• Moved all hardcoded combo instruction values to the language file config.
• Changed default getInstructions() method to change the path if it's a combo in order to get the correct configuration value.
## Additions
* Implements the Attribute annotation for all applicable fields in every ability class (some abilities have multiple classes)
## Fixes
* Fixes FireShield not dealing firetick (options weren't set as defaults in the config)
## Removals
* Removes all RPG references and the ProjectKorraRPG.jar from the libs folder in the project and as a maven dependency
* Removes all Items references and the ProjectKorraItems.jar from the libs folder in the project and as a maven dependency
* Removes all Spirits references and the ProjectKorraSpirits.jar from the libs folder in the project and as a maven dependency
## Misc. Changes
* Changes various config options and field names to be more self-explanatory
> * In AirStream: `EntityHeight` and `EntityDuration` were changed to be `EntityCarry.Height` and `EntityCarry.Duration` (also changed in AvatarState portion)
> * In IceSpike: `SlowPower` was changed to `SlowPotency` (also in the Blast portion) and `Field.Push` was changed to `Field.Knockup`
> * In WaterSpout.Wave: `FlightTimer` was changed to `FlightDuration`
> * In Bloodbending: `ThrowFactor` was changed to `Knockback` and `HoldTime` was changed to `Duration`
> * In HealingWaters: `Power` was changed to `PotionPotency` and `HealingDuration` was removed
> * In Surge.Wave: `HorizontalPush` was changed to `Knockback` and `VerticalPush` was changed to `Knockup`
> * In Torrent: `Push` was changed to `Knockback` and `MaxUpwardForce` was changed to `Knockup`
> * In WaterArms: `Punch.PunchDamage` was changed to `Punch.Damage` and `Grab.HoldTime` was changed to `Grab.Duration` and `Spear.Sphere` was changed to `Spear.SphereRadius`
> * In WaterManipulation: `Push` was changed to `Knockback`
> * EarthSmash has been separated better into portions of `Flight`, `Grab`, and `Shoot`
> * In EarthSmash: `RemoveTimer` was changed to `Duration`
> * MetalClips has been separated better into portions of `Crush` and `Magnet`
> * In EarthPillars: `Power` was changed to `Knockup`
> * In Combustion: `Power` was changed to `ExplosivePower`
> * In FireBlast: `Push` was changed to `Knockback`
> * Added separate cooldown option for Charged FireBlast
* Changed some abilities constructor to allow Attribute system to work
To better store instances of manager classes such as FlightHandler, DBCooldownManager, and more to come in the future, an abstract Manager class implementing Listener has added. This class serves to provide easy accessibility of Manager classes without needing to store individual variables everywhere or restoring to solely static classes.
To create a Manager class, simply extend `com.projectkorra.projectkorra.Manager`.
To register your Manager, simply call `Manager.registerManager(Class<? extends Manager>)`.
It is required that your manager has a constructor with no args as this is used to instantiate your class.
It is highly recommended to make this constructor private to prevent new unintentional instances being created.
To get the Manager throughout your code, simply call `Manager.getManager(Class<? extends Manager>)`.
Manager provides two overridable methods, onActivate, and onDeactivate. These methods are called when the Manager is activated and deactivated respectively.
A Manager is activated when `Manager.registerManager(Class<? extends Manager>)` is called, and deactivated when ProjectKorra is disabled on reload/restart.
As Manager implements Listener, any events related to this manager class should be contained within the class.
## Additions
* Added Statistics API
* Added cooldown database
* Added database cooldown to `AvatarState`
* Added code to try a reconnect if the database connection is lost
* Added a check to ensure an entity is an instance of `LivingEntity` before casting in `PKListener`
* Added `FireManipulation` and Combo permissions to `plugin.yml`
* Added an isBender method to `BendingPlayer`
* Added a getter for the player object stored in `BendingPlayer`
* Added `OFFHAND_TRIGGER` to `ClickType`
* Added `ElementalAbility#getEarthbendableBlocks()`, returns String list from config
* Added `GeneralMethods#getBlockFaceFromValue(int xyz, double value)`
* Added `GeneralMethods#checkDiagonalWall(Location location, Vector direction)`, to determine if there is a diagonal wall
* Added required variable to `ComboAbilityInfo`, Set of `CoreAbility` a `Player` must have active to use corresponding `ComboAbility`
* Added `PassiveAbility#isProgressable()`, checks for if the ability uses its progress() method
* Added overriding capabilities to `CollisionManager`
* Added `TempArmorStand` utility class
* Added new `EarthGrab`
* Added new Earth combo, `EarthPillars`.
