2014-09-22 11:39:45 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name= "plot_news" default= "all" >
<property file= "plotsquared.properties" />
<!-- Uncomment the following property if no tests compilation is needed -->
<property name= "skip.tests" value= "true" />
<!-- Compiler options -->
<property name= "compiler.debug" value= "on" />
<property name= "compiler.generate.no.warnings" value= "off" />
<property name= "compiler.args" value= "" />
<property name= "compiler.max.memory" value= "700m" />
<patternset id= "ignored.files" >
<exclude name= "**/CVS/**" />
<exclude name= "**/SCCS/**" />
<exclude name= "**/RCS/**" />
<exclude name= "**/rcs/**" />
<exclude name= "**/.DS_Store/**" />
<exclude name= "**/.svn/**" />
<exclude name= "**/.pyc/**" />
<exclude name= "**/.pyo/**" />
<exclude name= "**/*.pyc/**" />
<exclude name= "**/*.pyo/**" />
<exclude name= "**/.git/**" />
<exclude name= "**/*.hprof/**" />
<exclude name= "**/_svn/**" />
<exclude name= "**/.hg/**" />
<exclude name= "**/*.lib/**" />
<exclude name= "**/*~/**" />
<exclude name= "**/__pycache__/**" />
<exclude name= "**/.bundle/**" />
<exclude name= "**/*.rbc/**" />
<patternset id= "library.patterns" >
<include name= "*.war" />
<include name= "*.ear" />
<include name= "*.apk" />
<include name= "*.zip" />
<include name= "*.swc" />
<include name= "*.ane" />
<include name= "*.egg" />
<include name= "*.jar" />
<patternset id= "compiler.resources" >
<exclude name= "**/?*.java" />
<exclude name= "**/?*.form" />
<exclude name= "**/?*.class" />
<exclude name= "**/?*.groovy" />
<exclude name= "**/?*.scala" />
<exclude name= "**/?*.flex" />
<exclude name= "**/?*.kt" />
<exclude name= "**/?*.clj" />
<!-- JDK definitions -->
<property name= "jdk.bin.1.7" value= "${jdk.home.1.7}/bin" />
<path id= "jdk.classpath.1.7" >
<fileset dir= "${jdk.home.1.7}" >
<include name= "jre/lib/charsets.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/deploy.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/javaws.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/jce.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/jfr.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/jfxrt.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/jsse.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/management-agent.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/plugin.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/resources.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/rt.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/ext/access-bridge-64.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/ext/dnsns.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/ext/jaccess.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/ext/localedata.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/ext/sunec.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/ext/sunmscapi.jar" />
<include name= "jre/lib/ext/zipfs.jar" />
<property name= "project.jdk.home" value= "${jdk.home.1.7}" />
<property name= "project.jdk.bin" value= "${jdk.bin.1.7}" />
<property name= "project.jdk.classpath" value= "jdk.classpath.1.7" />
<!-- Project Libraries -->
<path id= "library.bukkit-1.7.9-r0.2.classpath" >
<pathelement location= "${basedir}/lib/bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2.jar" />
<path id= "library.lib.classpath" >
<fileset dir= "${basedir}/lib" >
<patternset refid= "library.patterns" />
<pathelement location= "${basedir}/lib/BarAPI.jar" />
<pathelement location= "${basedir}/lib/CameraAPI.jar" />
<pathelement location= "${basedir}/lib/PlotMe.jar" />
<pathelement location= "${basedir}/lib/WorldEdit.jar" />
<path id= "library.simple-xml.classpath" >
<pathelement location= "${basedir}/lib/simple-5.1.6.jar" />
<pathelement location= "${basedir}/lib/simple-xml.jar" />
<!-- Register Custom Compiler Taskdefs -->
<property name= "javac2.home" value= "${idea.home}/lib" />
<path id= "javac2.classpath" >
<pathelement location= "${javac2.home}/javac2.jar" />
<pathelement location= "${javac2.home}/jdom.jar" />
<pathelement location= "${javac2.home}/asm4-all.jar" />
<pathelement location= "${javac2.home}/jgoodies-forms.jar" />
<target name= "register.custom.compilers" >
<taskdef name= "javac2" classname= "com.intellij.ant.Javac2" classpathref= "javac2.classpath" />
<taskdef name= "instrumentIdeaExtensions" classname= "com.intellij.ant.InstrumentIdeaExtensions" classpathref= "javac2.classpath" />
<!-- Modules -->
2014-09-24 18:29:30 +00:00
<!-- Module PlotSquared -->
<dirname property= "module.plotsquared.basedir" file= "${ant.file}" />
<property name= "module.jdk.home.plotsquared" value= "${project.jdk.home}" />
<property name= "module.jdk.bin.plotsquared" value= "${project.jdk.bin}" />
<property name= "module.jdk.classpath.plotsquared" value= "${project.jdk.classpath}" />
<property name= "compiler.args.plotsquared" value= "-encoding UTF-8 -source 1.7 ${compiler.args}" />
<property name= "plotsquared.output.dir" value= "${module.plotsquared.basedir}/out/production/PlotSquared" />
