Now compatible with various plugin managers:
- Will attempt to unload depending/softdepending plugins on disable
- Will attempt to load disabled depending/softdepending plugins on
Update checking:
- Currently subscribed to be notified about updates on Spigot
- You can use "/plot update" to download the latest version, or specify
a new source URL
Plugin disabling:
- new command /plot disable
- uses reflection to access private fields of CBS internals
- sets the generator correctly (verified)
- sets the populators correctly (verified)
- should also work for augmented world types (needs verification)
Block picking in other plots will now limit block contents ( @xion87 you
may be interested in this)
- Cluster regeneration
- world creation + cauldron
- armor stand interaction in 1.8.0/1
Fixed an issue with external generators not working correctly (caused by
another "fix").
The following will need to be updated:
- AdvPlots
- IslandPlots
If enabled:
- Detects laggy chunks based on a configured threshold
- Removes all sources of lag from the chunk
If the threshold is set too low, normal levels of blocks and entities
will be considered "sources of lag", so just be careful when using this
experimental feature.
Fixed issue with augmented plot world and mob / entity interaction
Fixed an issue with async plot diff calculation including upper chunks
outside of plot in result
PlotMeConverter will now try a force save of the PS configuration right
Incremented version number
Tweaked behaviour of plot list command