* Added new `Flight` `MultiAbility`
* Added a "Sticky" feature to `TremorSense`
* Added “/b stats” command to display player statistics
* Added `TimeUtil` to convert millisecond times into human readable increments
* Added Dynamic Sourcing config option for Earth and Water
* Added enable/disable option to `FireManipulation`
* Added configurable duration values to `AirShield`, `AirSpout`, and `Tornado`, `WaterSpout`, `HealingWaters`, and `OctopusForm`
* Added `IceBlast` and `IceSpike` blast to collisions
* Added mechanics to `AirSuction` to close doors
* Added configurable cooldown to “/b choose” located at “Properties.ChooseCooldown”
* Added IRON_TRAPDOOR to `FerroControl` functionality
* Added new config option that can prevent the Updater from connecting to the website when disabled in the config
* Added more options to `AirSwipe` in `AvatarState` config portion
## Fixes
* Fixed “Abilities.Chi.Smokescreen.Instructions” spelling error in `ConfigManager.java`
* Fixed “Abilities.Water.Passive.HydroSink.Description” spelling error in `ConfigManager.java`
* Fixed “Commands.PermaRemove.Description” spelling error in `ConfigManager.java`
* Fixed “Extras.Fire.DayMessage” spelling error in `ConfigManager.java`
* Fixed `QuickStrike` causing an endless chain of itself that never stops chiblocking and does no damage
* Fixed `Paralyze` going indefinitely when it has a cooldown of 0
* Fixed damaging chi abilities not working in `WarriorStance`
* Fixed `WarriorStance` NPE
* Fixed `AcrobatStance` NPE when a user attempts to log out while the move is active
* Fixed paralyzing abilities canceling the sneak event if the player was sneaking
* Fixed `Passives` not being removed when a player has their bending changed
* Fixed `Passives` being activated in Spectator mode
* Fixed `DensityShift` softening your landing while you are an Airbender
* Fixed the passives that weren't working. This includes `FerroControl`, `FastSwim`, `AirAgility` and `ChiAgility`
* Fixed `MultiAbility` instances not being removed when a player has their bending changed
* Fixed player binds not being filtered properly if they are using a `MultiAbility`
* Fixed `FireWheel` going over air
* Fixed `AvatarState` sound causing the ability to not work
* Fixed bottlebending for `Surge`, `WaterManipulation`, and `OctopusForm`
* Fixed `Bloodbending` ConcurrentModificationException when attempting to bend non-living entities
* Fixed `PhaseChange` not working on blocks placed over already melted blocks
* Fixed `IceBlast` going on cooldown after sneaking after selecting a block
* Fixed `Surge` making `TempBlocks` revert
* Fixed `WaterArms` grapple ability not working
* Fixed `WaterArms` making `TempBlocks` revert
* Fixed `WaterArmsSpear` checking if a block is placeable after placing the block
* Fixed aiming bugs with `WaterArmsSpear`
* Fixed `LavaFlow` causing drop duplications when cooled by another move
* Fixed `EarthArmor` making people invincible
* Fixed `EarthTunnel` so that it will work through tall grass and other transparent blocks
* Fixed `EarthTunnel` not checking if a block it was trying to remove was in a protected region
* Fixed `EarthSmash` values being incorrect
* Fixed being able to remove the `EarthArmor` armor items from their slots
* Fixed `EarthTunnel` not being able to be used on fallen blocks
* Fixed `FireManipulation` being able to go through blocks
* Fixed `FireSpin` and `FireKick` not expanding to full size when hitting an entity
* Fixed `HeatControl` solidify not working on Minecraft version 1.9
* Fixed `Illumination` dropping a torch if water is placed on the user's feet via bucket
* Fixed `FireCombos` not working with `AvatarState`
* Fixed `FireWheel` not going down inclines
* Fixed `FireWheel` insane wall climbing
* Fixed `FireShield` duration
* Fixed `FireWheel` not always damaging due to an invalid entity selection range
* Fixed logic in `GeneralMethods#displayColoredParticle()` which caused random blips of other colors
* FIxed `ClassCastException` in `PKListener.java` caused by `MetalClips`
* Fixed typo in `GeneralMethods` which confused NETHER_WART_BLOCK with NETHER_STALK
* Fixed permission based limit on how many Presets players can create. `bending.command.preset.create.#`
* Fixed NPE in `WhoCommand` when performing offline lookups
* Fixed various bad `Map#contains()` checks throughout the plugin
* Fixed `BendingPlayer#addCooldown()` adding cooldowns even if their time is set to an invalid number.
