KHobbits fa8b8bec5a fix typo in messages
add new messages to

add new messages to

add new messages to

add new messages to

add new messages to

add new messages to

add new messages to

add new messages to

add new messages to

add new messages to

add new messages to

add new messages to

add new messages to

remove color from bedNull

remove color from bedNull

remove color from bedNull

remove color from bedNull

remove color from bedNull

remove color from bedNull

remove color from bedNull

remove color from bedNull

remove color from bedNull

remove color from bedNull

remove color from bedNull

remove color from bedNull
2013-02-12 22:45:54 +00:00

505 lines
27 KiB

#version: TeamCity
# Single quotes have to be doubled: ''
# Translations start here
# by:
action=\u00a75* {0} \u00a75{1}
addedToAccount=\u00a7a{0} has been added to your account.
addedToOthersAccount=\u00a7a{0} added to {1}\u00a7a account. New balance: {2}
adventure= adventure
alertFormat=\u00a73[{0}] \u00a7r {1} \u00a76 {2} at: {3}
antiBuildBreak=\u00a74You are not permitted to break\u00a7c {0} \u00a74blocks here.
antiBuildInteract=\u00a74You are not permitted to interact with\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildPlace=\u00a74You are not permitted to place\u00a7c {0} \u00a74here.
antiBuildUse=\u00a74You are not permitted to use\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
autoAfkKickReason=You have been kicked for idling more than {0} minutes.
backAfterDeath=\u00a76Use the /back command to return to your death point.
backUsageMsg=\u00a76Returning to previous location.
backupDisabled=\u00a74An external backup script has not been configured.
backupFinished=\u00a76Backup finished.
backupStarted=\u00a76Backup started.
balance=\u00a7aBalance:\u00a7c {0}
balanceTop=\u00a76Top balances ({0})
banExempt=\u00a74You can not ban that player.
banIpAddress=\u00a76Banned IP address
bigTreeFailure=\u00a74Big tree generation failure. Try again on grass or dirt.
bigTreeSuccess= \u00a76Big tree spawned.
blockList=\u00a76Essentials relayed the following commands to another plugin:
broadcast=\u00a7r\u00a76[\u00a74Broadcast\u00a76]\u00a7a {0}
buildAlert=\u00a74You are not permitted to build.
bukkitFormatChanged=Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked.
burnMsg=\u00a76You set\u00a7c {0} \u00a76on fire for\u00a7c {1} seconds\u00a76.
canTalkAgain=\u00a76You can now talk again.
cantFindGeoIpDB=Can't find GeoIP database!
cantReadGeoIpDB=Failed to read GeoIP database!
cantSpawnItem=\u00a74You are not allowed to spawn the item\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
commandFailed=Command {0} failed:
commandHelpFailedForPlugin=Error getting help for plugin: {0}
commandNotLoaded=\u00a74Command {0} is improperly loaded.
compassBearing=\u00a76Bearing: {0} ({1} degrees).
configFileMoveError=Failed to move config.yml to backup location.
configFileRenameError=Failed to rename temp file to config.yml.
connectedPlayers=\u00a76Connected players:\u00a7r
connectionFailed=Failed to open connection.
cooldownWithMessage=\u00a74Cooldown: {0}
corruptNodeInConfig=\u00a74Notice: Your configuration file has a corrupt {0} node.
couldNotFindTemplate=\u00a74Could not find template {0}
creatingConfigFromTemplate=Creating config from template: {0}
creatingEmptyConfig=Creating empty config: {0}
currentWorld=\u00a76Current World:\u00a7c {0}
defaultBanReason=The Ban Hammer has spoken!
deleteFileError=Could not delete file: {0}
deleteHome=\u00a76Home\u00a7c {0} \u00a76has been removed.
deleteJail=\u00a76Jail\u00a7c {0} \u00a76has been removed.
deleteWarp=\u00a76Warp\u00a7c {0} \u00a76has been removed.
deniedAccessCommand=\u00a7c{0} \u00a74was denied access to command.
dependancyDownloaded=[Essentials] Dependency {0} downloaded successfully.
