mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 11:40:41 +00:00
Plugin compiles now (many commands don't work)
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 6 additions and 458 deletions
@ -35,8 +35,10 @@ public class SchematicHandler {
CuboidClipboard clipboard = CuboidClipboard.loadSchematic(schematic.getFile());
Location l1 = PlotHelper.getPlotBottomLoc(plot.getWorld(), plot.getId());
PlotHelper.getPlotTopLoc(plot.getWorld(), plot.getId());
PlotWorld plotWorld = PlotMain.getWorldSettings(plot.getWorld());
Vector v1 = new Vector(l1.getBlockX() + 1, plotWorld.PLOT_HEIGHT + 2, l1.getBlockZ() + 1);
int x = l1.getBlockX() + 1;
int z = l1.getBlockZ() + 1;
int y = location.getWorld().getHighestBlockYAt(x,z);
Vector v1 = new Vector(x, y+1, z);
clipboard.paste(session, v1, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
package com.intellectualcrafters.plot;
import java.util.Random;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.generator.BlockPopulator;
* @author Citymonstret
public class XPopulator extends BlockPopulator {
private int X;
private int Z;
private long state;
public final long nextLong() {
long a = this.state;
this.state = xorShift64(a);
return a;
public final long xorShift64(long a) {
a ^= (a << 21);
a ^= (a >>> 35);
a ^= (a << 4);
return a;
public final int random(int n) {
long result = ((nextLong() >>> 32) * n) >> 32;
return (int) result;
public void setCuboidRegion(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int z1, int z2, short id, byte data, World w) {
if (data == 0) {
for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++) {
for (int z = z1; z < z2; z++) {
for (int y = y1; y < y2; y++) {
setBlock(w, x, y, z, id, data);
private void setCuboidRegion(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2, int z1, int z2, short[] id, short[] v, World w) {
if (id.length == 1) {
setCuboidRegion(x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2, id[0], (byte) v[0], w);
} else {
for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++) {
for (int z = z1; z < z2; z++) {
for (int y = y1; y < y2; y++) {
int i = random(id.length);
if (v[i] != 0) {
setBlock(w, x, y, z, id[i], (byte) v[i]);
public short[] getBlock(String block) {
if (block.contains(":")) {
String[] split = block.split(":");
return new short[] { Short.parseShort(split[0]), Short.parseShort(split[1]) };
return new short[] { Short.parseShort(block), 0 };
private int plotsize, pathsize, plotheight, wallheight, roadheight, size;
private byte w_v, f1_v, wf_v, f2_v;
private short w_id, f1_id, wf_id, f2_id;
private short[] p_id, p_v, f_id, f_v;
private double pathWidthLower;
private PlotWorld plotworld;
public XPopulator(PlotWorld plotworld) {
this.plotworld = plotworld;
this.plotsize = plotworld.PLOT_WIDTH;
this.pathsize = plotworld.ROAD_WIDTH;
this.plotheight = plotworld.PLOT_HEIGHT;
this.wallheight = plotworld.WALL_HEIGHT;
this.roadheight = plotworld.ROAD_HEIGHT;
this.size = this.pathsize + this.plotsize;
short[] result_w = getBlock(plotworld.WALL_BLOCK);
this.w_id = result_w[0];
this.w_v = (byte) result_w[1];
short[] result_wf = getBlock(plotworld.WALL_FILLING);
this.wf_id = result_wf[0];
this.wf_v = (byte) result_wf[1];
short[] result_f1 = getBlock(plotworld.ROAD_BLOCK);
this.f1_id = result_f1[0];
