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1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
2021-06-15 16:49:50 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- local jar files, add more using: mvn install:install-file -Dfile=aaa.jar -DgroupId=aaa -DartifactId=aaa -Dversion=aaa -Dpackaging=jar -DlocalRepositoryPath=path/to/ProjectKorra/localrepo/ -->
<!-- WorldGuard and WorldEdit Repo -->
1.9.1 (#1145) ## Additions * Adds a built-in bending board sidebar to visualize bound abilities and cooldowns. * The board respects worlds where bending is disabled. * Players can use the command `/pk board` to toggle the visibility of their board. * Includes an API that community developers can use in BendingBoardManager. * Adds the `"Properties.BendingBoard"` config option to enable or disable the board server. * Adds language file configuration options to control BendingBoard visuals. * `"Board.Title"` * Controls the title at the top of the board. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.SelectionPrefix"` * Controls the prefix shown corresponding to your current hot bar slot. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.EmptySlot"` * Controls what is shown for empty slots. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `{slot_number}` can be used as a placeholder for the slot number. * `"Board.MiscSeparator"` * Controls the separation between hot bar binds and temporary cooldowns such as Combos. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * Adds support for KingdomsX version * Adds ability permission check to passive abilities. They should now respect their `bending.ability.<ability name>` permissions. * Adds `AbilityVelocityAffectEntityEvent` * A cancellable event that will fire whenever an ability would alter the velocity of an entity. * Adds the `Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Shoot.CollisionRadius` configuration option * Sets the collision radius of shot EarthSmash. ## Fixes * Fixes FireBlast going through liquids. * Fixes duplication involving waterlogged containers. * Fixes being able to not enter the name of a Preset when using the `/pk preset create <name>` command. * Fixes getDayFactor() not being applied correctly and occasionally producing the wrong value. * Fixes a rounding issue with some Fire ability damage configuration options. * Fixes an error when attempting to start EarthGrab. * Fixes PhaseChange error when melting snow. * Fixes a memory/process leak in how cooldowns were removed. * A player's cooldowns could only be removed when they were online. If a player's cooldown expired while they weren't online, their cooldown would attempt to revert every tick until the player rejoined. This has been resolved so cooldowns can revert while a player is offline. * A side effect of this fix is that it is now possible for `PlayerCooldownChangeEvents` to fire while their corresponding Player is offline. * Fixes an issue with `MultiAbilityManager#hasMultiAbilityBound` where it would return true if any MultiAbility is bound, not if the specified MultiAbility was bound. ## Misc Changes * Updates Towny version to * DensityShift sand blocks can now be used as a bendable source. * Changes AvatarState so that its cooldown is applied when the ability ends instead of when it starts. * Changes togglable abilities such as AvatarState, Illumination, and TremorSense to visually show when they are enabled in the BendingBoard and on BendingPreview in the same way as the ChiBlocking Stances. * Updated the text of some ability descriptions and instructions. * Adds new cache to PhaseChange to greatly improve the performance of water/ice updates.