dependancyException=[Essentials] An error occurred when trying to download a dependency.
dependancyNotFound=[Essentials] A required dependency was not found, downloading now.
depth=\u00a76You are at sea level.
depthAboveSea=\u00a76You are\u00a7c {0} \u00a76block(s) above sea level.
depthBelowSea=\u00a76You are\u00a7c {0} \u00a76block(s) below sea level.
destinationNotSet=Destination not set!
disableUnlimited=\u00a76Disabled unlimited placing of\u00a7c {0} \u00a76for {1}.
disabledToSpawnMob=\u00a74Spawning this mob was disabled in the config file.
dontMoveMessage=\u00a76Teleportation will commence in\u00a7c {0}\u00a76. Don''t move.
downloadingGeoIp=Downloading GeoIP database... this might take a while (country: 0.6 MB, city: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Duplicated userdata: {0} and {1}.
durability=\u00a76This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 uses left
enableUnlimited=\u00a76Giving unlimited amount of\u00a7c {0} \u00a76to {1}.
enchantmentApplied= \u00a76The enchantment\u00a7c {0} \u00a76has been applied to your item in hand.
enchantmentNotFound= \u00a74Enchantment not found!
enchantmentPerm= \u00a74You do not have the permission for\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
enchantmentRemoved= \u00a76The enchantment\u00a7c {0} \u00a76has been removed from your item in hand.
enchantments= \u00a76Enchantments:\u00a7r {0}
errorCallingCommand=Error calling command /{0}
errorWithMessage=\u00a7cError:\u00a74 {0}
essentialsHelp1=The file is broken and Essentials can't open it. Essentials is now disabled. If you can't fix the file yourself, go to
essentialsHelp2=The file is broken and Essentials can't open it. Essentials is now disabled. If you can't fix the file yourself, either type /essentialshelp in game or go to
essentialsReload=\u00a76Essentials Reloaded\u00a7c {0}
exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76has\u00a7c {1} \u00a76exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a76) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a76more exp to level up.
expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a76exp.
extinguish=\u00a76You extinguished yourself.
extinguishOthers=\u00a76You extinguished {0}\u00a76.
failedToCloseConfig=Failed to close config {0}.
failedToCreateConfig=Failed to create config {0}.
failedToWriteConfig=Failed to write config {0}.
feed=\u00a76Your appetite was sated.
feedOther=\u00a76Satisfied {0}\u00a76.
fileRenameError=Renaming file {0} failed!
flyMode=\u00a76Set fly mode\u00a7c {0} \u00a76for {1}\u00a76.
foreverAlone=\u00a74You have nobody to whom you can reply.
freedMemory=Freed {0} MB.
gameMode=\u00a76Set game mode\u00a7c {0} \u00a76for {1}\u00a76.
gcfree=\u00a76Free memory:\u00a7c {0} MB.
gcmax=\u00a76Maximum memory:\u00a7c {0} MB.
gctotal=\u00a76Allocated memory:\u00a7c {0} MB.
geoIpUrlEmpty=GeoIP download url is empty.
geoIpUrlInvalid=GeoIP download url is invalid.
geoipJoinFormat=Player {0} comes from {1}.
godDisabledFor=\u00a74disabled\u00a76 for\u00a7c {0}.
godEnabledFor=\u00a7aenabled\u00a76 for\u00a7c {0}.
godMode=\u00a76God mode\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
hatArmor=\u00a74You cannot use this item as a hat!
hatEmpty=\u00a74You are not wearing a hat.
hatFail=\u00a74You must have something to wear in your hand.
hatPlaced=\u00a76Enjoy your new hat!
hatRemoved=\u00a76Your hat has been removed.
haveBeenReleased=\u00a76You have been released.
heal=\u00a76You have been healed.
healOther=\u00a76Healed\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
helpConsole=To view help from the console, type ?.
helpFrom=\u00a76Commands from {0}:
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7r: {1}