this.f1_v = (byte) result_f1[1];
// Floor 2
short[] result_f2 = getBlock(plotworld.ROAD_STRIPES);
this.f2_id = result_f2[0];
this.f2_v = (byte) result_f2[1];
this.p_id = new short[plotworld.MAIN_BLOCK.length];
this.p_v = new short[plotworld.MAIN_BLOCK.length];
this.f_id = new short[plotworld.TOP_BLOCK.length];
this.f_v = new short[plotworld.TOP_BLOCK.length];
for (int i = 0; i < plotworld.MAIN_BLOCK.length; i++) {
short[] result = getBlock(plotworld.MAIN_BLOCK[i]);
this.p_id[i] = result[0];
this.p_v[i] = result[1];
for (int i = 0; i < plotworld.TOP_BLOCK.length; i++) {
short[] result = getBlock(plotworld.TOP_BLOCK[i]);
this.f_id[i] = result[0];
this.f_v[i] = result[1];
if ((this.pathsize % 2) == 0) {
this.pathWidthLower = Math.floor(this.pathsize / 2) - 1;
} else {
this.pathWidthLower = Math.floor(this.pathsize / 2);
public void populate(World w, Random r, Chunk c) {
int cx = c.getX(), cz = c.getZ();
final int prime = 31;
int h = 1;
h = (prime * h) + cx;
h = (prime * h) + cz;
this.state = h;
this.X = cx << 4;
this.Z = cz << 4;
cx = (cx % this.size) + (8 * this.size);
cz = (cz % this.size) + (8 * this.size);
double absX = ((((cx * 16) + 16) - this.pathWidthLower - 1) + (8 * this.size)), absZ = ((((cz * 16) + 16) - this.pathWidthLower - 1) + (8 * this.size));
int plotMinX = (int) (((absX) % this.size));
int plotMinZ = (int) (((absZ) % this.size));
int roadStartX = (plotMinX + this.pathsize);
int roadStartZ = (plotMinZ + this.pathsize);
if (roadStartX >= this.size) {
roadStartX -= this.size;
if (roadStartZ >= this.size) {
roadStartZ -= this.size;
if (pathsize>16 && ((plotMinX > roadStartX) || (plotMinZ > roadStartZ)) && !(roadStartX<16 && roadStartZ<16) && ((roadStartX>16 && roadStartZ>16) || (plotMinX > roadStartX) && (plotMinZ > roadStartZ))) {
setCuboidRegion(0, 16, 1, this.roadheight + 1, 0, 16, this.f1_id, this.f1_v, w);
if (((plotMinZ + 1) <= 16) || ((roadStartZ <= 16) && (roadStartZ > 0))) {
int start = Math.max((16 - plotMinZ - this.pathsize) + 1, (16 - roadStartZ) + 1);
int end = Math.min(16 - plotMinZ - 1, (16 - roadStartZ) + this.pathsize);
if ((start >= 0) && (start <= 16) && (end < 0)) {
end = 16;
setCuboidRegion(0, 16, 1, this.roadheight + 1, Math.max(start, 0), Math.min(16, end), this.f1_id, this.f1_v, w);
if (((plotMinX + 1) <= 16) || ((roadStartX <= 16) && (roadStartX > 0))) {
int start = Math.max((16 - plotMinX - this.pathsize) + 1, (16 - roadStartX) + 1);
int end = Math.min(16 - plotMinX - 1, (16 - roadStartX) + this.pathsize);
if ((start >= 0) && (start <= 16) && (end < 0)) {
end = 16;
setCuboidRegion(Math.max(start, 0), Math.min(16, end), 1, this.roadheight + 1, 0, 16, this.f1_id, this.f1_v, w);
if ((this.pathsize > 4) && this.plotworld.ROAD_STRIPES_ENABLED) {
if ((plotMinZ + 2) <= 16) {
int value = (plotMinZ + 2);
int start, end;
if ((plotMinX + 2) <= 16) {
start = 16 - plotMinX - 1;
} else {
start = 16;
if ((roadStartX - 1) <= 16) {
end = (16 - roadStartX) + 1;
} else {
end = 0;
if (!(((plotMinX + 2) <= 16) || ((roadStartX - 1) <= 16))) {
start = 0;
setCuboidRegion(0, end, this.roadheight, this.roadheight + 1, 16 - value, (16 - value) + 1, this.f2_id, this.f2_v, w); //
setCuboidRegion(start, 16, this.roadheight, this.roadheight + 1, 16 - value, (16 - value) + 1, this.f2_id, this.f2_v, w); //
