package com.lenis0012.bukkit.marriage2; import org.bukkit.Location; import java.util.UUID; public interface MData { UUID getPlayer1Id(); UUID getPllayer2Id(); /** * Get player 1 or 2 depending in the current player's UUID. * * @param me The current player * @return The other player */ UUID getOtherPlayer(UUID me); /** * Get the home of the married people. * * @return Marriage home, NULL if not set. */ Location getHome(); /** * Set the home of the married people. * * @param home The new home location */ void setHome(Location home); /** * Check if the married players have a home set. * * @return Whether or not a home is set for the married players. */ boolean isHomeSet(); /** * Check if PVP is enabled between the married players. * * @return Whether or not pvp is enabled between the married players. */ boolean isPVPEnabled(); /** * Set if pvp is enabled between the married players. * * @param pvpEnabled Whether or not pvp is enabled between the married players. */ void setPVPEnabled(boolean pvpEnabled); }