2021-06-07 23:58:29 +00:00
<!-- GriefPrevention and Towny Repo -->
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- NoCheat Repo -->
<!-- Spigot Repo -->
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- Aikars Repo -->
<!-- Paper Repo -->
<!-- Placeholder API Repo -->
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- PaperLib -->
1.8.6 (#825) ## Fixes * Fixed Combos and possibly Passives appearing in `/pk b <Ability>` auto-tabbing. * Fixed Combos not loading properly on certain servers. * Fixed issue with `PreciousStones` by updating to the latest version to resolve API change issues. * Fixed `RapidPunch` damage. * Fixed incorrect summation of chiblocking chance. * Fixed possible issue in PKListener#onPlayerInteraction() * Fixed `Earth.LavaSound`. * Fixed Chi attempting to chiblock targets with any move. * Fixed hitting an entity with `TempArmor` not ignoring armor. * Fixed `Immobilize` config path. ## Additions * Added "Contributing" section to the `README` to help guide active community members. * Added more detail to the `PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE` to allow for more uniform pull requests. * Added many new blocks to our ability block interaction. * Added check to combo collisions to discard dead entities. * Added functionality to allow chiblocking abilities to affect all entities. * Added exception handling to the configurable `Sound` options to prevent `IllegalArgumentExcpetions`. * Added sounds and `ActionBar` messages to being Bloodbent, Electrocuted, Immobilized, MetalClipped, and Paralyzed. (Abilities: `Bloodbending`, `Lightning`, `Immobilize`, `MetalClips`, and `Paralyze`) * Added sound and `ActionBar` message for being Chiblocked. * Added interval config option to `RapidPunch`. (time between each punch) ## API Changes * Updated to `Spigot 1.12.1`. * Confirmed to be backward compatible with `Spigot 1.12` and `Spigot 1.11.2`. * Renamed `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterial()` to `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterials()`. * Converted most `byte`/`int` dependent `Material` logic to use `Material` instead. * `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterialSet()` now returns a `HashSet<Material>` instead of a `HashSet<Byte>`. * `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterials()` and `GeneralMethods.NON_OPAQUE` now return `Material[]` instead of `Integer[]`. * `GeneralMethods#getTargetedLocation()` now takes a `varargs Material[]` instead of a `varargs Integer[]`. * Removed `ElementalAbility.TRANSPARENT_MATERIAL`. It was outdated and became irrelevent after `GeneralMethods.NON_OPAQUE` was updated. * Removed `Java 7` Travi-CI JDK check. * Updated `pom.xml` to build in `Java 8`. * Added new `MovementHandler` utility class to control entity movement. (currently only capable of stopping movement.
2017-08-06 07:18:12 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- Minecraft Timings -->
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- Spigot API -->
Blue Fire Update & Firebending Refactor (#1062) ## Additions * Adds Blue Fire SubElement. > *Adds related damage, cooldown, and range modifiers for configuration * Adds Sticks, Sponges, and Chorus Fruit to cookable HeatControl items. * Adds Smoker, BlastFurnace, and extinguished Campfires to blocks which FireBlast can light. * Adds new TempBlock constructor which takes in a `long revertTime` parameter * Adds new blocks to block lists in configuration >* Adds new nether plants to plantBlocks list >* Adds new earth blocks to earthBlocks list ## Fixes * Fixes AvatarState buffs overriding day related buffs for firebending. * Fixes Blaze not going up hills, going through walls (mostly), jumping gaps. * Fixes Furnaces and related blocks not smelting after being activated by FireBlast ## Removals * Removes BlazeArc dependencies for Fire Abilities which ignite the ground. * Removes smoke particles from Fire bending to increase visibility and better emulate the show. ## Misc. Changes * Changes API versioning to 1.16.1 * Fire from Firebending no longer reverts all at once. * Changes Combustion animation to be more beam-like rather than a rehash of FireBlast. * Changes Add, Remove, Display command to properly display space for Blue Fire. * Changes `ElementalAbility#isFire()` to check for SOUL_FIRE_FLAME. * Changes isIgnitable to check whether fire can be placed at that location rather than solely based on flammability. * Changes firebending abilities to use `FireAbility#playFirebendingParticles()` & `FireAbility#createTempFire()` where applicable. * Changes `FireAbility#playFirebendingParticles()` to play blue fire particles when player has the BlueFire subelement.