if ((plotMinX + 2) <= 16) {
int value = (plotMinX + 2);
int start, end;
if ((plotMinZ + 2) <= 16) {
start = 16 - plotMinZ - 1;
} else {
start = 16;
if ((roadStartZ - 1) <= 16) {
end = (16 - roadStartZ) + 1;
} else {
end = 0;
if (!(((plotMinZ + 2) <= 16) || ((roadStartZ - 1) <= 16))) {
start = 0;
setCuboidRegion(16 - value, (16 - value) + 1, this.roadheight, this.roadheight + 1, 0, end, this.f2_id, this.f2_v, w); //
setCuboidRegion(16 - value, (16 - value) + 1, this.roadheight, this.roadheight + 1, start, 16, this.f2_id, this.f2_v, w); //
if ((roadStartZ <= 16) && (roadStartZ > 1)) {
int val = roadStartZ;
int start, end;
if ((plotMinX + 2) <= 16) {
start = 16 - plotMinX - 1;
} else {
start = 16;
if ((roadStartX - 1) <= 16) {
end = (16 - roadStartX) + 1;
} else {
end = 0;
if (!(((plotMinX + 2) <= 16) || ((roadStartX - 1) <= 16))) {
start = 0;
setCuboidRegion(0, end, this.roadheight, this.roadheight + 1, (16 - val) + 1, (16 - val) + 2, this.f2_id, this.f2_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(start, 16, this.roadheight, this.roadheight + 1, (16 - val) + 1, (16 - val) + 2, this.f2_id, this.f2_v, w);
if ((roadStartX <= 16) && (roadStartX > 1)) {
int val = roadStartX;
int start, end;
if ((plotMinZ + 2) <= 16) {
start = 16 - plotMinZ - 1;
} else {
start = 16;
if ((roadStartZ - 1) <= 16) {
end = (16 - roadStartZ) + 1;
} else {
end = 0;
if (!(((plotMinZ + 2) <= 16) || ((roadStartZ - 1) <= 16))) {
start = 0;
setCuboidRegion((16 - val) + 1, (16 - val) + 2, this.roadheight, this.roadheight + 1, 0, end, this.f2_id, this.f2_v, w); //
setCuboidRegion((16 - val) + 1, (16 - val) + 2, this.roadheight, this.roadheight + 1, start, 16, this.f2_id, this.f2_v, w); //
if (this.pathsize > 0) {
if ((plotMinZ + 1) <= 16) {
int start, end;
if ((plotMinX + 2) <= 16) {
start = 16 - plotMinX - 1;
} else {
start = 16;
if ((roadStartX - 1) <= 16) {
end = (16 - roadStartX) + 1;
} else {
end = 0;
if (!(((plotMinX + 2) <= 16) || ((roadStartX - 1) <= 16))) {
start = 0;
setCuboidRegion(0, end, 1, this.wallheight + 1, 16 - plotMinZ - 1, 16 - plotMinZ, this.wf_id, this.wf_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(0, end, this.wallheight + 1, this.wallheight + 2, 16 - plotMinZ - 1, 16 - plotMinZ, this.w_id, this.w_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(start, 16, 1, this.wallheight + 1, 16 - plotMinZ - 1, 16 - plotMinZ, this.wf_id, this.wf_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(start, 16, this.wallheight + 1, this.wallheight + 2, 16 - plotMinZ - 1, 16 - plotMinZ, this.w_id, this.w_v, w);
if ((plotMinX + 1) <= 16) {
int start, end;
if ((plotMinZ + 2) <= 16) {
start = 16 - plotMinZ - 1;
} else {
start = 16;
if ((roadStartZ - 1) <= 16) {
end = (16 - roadStartZ) + 1;
} else {
end = 0;
if (!(((plotMinZ + 2) <= 16) || ((roadStartZ - 1) <= 16))) {
start = 0;
setCuboidRegion(16 - plotMinX - 1, 16 - plotMinX, 1, this.wallheight + 1, 0, end, this.wf_id, this.wf_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(16 - plotMinX - 1, 16 - plotMinX, this.wallheight + 1, this.wallheight + 2, 0, end, this.w_id, this.w_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(16 - plotMinX - 1, 16 - plotMinX, 1, this.wallheight + 1, start, 16, this.wf_id, this.wf_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(16 - plotMinX - 1, 16 - plotMinX, this.wallheight + 1, this.wallheight + 2, start, 16, this.w_id, this.w_v, w);
