Commit graph

7 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Christopher Martin
1.8.7 (#972)
## Additions
* Added Statistics API
* Added cooldown database
* Added database cooldown to `AvatarState`
* Added code to try a reconnect if the database connection is lost
* Added a check to ensure an entity is an instance of `LivingEntity` before casting in `PKListener`
* Added `FireManipulation` and Combo permissions to `plugin.yml`
* Added an isBender method to `BendingPlayer`
* Added a getter for the player object stored in `BendingPlayer`
* Added `OFFHAND_TRIGGER` to `ClickType`
* Added `ElementalAbility#getEarthbendableBlocks()`, returns String list from config
* Added `GeneralMethods#getBlockFaceFromValue(int xyz, double value)`
* Added `GeneralMethods#checkDiagonalWall(Location location, Vector direction)`, to determine if there is a diagonal wall
* Added required variable to `ComboAbilityInfo`, Set of `CoreAbility` a `Player` must have active to use corresponding `ComboAbility`
* Added `PassiveAbility#isProgressable()`, checks for if the ability uses its progress() method
* Added overriding capabilities to `CollisionManager`
* Added `TempArmorStand` utility class
* Added new `EarthGrab`
* Added new Earth combo, `EarthPillars`.
* Added new `Flight` `MultiAbility`
* Added a "Sticky" feature to `TremorSense`
* Added “/b stats” command to display player statistics
* Added `TimeUtil` to convert millisecond times into human readable increments
* Added Dynamic Sourcing config option for Earth and Water
* Added enable/disable option to `FireManipulation`
* Added configurable duration values to `AirShield`, `AirSpout`, and `Tornado`, `WaterSpout`, `HealingWaters`, and `OctopusForm`
* Added `IceBlast` and `IceSpike` blast to collisions
* Added mechanics to `AirSuction` to close doors
* Added configurable cooldown to “/b choose” located at “Properties.ChooseCooldown”
* Added IRON_TRAPDOOR to `FerroControl` functionality
* Added new config option that can prevent the Updater from connecting to the website when disabled in the config
* Added more options to `AirSwipe` in `AvatarState` config portion

## Fixes
* Fixed “Abilities.Chi.Smokescreen.Instructions” spelling error in ``
* Fixed “Abilities.Water.Passive.HydroSink.Description” spelling error in ``
* Fixed “Commands.PermaRemove.Description” spelling error in ``
* Fixed “Extras.Fire.DayMessage” spelling error in ``
* Fixed `QuickStrike` causing an endless chain of itself that never stops chiblocking and does no damage
* Fixed `Paralyze` going indefinitely when it has a cooldown of 0
* Fixed damaging chi abilities not working in `WarriorStance`
* Fixed `WarriorStance` NPE
* Fixed `AcrobatStance` NPE when a user attempts to log out while the move is active
* Fixed paralyzing abilities canceling the sneak event if the player was sneaking
* Fixed `Passives` not being removed when a player has their bending changed
* Fixed `Passives` being activated in Spectator mode
* Fixed `DensityShift` softening your landing while you are an Airbender
* Fixed the passives that weren't working. This includes `FerroControl`, `FastSwim`, `AirAgility` and `ChiAgility`
* Fixed `MultiAbility` instances not being removed when a player has their bending changed
* Fixed player binds not being filtered properly if they are using a `MultiAbility`
* Fixed `FireWheel` going over air
* Fixed `AvatarState` sound causing the ability to not work
* Fixed bottlebending for `Surge`, `WaterManipulation`, and `OctopusForm`
* Fixed `Bloodbending` ConcurrentModificationException when attempting to bend non-living entities
* Fixed `PhaseChange` not working on blocks placed over already melted blocks
* Fixed `IceBlast` going on cooldown after sneaking after selecting a block
* Fixed `Surge` making `TempBlocks` revert
* Fixed `WaterArms` grapple ability not working
* Fixed `WaterArms` making `TempBlocks` revert
* Fixed `WaterArmsSpear` checking if a block is placeable after placing the block
* Fixed aiming bugs with `WaterArmsSpear`
* Fixed `LavaFlow` causing drop duplications when cooled by another move
* Fixed `EarthArmor` making people invincible
* Fixed `EarthTunnel` so that it will work through tall grass and other transparent blocks
* Fixed `EarthTunnel` not checking if a block it was trying to remove was in a protected region
* Fixed `EarthSmash` values being incorrect
* Fixed being able to remove the `EarthArmor` armor items from their slots
* Fixed `EarthTunnel` not being able to be used on fallen blocks
* Fixed `FireManipulation` being able to go through blocks
* Fixed `FireSpin` and `FireKick` not expanding to full size when hitting an entity
* Fixed `HeatControl` solidify not working on Minecraft version 1.9
* Fixed `Illumination` dropping a torch if water is placed on the user's feet via bucket
* Fixed `FireCombos` not working with `AvatarState`
* Fixed `FireWheel` not going down inclines
* Fixed `FireWheel` insane wall climbing
* Fixed `FireShield` duration
* Fixed `FireWheel` not always damaging due to an invalid entity selection range
* Fixed logic in `GeneralMethods#displayColoredParticle()` which caused random blips of other colors
* FIxed `ClassCastException` in `` caused by `MetalClips`
* Fixed typo in `GeneralMethods` which confused NETHER_WART_BLOCK with NETHER_STALK
* Fixed permission based limit on how many Presets players can create. `bending.command.preset.create.#`
* Fixed NPE in `WhoCommand` when performing offline lookups
* Fixed various bad `Map#contains()` checks throughout the plugin
* Fixed `BendingPlayer#addCooldown()` adding cooldowns even if their time is set to an invalid number.
* Fixed the `PlayerCooldownChangeEvent` being fired on an invalid case
* Fixed entity targeting methods in `GeneralMethods` registering dead players waiting to respawn as valid targets
* Fixed NPE caused by checking for Lunar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse, Full Moon or Sozins Comet when not in the Overworld
* Fixed `AirBlast`, `AirSweep`, `FireBlast` going through diagonal walls
* Fixed known fly glitches
* Fixed ability redirection breaking bottlebending for that player until server restart