2020-07-12 05:05:45 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- lang3 -->
<!-- Factions -->
1.9.1 (#1145) ## Additions * Adds a built-in bending board sidebar to visualize bound abilities and cooldowns. * The board respects worlds where bending is disabled. * Players can use the command `/pk board` to toggle the visibility of their board. * Includes an API that community developers can use in BendingBoardManager. * Adds the `"Properties.BendingBoard"` config option to enable or disable the board server. * Adds language file configuration options to control BendingBoard visuals. * `"Board.Title"` * Controls the title at the top of the board. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.SelectionPrefix"` * Controls the prefix shown corresponding to your current hot bar slot. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.EmptySlot"` * Controls what is shown for empty slots. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `{slot_number}` can be used as a placeholder for the slot number. * `"Board.MiscSeparator"` * Controls the separation between hot bar binds and temporary cooldowns such as Combos. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * Adds support for KingdomsX version * Adds ability permission check to passive abilities. They should now respect their `bending.ability.<ability name>` permissions. * Adds `AbilityVelocityAffectEntityEvent` * A cancellable event that will fire whenever an ability would alter the velocity of an entity. * Adds the `Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Shoot.CollisionRadius` configuration option * Sets the collision radius of shot EarthSmash. ## Fixes * Fixes FireBlast going through liquids. * Fixes duplication involving waterlogged containers. * Fixes being able to not enter the name of a Preset when using the `/pk preset create <name>` command. * Fixes getDayFactor() not being applied correctly and occasionally producing the wrong value. * Fixes a rounding issue with some Fire ability damage configuration options. * Fixes an error when attempting to start EarthGrab. * Fixes PhaseChange error when melting snow. * Fixes a memory/process leak in how cooldowns were removed. * A player's cooldowns could only be removed when they were online. If a player's cooldown expired while they weren't online, their cooldown would attempt to revert every tick until the player rejoined. This has been resolved so cooldowns can revert while a player is offline. * A side effect of this fix is that it is now possible for `PlayerCooldownChangeEvents` to fire while their corresponding Player is offline. * Fixes an issue with `MultiAbilityManager#hasMultiAbilityBound` where it would return true if any MultiAbility is bound, not if the specified MultiAbility was bound. ## Misc Changes * Updates Towny version to * DensityShift sand blocks can now be used as a bendable source. * Changes AvatarState so that its cooldown is applied when the ability ends instead of when it starts. * Changes togglable abilities such as AvatarState, Illumination, and TremorSense to visually show when they are enabled in the BendingBoard and on BendingPreview in the same way as the ChiBlocking Stances. * Updated the text of some ability descriptions and instructions. * Adds new cache to PhaseChange to greatly improve the performance of water/ice updates.
2021-06-07 23:58:29 +00:00
<!-- GriefPrevention -->
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- LWC -->
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- NoCheatPlus -->
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- PreciousStones -->
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- outdated
<systemPath>${project.basedir}/lib/PreciousStones 10.6.1.jar</systemPath>
<!-- Residence -->
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- Towny -->
1.9.1 (#1145) ## Additions * Adds a built-in bending board sidebar to visualize bound abilities and cooldowns. * The board respects worlds where bending is disabled. * Players can use the command `/pk board` to toggle the visibility of their board. * Includes an API that community developers can use in BendingBoardManager. * Adds the `"Properties.BendingBoard"` config option to enable or disable the board server. * Adds language file configuration options to control BendingBoard visuals. * `"Board.Title"` * Controls the title at the top of the board. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.SelectionPrefix"` * Controls the prefix shown corresponding to your current hot bar slot. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.EmptySlot"` * Controls what is shown for empty slots. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `{slot_number}` can be used as a placeholder for the slot number. * `"Board.MiscSeparator"` * Controls the separation between hot bar binds and temporary cooldowns such as Combos. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * Adds support for KingdomsX version * Adds ability permission check to passive abilities. They should now respect their `bending.ability.<ability name>` permissions. * Adds `AbilityVelocityAffectEntityEvent` * A cancellable event that will fire whenever an ability would alter the velocity of an entity. * Adds the `Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Shoot.CollisionRadius` configuration option * Sets the collision radius of shot EarthSmash. ## Fixes * Fixes FireBlast going through liquids. * Fixes duplication involving waterlogged containers. * Fixes being able to not enter the name of a Preset when using the `/pk preset create <name>` command. * Fixes getDayFactor() not being applied correctly and occasionally producing the wrong value. * Fixes a rounding issue with some Fire ability damage configuration options. * Fixes an error when attempting to start EarthGrab. * Fixes PhaseChange error when melting snow. * Fixes a memory/process leak in how cooldowns were removed. * A player's cooldowns could only be removed when they were online. If a player's cooldown expired while they weren't online, their cooldown would attempt to revert every tick until the player rejoined. This has been resolved so cooldowns can revert while a player is offline. * A side effect of this fix is that it is now possible for `PlayerCooldownChangeEvents` to fire while their corresponding Player is offline. * Fixes an issue with `MultiAbilityManager#hasMultiAbilityBound` where it would return true if any MultiAbility is bound, not if the specified MultiAbility was bound. ## Misc Changes * Updates Towny version to * DensityShift sand blocks can now be used as a bendable source. * Changes AvatarState so that its cooldown is applied when the ability ends instead of when it starts. * Changes togglable abilities such as AvatarState, Illumination, and TremorSense to visually show when they are enabled in the BendingBoard and on BendingPreview in the same way as the ChiBlocking Stances. * Updated the text of some ability descriptions and instructions. * Adds new cache to PhaseChange to greatly improve the performance of water/ice updates.