helpMatching=\u00a76Commands matching "\u00a7c{0}\u00a76":
helpOp=\u00a74[HelpOp]\u00a7r \u00a76{0}:\u00a7r {1}
helpPages=\u00a76Page \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 of \u00a7c{1}\u00a76:
helpPlugin=\u00a74{0}\u00a7r: Plugin Help: /help {1}
holeInFloor=\u00a74Hole in floor!
homeSet=\u00a76Home set.
homeSetToBed=\u00a76Your home is now set to this bed.
homes=\u00a76Homes:\u00a7r {0}
ignorePlayer=\u00a76You ignore player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76from now on.
illegalDate=Illegal date format.
infoChapter=Select chapter:
infoChapterPages=\u00a76Chapter {0}, page \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 of \u00a7c{2}\u00a76:
infoFileDoesNotExist=File info.txt does not exist. Creating one for you.
infoPages=\u00a7e ---- \u00a76{2} \u00a7e--\u00a76 Page \u00a7c{0}\u00a76/\u00a7c{1} \u00a7e----
infoUnknownChapter=Unknown chapter.
invBigger=\u00a74The other users inventory is bigger than yours.
invRestored=\u00a76Your inventory has been restored.
invSee=\u00a76You see the inventory of\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
invSeeHelp=\u00a76Use /invsee to restore your inventory.
invalidCharge=\u00a74Invalid charge.
invalidHome=\u00a74Home\u00a7c {0} \u00a74doesn''t exist!
invalidMob=Invalid mob type.
invalidServer=Invalid server!
invalidSignLine=\u00a74Line\u00a7c {0} \u00a74on sign is invalid.
invalidWorld=\u00a74Invalid world.
inventoryCleared=\u00a76Inventory cleared.
inventoryClearedOthers=\u00a76Inventory of \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 cleared.
inventoryClearedAll=\u00a76Cleared everyone's inventory.
itemCannotBeSold=\u00a74That item cannot be sold to the server.
itemMustBeStacked=\u00a74Item must be traded in stacks. A quantity of 2s would be two stacks, etc.
itemNames=\u00a76Item short names:\u00a7r {0}
itemNotEnough1=\u00a74You do not have enough of that item to sell.
itemNotEnough2=\u00a76If you meant to sell all of your items of that type, use /sell itemname.
itemNotEnough3=\u00a76/sell itemname -1 will sell all but one item, etc.
itemSellAir=You really tried to sell Air? Put an item in your hand.
itemSold=\u00a7aSold for \u00a7c{0} \u00a7a({1} {2} at {3} each).
itemSoldConsole=\u00a7a{0} \u00a7asold {1} for \u00a7a{2} \u00a7a({3} items at {4} each).
itemSpawn=\u00a76Giving\u00a7c {0} \u00a76of\u00a7c {1}
itemType=\u00a76Item:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76-\u00a7c {1}
itemsCsvNotLoaded=Could not load items.csv!
jailAlreadyIncarcerated=\u00a74Person is already in jail:\u00a7c {0}
jailMessage=\u00a74You do the crime, you do the time.
jailNotExist=\u00a74That jail does not exist.
jailReleased=\u00a76Player \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 unjailed.
jailReleasedPlayerNotify=\u00a76You have been released!
jailSentenceExtended=\u00a76Jail time extend to: {0}
jailSet=\u00a76Jail\u00a7c {0} \u00a76has been set.
jumpError=\u00a74That would hurt your computer's brain.
kickDefault=Kicked from server.
kickExempt=\u00a74You can not kick that person.
kickedAll=\u00a74Kicked all players from server.
kill=\u00a76Killed\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitError2=\u00a74That kit does not exist or is improperly defined.
kitError=\u00a74There are no valid kits.
kitErrorHelp=\u00a74Perhaps an item is missing a quantity in the configuration?
kitGive=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitInvFull=\u00a74Your inventory was full, placing kit on the floor.
kitTimed=\u00a74You can''t use that kit again for another\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
kits=\u00a76Kits:\u00a7r {0}
lightningSmited=\u00a76Thou hast been smitten!
lightningUse=\u00a76Smiting\u00a7c {0}
listAfkTag= \u00a77[AFK]\u00a7r