<property name= "plotsquared.testoutput.dir" value= "${module.plotsquared.basedir}/out/test/PlotSquared" />
<path id= "plotsquared.module.bootclasspath" >
<!-- Paths to be included in compilation bootclasspath -->
<path id= "plotsquared.module.production.classpath" >
<path refid= "${module.jdk.classpath.plotsquared}" />
<path refid= "library.bukkit-1.7.9-r0.2.classpath" />
<path refid= "library.lib.classpath" />
<path refid= "library.simple-xml.classpath" />
<path id= "plotsquared.runtime.production.module.classpath" >
<pathelement location= "${plotsquared.output.dir}" />
<path refid= "library.bukkit-1.7.9-r0.2.classpath" />
<path refid= "library.lib.classpath" />
<path refid= "library.simple-xml.classpath" />
<path id= "plotsquared.module.classpath" >
<path refid= "${module.jdk.classpath.plotsquared}" />
<pathelement location= "${plotsquared.output.dir}" />
<path refid= "library.bukkit-1.7.9-r0.2.classpath" />
<path refid= "library.lib.classpath" />
<path refid= "library.simple-xml.classpath" />
<path id= "plotsquared.runtime.module.classpath" >
<pathelement location= "${plotsquared.testoutput.dir}" />
<pathelement location= "${plotsquared.output.dir}" />
<path refid= "library.bukkit-1.7.9-r0.2.classpath" />
<path refid= "library.lib.classpath" />
<path refid= "library.simple-xml.classpath" />
<patternset id= "excluded.from.module.plotsquared" >
<patternset refid= "ignored.files" />
<patternset id= "excluded.from.compilation.plotsquared" >
<patternset refid= "excluded.from.module.plotsquared" />
<path id= "plotsquared.module.sourcepath" >
<dirset dir= "${module.plotsquared.basedir}/PlotSquared" >
<include name= "src" />
<target name= "compile.module.plotsquared" depends= "compile.module.plotsquared.production,compile.module.plotsquared.tests" description= "Compile module PlotSquared" />
<target name= "compile.module.plotsquared.production" depends= "register.custom.compilers" description= "Compile module PlotSquared; production classes" >
<mkdir dir= "${plotsquared.output.dir}" />
<javac2 destdir= "${plotsquared.output.dir}" debug= "${compiler.debug}" nowarn= "${compiler.generate.no.warnings}" memorymaximumsize= "${compiler.max.memory}" fork= "true" executable= "${module.jdk.bin.plotsquared}/javac" >
<compilerarg line= "${compiler.args.plotsquared}" />
<bootclasspath refid= "plotsquared.module.bootclasspath" />
<classpath refid= "plotsquared.module.production.classpath" />
<src refid= "plotsquared.module.sourcepath" />
<patternset refid= "excluded.from.compilation.plotsquared" />
<copy todir= "${plotsquared.output.dir}" >
<fileset dir= "${module.plotsquared.basedir}/PlotSquared/src" >
<patternset refid= "compiler.resources" />
<type type= "file" />
<target name= "compile.module.plotsquared.tests" depends= "register.custom.compilers,compile.module.plotsquared.production" description= "compile module PlotSquared; test classes" unless= "skip.tests" />
<target name= "clean.module.plotsquared" description= "cleanup module" >
<delete dir= "${plotsquared.output.dir}" />
<delete dir= "${plotsquared.testoutput.dir}" />
2014-09-22 11:39:45 +00:00
<target name= "init" description= "Build initialization" >
<!-- Perform any build initialization in this target -->
<target name= "clean" depends= "clean.module.plotsquared" description= "cleanup all" />
<target name= "build.modules" depends= "init, clean, compile.module.plotsquared" description= "build all modules" />
<target name= "init.artifacts" >
<property name= "artifacts.temp.dir" value= "${basedir}/__artifacts_temp" />
2014-09-22 19:23:12 +00:00
<property name= "artifact.output.plotsquared__" value= "${basedir}/out/plotsquared" />
2014-09-22 11:39:45 +00:00
<mkdir dir= "${artifacts.temp.dir}" />
2014-09-22 19:23:12 +00:00
<property name= "temp.jar.path.plotsquared__.jar" value= "${artifacts.temp.dir}/plotsquared__.jar" />
2014-09-22 11:39:45 +00:00
2014-09-22 19:23:12 +00:00
<target name= "artifact.plotsquared__" depends= "init.artifacts, compile.module.plotsquared" description= "Build 'plotsquared__' artifact" >
<property name= "artifact.temp.output.plotsquared__" value= "${artifacts.temp.dir}/plotsquared__" />
<mkdir dir= "${artifact.temp.output.plotsquared__}" />
<jar destfile= "${temp.jar.path.plotsquared__.jar}" duplicate= "preserve" filesetmanifest= "mergewithoutmain" >
2014-09-22 11:39:45 +00:00
<zipfileset dir= "${plotsquared.output.dir}" />
2014-09-22 19:23:12 +00:00
<copy file= "${temp.jar.path.plotsquared__.jar}" tofile= "${artifact.temp.output.plotsquared__}/plotsquared__.jar" />
2014-09-22 11:39:45 +00:00
2014-09-22 19:23:12 +00:00
<target name= "build.all.artifacts" depends= "artifact.plotsquared__" description= "Build all artifacts" >
<mkdir dir= "${artifact.output.plotsquared__}" />
<copy todir= "${artifact.output.plotsquared__}" >
<fileset dir= "${artifact.temp.output.plotsquared__}" />
2014-09-22 11:39:45 +00:00
<!-- Delete temporary files -->
<delete dir= "${artifacts.temp.dir}" />
<target name= "all" depends= "build.modules, build.all.artifacts" description= "build all" />