2021-06-07 23:58:29 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
1.9.1 (#1145) ## Additions * Adds a built-in bending board sidebar to visualize bound abilities and cooldowns. * The board respects worlds where bending is disabled. * Players can use the command `/pk board` to toggle the visibility of their board. * Includes an API that community developers can use in BendingBoardManager. * Adds the `"Properties.BendingBoard"` config option to enable or disable the board server. * Adds language file configuration options to control BendingBoard visuals. * `"Board.Title"` * Controls the title at the top of the board. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.SelectionPrefix"` * Controls the prefix shown corresponding to your current hot bar slot. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.EmptySlot"` * Controls what is shown for empty slots. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `{slot_number}` can be used as a placeholder for the slot number. * `"Board.MiscSeparator"` * Controls the separation between hot bar binds and temporary cooldowns such as Combos. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * Adds support for KingdomsX version * Adds ability permission check to passive abilities. They should now respect their `bending.ability.<ability name>` permissions. * Adds `AbilityVelocityAffectEntityEvent` * A cancellable event that will fire whenever an ability would alter the velocity of an entity. * Adds the `Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Shoot.CollisionRadius` configuration option * Sets the collision radius of shot EarthSmash. ## Fixes * Fixes FireBlast going through liquids. * Fixes duplication involving waterlogged containers. * Fixes being able to not enter the name of a Preset when using the `/pk preset create <name>` command. * Fixes getDayFactor() not being applied correctly and occasionally producing the wrong value. * Fixes a rounding issue with some Fire ability damage configuration options. * Fixes an error when attempting to start EarthGrab. * Fixes PhaseChange error when melting snow. * Fixes a memory/process leak in how cooldowns were removed. * A player's cooldowns could only be removed when they were online. If a player's cooldown expired while they weren't online, their cooldown would attempt to revert every tick until the player rejoined. This has been resolved so cooldowns can revert while a player is offline. * A side effect of this fix is that it is now possible for `PlayerCooldownChangeEvents` to fire while their corresponding Player is offline. * Fixes an issue with `MultiAbilityManager#hasMultiAbilityBound` where it would return true if any MultiAbility is bound, not if the specified MultiAbility was bound. ## Misc Changes * Updates Towny version to * DensityShift sand blocks can now be used as a bendable source. * Changes AvatarState so that its cooldown is applied when the ability ends instead of when it starts. * Changes togglable abilities such as AvatarState, Illumination, and TremorSense to visually show when they are enabled in the BendingBoard and on BendingPreview in the same way as the ChiBlocking Stances. * Updated the text of some ability descriptions and instructions. * Adds new cache to PhaseChange to greatly improve the performance of water/ice updates.