listAmount= \u00a76There are \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 out of maximum \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 players online.
listAmountHidden= \u00a76There are \u00a7c{0}\u00a76/{1}\u00a76 out of maximum \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 players online.
listHiddenTag= \u00a77[HIDDEN]\u00a7r
loadWarpError=\u00a74Failed to load warp {0}.
localFormat=[L]<{0}> {1}
mailClear=\u00a76To mark your mail as read, type\u00a7c /mail clear.
mailCleared=\u00a76Mail Cleared!
mailSent=\u00a76Mail sent!
markMailAsRead=\u00a76To mark your mail as read, type\u00a7c /mail clear.
markedAsAway=\u00a76You are now marked as away.
markedAsNotAway=\u00a76You are no longer marked as away.
maxHomes=\u00a74You cannot set more than\u00a7c {0} \u00a74homes.
mayNotJail=\u00a74You may not jail that person!
missingItems=\u00a74You do not have {0}x {1}.
missingPrefixSuffix=Missing a prefix or suffix for {0}
mobSpawnError=\u00a74Error while changing mob spawner.
mobSpawnLimit=Mob quantity limited to server limit.
mobSpawnTarget=\u00a74Target block must be a mob spawner.
mobsAvailable=\u00a76Mobs:\u00a7r {0}
moneyRecievedFrom=\u00a7a{0} has been received from {1}.
moneySentTo=\u00a7a{0} has been sent to {1}.
moneyTaken=\u00a7a{0} taken from your bank account.
moreThanZero=\u00a74Quantities must be greater than 0.
moveSpeed=\u00a76Set {0} speed to\u00a7c {1} \u00a76for {2}\u00a76.
msgFormat=\u00a76[{0}\u00a76 -> {1}\u00a76] \u00a7r{2}
muteExempt=\u00a74You may not mute that player.
mutedPlayer=\u00a76Player {0} \u00a76muted.
mutedPlayerFor=\u00a76Player {0} \u00a76muted for {1}.
mutedUserSpeaks={0} tried to speak, but is muted.
nearbyPlayers=\u00a76Players nearby:\u00a7r {0}
negativeBalanceError=\u00a74User is not allowed to have a negative balance.
nickChanged=\u00a76Nickname changed.
nickDisplayName=\u00a74You have to enable change-displayname in Essentials config.
nickInUse=\u00a74That name is already in use.
nickNamesAlpha=\u00a74Nicknames must be alphanumeric.
nickNoMore=\u00a76You no longer have a nickname.
nickOthersPermission=\u00a74You do not have permission to change the nickname of others!
nickSet=\u00a76Your nickname is now \u00a7c{0}
noAccessCommand=\u00a74You do not have access to that command.
noAccessPermission=\u00a74You do not have permission to access that {0}.
noBreakBedrock=\u00a74You are not allowed to destroy bedrock.
noDestroyPermission=\u00a74You do not have permission to destroy that {0}.
noDurability=\u00a74This item does not have a durability.
noGodWorldWarning=\u00a74Warning! God mode in this world disabled.
noHelpFound=\u00a74No matching commands.
noHomeSet=\u00a74You have not set a home.
noHomeSetPlayer=\u00a76Player has not set a home.
noKitPermission=\u00a74You need the \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 permission to use that kit.
noKits=\u00a76There are no kits available yet.
noMail=\u00a76You do not have any mail.
noMotd=\u00a76There is no message of the day.
noNewMail=\u00a76You have no new mail.
noPendingRequest=\u00a74You do not have a pending request.
noPerm=\u00a74You do not have the \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 permission.
noPermToSpawnMob=\u00a74You don't have permission to spawn this mob.
noPlacePermission=\u00a74You do not have permission to place a block near that sign.
noPowerTools=\u00a76You have no power tools assigned.
noRules=\u00a74There are no rules specified yet.
noWarpsDefined=\u00a76No warps defined.
notAllowedToQuestion=\u00a74You are not authorized to use question.
notAllowedToShout=\u00a74You are not authorized to shout.
notEnoughExperience=\u00a74You do not have enough experience.
notEnoughMoney=\u00a74You do not have sufficient funds.
notFlying=not flying