## Misc. Changes
* Changed instructions in “/bending help <ability>” to `ChatColor.WHITE`
* Changed “/bending help earth” message to match others
* Improved check for exhaustion in move event
* Changed `CoreAbility#getDescription()` to pull combos from the lang config as well
* Renamed `` to ``
* Reduced combo cleanup delay to one minute
* Improved `IceSpike` blast animation
* Improved code in ``
* Improved `FireShield` animation
* Changed passive classes to be more functional than previously
* Changed `BendingPlayer#canBendPassive()` and `BendingPlayer#canUsePassive()` to have `CoreAbility` param instead of `Element`
* Changed `PassiveAbility#isInstantiable()` to be a check if the ability must be activated by the player, not if it uses the constructor
* Improved `CoreAbility#progressAll()`
* Improved `AirAgility` and `ChiAgility`
* Changed death messages that say “experienced kinetic damage” to  “experienced a fatal collision”
* Changed `AirShield` to permit `AirSwipe` and `AirSweep` to pass through it
* Changed `FireShield` to permit `FireBlastCharged` to pass through it
* Changed `AirBlast`, `AirSuction`, `Blaze`, and `Combustion` so they do not collide with any other abilities
* Changed `AirSwipe` and `AirSweep` so they can respectively pass through other instances of themselves.
* Removed all active abilities for a given player when they quit the server
* Changed old `EarthGrab` to `EarthDome` combo
* Changed `AirSwipe` to cool lava temporarily instead of permanently
* Changed “/pk” to return the “/pk help” pages
* Changed `InvincibleCommand` to use `i` as an alias. “/pk i”
* Changed `Preset` bind command to use branding
* Changed `Preset` list command to use pages
* Changed bending preview to persist while on an ability slot
* Changed moves that cool lava (`AirBlast`, `AirBurst`, `AirSwipe`, `HeatControl`) so that they revert `LavaFlow` blocks
* Changed `LavaFlow` click to only produce particles on blocks it has affected
* Updated the `Updater` URL
* Updated “/pk help <element>” to support Avatar as an argument
* Updated “/pk help <element>” to prompt users to enter “/pk display <element>” instead of “/pk h <elementcombos>”
* Changed `FireWheel` default range in `AvatarState` config portion
* Changed `AirStream` default hold duration in `AvatarState` config portion
* Changed `WaterArms` to not go through tempblocks
* Changed `HealingWaters` previous duration value to “PotionDuration” in order to accurately represent what the setting changed
* Increased the default number of creatable presets to 5
* Disabled FireManipulation by default

## Removals
* Removed `ImportCommand`
* Removed `AirSwipes` capability to break blocks
* Removed metal ores (Iron, Gold, and Quartz) from the Earthbendable's list
* Removed `` and ``, combos are in their own respective files.
* Removed redundant checks in `PKListener`
* Removed redundant Earthbendable checks in `Extraction`
* Removed redundant checks in `BendingPlayer`
* Removed unnecessary code from `GeneralMethods#getTargetedEntity()`
* Removed unnecessary SuppressWarnings for deprecation in various classes
* Removed unnecessary `SpiritPlayer` checks in `BendingPlayer#canBind(CoreAbility ability)`
2018-08-06 22:46:09 -07:00
Christopher Martin
102112ffdd 1.8.6 (#825)
## Fixes
* Fixed Combos and possibly Passives appearing in `/pk b <Ability>` auto-tabbing.
* Fixed Combos not loading properly on certain servers.
* Fixed issue with `PreciousStones` by updating to the latest version to resolve API change issues.
* Fixed `RapidPunch` damage.
* Fixed incorrect summation of chiblocking chance.
* Fixed possible issue in PKListener#onPlayerInteraction()
* Fixed `Earth.LavaSound`.
* Fixed Chi attempting to chiblock targets with any move.
* Fixed hitting an entity with `TempArmor` not ignoring armor.
* Fixed `Immobilize` config path.