2021-06-07 23:58:29 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- WorldEdit / WorldGuard -->
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- RedProtect -->
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- Kingdoms -->
1.9.1 (#1145) ## Additions * Adds a built-in bending board sidebar to visualize bound abilities and cooldowns. * The board respects worlds where bending is disabled. * Players can use the command `/pk board` to toggle the visibility of their board. * Includes an API that community developers can use in BendingBoardManager. * Adds the `"Properties.BendingBoard"` config option to enable or disable the board server. * Adds language file configuration options to control BendingBoard visuals. * `"Board.Title"` * Controls the title at the top of the board. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.SelectionPrefix"` * Controls the prefix shown corresponding to your current hot bar slot. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.EmptySlot"` * Controls what is shown for empty slots. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `{slot_number}` can be used as a placeholder for the slot number. * `"Board.MiscSeparator"` * Controls the separation between hot bar binds and temporary cooldowns such as Combos. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * Adds support for KingdomsX version * Adds ability permission check to passive abilities. They should now respect their `bending.ability.<ability name>` permissions. * Adds `AbilityVelocityAffectEntityEvent` * A cancellable event that will fire whenever an ability would alter the velocity of an entity. * Adds the `Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Shoot.CollisionRadius` configuration option * Sets the collision radius of shot EarthSmash. ## Fixes * Fixes FireBlast going through liquids. * Fixes duplication involving waterlogged containers. * Fixes being able to not enter the name of a Preset when using the `/pk preset create <name>` command. * Fixes getDayFactor() not being applied correctly and occasionally producing the wrong value. * Fixes a rounding issue with some Fire ability damage configuration options. * Fixes an error when attempting to start EarthGrab. * Fixes PhaseChange error when melting snow. * Fixes a memory/process leak in how cooldowns were removed. * A player's cooldowns could only be removed when they were online. If a player's cooldown expired while they weren't online, their cooldown would attempt to revert every tick until the player rejoined. This has been resolved so cooldowns can revert while a player is offline. * A side effect of this fix is that it is now possible for `PlayerCooldownChangeEvents` to fire while their corresponding Player is offline. * Fixes an issue with `MultiAbilityManager#hasMultiAbilityBound` where it would return true if any MultiAbility is bound, not if the specified MultiAbility was bound. ## Misc Changes * Updates Towny version to * DensityShift sand blocks can now be used as a bendable source. * Changes AvatarState so that its cooldown is applied when the ability ends instead of when it starts. * Changes togglable abilities such as AvatarState, Illumination, and TremorSense to visually show when they are enabled in the BendingBoard and on BendingPreview in the same way as the ChiBlocking Stances. * Updated the text of some ability descriptions and instructions. * Adds new cache to PhaseChange to greatly improve the performance of water/ice updates.
2021-06-07 23:58:29 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
1.9.1 (#1145) ## Additions * Adds a built-in bending board sidebar to visualize bound abilities and cooldowns. * The board respects worlds where bending is disabled. * Players can use the command `/pk board` to toggle the visibility of their board. * Includes an API that community developers can use in BendingBoardManager. * Adds the `"Properties.BendingBoard"` config option to enable or disable the board server. * Adds language file configuration options to control BendingBoard visuals. * `"Board.Title"` * Controls the title at the top of the board. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.SelectionPrefix"` * Controls the prefix shown corresponding to your current hot bar slot. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.EmptySlot"` * Controls what is shown for empty slots. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `{slot_number}` can be used as a placeholder for the slot number. * `"Board.MiscSeparator"` * Controls the separation between hot bar binds and temporary cooldowns such as Combos. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * Adds support for KingdomsX version * Adds ability permission check to passive abilities. They should now respect their `bending.ability.<ability name>` permissions. * Adds `AbilityVelocityAffectEntityEvent` * A cancellable event that will fire whenever an ability would alter the velocity of an entity. * Adds the `Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Shoot.CollisionRadius` configuration option * Sets the collision radius of shot EarthSmash. ## Fixes * Fixes FireBlast going through liquids. * Fixes duplication involving waterlogged containers. * Fixes being able to not enter the name of a Preset when using the `/pk preset create <name>` command. * Fixes getDayFactor() not being applied correctly and occasionally producing the wrong value. * Fixes a rounding issue with some Fire ability damage configuration options. * Fixes an error when attempting to start EarthGrab. * Fixes PhaseChange error when melting snow. * Fixes a memory/process leak in how cooldowns were removed. * A player's cooldowns could only be removed when they were online. If a player's cooldown expired while they weren't online, their cooldown would attempt to revert every tick until the player rejoined. This has been resolved so cooldowns can revert while a player is offline. * A side effect of this fix is that it is now possible for `PlayerCooldownChangeEvents` to fire while their corresponding Player is offline. * Fixes an issue with `MultiAbilityManager#hasMultiAbilityBound` where it would return true if any MultiAbility is bound, not if the specified MultiAbility was bound. ## Misc Changes * Updates Towny version to * DensityShift sand blocks can now be used as a bendable source. * Changes AvatarState so that its cooldown is applied when the ability ends instead of when it starts. * Changes togglable abilities such as AvatarState, Illumination, and TremorSense to visually show when they are enabled in the BendingBoard and on BendingPreview in the same way as the ChiBlocking Stances. * Updated the text of some ability descriptions and instructions. * Adds new cache to PhaseChange to greatly improve the performance of water/ice updates.