notRecommendedBukkit= \u00a74* ! * Bukkit version is not the recommended build for Essentials.
notSupportedYet=Not supported yet.
nothingInHand=\u00a74You have nothing in your hand.
nuke=\u00a75May death rain upon them.
numberRequired=A number goes there, silly.
onlyDayNight=/time only supports day/night.
onlyPlayers=\u00a74Only in-game players can use {0}.
onlySunStorm=\u00a74/weather only supports sun/storm.
orderBalances=\u00a76Ordering balances of\u00a7c {0} \u00a76users, please wait...
pTimeCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s time is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pTimeCurrentFixed=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s time is fixed to\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pTimeNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s time is normal and matches the server.
pTimeOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players' time.
pTimePlayers=\u00a76These players have their own time:\u00a7r
pTimeReset=\u00a76Player time has been reset for: \u00a7c{0}
pTimeSet=\u00a76Player time is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
pTimeSetFixed=\u00a76Player time is fixed to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
parseError=\u00a74Error parsing\u00a7c {0} \u00a76on line {1}.
pendingTeleportCancelled=\u00a74Pending teleportation request cancelled.
permissionsError=Missing Permissions/GroupManager; chat prefixes/suffixes will be disabled.
playerBanned=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned {1} \u00a76for {2}.
playerInJail=\u00a74Player is already in jail\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
playerJailed=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76jailed.
playerJailedFor= \u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76jailed for {1}.
playerKicked=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76kicked {1} for {2}.
playerMuted=\u00a76You have been muted!
playerMutedFor=\u00a76You have been muted for\u00a7c {0}.
playerNeverOnServer=\u00a74Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a74was never on this server.
playerNotFound=\u00a74Player not found.
playerUnmuted=\u00a76You have been unmuted.
possibleWorlds=\u00a76Possible worlds are the numbers 0 through {0}.
powerToolAir=\u00a74Command can't be attached to air.
powerToolAlreadySet=\u00a74Command \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 is already assigned to {1}.
powerToolAttach=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 command assigned to {1}.
powerToolClearAll=\u00a76All powertool commands have been cleared.
powerToolList=\u00a76Item \u00a7c{1} \u00a76has the following commands: \u00a7c{0}\u00a76.
powerToolListEmpty=\u00a74Item \u00a7c{0} \u00a74has no commands assigned.
powerToolNoSuchCommandAssigned=\u00a74Command \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 has not been assigned to {1}.
powerToolRemove=\u00a76Command \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 removed from {1}.
powerToolRemoveAll=\u00a76All commands removed from {0}.
powerToolsDisabled=\u00a76All of your power tools have been disabled.
powerToolsEnabled=\u00a76All of your power tools have been enabled.
protectionOwner=\u00a76[EssentialsProtect] Protection owner:\u00a7r {0}.
questionFormat=\u00a72[Question]\u00a7r {0}
readNextPage=\u00a76Type\u00a7c /{0} {1} \u00a76to read the next page.
reloadAllPlugins=\u00a76Reloaded all plugins.
removed=\u00a76Removed\u00a7c {0} \u00a76entities.
repair=\u00a76You have successfully repaired your: \u00a7c{0}.
repairAlreadyFixed=\u00a74This item does not need repairing.
repairEnchanted=\u00a74You are not allowed to repair enchanted items.
repairInvalidType=\u00a74This item cannot be repaired.
repairNone=\u00a74There were no items that needing repairing.