## Additions
* Added "Contributing" section to the `README` to help guide active community members.
* Added more detail to the `PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE` to allow for more uniform pull requests. 
* Added many new blocks to our ability block interaction.
* Added check to combo collisions to discard dead entities.
* Added functionality to allow chiblocking abilities to affect all entities.
* Added exception handling to the configurable `Sound` options to prevent `IllegalArgumentExcpetions`.
* Added sounds and `ActionBar` messages to being Bloodbent, Electrocuted, Immobilized, MetalClipped, and Paralyzed. (Abilities: `Bloodbending`, `Lightning`, `Immobilize`, `MetalClips`, and `Paralyze`)
* Added sound and `ActionBar` message for being Chiblocked.
* Added interval config option to `RapidPunch`. (time between each punch)

## API Changes
* Updated to `Spigot 1.12.1`.
    * Confirmed to be backward compatible with `Spigot 1.12` and `Spigot 1.11.2`.
* Renamed `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterial()` to `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterials()`.
* Converted most `byte`/`int` dependent `Material` logic to use `Material` instead. 
    * `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterialSet()` now returns a `HashSet<Material>` instead of a `HashSet<Byte>`.
    * `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterials()` and `GeneralMethods.NON_OPAQUE` now return `Material[]` instead of `Integer[]`.
    * `GeneralMethods#getTargetedLocation()` now takes a `varargs Material[]` instead of a `varargs Integer[]`.
* Removed `ElementalAbility.TRANSPARENT_MATERIAL`. It was outdated and became irrelevent after `GeneralMethods.NON_OPAQUE` was updated.
* Removed `Java 7` Travi-CI  JDK check.
* Updated `pom.xml` to build in `Java 8`.
* Added new `MovementHandler` utility class to control entity movement. (currently only capable of stopping movement.
2017-08-06 00:18:12 -07:00
Christopher Martin
0ab240cd93 1.8.5 (#813)
## Fixes

* Fixed odd interactions between `Bloodbending` and `AvatarState`.
  * You can no longer be bloodbent while in `AvatarState` and going into the `AvatarState` while being bloodbent will break you free.
* Fixed various errors in `Bloodbending`.
* Fixed `SubElements` being saved incorrectly in the database.
* Fixed a few cases where `Surge` would cause flooding.
* Fixed various NoCheatPlus exemptions in our `DamageHandler`. (Thanks, RoboMWM)
* Fixed ProjectKorra fire tick damage overriding other plugins fire tick damage.
* Fixed `FireSpin` working underwater.
* Fixed `EarthArmor` not properly obeying its cooldown.
* Fixed `Combo Abilities` being displayed in `/pk display <Element>`.
* Fixed `Extraction` cooldown being applied when the ability couldn't start.
* Fixed `EarthTunnel` cooldown being applied when the ability couldn't start.
* Fixed `IceSpike` field functionality not activating on `PhaseChange` blocks.
* Fixed `FireWheel` hit location if used while looking down.
* Fixed `Lightning` paralyze functionality.
* Fixed `DensityShift` causing fall damage if used on other `DensityShift` blocks.
* Fixed `Flight` cooldown being applied when the ability couldn't start.
* Fixed `Flight` deactivating if used while on the ground.
* Fixed `RapidPunch` cooldown being applied when the ability couldn't start.
* Fixed `WaterArms` not returning water sources to bottles.
* Fixed `WaterArms` not grabbing sources correctly.
* Fixed `CollisionManager` attempting to detect collisions between abilities in different worlds. (Thanks, plushmonkey)
* Fixed `CollisionManager` not resetting when a new manager is created.
* Fixed `JetBlaze` and `JetBlast` not overriding `FireJet` duration.
* Fixed `PhaseChange` not being able to melt snow blocks.
* Fixed `FastSwim` being able to be used on a `Catapult` slot.
* Fixed `FireManipulation` cooldown.
* Fixed `Collapse` and `RaiseEarth`not working in `AvatarState`.
* Fixed Waterbending causing concrete powder to harden.
* Fixed `MetalClips` magnetize not pulling iron ingots if players had them in their hand.
* Fixed `MetalClips` not disabling passives such as `FastSwim` on its targets.
* Fixed `MetalClips` armor absorbing damage.
* Fixed `MetalClips` magnetize not pulling if the launching portion of the move is on cooldown.
* Fixed `MetalClips` not dropping iron ingots once a held target is killed.
* Fixed `MetalClips` duplicating iron ingots by repeatedly hitting and pulling entities.
* Fixed `MetalClips` duplicating iron ingots by hitting blocks. 
* Fixed addon Passive abilities not registering.
* Fixed `/pk help <Element>` displaying incorrect/old links.
* Fixed `/pk help <Element/Combo>` being case sensitive.
* Fixed `/pk help` not allowing players to auto tab all non-hidden abilities.
* Fixed `IllegalArgumentException` being thrown if server owners put an incorrect `ChatColor` for the `Chat.Branding.Color` value in `language.yml`.
* Fixed `EarthArmor` allowing players to use `FastSwim` while the armor is activated.
* Fixed incorrect cancellation of `BlockBreakEvent` when players bending is toggled off.
* Fixed multiple instances of the same `CoreAbility` being present in auto tabbing due to certain move functionalities being split up between files.
* Fixed Passive abilities and Combo abilities showing up in `/pk bind <Ability>` auto tabbing.
* Fixed `WaterWave` and `WaterSpout` cohesive movement.
* Fixed `DamageHandler` applying `DamageModifier.ARMOR` where it is not applicable.
* Fixed `/pk check` command URL.
* Fixed Passive abilities breaking when choosing an element while bending is toggled.
* Fixed `WaterBubble` removing blocks placed by players while the ability is active.
* Fixed potential infinite loop in `EarthGrab`.
* Fixed `AirScooter` not disabling when a player would sneak.