if ((roadStartZ <= 16) && (roadStartZ > 0)) {
int start, end;
if ((plotMinX + 1) <= 16) {
start = 16 - plotMinX;
} else {
start = 16;
if ((roadStartX + 1) <= 16) {
end = (16 - roadStartX) + 1;
} else {
end = 0;
if (!(((plotMinX + 1) <= 16) || (roadStartX <= 16))) {
start = 0;
setCuboidRegion(0, end, 1, this.wallheight + 1, 16 - roadStartZ, (16 - roadStartZ) + 1, this.wf_id, this.wf_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(0, end, this.wallheight + 1, this.wallheight + 2, 16 - roadStartZ, (16 - roadStartZ) + 1, this.w_id, this.w_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(start, 16, 1, this.wallheight + 1, 16 - roadStartZ, (16 - roadStartZ) + 1, this.wf_id, this.wf_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(start, 16, this.wallheight + 1, this.wallheight + 2, 16 - roadStartZ, (16 - roadStartZ) + 1, this.w_id, this.w_v, w);
if ((roadStartX <= 16) && (roadStartX > 0)) {
int start, end;
if ((plotMinZ + 1) <= 16) {
start = 16 - plotMinZ;
} else {
start = 16;
if ((roadStartZ + 1) <= 16) {
end = (16 - roadStartZ) + 1;
} else {
end = 0;
if (!(((plotMinZ + 1) <= 16) || ((roadStartZ + 1) <= 16))) {
start = 0;
setCuboidRegion(16 - roadStartX, (16 - roadStartX) + 1, 1, this.wallheight + 1, 0, end, this.wf_id, this.wf_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(16 - roadStartX, (16 - roadStartX) + 1, this.wallheight + 1, this.roadheight + 2, 0, end, this.w_id, this.w_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(16 - roadStartX, (16 - roadStartX) + 1, 1, this.wallheight + 1, start, 16, this.wf_id, this.wf_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(16 - roadStartX, (16 - roadStartX) + 1, this.wallheight + 1, this.wallheight + 2, start, 16, this.w_id, this.w_v, w);
if (this.plotsize > 16) {
if (roadStartX <= 16) {
if (roadStartZ <= 16) {
setCuboidRegion(0, 16 - roadStartX, 1, this.plotheight, 0, 16 - roadStartZ, this.p_id, this.p_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(0, 16 - roadStartX, this.plotheight, this.plotheight + 1, 0, 16 - roadStartZ, this.f_id, this.f_v, w);
if (plotMinZ <= 16) {
setCuboidRegion(0, 16 - roadStartX, 1, this.plotheight, 16 - plotMinZ, 16, this.p_id, this.p_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(0, 16 - roadStartX, this.plotheight, this.plotheight + 1, 16 - plotMinZ, 16, this.f_id, this.f_v, w);
} else {
if (roadStartZ <= 16) {
if (plotMinX > 16) {
setCuboidRegion(0, 16, 1, this.plotheight, 0, 16 - roadStartZ, this.p_id, this.p_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(0, 16, this.plotheight, this.plotheight + 1, 0, 16 - roadStartZ, this.f_id, this.f_v, w);
if (plotMinX <= 16) {
if (plotMinZ <= 16) {
setCuboidRegion(16 - plotMinX, 16, 1, this.plotheight, 16 - plotMinZ, 16, this.p_id, this.p_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(16 - plotMinX, 16, this.plotheight, this.plotheight + 1, 16 - plotMinZ, 16, this.f_id, this.f_v, w);
} else {
int z = 16 - roadStartZ;
if (z < 0) {
z = 16;
setCuboidRegion(16 - plotMinX, 16, 1, this.plotheight, 0, z, this.p_id, this.p_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(16 - plotMinX, 16, this.plotheight, this.plotheight + 1, 0, z, this.f_id, this.f_v, w);