requestAccepted=\u00a76Teleport request accepted.
requestAcceptedFrom=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76accepted your teleport request.
requestDenied=\u00a76Teleport request denied.
requestDeniedFrom=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76denied your teleport request.
requestSent=\u00a76Request sent to\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
requestTimedOut=\u00a74Teleport request has timed out.
requiredBukkit= \u00a76* ! * You need atleast build {0} of CraftBukkit, download it from
returnPlayerToJailError=\u00a74Error occurred when trying to return player\u00a7c {0} \u00a74to jail: {1}!
seenOffline=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76is \u00a74offline\u00a76 since {1}.
seenOnline=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76is \u00a7aonline\u00a76 since {1}.
serverFull=Server is full!
serverTotal=\u00a76Server Total:\u00a7c {0}
setSpawner=\u00a76Changed spawner type to\u00a7c {0}
sheepMalformedColor=\u00a74Malformed color.
shoutFormat=\u00a76[Shout]\u00a7r {0}
signProtectInvalidLocation=\u00a74You are not allowed to create sign here.
similarWarpExist=\u00a74A warp with a similar name already exists.
slimeMalformedSize=\u00a74Malformed size.
soloMob=\u00a74That mob likes to be alone.
spawnSet=\u00a76Spawn location set for group\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
sudoExempt=\u00a74You cannot sudo this user.
sudoRun=\u00a76Forcing\u00a7c {0} \u00a76to run:\u00a7r /{1} {2}
suicideMessage=\u00a76Goodbye cruel world...
suicideSuccess= \u00a76{0} \u00a76took their own life.
takenFromAccount=\u00a7a{0} has been taken from your account.
takenFromOthersAccount=\u00a7a{0} taken from {1}\u00a7a account. New balance: {2}.
teleportAAll=\u00a76Teleporting request sent to all players...
teleportAll=\u00a76Teleporting all players...
teleportAtoB=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 teleported you to {1}\u00a76.
teleportDisabled=\u00a7c{0} \u00a74has teleportation disabled.
teleportHereRequest=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 has requested that you teleport to them.
teleportNewPlayerError=\u00a74Failed to teleport new player!
teleportRequest=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 has requested to teleport to you.
teleportRequestTimeoutInfo=\u00a76This request will timeout after\u00a7c {0} seconds\u00a76.
teleportTop=\u00a76Teleporting to top.
teleportationCommencing=\u00a76Teleportation commencing...
teleportationDisabled=\u00a76Teleportation disabled.
teleportationEnabled=\u00a76Teleportation enabled.
teleportingPortal=\u00a76Teleporting via portal.
tempBanned=Temporarily banned from server for {0}.
tempbanExempt=\u00a74You may not tempban that player.
thunder= \u00a76You\u00a7c {0} \u00a76thunder in your world.
thunderDuration=\u00a76You\u00a7c {0} \u00a76thunder in your world for\u00a7c {1} \u00a76seconds.
timeBeforeHeal=\u00a76Time before next heal:\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
timeBeforeTeleport=\u00a76Time before next teleport:\u00a7c {0}
timeFormat=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 or \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 or \u00a7c{2}\u00a76.
timeSet=\u00a76Time set in all worlds.
timeSetPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set the time.
timeWorldCurrent=\u00a76The current time in\u00a7c {0} \u00a76is \u00a7c{1}\u00a76.
timeWorldSet=\u00a76The time was set to\u00a7c {0} \u00a76in: \u00a7c{1}\u00a76.
totalWorthAll=\u00a7aSold all items and blocks for a total worth of {1}.
totalWorthBlocks=\u00a7aSold all blocks for a total worth of {1}.
tps=\u00a76Current TPS = {0}
tradeCompleted=\u00a7aTrade completed.