* Fixed the `PlayerCooldownChangeEvent` being fired on an invalid case
* Fixed entity targeting methods in `GeneralMethods` registering dead players waiting to respawn as valid targets
* Fixed NPE caused by checking for Lunar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse, Full Moon or Sozins Comet when not in the Overworld
* Fixed `AirBlast`, `AirSweep`, `FireBlast` going through diagonal walls
* Fixed known fly glitches
* Fixed ability redirection breaking bottlebending for that player until server restart
## Misc. Changes
* Changed instructions in “/bending help <ability>” to `ChatColor.WHITE`
* Changed “/bending help earth” message to match others
* Improved check for exhaustion in move event
* Changed `CoreAbility#getDescription()` to pull combos from the lang config as well
* Renamed `Hydrosink.java` to `HydroSink.java`
* Reduced combo cleanup delay to one minute
* Improved `IceSpike` blast animation
* Improved code in `ProjectKorra.java`
* Improved `FireShield` animation
* Changed passive classes to be more functional than previously
* Changed `BendingPlayer#canBendPassive()` and `BendingPlayer#canUsePassive()` to have `CoreAbility` param instead of `Element`
* Changed `PassiveAbility#isInstantiable()` to be a check if the ability must be activated by the player, not if it uses the constructor
* Improved `CoreAbility#progressAll()`
* Improved `AirAgility` and `ChiAgility`
* Changed death messages that say “experienced kinetic damage” to “experienced a fatal collision”
* Changed `AirShield` to permit `AirSwipe` and `AirSweep` to pass through it
* Changed `FireShield` to permit `FireBlastCharged` to pass through it
* Changed `AirBlast`, `AirSuction`, `Blaze`, and `Combustion` so they do not collide with any other abilities
* Changed `AirSwipe` and `AirSweep` so they can respectively pass through other instances of themselves.
* Removed all active abilities for a given player when they quit the server
* Changed old `EarthGrab` to `EarthDome` combo
* Changed `AirSwipe` to cool lava temporarily instead of permanently
* Changed “/pk” to return the “/pk help” pages
* Changed `InvincibleCommand` to use `i` as an alias. “/pk i”
* Changed `Preset` bind command to use branding
* Changed `Preset` list command to use pages
* Changed bending preview to persist while on an ability slot
* Changed moves that cool lava (`AirBlast`, `AirBurst`, `AirSwipe`, `HeatControl`) so that they revert `LavaFlow` blocks
* Changed `LavaFlow` click to only produce particles on blocks it has affected
* Updated the `Updater` URL
* Updated “/pk help <element>” to support Avatar as an argument
* Updated “/pk help <element>” to prompt users to enter “/pk display <element>” instead of “/pk h <elementcombos>”
* Changed `FireWheel` default range in `AvatarState` config portion
* Changed `AirStream` default hold duration in `AvatarState` config portion
* Changed `WaterArms` to not go through tempblocks
* Changed `HealingWaters` previous duration value to “PotionDuration” in order to accurately represent what the setting changed
* Increased the default number of creatable presets to 5
* Disabled FireManipulation by default
## Removals
* Removed `ImportCommand`
* Removed `AirSwipes` capability to break blocks
* Removed metal ores (Iron, Gold, and Quartz) from the Earthbendable's list
* Removed `AirPassive.java` and `WaterPassive.java`, combos are in their own respective files.
* Removed redundant checks in `PKListener`
* Removed redundant Earthbendable checks in `Extraction`
* Removed redundant checks in `BendingPlayer`
* Removed unnecessary code from `GeneralMethods#getTargetedEntity()`
* Removed unnecessary SuppressWarnings for deprecation in various classes
* Removed unnecessary `SpiritPlayer` checks in `BendingPlayer#canBind(CoreAbility ability)`
## Errors and bugs corrected
* A `ClassCastException` in `PKListener.java:onEntityDamageEvent()` would occur when a non-Living Entity took damage.
* Ingots on the ground would disappear when their `ItemStack` merged with MetalClips', and the latter is removed upon colliding with an Entity.
## Improvements made
* A small vertical push was given to items affected by the *magnetize* functionality of MetalClips, so that they no longer get stuck when being pulled upwards.
## Other changes
* Added a `gitignore` entry to omit IntelliJ's out/ directory, which contains compiled code.