## Additions

* Added cooldown capability to `AirShield`, `AirSpout`, `Tornado`, `FastSwim`, `WaterBubble`, `EarthTunnel`, `AcrobaticStance`, and `WarriorStance`.
* Added the clickable ProjectKorra branding message to the `/pk help` and `/pk who` commands.
* Added `radius` config option to `EarthGrab`.
* Added AvatarState configuration options for `IceSpike`, `IceBlast`, `Torrent`, `OctopusForm`, `WallOfFire`, `WaterSpout`, and all stock Combos.
* Added aesthetic donation perk servers can give to their players in the `/pk who <Player>` command via the `bending.donor` permission.
* Added config option for the lightning bending sound and lava bending sound.
* Added `Pitch` and `Volume` config options for all configurable sounds.
* Added identifiers on Addon Abilities in `/pk help <Ability>` and `/pk display`.

## General Changes

* Reduced default config values of `AvatarState` ability modifiers.
* Changed the way abilities display in `/pk help <Ability>`
     * Abilities now display whether they are Addons or not.
     * Abilities now display whether they are Combos or Passives.
     * Addon Abilities display their author and version.
* Improved `AirScooter` behavior. It isn't perfect yet, but it is better.
* Changed `EarthArmor` so it now breaks when a player teleports.
* Changed cobblestone and obsidian created by `AirBlast` to `TempBlocks`.
* Changed `/pk add Avatar` to add all four main elements.

## API Changes

* Added `RevertTask` which runs whenever `TempBlock#revertBlock()` is called.
* Moved `BendingPlayer` creation to a separate thread.
* Changed initial `BendingPlayer` database storage to insert default values.
* Improved `CollisionManager` performance by removing unnecessary detections.
* Put logic in place to remove ability instances causing exceptions without breaking all other running abilities. (Thanks, PhanaticD)
* Changed `PassiveManager` storage so Passive abilities are be stored by name/class instead of by `Element`.
* Removed `PassiveManager#getPassivesByElement()`.
* Added `CoreAbility#unloadAbility(Class clazz)` to unload an ability from a server.
* Added `CoreAbility#getAddonPlugins()` to get the names and paths of all currently loaded addon plugins. Returned format: `<plugin name>::<abilities path>`
* Changed `/pk reload` to add support for addon plugin reloading.

## Removals

* Removed the Minecraft version from the `/pk version` command.
* Removed `SandSpout`.
* Removed `SandRun` remnant from `EarthPassive`.
* Removed `AirBlast` collisions with other basic moves.
2017-08-03 21:54:22 -07:00
Alexander Meech
13050a81cd Update remote staff fetcher to translate... (#623)
* Update remote staff fetcher to translate...

...color codes, use proper link, and use multiline entry management

* Implement maven shading for external libraries and set up remote staff fetcher to appropriately handle html pages

* Use maven instead of ant with travis
2016-10-18 17:49:54 -07:00
a8bf90f15a Change travis-ci to compile with java 7 and 8 2015-11-15 17:12:33 -05:00
Jack Lin
7bbf69e42e Update travis config to new system, support Slack 2015-09-17 21:06:09 +12:00
Jack Lin
0f9dda07cc Add Travis-CI integration 2015-09-12 23:25:19 +12:00