tradeSignEmpty=\u00a74The trade sign has nothing available for you.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=\u00a74There is nothing to collect from this trade sign.
treeFailure=\u00a74Tree generation failure. Try again on grass or dirt.
treeSpawned=\u00a76Tree spawned.
typeTpaccept=\u00a76To teleport, type \u00a7c/tpaccept\u00a76.
typeTpdeny=\u00a76To deny this request, type \u00a7c/tpdeny\u00a76.
typeWorldName=\u00a76You can also type the name of a specific world.
unableToSpawnMob=\u00a74Unable to spawn mob.
unbannedIP=\u00a76Unbanned IP address.
unbannedPlayer=\u00a76Unbanned player.
unignorePlayer=\u00a76You are not ignoring player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76anymore.
unknownItemId=\u00a74Unknown item id:\u00a7r {0}\u00a74.
unknownItemInList=\u00a74Unknown item {0} in {1} list.
unknownItemName=\u00a74Unknown item name: {0}.
unlimitedItemPermission=\u00a74No permission for unlimited item {0}.
unlimitedItems=\u00a76Unlimited items:\u00a7r
unmutedPlayer=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76unmuted.
unvanished=\u00a76You are once again visible.
unvanishedReload=\u00a74A reload has forced you to become visible.
upgradingFilesError=Error while upgrading the files.
userDoesNotExist=\u00a74The user\u00a7c {0} \u00a74does not exist.
userIsAway=\u00a75{0} \u00a75is now AFK.
userIsNotAway=\u00a75{0} \u00a75is no longer AFK.
userJailed=\u00a76You have been jailed!
userUsedPortal={0} used an existing exit portal.
userdataMoveBackError=Failed to move userdata/{0}.tmp to userdata/{1}!
userdataMoveError=Failed to move userdata/{0} to userdata/{1}.tmp!
usingTempFolderForTesting=Using temp folder for testing:
vanished=\u00a76You have now been vanished.
versionMismatch=\u00a74Version mismatch! Please update {0} to the same version.
versionMismatchAll=\u00a74Version mismatch! Please update all Essentials jars to the same version.
voiceSilenced=\u00a76Your voice has been silenced!
warpDeleteError=\u00a74Problem deleting the warp file.
warpListPermission=\u00a74You do not have Permission to list warps.
warpNotExist=\u00a74That warp does not exist.
warpOverwrite=\u00a74You cannot overwrite that warp.
warpSet=\u00a76Warp\u00a7c {0} \u00a76set.
warpUsePermission=\u00a74You do not have Permission to use that warp.
warpingTo=\u00a76Warping to\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
warps=\u00a76Warps:\u00a7r {0}
warpsCount=\u00a76There are\u00a7c {0} \u00a76warps. Showing page {1} of {2}.
weatherStorm=\u00a76You set the weather to \u00a7cstorm\u00a76 in\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
weatherStormFor=\u00a76You set the weather to \u00a7cstorm\u00a76 in\u00a7c {0} \u00a76for {1} seconds.
weatherSun=\u00a76You set the weather to \u00a7csun\u00a76 in\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
weatherSunFor=\u00a76You set the weather to \u00a7csun\u00a76 in\u00a7c {0} \u00a76for {1} seconds.
whoisAFK=\u00a76 - AFK:\u00a7r {0}
whoisBanned=\u00a76 - Banned:\u00a7r {0}
whoisExp=\u00a76 - Exp:\u00a7r {0} (Level {1})
whoisFly=\u00a76 - Fly mode:\u00a7r {0} ({1})
whoisGamemode=\u00a76 - Gamemode:\u00a7r {0}
whoisGeoLocation=\u00a76 - Location:\u00a7r {0}
whoisGod=\u00a76 - God mode:\u00a7r {0}
whoisHealth=\u00a76 - Health:\u00a7r {0}/20
whoisIPAddress=\u00a76 - IP Address:\u00a7r {0}
whoisJail=\u00a76 - Jail:\u00a7r {0}
whoisLocation=\u00a76 - Location:\u00a7r ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
whoisMoney=\u00a76 - Money:\u00a7r {0}
whoisMuted=\u00a76 - Muted:\u00a7r {0}
whoisNick=\u00a76 - Nick:\u00a7r {0}
whoisOp=\u00a76 - OP:\u00a7r {0}
whoisTop=\u00a76 ====== WhoIs:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76======
worth=\u00a7aStack of {0} worth \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a ({2} item(s) at {3} each)