if (roadStartZ <= 16) {
setCuboidRegion(16 - plotMinX, 16, 1, this.plotheight, 0, 16 - roadStartZ, this.p_id, this.p_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(16 - plotMinX, 16, this.plotheight, this.plotheight + 1, 0, 16 - roadStartZ, this.f_id, this.f_v, w);
} else {
if (roadStartX <= 16) {
if (plotMinZ > 16) {
int x = 16 - roadStartX;
if (x < 0) {
x = 16;
setCuboidRegion(0, x, 1, this.plotheight, 0, 16, this.p_id, this.p_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(0, x, this.plotheight, this.plotheight + 1, 0, 16, this.f_id, this.f_v, w);
} else {
if (plotMinZ <= 16) {
if (roadStartX > 16) {
int x = 16 - roadStartX;
if (x < 0) {
x = 16;
setCuboidRegion(0, x, 1, this.plotheight, 16 - plotMinZ, 16, this.p_id, this.p_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(0, x, this.plotheight, this.plotheight + 1, 16 - plotMinZ, 16, this.f_id, this.f_v, w);
} else {
if (roadStartZ > 16) {
int x = 16 - roadStartX;
if (x < 0) {
x = 16;
int z = 16 - roadStartZ;
if (z < 0) {
z = 16;
if (roadStartX > 16) {
setCuboidRegion(0, x, 1, this.plotheight, 0, z, this.p_id, this.p_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(0, x, this.plotheight, this.plotheight + 1, 0, z, this.f_id, this.f_v, w);
} else {
setCuboidRegion(0, x, 1, this.plotheight, 0, z, this.p_id, this.p_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(0, x, this.plotheight, this.plotheight + 1, 0, z, this.f_id, this.f_v, w);
} else {
if (roadStartX <= 16) {
if (roadStartZ <= 16) {
setCuboidRegion(0, 16 - roadStartX, 1, this.plotheight, 0, 16 - roadStartZ, this.p_id, this.p_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(0, 16 - roadStartX, this.plotheight, this.plotheight + 1, 0, 16 - roadStartZ, this.f_id, this.f_v, w);
if (plotMinZ <= 16) {
setCuboidRegion(0, 16 - roadStartX, 1, this.plotheight, 16 - plotMinZ, 16, this.p_id, this.p_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(0, 16 - roadStartX, this.plotheight, this.plotheight + 1, 16 - plotMinZ, 16, this.f_id, this.f_v, w);
if (plotMinX <= 16) {
if (plotMinZ <= 16) {
setCuboidRegion(16 - plotMinX, 16, 1, this.plotheight, 16 - plotMinZ, 16, this.p_id, this.p_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(16 - plotMinX, 16, this.plotheight, this.plotheight + 1, 16 - plotMinZ, 16, this.f_id, this.f_v, w);
if (roadStartZ <= 16) {
setCuboidRegion(16 - plotMinX, 16, 1, this.plotheight, 0, 16 - roadStartZ, this.p_id, this.p_v, w);
setCuboidRegion(16 - plotMinX, 16, this.plotheight, this.plotheight + 1, 0, 16 - roadStartZ, this.f_id, this.f_v, w);
private void setBlock(World w, int x, int y, int z, short id, byte val) {
w.getBlockAt(this.X + x, y, this.Z + z).setData(val, false);
@ -251,10 +251,8 @@ public class PlayerEvents implements Listener {
Set<Player> recipients = event.getRecipients();
for (Player p : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
if (p.getLocation().distanceSquared(event.getPlayer().getLocation()) <= Math.pow(plotworld.PLOT_WIDTH, 2d)) {
if (getCurrentPlot(p.getLocation()) == plot) {
if (getCurrentPlot(p.getLocation()) == plot) {
format = format.replaceAll("%plot_id%", id.x + ";" + id.y).replaceAll("%sender%", sender).replaceAll("%msg%", message);
Reference in a new issue