2021-06-07 23:58:29 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<!-- PlaceholderAPI -->
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
<defaultGoal>clean package install</defaultGoal>
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
1.8.6 (#825) ## Fixes * Fixed Combos and possibly Passives appearing in `/pk b <Ability>` auto-tabbing. * Fixed Combos not loading properly on certain servers. * Fixed issue with `PreciousStones` by updating to the latest version to resolve API change issues. * Fixed `RapidPunch` damage. * Fixed incorrect summation of chiblocking chance. * Fixed possible issue in PKListener#onPlayerInteraction() * Fixed `Earth.LavaSound`. * Fixed Chi attempting to chiblock targets with any move. * Fixed hitting an entity with `TempArmor` not ignoring armor. * Fixed `Immobilize` config path. ## Additions * Added "Contributing" section to the `README` to help guide active community members. * Added more detail to the `PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE` to allow for more uniform pull requests. * Added many new blocks to our ability block interaction. * Added check to combo collisions to discard dead entities. * Added functionality to allow chiblocking abilities to affect all entities. * Added exception handling to the configurable `Sound` options to prevent `IllegalArgumentExcpetions`. * Added sounds and `ActionBar` messages to being Bloodbent, Electrocuted, Immobilized, MetalClipped, and Paralyzed. (Abilities: `Bloodbending`, `Lightning`, `Immobilize`, `MetalClips`, and `Paralyze`) * Added sound and `ActionBar` message for being Chiblocked. * Added interval config option to `RapidPunch`. (time between each punch) ## API Changes * Updated to `Spigot 1.12.1`. * Confirmed to be backward compatible with `Spigot 1.12` and `Spigot 1.11.2`. * Renamed `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterial()` to `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterials()`. * Converted most `byte`/`int` dependent `Material` logic to use `Material` instead. * `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterialSet()` now returns a `HashSet<Material>` instead of a `HashSet<Byte>`. * `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterials()` and `GeneralMethods.NON_OPAQUE` now return `Material[]` instead of `Integer[]`. * `GeneralMethods#getTargetedLocation()` now takes a `varargs Material[]` instead of a `varargs Integer[]`. * Removed `ElementalAbility.TRANSPARENT_MATERIAL`. It was outdated and became irrelevent after `GeneralMethods.NON_OPAQUE` was updated. * Removed `Java 7` Travi-CI JDK check. * Updated `pom.xml` to build in `Java 8`. * Added new `MovementHandler` utility class to control entity movement. (currently only capable of stopping movement.
