-did my fix on WaterManipulation creating air pockets.

I thought I tested my fix for watermanipulation really well, but I
didn't test it as well as I thought, my bad. With my previous fix, it
fixed watermanip's air pockets, but it would create waterblocks if used
from a waterbottle, this is now fixed.

* Changed addWater to a non-static method, also changed player to non-static.

* Changed Extraction to be a metal ability.

* Fixed WaterManipulation for sure this time.

Sorry for all of the fails before, I would fix a problem, then another
one would arise. This has been test, and I haven't found any new issues,
and I have fixed the previous ones.

* Changed beta version to 11, also updated staff list.

Change Kiam to ProjectKorra Administrator
Added myself as Developer.
2016-06-17 14:39:01 -07:00
StrangeOne101 d187d3fa11 Fixes, Fixes and More Fixes!
• Fixed the /bending display <combo> not working when specifying combo
• Fixed IceBullet using the wrong name in the language file
• Fixed Bloodbending using a constant range of 6
• Fixed Chi taking no damage but still getting the animation when
jumping off blocks
• Updated staff list in the /bending who command
2016-05-02 10:15:03 +12:00
StrangeOne101 77d0cd4b6a Command Tabbing moved to PKCommands
• Every command now has its own tabbing method instead of having all
tabbing in one file. This means custom PKCommands can now also be
2016-04-09 10:15:00 +12:00
OmniCypher 25bd8d7c8c Various Changes/Fixes
Updates WorldGuard depend version
Fixes NPE in EarthAbility reverting
Fixes NPE in PKListener when getting element prefixes
Fixes inconsistencies between commands
Adds getPrefix() Method to Element
Adds Items commands to /b help
2016-03-26 12:07:36 -07:00
jedk1 918c09b096 Update Spirit jar and Who Command 2016-03-10 18:53:45 +00:00
jedk1 a922b8bd17 Add support ready for when spirits is added. 2016-03-10 18:26:16 +00:00
Benford 02b2f2a915 Add new staff
- Added new staff members to whocommand
2016-03-05 01:19:35 +01:00
FinnBueno bcf91e6859 Added a language.yml 2016-03-05 01:17:17 +01:00
jedk1 975cfa87c2 Add documentation and update Who command 2016-02-28 14:35:19 +00:00
jedk1 c1c2b26b55 Change null in ElementType to NO_SUFFIX 2016-02-25 15:25:40 +00:00
jedk1 042866ec62 Add support for custom elements 2016-02-24 23:23:03 +00:00
Matt ae35e1423d Fixed whocommand 2016-02-19 19:20:41 -05:00
savior67 dbef318caf - /b who command now shows Chiblocker instead of Chibender 2016-02-15 22:30:08 -05:00
Benford 793ef9b3d6 Change bloodbending method, Add zach to staff list, misc
- Changed bloodbending method isBloodbended to isBloodbent
- Added zach to the staff list
- Changed ClickType: (UNTESTED)
- Removed SHIFT and CLICK
- Removed unnecessary methods in BendingManager
- Removed unnecessary defaults from ConfigManager
2016-02-07 21:47:13 -05:00
Benford ccb5053f7f Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/ProjectKorra/master' 2016-02-05 13:15:38 -05:00
jedk1 fcc9caed38 Update nearly all PRs above 357
Ignored most PRs relating to presets.
2016-01-31 21:02:21 +00:00
Benford cecdc20c8a Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/ProjectKorra/master' 2016-01-29 16:44:43 -05:00
Benford adc8631d81 Correct kingbirdy's uuid
- Corrected kingbirdy's uuid in who command
2016-01-29 16:44:40 -05:00
nathank33 203c4aa0b0 Cherry pick more PRs from master 2016-01-17 14:17:19 -08:00
Nathan Braun 0e6e41ad88 Cherry pick pull requests from master 2016-01-16 13:08:16 -08:00
Nathan Braun d2bd987895 Rebase master and refactor 2016-01-16 13:08:08 -08:00
jedk1 e1f986ae53 Update to use alphabetical sorting 2016-01-01 13:22:00 +00:00
OmniCypher c563b799d6 Various Fixes (read desc)
Fixes "dead period" where water manip couldn't be redirected
Fixes IceBullet
Fixes cooldown config option in Torrent
Fixes "PhaseChange randomly not working"
Fixes EarthRevert dropping blocks
Fixes /b who list inconsistencies

Adds cooldown config option to Torrent
Adds "ShiftRequired" option to HealingWaters, makes players shift in
order to heal themselves

Removes AutoSourcing from IceBlast
2016-01-01 03:28:32 -08:00
jedk1 a98fa9d6e1 Add pages to Who Command 2016-01-01 00:11:20 +00:00
OmniCypher c03e479808 Fixes nonbenders leaving blanks in /b who 2015-12-26 12:29:49 -08:00
OmniCypher 50934f980c Various additions/fixes (read desc.)
Fixes WaterArms Freeze going through ice
Fixes cooldown typos
Adds get/set cooldown in PlayerCooldownChangeEvent
Adds Shift Modifier config option for Catapult
Adds element toggle indicator to /b who <player>
Adds stock combos to autotab
2015-12-25 21:17:49 -08:00
Benford ef9166a64d Changes to bending who
- Added different display for toggled bending/elements
- Commented out staff that aren't staff anymore
2015-12-01 23:42:40 -05:00
Benford a3b2b798e0 Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/ProjectKorra/master' 2015-12-01 00:12:35 -05:00
Benford bd1065daa1 Change /bending who list
- /bending who list now shows appropriate elements and staff title
2015-12-01 00:12:28 -05:00
StrangeOne101 f029d0806f Fix Commands
• Fixed Syntax
• Again fixed Autotabbing
2015-11-19 15:00:39 +13:00
Benford 11c0bf6329 General fixes and new additions 2015-10-25 12:03:15 -04:00
OmniCypher 5d96a4734e BETA 4
Fixes Offline lookup command duplicate message
Tad more rebalance
2015-09-22 18:27:52 -07:00
StrangeOne101 87d060c92f OfflinePlayer Support Fix
• Fixes /bending who not working for OfflinePlayers
• OfflinePlayers supported for BendingPlayers
• Fixed Debug Spam
2015-09-22 18:27:25 +12:00
Jack Lin e7c6ed70f6 General cleanup from BETA 3 2015-08-31 11:20:24 +12:00