2015-01-09 18:27:08 +01:00

49 lines
1.7 KiB

package com.lenis0012.bukkit.marriage2.config;
import com.lenis0012.bukkit.marriage2.Marriage;
import com.lenis0012.bukkit.marriage2.misc.BConfig;
public enum Message {
PLAYER_NOT_FOUND("&cNo player named %s was found!"),
TARGET_ALREADY_MARRIED("&cPlayers %s is already married to someone!"),
ALREADY_MARRIED("&cYou are already married to someone!"),
MARRIED("&a&lPlayer %s and %s have just married!"),
MARRIAGE_REQUESTED("&aPlayer %s has requested you to marry with them, use &e/marry %s &ato accept it."),
NOT_MARRIED("&cYou are currently not married with someone!"),
DIVORCED("&aPlayer %s and %s have divorced!"),
HOME_TELEPORT("&aYou have been teleported to your marriage home!"),
HOME_NOT_SET("&cYou currently do not have a home set for your marriage!"),
NO_ITEM("&cYou aren't holding an item to gift!"),
ITEM_GIFTED("&aYou have given %s of %s to your partner!"),
GIFT_RECEIVED("&aYou have received %s of %s as a gift from your partner!"),
PARTNER_NOT_ONLINE("&cYour partner is currently not online!"),
FETCHING_LIST("&eFetching player marriage list..."),
HOME_SET("&aYou have set a home for your marriage!"),
INVALID_FORMAT("&cThe argument could not be parsed to an integer!"),
NEGATIVE_NUMBER("&cYou must enter a positive number!");
private final String defaultMessage;
private String message;
private Message(String def) {
this.defaultMessage = def;
private void reload(BConfig config) {
this.message = config.getOrSet(toString().toLowerCase(), defaultMessage);
public String toString() {
return message;
public static void reloadAll(Marriage marriage) {
BConfig config = marriage.getBukkitConfig("messages.yml");
for(Message message : Message.values()) {