2017-08-06 07:18:12 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
1.9.1 (#1145) ## Additions * Adds a built-in bending board sidebar to visualize bound abilities and cooldowns. * The board respects worlds where bending is disabled. * Players can use the command `/pk board` to toggle the visibility of their board. * Includes an API that community developers can use in BendingBoardManager. * Adds the `"Properties.BendingBoard"` config option to enable or disable the board server. * Adds language file configuration options to control BendingBoard visuals. * `"Board.Title"` * Controls the title at the top of the board. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.SelectionPrefix"` * Controls the prefix shown corresponding to your current hot bar slot. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.EmptySlot"` * Controls what is shown for empty slots. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `{slot_number}` can be used as a placeholder for the slot number. * `"Board.MiscSeparator"` * Controls the separation between hot bar binds and temporary cooldowns such as Combos. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * Adds support for KingdomsX version * Adds ability permission check to passive abilities. They should now respect their `bending.ability.<ability name>` permissions. * Adds `AbilityVelocityAffectEntityEvent` * A cancellable event that will fire whenever an ability would alter the velocity of an entity. * Adds the `Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Shoot.CollisionRadius` configuration option * Sets the collision radius of shot EarthSmash. ## Fixes * Fixes FireBlast going through liquids. * Fixes duplication involving waterlogged containers. * Fixes being able to not enter the name of a Preset when using the `/pk preset create <name>` command. * Fixes getDayFactor() not being applied correctly and occasionally producing the wrong value. * Fixes a rounding issue with some Fire ability damage configuration options. * Fixes an error when attempting to start EarthGrab. * Fixes PhaseChange error when melting snow. * Fixes a memory/process leak in how cooldowns were removed. * A player's cooldowns could only be removed when they were online. If a player's cooldown expired while they weren't online, their cooldown would attempt to revert every tick until the player rejoined. This has been resolved so cooldowns can revert while a player is offline. * A side effect of this fix is that it is now possible for `PlayerCooldownChangeEvents` to fire while their corresponding Player is offline. * Fixes an issue with `MultiAbilityManager#hasMultiAbilityBound` where it would return true if any MultiAbility is bound, not if the specified MultiAbility was bound. ## Misc Changes * Updates Towny version to * DensityShift sand blocks can now be used as a bendable source. * Changes AvatarState so that its cooldown is applied when the ability ends instead of when it starts. * Changes togglable abilities such as AvatarState, Illumination, and TremorSense to visually show when they are enabled in the BendingBoard and on BendingPreview in the same way as the ChiBlocking Stances. * Updated the text of some ability descriptions and instructions. * Adds new cache to PhaseChange to greatly improve the performance of water/ice updates.
2021-06-07 23:58:29 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
1.9.1 (#1145) ## Additions * Adds a built-in bending board sidebar to visualize bound abilities and cooldowns. * The board respects worlds where bending is disabled. * Players can use the command `/pk board` to toggle the visibility of their board. * Includes an API that community developers can use in BendingBoardManager. * Adds the `"Properties.BendingBoard"` config option to enable or disable the board server. * Adds language file configuration options to control BendingBoard visuals. * `"Board.Title"` * Controls the title at the top of the board. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.SelectionPrefix"` * Controls the prefix shown corresponding to your current hot bar slot. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `"Board.EmptySlot"` * Controls what is shown for empty slots. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * `{slot_number}` can be used as a placeholder for the slot number. * `"Board.MiscSeparator"` * Controls the separation between hot bar binds and temporary cooldowns such as Combos. * Supports the standard Minecraft color codes. * Adds support for KingdomsX version * Adds ability permission check to passive abilities. They should now respect their `bending.ability.<ability name>` permissions. * Adds `AbilityVelocityAffectEntityEvent` * A cancellable event that will fire whenever an ability would alter the velocity of an entity. * Adds the `Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Shoot.CollisionRadius` configuration option * Sets the collision radius of shot EarthSmash. ## Fixes * Fixes FireBlast going through liquids. * Fixes duplication involving waterlogged containers. * Fixes being able to not enter the name of a Preset when using the `/pk preset create <name>` command. * Fixes getDayFactor() not being applied correctly and occasionally producing the wrong value. * Fixes a rounding issue with some Fire ability damage configuration options. * Fixes an error when attempting to start EarthGrab. * Fixes PhaseChange error when melting snow. * Fixes a memory/process leak in how cooldowns were removed. * A player's cooldowns could only be removed when they were online. If a player's cooldown expired while they weren't online, their cooldown would attempt to revert every tick until the player rejoined. This has been resolved so cooldowns can revert while a player is offline. * A side effect of this fix is that it is now possible for `PlayerCooldownChangeEvents` to fire while their corresponding Player is offline. * Fixes an issue with `MultiAbilityManager#hasMultiAbilityBound` where it would return true if any MultiAbility is bound, not if the specified MultiAbility was bound. ## Misc Changes * Updates Towny version to * DensityShift sand blocks can now be used as a bendable source. * Changes AvatarState so that its cooldown is applied when the ability ends instead of when it starts. * Changes togglable abilities such as AvatarState, Illumination, and TremorSense to visually show when they are enabled in the BendingBoard and on BendingPreview in the same way as the ChiBlocking Stances. * Updated the text of some ability descriptions and instructions. * Adds new cache to PhaseChange to greatly improve the performance of water/ice updates.