worthMeta=\u00a7aStack of {0} with metadata of {1} worth \u00a7c{2}\u00a7a ({3} item(s) at {4} each)
worthSet=\u00a76Worth value set
youAreHealed=\u00a76You have been healed.
youHaveNewMail=\u00a76You have\u00a7c {0} \u00a76messages! Type \u00a7c/mail read\u00a76 to view your mail.
posX=\u00a76X: {0} (+East <-> -West)
posY=\u00a76Y: {0} (+Up <-> -Down)
posZ=\u00a76Z: {0} (+South <-> -North)
posYaw=\u00a76Yaw: {0} (Rotation)
posPitch=\u00a76Pitch: {0} (Head angle)
distance=\u00a76Distance: {0}
giveSpawn=\u00a76Giving\u00a7c {0} \u00a76of\u00a7c {1} to\u00a7c {2}\u00a76.
uptime=\u00a76Uptime:\u00a7c {0}
antiBuildCraft=\u00a74You are not permitted to create\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildDrop=\u00a74You are not permitted to drop\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
gcWorld=\u00a76{0} "\u00a7c{1}\u00a76": \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 chunks, \u00a7c{3}\u00a76 entities.
invalidHomeName=\u00a74Invalid home name!
invalidWarpName=\u00a74Invalid warp name!
userUnknown=\u00a74Warning: The user '\u00a7c{0}\u00a74' has never joined this server.
teleportationEnabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation enabled for {0}.
teleportationDisabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation disabled for {0}.
kitOnce=\u00a74You can't use that kit again.
fullStack=\u00a74You already have a full stack.
oversizedTempban=\u00a74You may not ban a player for this period of time.
recipeNone=No recipes exist for {0}
invalidNumber=Invalid Number
recipeBadIndex=There is no recipe by that number.
recipe=\u00a76Recipe for \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 ({1} of {2})
recipeFurnace=\u00a76Smelt \u00a7c{0}
recipeGrid=\u00a7{0}X \u00a76| \u00a7{1}X \u00a76| \u00a7{2}X
recipeGridItem=\ \u00a7{0}X \u00a76is \u00a7c{1}
recipeMore=\u00a76Type /{0} \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 <number> to see other recipes for \u00a7c{2}\u00a76.
recipeWhere=\u00a76Where: {0}
recipeShapeless=\u00a76Combine \u00a7c{0}
editBookContents=\u00a7eYou may now edit the contents of this book.
bookAuthorSet=\u00a76Author of the book set to {0}.
bookTitleSet=\u00a76Title of the book set to {0}.
denyChangeAuthor=\u00a74You cannot change the author of this book.
denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book.
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book.
bookLocked=\u00a76This book is now locked.
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book.
fireworkColor=\u00a7cInvalid firework charge parameters inserted, must set a color first.
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects.
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}\u00a76.
muteNotify=\u00a74{0} \u00a76has muted \u00a74{1}\u00a76.
resetBal=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76for all online players.
resetBalAll=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76for all players.
messageTruncated=\u00a74Message truncated, to see the full output type:\u00a7c /{0} {1}
userAFK=\u00a75{0} \u00a75is currently AFK and may not respond.
fireworkEffectsCleared=\u00a76Removed all effects from held stack.
fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Firework parameters:\u00a7c color:<color> [fade:<color>] [shape:<shape>] [effect:<effect>]\n\u00a76To use multiple colors/effects, seperate values with commas: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Shapes:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Effects:\u00a7c trail, twinkle.
bedMissing=\u00a74Your bed is either unset, missing or blocked.
bedSet=\u00a76Bed spawn set!
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 to {1}\u00a7.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.