
87 lines
4.6 KiB

package com.lenis0012.bukkit.marriage2.config;
import com.lenis0012.pluginutils.modules.configuration.mapping.ConfigHeader;
import com.lenis0012.pluginutils.modules.configuration.mapping.ConfigOption;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class Settings {
* Uncatagorized ConfigOption
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> REQUEST_EXPRY = new ConfigOption<>("requestExpiry", 60);
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> ENABLE_PRIEST = new ConfigOption<>("enable-priests", false);
* Cooldown
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> COOLDOWN_KISS = new ConfigOption<>("cooldown.kiss", 2);
* Features
@ConfigHeader("Show gender colors in marry list command.")
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> GENDER_IN_LIST = new ConfigOption<>("features.genders-in-list", true);
* Chat
@ConfigHeader(path = "chat", value = {
"Chat, set the format of private messages and in-chat status.",
"Supported tags for chat: {partner}, for pm: {name}, {message}, chat spy: {sender}, {receiver}, {message}",
"Icons are always available: {icon:heart}, {icon:male}, {icon:female}, {icon:genderless}",
"If you use a custom chat plugin, put {marriage_status} in the format and set force-status-format to false",
"To show genders in chat, put {marriage_gender} in chat plugin format"
public static final ConfigOption<String> PM_FORMAT = new ConfigOption<>("", "&4{icon:heart}&c{name}&4{icon:heart} &7{message}");
public static final ConfigOption<String> CHAT_FORMAT = new ConfigOption<>("chat.status-format", "&4&l<3 &r");
public static final ConfigOption<String> CHATSPY_FORMAT = new ConfigOption<>("cat.spy-format", "&c[CHAT SPY] &7{sender} -> {receiver}&f: {message}");
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> FORCE_FORMAT = new ConfigOption<>("chat.force-status-format", true);
public static final ConfigOption<String> PREFIX_MALE = new ConfigOption<>("chat.male-prefix", "&b{icon:male} &r");
public static final ConfigOption<String> PREFIX_FEMALE = new ConfigOption<>("chat.female-prefix", "&d{icon:female} &r");
public static final ConfigOption<String> PREFIX_GENDERLESS = new ConfigOption<>("chat.genderless-prefix", "");
* Kissing
@ConfigHeader(path = "kisses", value = {
"Kissing, display hearts when 2 married players kiss eachother.",
"The amount of hearts is a random number between min and max."
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> KISSES_ENABLED = new ConfigOption<>("kisses.enabled", true);
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> KISSES_AMOUNT_MIN = new ConfigOption<>("kisses.amount-min", 5);
public static final ConfigOption<Integer> KISSES_AMOUNT_MAX = new ConfigOption<>("kisses.amount-max", 10);
@ConfigHeader("Automatically trust married players to each others plot.")
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> PLOTSQUARED_AUTO_TRUST = new ConfigOption<>("support.plotsquared-auto-trust", true);
* Economy
@ConfigHeader({"Economy settings, uses Vault.", "enable 'show-on-help' to show prices in help command."})
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> ECONOMY_ENABLED = new ConfigOption<>("economy.enabled", false);
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> ECONOMY_SHOW_PRICE = new ConfigOption<>("", true);
public static final ConfigOption<Double> PRICE_MARRY = new ConfigOption<>("economy.marriage-price", 100.0);
public static final ConfigOption<Double> PRICE_TELEPORT = new ConfigOption<>("economy.teleport-price", 0.0);
public static final ConfigOption<Double> PRICE_SETHOME = new ConfigOption<>("economy.sethome-price", 0.0);
public static final ConfigOption<Double> PRICE_HEAL = new ConfigOption<>("economy.heal-price", 0.0);
public static final ConfigOption<Double> PRICE_DIVORCE = new ConfigOption<>("economy.divorce-price", 0.0);
* Updater
@ConfigHeader(path = "updater", value = {
"Updater settings, checks for updates. We recommend to keep this enabled.",
"Available channels: RELEASE, BETA, ALPHA"
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> ENABLE_UPDATE_CHACKER = new ConfigOption<>("updater.enabled", true);
public static final ConfigOption<Boolean> ENABLE_CHANGELOG = new ConfigOption<>("updater.changelog", true);
public static final ConfigOption<String> UPDATER_CHANNEL = new ConfigOption<>("", "BETA");
* Lists
@ConfigHeader("List of commands that no one can use, for instance 'gift'.")
public static final ConfigOption<List<String>> DISABLED_COMMANDS = new ConfigOption<>("disabled-commands", Arrays.asList("command1", "command2"));