2021-06-07 23:58:29 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
1.8.9 (#1038) For Spigot 1.14.4+ ## General Gameplay ### Additions - Added default Suffocate cooldown: 6.5 seconds - Added kinetic damage tracker to AirSweep - Added self and others push strength options for AirSuction - Added config option for multiple blocks to be changed per EarthTunnel run, allowing for much faster earth tunnels - Added config to ignore ores completely for EarthTunnel (good for mining) - Added AllowSnow config option for IceBlast - Added AvatarStateCooldown config options for IceBlast and IceBullet - Added config option for ice trapping abilities to not place blocks in players head or feet ### Fixes - Fixed preset command not allowing page numbers higher than 1 - Fixed Catapult and MetalClips not respecting /b invincible - Fixed Charged FireBlast radius and cooldown - Fixed Suffocate being usable through walls - Fixed FireBlast ignoring particle radius options - Fixed FireBurst fragmenting (not looking like a single burst) - Fixed AirSweep knockback to be more consistent (lessened friction) - Fixed AirBlast knockback using wrong push options - Fixed EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState options - Fixed error when switching worlds with PhaseChange active - Fixed server crash when hitting falling blocks with high-velocity abilities - Fixed server crash when using EarthGrab over the void - Fixed EarthTunnel not using configurable revert time - Fixed EarthPillars persisting when no entities were around ### Changes - Improved pathing for EarthBlast; works more consistently and can be used from ceilings - Improved aiming for EarthBlast and IceBlast - Changed AirSwipe and AirSweep to originate from the player’s main hand - Changed AirBlast knockback calculations; made the push options affect knockback more directly - Changed EarthTunnel to use tempblocks properly - Moved core combo instructions to config ### Removals - Removed being able to use Lightning while using FireJet - Removed jukeboxes being tempblocks - Removed bending.command.import permission from plugin.yml ## API ### Additions - Added GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(Player) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestEntity(Location, double) - Added GeneralMethods#getClosestLivingEntity(Location, double) - Added "large" abilities collision with each other - Added specific timings for hot spots in the code that should help server owners diagnose lag from PK + player move event + physics event + bending manager - Created local folder repo and update pom for local jar files, this is necessary to use the maven shade plugin. - Added check for concrete powder in move earth - Added PlaceholderAPI support (hopefully more to come) + %projectkorra_slot<1-9>% ability on slot <1-9> + %projectkorra_element% element of the player + %projectkorra_elementcolor% color of the player’s element + %projectkorra_elements% elements the player has - Added "bending" WorldGuard flag. + Used for allowing or denying bending in worldguard regions. Will fall back to the old method of the build flag if the custom flag fails to register or isn't set ### Fixes - Fixed calls to CoreAbility#isEnabled() causing NullPointerExceptions when a CoreAbility is not enabled ### Changes - Changed CoreAbility#getAbility(..) Javadocs to state when it returns null - Formatted codebase - Changed GeneralMethods#getEntitiesAroundPoint() use spigot method for entities around point, should be more optimized - Optimizations to water and air spout to not continually set flying - Optimized revertchecker to not use block.getChunk; this will load the chunk on the server and instead use hashmap of coords - Optimized revertchecker to use paperlib to allow servers running paperspigot to load the chunk for a revert block async - Optimized tempblock revert to load chunk async before updating stateOptimize move event to ignore head movements without directional movement - Optimized physics event to check for air prior to checking for tempblocks - Optimized tempblock set/revert to not apply physics for blocks that don't emit light - Optimize isWater to check for actual water blocks first - Optimize PhaseChange list check, hot spot due to being called in physics event ### Removals - Removed BindChangeEvent; never called or used - Removed HorizontalVelocityTracker that has lasted over 30 seconds, also don't create a tracker for non-living entities
2019-12-10 07:03:28 +00:00
2017-01-09 01:34:17 +00:00